5 alarming indicators when interpreting ECG in children

Why do an ECG for a child?

Electrocardiography (ECG) is a diagnostic method based on recording and studying electrical impulses generated during the work of the heart. Special sensors are connected to the patient's body, which record electrical impulses and record the received data in the form of teeth on paper film. The resulting cardiogram allows the specialist to obtain information about the electrical activity of the heart and the structure of the myocardium. This, in turn, allows us to identify malfunctions in the cardiovascular system, make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

ECG is one of the simplest, most accessible and informative methods for diagnosing heart disease. The method is absolutely safe, so it can be used in both adults and children. An ECG is prescribed to a child both if there is a suspicion of heart pathologies and as a preventive examination.

An ECG can reveal:

  • disturbance of the rhythm of heart rate (arrhythmia);
  • tachycardia;
  • organic changes in the heart muscle;
  • heart disease;
  • metabolic disease;
  • the presence of blockades that disrupt the conductivity of the electrical impulse;
  • acute and chronic lung diseases;
  • electrolyte and other changes in the myocardium;
  • lack of potassium and magnesium;
  • inflammatory processes in the myocardium;
  • enlargement of individual parts of the organ.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system in children are not uncommon, so diagnosis should not be neglected. Detection of these diseases at an early age makes it possible to start treatment on time and minimize the risk of developing serious complications and prevent their negative impact on the growth and development of the child.

ECG interpretation

The cardiography method was first used at the beginning of the 19th century. At this time, scientists found out that heart impulses could be recorded on paper using the then-invented cardiograph. But this process took too long.

Normal indicators in children

The electrocardiogram is a linear graphic form that expresses the size of the waves and the duration of the phases of the cardiac cycle. ECG interpretation requires careful analysis of all values.

Heart rhythm is one of the most important components in the work of the heart.

The main muscle of the body works without interruption and creates sinus rhythm. This rhythm is determined by the beating of the heart in equal fractions of time - seconds. When the heart rhythm is abnormal, arrhythmia occurs.

Conduction is the ability of the heart to conduct impulses from the sinus node to the myocardium. The heart is surrounded by nerve fibers that send electrical impulses.

Waves, ECG segments

Photo: https://pixabay.com/illustrations/heartbeat-pulse-healthcare-medicine-163709/ As we have already found out, an ECG is a linear line that displays heart performance indicators.
On this line we see “hills”, which are called teeth. There are only five of them and they are designated by Latin letters - P, q, r, s, t. The first wave rising above the line is the P wave. It reflects the beginning of the atria.

Cardiac depolarization is a process that reflects excitation or activation of the heart muscle. Repolarization is the process of relaxation of the heart muscle.

Thus, the P wave reflects the process of depolarization of the right and left atrium.

The next wave is Q. It tells us about the excitation of the middle part of the interventricular septum. The area from the P wave to the Q wave is called a segment. The segment displays the spread of excitation along the nerve fibers of the heart.

Wave R - depolarization of the walls of the left and right ventricles.

The S wave is the excitation of the ventricles and interventricular septum.

The ST segment is the time of complete coverage of excitation of the ventricular myocardium.

The T wave characterizes the repolarization of the ventricular myocardium.

The ECG film in each lead must have at least 4 cardiac complexes.

ECG for a child: features of the procedure

An ECG is performed on a child in the same way as on an adult. The only difference is that smaller sensors are used. To conduct the examination, the child is placed on his back on a couch, and sensors are connected to the chest, wrists and legs. Before connecting to the body, the sensors are treated with a degreasing agent. After connecting all the sensors, the device is turned on, which records the cardiogram, producing a tape with a graph. The duration of the procedure is about five minutes. The examination does not require special preparation; the only recommendation is to refrain from physical activity and stress 15 minutes before taking the cardiogram.

