Reduced average Hb concentration in erythrocytes: causes of deviation, possible consequences

Description of the analysis

Determination of mchc occurs through calculations based on basic data, such as hematocrit, obtained from a complete blood count. This index serves as a highly sensitive test for disruption of hemoglobin generation processes. The main advantage is that it is independent of the average volume of red blood cells.

Essentially mchc reflects the density of filling red blood cells with hemoglobin and is a very stable indicator. Therefore, mchc is often used as an indicator of errors in the operation of laboratory equipment. But do not confuse MCHC with MCV, as these are different indicators.


The consequences of low hemoglobin act as the root causes of the development of anemia, due to a lack of iron in the blood. Low hemoglobin causes a decrease in the oxygen saturation of body tissues and puts a significant strain on the functioning of all systems and organs. Hemoglobin transports carbon dioxide from the lungs throughout the body and helps stabilize the acid-base balance in the internal environment.

A decrease in hemoglobin concentration contributes to a deterioration in overall health, provokes drowsiness, dizziness, apathy and a decrease in blood pressure. Because hemoglobin is a molecular compound of iron and protein in blood cells, it not only carries oxygen to the body, but is also considered an important biochemical component for many organic reactions. As a result of a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood, oxygen starvation occurs in the human body, which has such names as “hypoxia”, “anemia”, “anemia”.

Preparing for analysis

Direct analyzes for mchc are not done; general analysis data (CCA) are used for calculations. To carry it out, blood is taken from a vein, the amount is up to 3 ml. If certain indicators are present, it is possible to take capillary blood; such an analysis is prescribed for children under 3 years of age, patients with pathologies of the blood coagulation system.

No special preparation is required for a general blood test. Blood sampling is performed in the morning, on an empty stomach, or at any convenient time of the day. The main condition is not to eat for at least 8 hours before the test. You can drink water, but not coffee, tea or sweet drinks.

To increase the reliability of the data obtained, it is recommended to avoid stress, excessive physical and psycho-emotional stress 1-2 days before blood collection. You should avoid drinking alcohol.

The danger of anemia as you age

With age, the risk of anemia increases and the consequences for life and health worsen. First of all, there is a negative effect on the heart and blood vessels. Myocardial ischemia develops, which can be complicated by a heart attack, signs of atherosclerotic diseases appear, blood vessels lose their elasticity, and plaques and blood clots form in their lumens. Due to a decrease in hemoglobin, frequent headaches, decreased attention and memory may appear. In severe situations, cerebral circulation is disrupted.

MCHC blood test explanation

A normal mchc value is considered to be between 310 and 380 g/l. Such values ​​are considered the norm for adults of both sexes. In newborns, children, and adolescents, the normal limits are shifted downward. For children under 1 year of age, the average amount of hemoglobin in a red blood cell is considered to be 290-370 g/l.

After the completion of puberty, the normal concentration of iron-containing proteins stabilizes and remains throughout life within certain limits (in the absence of pathologies that can affect this indicator).

It is important to consider that finding the mchc index in the range of normal values ​​does not always mean the absence of pathologies. There are anemia and other diseases that do not manifest themselves as a change in the mchc level in a blood test.

Application of the red blood cell index

The red blood cell index is quite common in blood tests. It is used to detect inaccuracies made during research. The MCHC red blood cell index is used to assess the effectiveness of anemia treatment, diagnose hypochromia, etc.

Iron deficiency anemia is a pathology that often appears in our century. It is caused by the fact that a small amount of iron comes with food, or it is not completely absorbed in the digestive system.

Manifestation of iron deficiency anemia

Certain chronic diseases, along with blood loss, can also cause this pathology. The popular name for this “sore” is anemia. Its characteristic feature is a low level of red blood cells, which occurs due to the fact that red blood cells are either quickly destroyed or slowly formed, and of course, let’s not forget about severe bleeding. To identify anemia, it is not enough just to determine the level of hemoglobin and red blood cells.

The standard procedure, to determine a more accurate state of affairs, includes the study of such blood parameters as:

  • MCHC (intermediate hemoglobin concentration);
  • MCH (intermediate hemoglobin content in 1 red blood cell);
  • MCV (intermediate erythrocyte volume);
  • RDW (red blood cell distribution width by volume).

MCHC in blood test is increased

A high mchc index occurs when the concentration of iron-containing proteins in red blood cells increases. Such conditions are usually observed in various genetic pathologies. The most common:

  • Hereditary spherocytosis. This is a disease in which the formation of the erythrocyte cytoskeleton is disrupted. As a result, the surface area of ​​the cell membrane decreases, its plasticity is disrupted, and the concentration of hemoglobin in the cell increases significantly. You can find out about the analysis of hemoglobin levels here. Spherocytosis often occurs in hidden, benign forms and is detected only during screening diagnostics.
  • Sickle cell anemia. One of the most common congenital diseases of red blood cells. As a result of disturbances in the process of hemoglobin production, red blood cells acquire a changed shape, and the mchc index increases. In such patients, hemoglobin has a different structure from the norm and carries oxygen less efficiently. If pathological genes are passed on from one of the parents, the disease occurs in a latent or mild form and provides immunity from malaria. When receiving defective genes from the mother and father, sickle cell anemia is severe and can cause serious pathologies and death.
  • Hemoglobinosis C. A severe hereditary pathology that develops when both parents receive defective genes that direct the synthesis of erythrocyte proteins. Manifests itself in the form of hemolytic jaundice, chronic anemia, the most common complication is cholelithiasis. Defective hemoglobin is produced by the body in significant quantities because it carries oxygen worse than normal protein. As a result, a sharp increase in mchc index values ​​is observed.

