Asd fraction 2 description, use for hemorrhoids, reviews

Hemorrhoids are a disease that occurs due to varicose veins of the rectal choroid plexus. Patients with hemorrhoids, and these are mainly people of working age, suffer from severe pain, itching, burning in the anus, and rectal bleeding. In addition, lumps that form from varicose hemorrhoidal veins can become inflamed (read more here), fall out, become pinched, thrombose, etc. Therefore, to alleviate their condition and cure hemorrhoids, patients use all sorts of traditional and non-traditional remedies.

ASD 2 is often prescribed for hemorrhoids.

We propose to consider what it is, how it works and how ASD 2 is used for hemorrhoids.


Microenemas are made with fraction 3.

  • Suppositories with ASD 2 for hemorrhoids
  • Lotions, applicators
  • Enemas with ASD 3
  • Oral solution
  • Directions for use and dosage
  • Candles
  • Microclyster
  • Compress
  • Antiseptic
  • Properties of a unique drug
  • Methods of using ASD 2
  • Application of ASD 2 tablets
  • Application regimen and dosage
  • Composition of the drug
  • Indications for use
  • Why choose this treatment
  • Features of the use of Dorogov antiseptic
  • Candles
  • Lotions
  • Microclysters
  • Oral administration
  • Description of the drug
  • Description and types of medicine
  • Instructions for use
  • Candles
  • Microclysters and lotions
  • Taking the drug orally
  • What is ASD
  • Similar articles

Antiseptic fractions differ in their scope of application. ASD 3 is a topical drug only; it is used for microenemas. The product promotes the healing of wounds and cracks in the anal area and has an anti-inflammatory effect. ASD 2 is soluble in water and fat and has a wider range of applications. The drug is taken internally and locally in various forms. Complex treatment is also effective. The only negative when using the Dorogov fraction is the unpleasant smell.

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Suppositories with ASD 2 for hemorrhoids

The fraction is distributed mainly in the form of suppositories. This is convenient, since the effect of the substance is directed to the organ that most needs treatment, and prevents allergic reactions and possible negative effects on the body as a whole. Substances from suppositories are actively absorbed into the blood and have a rapid effect on hemorrhoids and fissures, which helps to improve the patient’s well-being. Treatment of hemorrhoids is less painful. Suppositories with ASD are used in courses: usually 20 days, the first 10 are used twice a day, then reduced to once.

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Lotions, applicators

The liquid substance ASD 2 is used in the form of lotions and applications; such treatment is especially appropriate for external hemorrhoids. A cotton swab or a piece of gauze, folded in several layers, is moistened with liquid and applied to the rectal area; it should be held for about 30 minutes. This procedure is repeated 1 to 5 times a day, depending on the complexity of the problem. ASD fraction 2 in the form of lotions relieves swelling of cones and inflammation.

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Enemas with ASD 3

For enema use antiseptic fraction 3. Procedure:

The basis for the enema is camphor oil.

  1. Take a syringe without a needle, mix 0.5 ml of the substance with 1.5 ml of camphor oil.
  2. The resulting solution is drawn into a syringe, pre-lubricated with Vaseline, and injected into the anus.
  3. After administering the product, you need to lie on your stomach for about half an hour, this will help the substance reach the required areas of influence.
  4. Such procedures are carried out for 10 days, preferably before bedtime.

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Oral solution

When starting to use the drug, you should remember that the ASD fraction is not officially recognized as a drug. The doctor cannot recommend Dorogov’s antiseptic and is not responsible for taking it. Therefore, when deciding to treat hemorrhoids with this drug, it is worth considering the risks.

The ASD fraction can also be used orally in the form of a solution. Oral administration is aimed at correcting and normalizing the functioning of the stomach and intestines. Complications from hemorrhoids arise largely due to disruptions in the functioning of the digestive system. To comprehensively eliminate problems, it is useful to influence the factors that provoke the disease, from the outside and from the inside. The dosage regimen was developed by the author of the drug himself:

Boiled water is used to dilute the drug.