The first ECG is usually performed on a child in the first year of life as part of a mandatory medical examination. The sooner the diagnosis is carried out, the sooner pathologies can be identified and measures can be taken to eliminate them. When conducting an ECG, it is important to lie still while at rest, so in the case of a small child, it is advisable to have toys or a book with bright pictures on hand - these items will help keep the baby occupied during the examination and distract from inconvenience. A preventive ECG is also carried out in preschool age and upon entering first grade.

Indications for an unscheduled electrocardiogram include:

  • developmental delay;
  • high blood pressure;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • pain in the heart area;
  • detection of murmurs when listening to the heart with a stethoscope;
  • dizziness;
  • dyspnea;
  • fatigue and drowsiness;
  • frequent ARVI;
  • swelling of the limbs;
  • pallor of the skin during physical activity.

Also, a reason for prescribing an examination is a hereditary predisposition to cardiovascular diseases. An ECG is a painless and absolutely safe diagnostic method, so the examination can be carried out frequently without any fear.

A cardiogram will not tell an untrained person anything - it’s just a graph with teeth, so after taking a cardiogram you need to contact a specialist. Cardiologists and functional diagnostic doctors decipher cardiograms. The decoding process involves studying the shapes and intervals of all teeth, as well as a comprehensive assessment of the cardiogram. An experienced specialist will be able to decipher the cardiogram, identify all deviations from the norm and make an accurate diagnosis.

The article presents modern principles of clinical interpretation of ECG in young athletes, the basis of which is the division of all detectable ECG phenomena into frequent and typical, as well as rare and atypical for athletes. The main elements of a clinical diagnostic search carried out when identifying ECG phenomena in a young athlete that go beyond the norm are considered.

Electrocardiography for the young athlete: a variant rule or pathology?

The paper presents the principles of modern clinical interpretation of ECG in young athletes, based on division of all detected ECG phenomena on frequent and typical, as well as rare and unusual for athletes.

It is obvious that today children's and youth sports are becoming widespread. Thus, according to the draft “Concept for the development of children’s and youth sports for 2009-2015” of the Federal Agency for Physical Culture and Sports, in the sports reserve training system already in 2006 there were about 4,500 sports-oriented institutions (which is more than a thousand more than their number in 1997), in which about 3.2 million people were involved in 104 sports; in general, more than 19% of children and adolescents aged 6-15 years regularly engage in sports [1].

Modern sport (and especially classes in sports reserve programs) places special demands on the functional systems of the body of a child and adolescent. The need for a young athlete to undergo clinical and instrumental examinations prior to the start of sports, as well as during his sports activities, is obvious and formally enshrined in Order No. 613n of the Russian Ministry of Health and Social Development of 2010 [2]. From a clinical cardiology perspective, such monitoring (as well as in-depth cardiac examinations) serves two purposes. The first is the identification of athletes with undiagnosed cardiovascular diseases with a latent and asymptomatic course, increasing the risk of life-threatening conditions and forming the basis of sudden death syndrome in athletes, which, being extremely rare, is nevertheless almost twice as common in athletes than in “non-sports” » populations [3]. The second goal is to identify pathological changes in the cardiovascular system of a young athlete, formed de novo, and which are designated by the collective term “myocardial dystrophy due to chronic physical overstrain” (Dembo A.G., 1960) or “stress cardiomyopathy of an athlete” (Zemtsovsky E. .V., 2002).

Currently, there are algorithms for cardiac screening of athletes developed abroad and in Russia [4, 5]. In particular, the closest to practical use is a 12-item questionnaire developed by the American Heart Association, which makes it possible to identify a group of athletes requiring in-depth examination (Table 1) [6]. It is important to note that the authors recommend that the young athlete be interviewed in the presence of his parents. In international practice, the questionnaire developed by the European Society of Cardiology (the so-called “Lausanne Guidelines”) is also widely used [7].

Table 1.