An increase in the mchc index does not always serve as a signal for the development of pathological processes. This figure may increase as the body recovers after severe blood loss. For residents of high mountains, an increase in hemoglobin concentration is a normal option as it serves to compensate for the low oxygen content in the air.

Therefore, professional climbers may experience a significant increase in the mchc index, which, in the absence of other pathological symptoms, should be assessed as normal.

Causes of low average hemoglobin concentration in erythrocytes

If the existing indicators deviate from the norm (with a significant decrease), we can talk, for example, about a disease such as hypochromia, which develops as a result of insufficient absorption of contents such as hemoglobin by cells and blood cells.

This condition is often caused by a number of pathologies that exist in the human body, due to which the production of a blood element called hemoglobin is disrupted.

Reasons such as:

  • Hypochromic anemia of sideroblastic and iron deficiency;
  • Posthemorrhagic anemia with an existing chronic course of the disease;
  • Hemaglobinopathies are disorders of the synthesis of the described particles;
  • Disorders associated with insufficiency of metabolic water-electrolyte processes;
  • Pathological conditions of genetic origin.

For any disorders associated with hemoglobin synthesis, indicators of reduced MSHC in the hematopoietic system are determined at the very end. And if during the examination the results of the index (Mchc) are lowered, but the blood cells themselves and the iron-containing element are normal, it is permissible to talk about an erroneous conduct of the current study.

MCHC reduced

Deciphering the mchc blood test when the index decreases is required much more often. In this case, the concentration of iron-containing protein in red blood cells decreases, often so significantly that with direct microscopy, red blood cells become much less saturated in color.

This phenomenon is called blood hypochromia, and anemia that is accompanied by a decrease in this index is called hypochromic. There are many reasons for a decrease in mchc in a blood test, the most common are:

  • Iron-deficiency anemia. Occurs when there is a lack of foods enriched with iron in the diet, or a violation of its absorption in the intestines. It is often found among vegetarians, since large amounts of iron are found in easily digestible form in meat and other animal products.
  • Thalassemia. A hereditary disease associated with the transmission to a child of inheritance of defective genes responsible for coding the protein chains of hemoglobin.
  • Anemia, which serves as a symptom of the development of pathologies of the liver, bone marrow, kidneys and other organs.

Another specific condition for which decreased mchc levels are a marker is lead poisoning. This toxic metal is dangerous in any concentration; it is widely used in various industries, so the likelihood of poisoning with it is quite high. Acute forms of poisoning are extremely rare; in chronic forms, this toxic metal gradually accumulates in the bones, nerve tissues, and bone marrow.

The hematopoietic function is inhibited, pathologies of the nervous system develop, and the kidneys and liver suffer. There are practically no specific symptoms for such poisonings, so if a patient has a decrease in mchc, the possibility of intoxication with this metal must be taken into account. Our medical center employs the best specialists who can explain each of the tests, and we also have the best prices for services in the city of Minsk.

Other reasons for deviation from the norm

Low hemoglobin is the body's natural reaction to iron deficiency. In addition to the main ones, there are several more reasons why the concentration of Hb in erythrocytes is reduced:

  • Blood loss (acute or chronic). If the body is subjected to a single severe or systematic blood loss, then, as a result, the level of hemoglobin in the blood begins to decrease. This can occur due to injury, surgery, or certain pathologies. This condition is often observed in women, and the reason for the decrease in hemoglobin concentration may be polymenorrhea (heavy and prolonged menstruation). Low hemoglobin is also diagnosed in women who have had uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts or ectopic pregnancy. The reason may also be hidden in regular nosebleeds, internal bleeding, with the development of diseases of the digestive tract, and dental pathologies.
  • Short lifespan of red blood cells. This factor is due to the occurrence of autoimmune diseases if the body is exposed to infection, or in the case where the decrease in red blood cells is a hereditary disease.
  • Poor nutrition. The reason that the Hb content in the MCH red blood cell is reduced may be due to a lack of iron coming from organic foods. Microelements, animal proteins and vitamins do not enter the body in sufficient quantities if the patient refuses to eat meat for a long time. An unbalanced diet leads to dysfunction of the reproductive system in women and insufficient production of hormones.

  • The average HB content in an MCH erythrocyte is reduced due to intoxication of the body. Anemia can develop during acute poisoning, during the presence of parasites in the body, and during frequent stressful situations.
  • Blood pathologies. Destruction of red blood cells and a decrease in hemoglobin can develop as a result of blood pathologies, in the presence of malignant tumors and disorders of the bone marrow.
  • Chronic diseases. In infectious diseases (enterocolitis, tuberculosis, hepatitis, pyelonephritis), a redistribution of iron occurs in the blood, which provokes a low level of hemoglobin.
  • Pregnancy. A decrease in hemoglobin can occur in women during pregnancy, breastfeeding and postpartum recovery. This is due to the very intensive use of iron in the body, which is necessary to maintain vital functions.

What are the consequences of a reduced Hb concentration in an erythrocyte?

What is the standard indicator?

To independently understand whether the level of hemoglobin in the body is reduced or not, you need to know what the normal indicators of this element are. This value depends on age, and the norms for iron-containing protein are as follows:

  • newborn children - 115-180 g/l;
  • 2-6 months – 95-140 g/l;
  • 6-12 months – 105-150 g/l;
  • 1-12 years – 105-150 g/l;
  • girls 12-18 years old – 112-152 g/l;
  • boys 12-18 years old – 120-160 g/l;
  • men aged 18-65 years – 130-160 g/l;
  • men over 60 years old – 125-165 g/l;
  • women in the age range from 18 to 60 – 120-150 g/l;
  • women 60 years of age and older – 117-138 g/l;
  • women during pregnancy – 110-140 g/l.

We looked at what it means when the average concentration of Hb in red blood cells is reduced. We described the causes of the pathology in detail.

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