  1. Add the substance to cool boiled water; the dose is determined individually.
  2. Take the solution twice a day half an hour before meals.
  3. Drink the solution for 5 days.
  4. Take a break from taking it for three days and repeat the five-day course.
  5. Continue treatment in several doses until the symptoms of the disease disappear.

Directions for use and dosage

The regularity and dosage of the drug for the treatment of hemorrhoids with the ASD fraction depends on the form of release of the drug. Which variety to use depends on the characteristics of the disease and the overall clinical picture. It is most effective to use ASD according to the following schemes:


ASD candles are used most often. Their local effect on hemorrhoids has a quick effect, and the ready-made form of rectal suppositories eliminates the need to prepare the required dose. Treatment of hemorrhoids with ASD 2 suppositories involves their use twice a day - morning and evening. Before inserting the suppository into the anus, it is necessary to carry out hygienic procedures, and after pushing the suppository, lie down for at least 20-30 minutes for better absorption of the drug.


Microclysters with the drug also have a good therapeutic effect. To prepare an enema, ASD is mixed with water in equal quantities to make 50 ml of solution. It is best to administer the resulting mixture into the large intestine after bowel movements before going to bed. Then the action will be most effective. To do this, use a small syringe or syringe. The course of such treatment includes 10 microenemas.


Compresses with ASD are also used to treat hemorrhoids. You need to prepare a mixture of ASD and camphor oil, taking 0.5 ml of each component. Moisten a gauze swab with the resulting solution and apply to the anus for 30-40 minutes. Repeat every day before bed for a week.


Dorogov's antiseptic - fraction No. 3 can be taken orally. To do this, the drug is diluted with boiled water: 15-20 drops of ASD per 100 ml of liquid. The mixture is drunk 3 times a day half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 5 days, and after a week's break it can be repeated.

Some patients prefer the complex use of traditional medicine, but for the safety of such use it is necessary to ensure that there are no allergies or side effects.


Evgeniy, 43 years old. My friend advised me to use the ASD-2 fraction to treat hemorrhoids. He himself got rid of the sore with the help of this remedy. I took the solution and used suppositories. After about four days, almost all symptoms disappeared. And after two weeks I completely recovered. The product is very effective. But if you decide to use it, be prepared for the fact that it stinks a lot. But this can be tolerated.

Anastasia, 33 years old. I used ASD-2 twice. The first is during childbirth, and the second is after. And in both cases, the remedy was a real salvation. It took a week and a half to completely heal. The symptoms went away gradually. A very powerful drug, I recommend it.

Vadim, 39 years old. This is how my job is - I sit all the time, and that’s how I got hemorrhoids. But in case it appears, I have an excellent remedy that removes all the symptoms of the disease in just a week - ASD. An excellent drug.


Properties of a unique drug

For the treatment of hemorrhoids, Dorogov's antiseptic stimulant of the second fraction can be used for both external and internal use. Although this remedy is not recognized by medicine, it is still used by people faced with a delicate problem. The drug, according to positive reviews from people, promotes:

  • increasing the protective properties of the body;
  • eliminating pain and bleeding;
  • normalization of stool;
  • eliminating the inflammatory process;
  • eliminating congestion in the pelvis.

The medicine has immunostimulating, wound-healing, antibacterial, analgesic and antiseptic properties. Thanks to its wide spectrum of action, Dorogov’s stimulator quickly relieves painful symptoms and cures pathology. Useful article

Methods of using ASD 2

For the treatment of hemorrhoids, the use of suppositories and microenemas is recommended. But since the treatment must be comprehensive, it is also necessary to take the drug internally.

The first method is treatment with suppositories. Suppositories ASD-2F have many advantages over other types of suppositories. The main ones include: ease of use, precise dosage, safety and harmlessness, a minimal list of contraindications, absence of side effects, complex effects. Another significant advantage is the low cost of the product.