Panel of examinations for preliminary screening of athletes [6]

Family history

1. Premature death (sudden or unexpected) before 50 years of age due to cardiovascular disease in a close relative;

2. Heart disease in close relatives of young age (up to 50 years);

3. The presence of the following cardiovascular diseases in close relatives: hypertrophic or dilated cardiomyopathy, arrhythmogenic dysplasia/cardiomyopathies of the pancreas, Marfan syndrome, long or short QT syndromes, Brugada syndrome, catecholaminergic ventricular tachycardia, Leva-Lenegra disease, life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias.

Complaints and anamnesis1

4. Previously detected heart murmur;

5. Arterial hypertension;

6. Unexplained fainting/presyncope, palpitations2;

7. Severe/unexplained shortness of breath on exertion;

8. Chest pain/discomfort during physical activity.

Examination results and physical examination data

9. Heart murmur (lying/standing)3;

10. Pulsation in the peripheral arteries (to exclude coarctation of the aorta);

11. External signs of Marfan syndrome;

12. Blood pressure measurement in the upper extremities (sitting)4;

1 (when examining young athletes, it is recommended that parents be present when collecting anamnesis and complaints);
2 it is necessary to exclude the neurocardiogenic nature of fainting (vasovagal fainting), special attention should be paid to fainting that occurs during physical activity;

3 auscultation should be performed both lying down and standing (or using the Valsalva maneuver), especially if dynamic obstruction of the LV outflow tract is suspected;

4 preference is given to measurements on both upper limbs.

An important method for diagnosing pathology of an athlete’s cardiovascular system is electrocardiography (ECG). The European Society of Cardiology, as well as the International Olympic Committee [8], recommend an algorithm for cardiac screening of young athletes, a mandatory part of which is an ECG (Fig. 1). However, the advisability of conducting an ECG for all athletes as a screening remains a subject of debate. The American Heart Association does not recommend ECG testing for all athletes, indicating that in athletes this method has low sensitivity and specificity, leads to a large number of false-positive results and unnecessary testing, and significantly increases the final cost of identifying a potentially life-threatening disease [6].

Figure 1. Algorithm for cardiac screening of young athletes [3]

An important step in understanding the norm, variant of the norm and pathology in the athlete’s ECG was the recommendations proposed in 2010 by Corrado D., Pelliccia A., Heidbuchel H. and co-authors [9]. The main purpose of these recommendations is to obtain a reliable boundary between physiological and potentially malignant changes in the athlete's ECG. For this purpose, all ECG phenomena were divided into two groups: the first - related to sports and occurring frequently, the second - not related to sports and occurring rarely (Table 2).

Electrocardiographic changes of the first group are interpreted as physiological, and in the absence of additional clinical and anamnestic data (Table 1), in most cases, do not require a diagnostic search, since they are associated with adaptive anatomical and physiological remodeling of the athlete’s myocardium.

Table 2.

Classification of ECG phenomena in athletes [9]

Electrocardiographic phenomena
Frequent, due to the training process Infrequent, not related to training


  • Sinus bradycardia;
  • 1st degree AV block;
  • Incomplete blockade of the right bundle branch;
  • Early repolarization syndrome;
  • Isolated voltage criteria for LV myocardial hypertrophy.
  • T wave inversion;
  • ST segment depression;
  • Pathological Q wave;
  • Enlargement of the left atrium;
  • Deviation of the EOS to the left/blockade of the anterior branch of the LPH;
  • Deviation of the EOS to the right/blockade of the posterior branch of the LPH;
  • RV myocardial hypertrophy;
  • Premature ventricular excitation syndrome;
  • Complete blockade of LBP or PNPG;
  • Prolongation or shortening of the QT interval;
  • Brugada-like early repolarization.

When identifying ECG phenomena of the first group, it is necessary to take into account that different sports are differently associated with such findings. They are more typical for sports that train endurance (long-distance running, rowing, cycling, skiing) than for strength and speed sports (weightlifting, arm wrestling, sprinting) [10].