In order to get rid of hemorrhoids, it is recommended to use one suppository twice a day for one and a half weeks - in the morning and in the evening. In the next ten days, you need to use one suppository per day - before bed. The duration of the therapeutic course is twenty days. If necessary, the course can be repeated.

Method two. Microenemas can be used to treat the disease. For this purpose, the use of ASD 3 fractions is recommended. Mix 0.5 ml of the drug with camphor oil - 1.5 ml. Draw the mixture into a syringe. After you lubricate the syringe (without a needle, of course) with baby cream, insert its tip into the anus, and then squeeze out the medicine. Carry out the procedure once a day - before bed. The duration of the therapeutic course is one and a half weeks.

Method three. Taking the drug orally should be combined with external use of the composition. Complex treatment is the best way to get rid of pathology and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and normalize stool. It is necessary to use the product according to this scheme. Dilute 15-30 drops of ASD-2F in half a glass of cooled boiling water. Drink the medicine twice a day, half an hour before meals.

The duration of the course is 5 days. This is followed by a three-day break and repetition of the course. Therapy is carried out until complete recovery. If you feel unwell, nausea, vomiting, or pain in the epigastric area, you should refrain from further use of the medicine and seek the help of a doctor.

Hemorrhoids are a very serious illness that requires immediate treatment. The use of ASD will help speed up the healing process, strengthen the immune system, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and normalize stool.

The main thing is not to consider Dorogov’s drug a panacea and use it wisely and after consulting a doctor. Do not self-medicate and do not refuse to use medications prescribed by a specialist. Although the drug is highly effective and has a wide spectrum of action, it is still preferable to use it as an auxiliary method.

The nuances of using an antiseptic stimulant

Before you start using the product, you should consult your doctor. It should be understood that the maximum therapeutic effect can be achieved only if the composition is used correctly. Therefore, following the following recommendations will not be superfluous.

  1. The drug has a specific aroma and therefore some try to remove it by mixing it with juices and other drinks. Should not be doing that. This may cause the loss of the medicinal properties of the composition. ASD can only be mixed with boiling water or strong tea.
  2. The fraction cannot be taken in its pure form. This can have a detrimental effect on the condition of the gastric mucosa.
  3. During the therapeutic course, you should refrain from drinking alcohol.
  4. In order to prevent blood thickening, it is recommended to enrich the diet with acidic fruits and berries and juices, as well as taking ¼ tablet of acetylsalicylic acid per day.
  5. In order to quickly cleanse the body of waste and toxins, as well as pathogenic microflora, it is advised to increase the volume of fluid consumed to two and a half liters.

ASD is a powerful adaptogen that gives the body strength to fight the disease. An integrated approach to therapy - taking an antiseptic stimulant orally along with the use of suppositories will help get rid of a delicate problem in the shortest possible time.

Application of ASD 2 tablets

The main complex effect of the drug is to eliminate symptoms and generally increase the tone of the vein walls. At the same time, the functioning of the intestines and trophism in the tissues of the pelvic floor is normalized.

The average course of treatment with drops is 13 days, the drug is taken for 5 days with pauses of three days. It is necessary to dilute the dosage of 30 drops in a quarter glass of cool, pre-boiled water.

If you take ASD on your own without consulting a doctor, you can worsen the course of hemorrhoids

It is important to calculate the dosage taking into account the characteristics of the body as much as possible.

Contraindications and side effects of ASD of the second and third fractions

The drug in any form should not be used by patients with diseases such as renal failure or immunodeficiency.

Do not take the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The following manifestations after taking the drug can be regarded as side effects:

  • nausea;
  • weakness;
  • salts in the stomach when taken orally;
  • dizziness.

As soon as such effects appear, the drug must be discontinued immediately.

Application regimen and dosage

The use of Dorogov's antiseptic stimulant is carried out locally and orally.

The medicine has a characteristic odor and can be used independently, but only after approval of the medicine by the attending physician.

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Since there are three types of hemorrhoids (internal, external and combined), the therapy may differ slightly. In case of inflammation of the internal type of proctological disease, suppositories and microenemas should be used. External hemorrhoids should be treated with compresses.

And for additional effect and speeding up the healing process, ASD is used orally.

Table. Directions for use and dosage:

Method of usePeculiaritiesMultiplicityDuration
Rectal suppositoriesASD in the form of suppositories contains a sufficient concentration of biologically active components.
You cannot increase the number of candles.

Using suppositories requires cleansing the anus and rectum, and washing your hands.

1–3 r/day. If the manipulation is performed once a day, it is better to put a candle before bedtime. 10 days. If necessary, the course of treatment is repeated after a short break.
ApplicationsGauze, folded in several layers, is soaked in liquid antiseptic.
The application is applied to the node and left for half an hour.

To increase the thermal effect, you can make a compress by placing a bag over the gauze bandage.

1 time per day.10 days.
Oral administration15–20 drops of medicine are diluted in 100 ml of boiled water.
Take 15 minutes before meals.
1 time per day before the first meal.The duration of therapy is 5 days, then take a break for 3 days and repeat the use of the medicine.
This is repeated 3 times. The course of treatment is repeated 2 times a year.

The duration of therapy and dosage are selected individually, taking into account the severity of the disease and the age of the patient.

When taking the drug orally, it is recommended to drink at least 3 liters of water per day. This will help to quickly and efficiently cleanse the body of toxic substances and toxins.

Composition of the drug

ASD fraction two is a liquid product obtained by processing meat and bone waste exposed to high temperatures.

The resulting medicine contains biologically active substances that stimulate regenerative processes and increase the level of immune defense.

The necessary effect on hemorrhoids is provided by nucleic acids, which are broken down into low-molecular structures and freely penetrate into damaged areas of the mucous membranes of the rectum, achieving the desired result.

Adaptogens are considered the basis of the drug. They mobilize the body's defenses.

The medicine also contains ammonium salts (ammonium carbonate and acetic acid salts), choline esters, choline, amides. ASD 2 for hemorrhoids is diluted with a water-containing solution.

Indications for use

Initially, veterinarians used antiseptics. Subsequently, scientists conducted clinical trials that proved effectiveness in the treatment of various pathological conditions in humans.

ASD fraction 2 was effective for:

  • chronic inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract;
  • infectious pathologies caused by chlamydia;
  • benign tumors arising in the muscular layer of the uterus;
  • fibrocystic disease of the mammary glands;
  • cancer of the breast, uterus, rectum;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • damage to the skin.

Using a stimulator you can also get rid of rectal fissures.

The drug has proven itself in the treatment of oncological, pulmonary, skin, gynecological, gastrointestinal and cardiovascular diseases.

Hemorrhoids: causes, symptoms

This disease is characterized by varicose hemorrhoidal veins in the rectum. Basically, the development of this disease occurs due to circulatory disorders, which leads to stagnant processes.

The causes may also be:

  1. passive lifestyle,
  2. chronic constipation and disorders,
  3. genetic inheritance,
  4. pregnancy,
  5. lifting weights,
  6. staying on your feet for a long time,
  7. unhealthy diet
  8. abuse of spicy food and alcohol.

Among the main symptoms are:

  • Prolapse of hemorrhoids from the rectum.
  • Bleeding during bowel movements.
  • Pain and discomfort when walking, as well as while sitting.
  • Feeling of something foreign in the rectum.
  • Pain during bowel movements or when examining hemorrhoids.
  • Itching and burning in the anus.
  • Heaviness in the lower abdomen during physical activity.

INTERESTING fact: Use of Fraction ASD 2 for human weight loss

Why choose this treatment

Why do some patients choose ASD treatment for hemorrhoids? Everything is very simple. After all, when performing this treatment, the entire human body becomes healthier. This drug copes well with the following problems:

  • skin;
  • gynecological;
  • cardiovascular sphere;
  • pulmonary;
  • gastrointestinal tract.