Interpretation of detected ECG phenomena requires their clinical understanding. Thus, when assessing the possible connection between an athlete’s bradycardia and sick sinus syndrome, in addition to the age standards developed by the Federal Medical and Biological Agency [11] (Table 3), it is necessary to focus on such clinical data as complaints of dizziness and fainting, an inadequately low increase in frequency pulse during physical activity, results of functional and medicinal tests, persistence of bradycardia after giving up sports.

Table 3.

Interpretation of changes in heart rate (bpm) in children 5-18 years old (protocol of TsSSSA FMBA of Russia)

AgeSevere bradycardiaModerate bradycardiaNormModerate tachycardiaSevere tachycardia
5-7 years<7071-7980-105106-129>130
8-11 years<6566-7475-9596-114>115
12-15 years<5051-6970-9091-109>110
16-18 years old<5051-6465-8081-109>110
>18 years old<4546-5960-8081-109>110

I degree AV block, also often found in athletes, requires additional examination (cholesterol monitoring ECG, echocardioscopy, electrophysiological study) only in the presence of concomitant widening of the QRS complex, prolongation of the PQ interval by more than 300 ms, as well as deterioration of AV conduction during stress tests or hyperventilation tests. A similar tactic is chosen when a second-degree AV block of type Mobitz I is detected in a young athlete: the indication for an in-depth examination is only the presence of symptoms (dizziness, syncope) and deterioration of AV conduction during stress tests. Third-degree and second-degree AV blocks of the Mobitz type II are not a manifestation of adaptive changes in the heart of a young athlete; they require an in-depth examination and, as a rule, refusal to play sports [4].

Early ventricular repolarization syndrome is also a benign ECG phenomenon, typical of young athletes and reflecting increased activity of parasympathetic influences on the myocardium. Typical ECG signs of this syndrome are the presence of a junction point (pseudo-r wave) or junction wave (J wave) on the descending limb of the R wave and a horizontal or oblique rise of the ST segment by 1-6 mm with convexity downwards. Signs may vary in severity, morphology and distribution. According to some studies [12, 13], pathogenetic mechanisms similar to those in idiopathic ventricular fibrillation and Brugada syndrome are observed in SRGC, and therefore the unifying term “J wave” syndrome is sometimes proposed [14]. Based on this, if an athlete detects early repolarization syndrome in the inferior or lateral leads (especially with a pronounced change in the terminal part of the QRS), combined with syncope and episodes of cardiac arrest, the European Society of Cardiology recommends considering idiopathic ventricular fibrillation as a possible diagnosis.

A common ECG phenomenon found in athletes is the voltage criteria of left ventricular hypertrophy (Sokolov-Lyon criterion and Cornell index) with preservation of the normal electrical axis of the heart, ventricular and atrial electrical activity, without displacement of the ST segment and changes in T waves in the left leads. These criteria are not applicable in childhood and almost never indicate truly existing myocardial hypertrophy in an athlete. Thus, having studied the electrocardiography of 1005 high-class athletes, Pellicia A. et al. identified voltage criteria for hypertrophy in 60% of those examined, but subsequently none of the cases were confirmed by ultrasound examination data [10]. At the same time, non-voltage criteria for ventricular myocardial hypertrophy, such as left atrial hypertrophy, deviation of the electrical axis of the heart to the left, changes in the ST segment and T wave, increased internal deviation time, and pathological Q waves require ultrasound imaging to exclude structural heart diseases.

Also, atypical ECG changes in athletes include T wave inversion, taking into account ECG features in children, such as smoothed, biphasic or negative T waves in standard III and aVL leads, as well as in the right chest leads (V1-V3) in prepubertal age. Negative T waves are found in athletes much less frequently than was commonly believed [10, 15], and T wave inversion of more than 2 mm in adjacent leads may indicate structural heart disease. Negative T waves in the inferior leads (II, aVF) and lateral leads (I, aVL, V5-V6) may indicate the presence of diseases in the athlete such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, left ventricular non-compact myocardium syndrome, stable arterial hypertension, valvular heart defects and require in-depth examination.