Do not forget about the stimulating effect on the autonomic and nervous systems. The substance helps to activate the digestive tract and the secretion of excretory glands. Thanks to it, not only does the body’s metabolism improve, but various nutrients are also better absorbed.

Although the fraction has excellent antiseptic properties, it is not a toxic drug at all. Treatment using it gives vitality and energy to the body so that it fights various diseases, including malignant tumors. But, it can also be used as a regular disease prevention. In any case, do not forget that before using it, like any other medicine, even a seemingly completely harmless one, you should consult with your doctor. Moreover, official medicine has not yet recognized it as a means of treating humans. Therefore, only the patient takes full responsibility for taking the drug.

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Features of the use of Dorogov antiseptic

As noted earlier, ASD fraction 2, the use of which is permitted only on the initiative of a physician, is used for external or internal therapy. To ensure maximum convenience for the consumer, the medication is produced in four different forms, namely in the form of suppositories, lotions, microenemas and for oral administration.

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ASD 2 suppositories are used for a simultaneous therapeutic and prophylactic course for hemorrhoids, as well as for eliminating swollen lumps in the anal ring.

To use suppositories, you must stop taking alcohol-containing products a week before the start of the course. Before using as directed, you need to cleanse the intestines with an enema. After using the restroom, thoroughly rinse the genitals and affected area with warm water. Then introduce suppositories with ASD.

The therapeutic course of this type of remedy is exactly three weeks with one administration in the morning and evening.


Initially, the digestive tract should be cleansed through bowel movements or an enema. Afterwards, wash the genital area and anal ring, preferably with a hygiene product.

Lotions are made as follows: cotton wool or gauze is soaked with a product produced in liquid form. A thoroughly moistened cloth should be applied to the affected area for half an hour. Manipulation is performed 2 times a day. The therapeutic course is 21 days.

It is worth noting that the use of lotions allows you to quickly stabilize the patient’s condition, eliminate the newly formed lump and improve the condition of varicose hemorrhoidal veins.


This method implies the elimination of provoking causes and symptoms at the developmental stage, as well as the restoration of the natural regeneration of damaged veins in the anus.

To administer a microenema, you need to perform appropriate hygiene procedures, then rinse the anus without using auxiliary cosmetic or antibacterial products. For procedures, use only cool water.

At the end of the hygiene procedures, you need to take a syringe (it is recommended to use a tool with two cubes), collect one and a half milliliters of camphor oil and half a milliliter of ASD 3. By the way, this is the only methodology that uses the third fraction.

By pulling back the syringe plunger, you need to mix the collected products. It is recommended to shake the syringe for a minute.

The needle is used only when collecting funds into the instrument; it is not necessary for the procedure.

It is recommended to lubricate the back hole with petroleum jelly and place the cannula (the head on which the needle fits) completely into it. After this, slowly inject the medicine.

Microclysters for hemorrhoids are carried out no more than once a day, preferably before bed. The therapeutic course is two weeks, but, based on the symptoms of the disease and the patient’s condition, the time of use of the drug can be extended for another week.

After introducing the solution into the rectal canal, you must remain on your side or back for half an hour so that the medication does not leak out of the anus.

Oral administration

The methodology implies a complex effect on hemorrhoids. Oral administration allows you to simultaneously eliminate symptoms and provide complete treatment that has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive tract. Promoters of this treatment method are convinced that during the therapeutic course, varicose hemorrhoidal veins will begin to shrink until they return to their original state.

The method of application is very simple. Every day, before the first meal, you need to take 30 drops of ASD 2, diluting the drug in a quarter glass of boiled water. Be sure to cool the water before mixing. The therapeutic course is two weeks of 6 days with a break of two days. The product should be used based on the doctor's recommendation.

Suppositories, microenemas or oral medications are prescribed by the attending physician after appropriate diagnosis. In case of an overdose or an incorrectly constructed therapeutic course, uncontrollable consequences may occur that can worsen the condition of the body, which will lead to the need for additional treatment.

Microclysters with ASD 3

Microenemas with ASD 3 help relieve the inflammatory symptoms of hemorrhoids, and also accelerate the healing of anal tears.

Microenemas with ASD 3 help relieve the inflammatory symptoms of hemorrhoids, and also accelerate the healing of anal tears.

Before microenemas, bowel movements and hygienic toileting of the anus with cool water without soap are mandatory.

Then fill the syringe with one and a half milliliters of camphor oil and half a milliliter of ASD 3.

Pulling back the syringe plunger slightly, shake the well-filled solutions. The syringe is used without a needle!

Lubricate the cannula of the syringe with petroleum jelly, insert it into the anus and inject the contents into the rectal canal.

Microclysters with ASD 3 are recommended to be performed once a day at night for 7-10 days. After the procedure, you need to lie down for 30-40 minutes so that the medicine does not leak out of the anus.

Description of the drug

ASD fraction 2 is obtained by thermal sublimation of meat and bone meal. As a result, substances with a high-molecular organic structure are broken down into low-molecular compounds in the form of a condensate, which is soluble in both water and alcohol.

Condensation also combines well with fats. Absolutely all compounds have a stimulating effect, antiseptic and wound-healing properties. An aqueous solution is used to treat humans. The biological value of ASD fraction 2 lies in its unique properties when affecting the human body.

The drug was obtained in a veterinary laboratory and was first tested on animals. Then volunteers joined the experiments. ASD fraction 2 has proven to be a highly effective remedy without any side effects:

  1. Firstly, it received approval in the treatment of bronchial asthma, as the most effective remedy at the moment.
  2. Secondly, positive dynamics were observed in the treatment of fibroids, mastopathy, breast and uterine oncology, chlamydia and trichomoniasis, and varicose veins.
  3. It was recommended for the treatment of problems with the gastrointestinal tract and heart pathologies.
  4. The rejuvenation effect observed in patients was the result of the influence of the drug components on skin elasticity.
  5. The functioning of the endocrine, nervous and immune systems returned to normal, and prostatitis in men completely disappeared.

Thanks to the drug, the most hopeless cases were cured.

Description and types of medicine

ASD is the result of research by the famous Russian scientist Alexei Vlasovich Dorogov. Initially, it was developed as a drug that has the ability to protect a living organism from radiation exposure.

Having invested a lot of time and effort, the scientist presented the fruit of his labors - ASD. This remedy improves the state of the body's immune system, activating defense mechanisms and restoration of tissue cells.

The fraction is of organic origin, made by sublimation of tissues with the transformation of vapor into liquid - condensation. Meat and bone residue is used as raw material, so the product itself has a somewhat unpleasant aroma. But this in no way detracts from its effectiveness and does not reduce the restorative effect.

The experts did not stop at one product; later both fraction 2 and 3 appeared. There are differences between them - ASD 2 has the ability to dissolve in alcohol, water and fat, so it can be used both as an external preparation and for internal use. ASD 3 is used exclusively locally.

These products are used in a variety of medical fields, including proctology, as they have a number of effects:

  • fight the inflammatory process;
  • strengthen the body's immune system;
  • disinfect;
  • get rid of bacterial and other infectious pathogens;
  • eliminate tumor formations.

How to use ASD for hemorrhoids depends on what stage the disease is in and what tissues are damaged.

When treating inflammation of hemorrhoids, ASD fractions 2 and 3 are used.

Candles. In modern medicine, for this delicate illness, medications are more often used in the form of suppositories, and this also applies to this remedy. ASD suppositories for hemorrhoids have a number of advantages:

  • they are easy to use and convenient to use;
  • it is difficult to find a form of the product with a more accurate dosage of the active substance;
  • absorption of the drug occurs immediately in the blood circulation, without affecting the liver tissue.

An antiseptic in the form of suppositories is less allergenic than a drug in a more traditional form, but this applies to any means.