Volva-Parkinson-White syndrome in athletes occurs with the same frequency as in the rest of the population and amounts to 0.1-0.3% [16]. This syndrome is a rare cause of life-threatening arrhythmias (atrial fibrillation and subsequent ventricular fibrillation) and accounts for no more than 2% of the causes of sudden death in athletes [17]. If there is a clinical picture of paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia, episodes of atrial fibrillation/flutter and fainting states, the athlete is advised to conduct an electrophysiological study according to the standard protocol. Management tactics for adult and young athletes with asymptomatic Volva-Parkinson-White syndrome vary. Thus, adult athletes (especially those older than 20-25 years) are recommended to undergo a procedure of radiofrequency ablation of additional conduction pathways; in case of refusal of the athlete, all sports are allowed, with the exception of those associated with a high risk of syncope according to the classification of Mitchell JH et. al. [18, 19]. Athletes of childhood and adolescence need to conduct an electrophysiological study before starting sports to induce tachycardia attacks and determine the effective refractory period of additional conduction pathways. Given that atrial fibrillation is extremely rare before the age of 12 years, electrophysiological testing may be postponed with recommendations for an annual in-depth cardiac examination [4].

Clinical interpretation of the electrocardiogram of a young athlete implies a mandatory assessment of the duration of the QT interval in standard lead II or in precordial leads V3 or V5 (the longest interval is taken into account). However, it is necessary to keep in mind a number of difficulties in assessing the QT interval in athletes: the inaccuracy of the Bazett formula for calculating QTc with severe sinus arrhythmia (typical of athletes), as well as with bradycardia less than 40 beats per minute and tachycardia more than 120 beats per minute. The accuracy of the calculations is also influenced by the slightly wider QRS complex in athletes and the more frequent detection of the U wave. In the presence of a U wave, the end of the T wave should correspond to the “bottom” point between the T and U waves, and in the absence of the transition point of the T wave to the U -wave in this lead QT interval is not calculated [20]. The normative value of QTc is considered to be 440-450 ms, but today recommendations are being made to expand the normal limit to 470 ms for men and 480 ms for women [21, 22]. There is a tendency to find a longer QTc interval in athletes, but in general this indicator is within the same normative limits as in the general population.

If a prolonged QT interval is detected in a young athlete, it is necessary to exclude acquired, and in some cases, congenital variants of the syndrome. The most common causes of secondary QT prolongation are:

  • taking medications that cause QT prolongation (a list is available on the Arizona Center of Education and Research Therapeutics website https://www.qtdrugs.org/);
  • metabolic and electrolyte disturbances (for example, due to chronic dehydration of an athlete or a protein-free diet of an athlete);
  • structural myocardial diseases.

The minimum set of examinations includes echocardioscopy and Holter monitoring, and genetic analysis is performed if indicated.

More rare is the short QT interval syndrome, in which absolute QT values ​​of less than 310 ms and a corrected QT interval of less than 360 ms are detected for children. This rare form of channelopathies is also associated with a risk of fatal ventricular tachyarrhythmias.

Thus, the domestic and foreign recommendations given in the article for the clinical interpretation of the ECG of young athletes make it possible to avoid both overdiagnosis of benign adaptive changes in the cardiovascular system and underestimation of the importance of some potentially malignant ECG phenomena.

AND I. Lutfullin, A.I. Safina

Kazan State Medical Academy

Volga State Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism

Lutfullin Ildus Yaudatovich – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant at the Department of Pediatrics and Neonatology


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Where to get an ECG in Volgograd

You can get an ECG for a child in Volgograd, Volzhsky and Mikhailovka at Dialine clinics. With us you can undergo the examination at a time convenient for you, without queues, by choosing the most suitable address. ECG examinations are carried out using modern high-precision equipment in comfortable conditions. Having made a cardiogram, you can immediately decipher it by contacting our specialists. High qualifications and extensive experience allow us to guarantee diagnostic accuracy. For ease of use of medical services, register in your personal account on our website.

Features of performing an ECG for children

As mentioned above, the child must be prepared by explaining to him that this study is necessary and painless. Carry out the examination in the form of a game, using toys to distract the child’s attention.

Mothers should note that the electrodes should be smaller in size than those of adults. If this is not the case, then the objectivity of the examination will be in question.

Electrodes for legs, armsChest electrodes
Up to 3 x. months 30*20 mm10 mm
Up to 1 year35*25 mm15 mm
Up to 3 years40*30 mm20 mm
Up to 8 years45*35 mm25 mm

ECG recording is also carried out in 12 leads. The locations are the same as for adults.

When do children need a routine ECG?

Since 2021, it has become mandatory to conduct an ECG for children in the first year of life, and if a cardiac disorder is suspected, for a newborn child.

Children who participate in sports sections must undergo an ECG once a year.

Children who enter kindergartens and schools will also be required to undergo this procedure by a medical commission.

Photo: https://www.pexels.com/photo/photo-of-boy-holding-heart-shape-paper-on-stick-1620616/

Types of electrocardiography

A classic ECG is carried out by fixing 12 electrodes on the body of a child lying down and stripped down to his panties. Children suffering from shortness of breath undergo electrocardiography in a sitting position. The duration of the procedure is up to 10 minutes. No special preparation is required, the only condition is that the patient remains at rest, so before the procedure the child needs to visit the toilet, have a snack two hours before the procedure, and stop active games an hour before the procedure. Often, to calm babies, electrodes are first applied to the mother so that the child understands that it does not hurt.

Holter monitoring is used to monitor children's cardiac activity over a 24-hour period. During the day, the child leads a normal lifestyle - plays, eats, sleeps, attends classes at school or a sports section - with electrodes attached to the body that transmit impulses to a portable cardiac recorder.

This type of electrocardiography is effective in identifying factors that influence changes in a child’s cardiac activity (outdoor games, sports, sleep status, etc.), the time of day when problems usually occur, and the daily frequency of attacks. Most often used to monitor changes in conductivity and heart rhythm during the day.

Modern electrocardiographs make it possible to study cardiac activity in children with various functional or stress tests.

To monitor the effect of drug therapy or select the most effective drug, an ECG with pharmacological stress tests is used. This method is also used to detect coronary heart disease, which occurs without pain.

The patient is administered a cardiac drug, after which an electrocardiogram is recorded with minute-by-minute monitoring of blood pressure. At the end of the procedure, the blood pressure results obtained before, during and after recording the electrocardiogram are compared.

The results of physical stress testing, as well as pharmacological ones, are compared with a regular ECG performed the day before. A patient with electrodes attached to the body performs physical exercises on exercise equipment - this can be a bicycle or a treadmill. Before such testing, it is necessary to exclude physical activity - outdoor games, classes in the sports section.

Electrocardiography with hyperventilation is used to detect spontaneous angina. This type of ECG is also used to help prevent misinterpretation of exercise testing results.

To differentiate arrhythmic disorders associated with the work of the sympathetic or parasympathetic nervous systems, electrocardiography with orthostatic load is used. In this type, registration is carried out with the child first in a lying state, then after 5-10 minutes of standing.

Electrocardiography with functional tests allows you to provoke stressful situations, thereby identifying pathologies of cardiac activity that are not detected when recording a regular ECG.

What is an ECG?