Treatment of hemorrhoids ASD 2 in the form of suppositories is cheaper than using conventional drugs, since suppositories have a targeted effect on the affected area. In most cases, when the use of ASD 2 suppositories is recommended, treatment includes a 20-day course of therapy. For the first 10 days, the drug is taken twice a day, then the dosage is reduced. If necessary, therapy may be repeated.

Suppositories are popular in the treatment of hemorrhoids, but the use of the product involves several more methods, and which one is necessary in a particular case is decided by the doctor.

Microclysters. Dorogov’s antiseptic stimulant No. 3, as already noted, is an exclusively external remedy; it is used in the form of microenemas.

To do this, the fraction is mixed with camphor oil. The resulting mixture is drawn into a syringe, the needle is removed and the tip is lubricated with cosmetic Vaseline or a small amount of baby cream. The tip of the syringe is carefully inserted into the anus and its contents are squeezed out. After which it is taken out. It is better to carry out the manipulation before going to bed. The duration of treatment is a week and a half.

Oral administration. An antiseptic stimulant is often used in complex therapy, that is, it is taken orally and topically at the same time. This is due to the fact that the product has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system. And as you know, when the functions of the gastrointestinal tract are disturbed, difficulties with defecation arise - chronic constipation, they are to a greater extent responsible for the development of inflammatory processes in hemorrhoids.

To eliminate a common and unpleasant pathology with the help of ASD 2, the use of the drug is recommended according to the standard scheme, which was developed by the author of the drug himself, Academician Dorogov:

  • the fraction is dissolved in a certain amount of cool, pre-boiled water (the dosage is determined individually);
  • drink the solution 2 times a day, always on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals;
  • this scheme is followed for 5 days, followed by a 3-day break;
  • then follows the second approach, maintaining the previous dosage;
  • treatment should be continued until the unpleasant symptoms disappear.

Instructions for use

In order for the treatment of hemorrhoids with ASD to be effective and safe, it is necessary to choose the right form of medication. When internal hemorrhoidal cones form, suppositories and microenemas give a positive result. When diagnosing “external hemorrhoids,” it is recommended to make lotions with fraction ASD 2 or ASD 3. In addition, as an additional treatment, it is recommended to take medications orally to obtain the maximum therapeutic effect. The duration of use for hemorrhoids of ASD fraction 2 is determined individually, taking into account the severity of the pathology and the age of the patient.


Today, suppositories for hemorrhoids with ASD are most often used to combat the disease, and there are reasons for this. The fact is that suppositories are easy to use and have an effect on hemorrhoidal cones and internal inflammation. In addition, when using suppositories with ASD 2 for hemorrhoids, you do not need to independently select the dosage.

The active component in ASD 2 suppositories for hemorrhoids quickly enters the bloodstream and does not have any negative effect on other organs. In addition, the use of suppositories several times reduces the likelihood of the patient developing side effects

Reviews of ASD 2 for hemorrhoids show that it is important not to exceed the dosage and strictly follow the attached instructions:

  • Before inserting the suppository, you should wash your hands and anal area well;
  • It is best to administer suppositories after an enema or natural bowel movement;
  • the patient should take a comfortable position and inject the drug into the rectum using a finger.

The duration of ASD treatment for hemorrhoids reaches 10 days, after which a break should be taken and, if indicated, therapy should be repeated. 1-2 suppositories are allowed to be administered per day, and it is best to do the procedure at night.

Microclysters and lotions

ASD 3 for hemorrhoids can be used for making microenemas. You need to fill the syringe with 0.5 ml of medication and 1.5 ml of camphor oil. You need to remove the needle from the syringe, lubricate the tip with oil and insert it into the anus. After the procedure, it is recommended to lie down for 10–15 minutes so that the medicine does not leak out.

The duration of the course is 7–10 days and depends on the complexity of the pathological process. When fighting hemorrhoids, you need to do 1 microenema per day, best before going to bed. If indicated, treatment is repeated after a short break.