An ECG (electrocardiogram) is a simple and reliable way to study the functioning of the heart. During the procedure, the cardiograph records the electrical potentials that appear during the work of the heart muscle. All information is sent to the doctor in the form of a graph on a paper tape. The procedure is absolutely painless, ECG can be performed on children at any age. The study helps diagnose many dangerous cardiovascular diseases. An ECG of a child’s heart can detect diseases such as:

  • hypertrophy (enlargement) of any parts of the heart;
  • congenital or acquired heart defects, myocarditis;
  • angina pectoris;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • blockage of the pulmonary artery by blood clots (thromboembolism);
  • metabolic changes in the myocardium.

Children's ECG has several features. This is due to a number of reasons.

Features of the event

An ECG for a child is performed in the same way as for an adult. The difference lies in the use of relatively small skin electrodes, the structure and shape of which takes into account the anatomical features of the baby. In our clinic, instead of traditional “suction cups” for children, we use “sticker” electrodes, which eliminates unpleasant sensations during ECG recording. The procedure involves the use of a certified device that has many functions and capabilities.

One of the important conditions is the correct mood of the baby, his calmness. This requires the right atmosphere, confidential communication with the doctor, and a friendly attitude towards the child. If these conditions are not present, the study is difficult to consider informative - a crying little patient may simply not allow him to be examined, and tachycardia, which occurs during severe anxiety, will distort the picture.

The Family Doctor clinic employs specialists who can find an approach to patients of any age. Creating a favorable environment ensures the reliability of the survey results.

What can distort ECG results?

Excessive anxiety, especially in children, can distort ECG results in the first place. In infants this is crying. All this will cause tachycardia, which the doctor will need to differentiate from the pathological condition.

Also, the ECG can be affected by the cold room where the examination is performed.

Tea, coffee, smoking can also give a false picture of electrocardiography.

Before any heart examination, you must tell the doctor what medications you are taking, especially cardiac medications. It is also advisable, if possible, not to take pills at least two hours before the examination.

Pediatric features of the electrocardiogram

  • A small child cannot control his emotions, so sinus or respiratory arrhythmia can often be seen on the ECG.
  • Very often, due to the growth of the heart, incomplete blockade of the right bundle branch may occur.
  • In children in the first six months of life, the right side of the heart predominates, so often, especially on the ECG of newborns, we can see overload of the right atrium or ventricle.
  • The main pacemaker can move through the right atrium, hence the term pacemaker migration.
  • The smaller the child, the shorter the ECG intervals. This is due to faster conduction of excitation through the myocardial conduction system due to the smaller size of the heart.
  • Heart rate decreases with age.
  • Also, at age points of intensive growth (5-6 years, 12-13 years), bradycardia may occur.

What ECG indicators are alarming?

  1. First of all, the doctor looks at the heart rhythm on the ECG film. It can be slowed down - bradycardia or accelerated - tachycardia. Bradycardia is defined when the heart rate is less than 60. But, as stated above, this may be a childhood feature. If bradycardia is observed on the ECG for several years in a row and progresses, you need to think about it.
  2. Hypertrophy of the heart chambers - when the QRS wave complex changes. This may tell us about the presence of congenital heart defects, inflammatory changes in the membranes of the heart.
  3. All kinds of heart blocks. But it should be borne in mind that incomplete blockade requires observation at the initial stages of its detection.
  4. Extraordinary contractions of the heart or extrasystoles. Here you should also remember about the presence of non-cardiac diseases - helminthic infestation, chronic ENT diseases, even gastritis.
  5. Tachycardia - may be associated with excessive anxiety during the examination. But if in everyday life there are attacks of sudden heartbeat in a calm state, you should inform your doctor about it.

What additional examinations are necessary, and for what diagnoses?

The most basic examinations related to cardiac diseases are echocardioscopy (ultrasound of the heart) and daily ECG monitoring (CMECG). These examinations must be carried out in the following conditions:

  1. Bradycardia confirmed in several ECG examinations.
  2. Tachycardia, when palpitations occur at rest.
  3. Ventricular or atrial extrasystoles.
  4. Hypertrophy of the heart chambers.
  5. Complete blockades.
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