For external hemorrhoidal cones, it is recommended to apply lotions with ASD. To do this, soak a cotton pad in the medicine and apply it to the areas of inflammation for half an hour. A plastic bag is placed over the compress, which will enhance the thermal effect of the medication. The course of ASD therapy for hemorrhoids and fissures lasts 10 days and depends on the complexity of the disease.

Taking the drug orally

Reviews from people about ASD for hemorrhoids show that it can be taken as a solution orally. To do this, you need to combine 15 drops of the medication with ¼ glass of clean water and take this solution 2 times a day. Experts recommend taking the medicine on an empty stomach half an hour before meals. The course of therapy lasts 5 days, after which you should take a break for several days.

It is recommended to drink ASD until the unpleasant symptoms disappear. Depending on age, it is allowed to increase the dosage to 30 drops, using 2 times more water, since the medicine has a specific smell and taste.

How does fraction 2 of ASD work for hemorrhoids?

In antihemorrhoidal therapy, the second and third fractions of ASD can be used. But ASD 2 is still used more. In this case, the most convenient dosage form is rectal suppositories with ASD 2 for hemorrhoids.

Candles with ASD 2 have several advantages:

  • fixed dose ASD 2;
  • ease of use;
  • direct therapeutic effect on the affected area of ​​the rectal canal;
  • low risk of adverse reactions;
  • complexity of action;
  • relatively inexpensive compared to a number of traditional means.

Suppositories with ASD 2 have several advantages: a fixed dose of ASD 2, ease of use, direct therapeutic effect on the affected area of ​​the rectal canal.

ASD of the second fraction exhibits such therapeutic effects for hemorrhoids as:

  • antiseptic;
  • venotonic;
  • angioprotective;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • antitumor.

What is ASD

Dorogov's antiseptic stimulant (ASD) is an alternative medicine that is produced by condensing meat and bone meal. Due to its animal origin, the drug has a specific and even rather unpleasant aroma.

Alexey Vlasovich Dorogov is a talented Russian scientist who, in the 50s of the last century, by order of the USSR government, created ASD, so the drug was named after him. Only initially, ASD was developed as a radioprotector to protect people and animals from the negative effects of radiation.

During the distillation of meat and bone meal, three fractions of ASD are formed. The first fraction of the product turned out to be ordinary water, without any healing properties. But in the process of clinical studies, it was revealed that ASD 2 and 3 fractions have a lot of medicinal properties.

The second fraction of ASD can be dissolved in water, oil or alcohol. This property made it possible to use ASD externally and internally. High effectiveness against a number of diseases and a minimal number of side effects are one of the main advantages of this medicine.

Alexey Vlasovich Dorogov is a talented Russian scientist who, in the 50s of the last century, by order of the USSR government, created the ASD.

The drug showed excellent results in the treatment of bronchial asthma, psoriasis, endocrine pathology, diseases of the nervous and immune systems. The antiseptic properties of ASD allowed it to be used for various fungal and bacterial skin diseases, as well as for sexually transmitted infections of the genital organs.

In addition, ASD has an antitumor effect, therefore it is used for fibroids, fibroids, breast cancer, uterus and other organs.

In the process of laboratory and clinical studies of ASD 2, it was found that the product improves the tone of the veins and strengthens their walls. The latter property of ASD 2 made it possible to use it for the treatment of varicose veins, including hemorrhoids.

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Pathogenesis of genital warts

HPV is found in the cellular structures of the skin and mucous membranes, so it can be transmitted from men to women, from adults to children. The long latent period of infection makes early diagnosis of the disease difficult. Condylomas are not immediately visible to the naked eye. To activate HPV, a large number of these pathogens is necessary, only then the papillomavirus “comes out”, represented by genital warts. An increase in HPV may occur due to decreased immunity in women or men. Genital condylomas are caused by the process of atypical reproduction of the human papilloma virus; under its influence, epithelial cells grow and develop with pathology. The skin and mucous tissues change and this is how condylomas appear. Growths in the form of warts and papillae can be single or massive, turning into entire “conglomerates” of condylomas.

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