Everything about removing spider veins on the face and nose



Duration of the procedure:

5-30 min.

Number of procedures:



from 2,000 rub. (depending on zone)

Recovery period: 3-7 days

Equipment: IPL Quantum device

Every woman in all centuries has tried to look her best. Velvety and toned skin has always been in fashion. But it is not always possible to maintain her smartness and attractiveness. The birth of a child, increased psychological and physical stress, genetic predisposition, vitamin deficiency, kidney or liver disease, bad habits - these are the reasons that can worsen capillary tone. This all contributes to the formation of purple spots on the skin and vascular rashes.

Don't worry about this. Progress does not stand still; for spider veins and spider veins, a procedure was invented - photoremoval of blood vessels.


Spider veins are dilations of the capillaries of blood vessels. On the face they appear in the area of ​​the nose and cheeks. Spider veins are also called telangiectasia.

According to studies, more than 90% of the world's population are “owners” of telangiectasia, which, in turn, combines all types of vascular dilatation on the human body.

The name vascular network appeared due to the fact that dilated capillaries become quite noticeable on the body and form the appearance of a mesh. It is worth noting that such expansion of capillaries does not form without reason. This disease mainly affects women in labor and young mothers; telangiectasia can also be a consequence of a disease such as venous insufficiency.

In the course of the studies, it was revealed that the appearance of the vascular network is not affected by any individual factors or diseases. It has become known that those who are susceptible to chronic varicose veins may not have vascular networks on their body. Thus, we can conclude that the vascular network is not the cause or consequence of any individual diseases, it is a separate problem of the body in each specific case and is often caused by hormonal imbalance.

How is the vascular photocoagulation procedure performed?

Before carrying out photocoagulation, you must adhere to a number of rules. For example, 2 weeks before the session, doctors categorically do not recommend sunbathing or going to the solarium, stopping taking antibiotics, or performing peelings. Three days before the scheduled procedure, you should not wipe the area with dilated blood vessels with alcohol-based products, swim in pools, or steam in saunas or steam baths.

Before the procedure, the patient's skin is treated with anesthetic creams to reduce discomfort during photocoagulation. The emitter is then placed over the affected area. The light stream heats hemoglobin and the blood clots, which leads to the gluing of blood vessels. They die off, become more transparent, are not visible on the surface of the skin, and most importantly, normal blood circulation is restored. Usually pain is unlikely. Patients experience a slight tingling sensation in the area where the device operates. The procedure takes no more than half an hour.

To completely get rid of the unsightly appearance of dilated blood vessels, you need to take a course. It consists of a maximum of 6 sessions. For some people, just one is enough (in the case of spider veins). After the procedure, slight redness is possible. Experts advise removing it with soothing ointments: Bepanten or Panthenol.


The causes of the appearance of spider veins can only be disturbances in the body’s hormonal system; often such “failures” affect women and girls.

Factors influencing the appearance of telangiectasia can be: pregnancy, childbirth, menopause in women, abortion, ovarian cyst. All of the above phenomena stimulate the process of restructuring hormones in the body. Contraceptives can be especially active in this matter, which is why it is recommended to seek advice from specialists before taking them.

In some rare cases, a disease such as telangiectasia may be congenital, especially if there is a family history.

Phototherapy of acne (acne)

From medical research it is known that inflammatory processes in acne are caused by the formation of “plugs” that close the ducts of the glands. This leads to the accumulation of sebum and excessive growth of propionic acne bacteria (Propionibacterium Acnes). And porphyrin is one of the waste products of propionic bacteria.

Under the influence of light irradiation, the substance porphyrin becomes chemically active and enters into a reaction, as a result of which new substances are formed that attack the cells of the propionic bacteria themselves. That is, we can say that acne bacteria kill themselves to some extent. This is precisely the essence of phototherapy for acne - during the procedure there is a direct effect on porphyrin.

Make an appointment

Acne treatment with standard, conservative methods lasts from 2 to 6 months. With the help of phototherapy, as a rule, already in the second or maximum third week, acne begins to decrease and disappears completely on average after 1-2 months. A cycle of 5-10 procedures (standard course of acne phototherapy) can destroy up to 85-90% of acne, even in advanced stages of the disease.

  • lactation and pregnancy;
  • taking tetracycline antibiotics;
  • diabetes mellitus, decompensation stage;
  • chronic diseases in the stage of decompensation;
  • systemic connective tissue diseases;
  • any acute inflammatory diseases;
  • disruption of the immune system;
  • any skin diseases in the active stage in the treatment area;
  • any types of tumors, history of tumor diseases, precancerous conditions;
  • epilepsy;
  • chemical peeling or similar procedures performed less than 2 weeks ago;
  • self-tanning, tanning, visiting a solarium less than 2 weeks ago.
Recommendations after the procedure
  • do not sunbathe for 2 weeks after the procedure;
  • apply Panthenol or Fenistil-gel for 3 days;
  • use sunscreen with a sun protection factor of at least 15 in winter and 30 in summer;
  • limit the use of cosmetics on the face;
  • limit visits to the sauna, steam bath, swimming pool for 3 days.

Phototherapy (photoremoval and phototherapy) is one of the most effective procedures.
Yes, it requires certain costs and effort, but as a result of treatment, you get not only clean, healthy and beautiful skin, but also gain self-confidence, a good mood, a desire to please others and a positive outlook on life! Make an appointment

Ways to treat spider veins


It is the process of introducing a special drug into the vessels - sclerosant, the active substance of which glues the vessels together. After administering the sclerosant, the affected area must be bandaged and compression garments placed on it. Sclerosant is mainly used for lesions of the veins of the lower extremities. The number of necessary procedures directly depends on the extent of the disease. The disadvantage of this method is the fact that the sclerosant does not remove capillaries on the body. The advantage of administering sclerosant is that the operation is less traumatic and easily tolerated, according to reviews.


Involves the effect of electric current on the capillaries. Experts do not recommend removing spider veins on the face using electrocoagulation, since healthy vessels can be affected along with the affected capillaries, and subsequently scars and scars appear on the face. The advantage of the electric shock procedure is the fact that the entire procedure is necessary to treat the vascular network.

Radio wave surgery

A special device “Surgitron” is used. The drug uses high-frequency radio waves in treatment, which, without contacting directly with the skin, remove the vascular network. The advantage of using this technique is that it is low-traumatic and does not cause swelling or the appearance of scar tissue. The disadvantages include the fact that high-frequency waves cannot remove a large number of affected capillaries, according to reviews.

Laser or photocoagulation

The method is often used for cosmetic purposes to remove mesh on the face and décolleté. The technique involves removing the affected vessels with a laser, whereby the capillaries absorb the laser energy and are sealed. The obvious advantages include the fact that photocoagulation is an excellent method that does not require direct contact with the skin. Disadvantages include the fact that laser therapy covers a small area of ​​action, often no more than 3 mm, and also that the use of laser in treatment is not suitable for people with dark or tanned skin. Due to this, laser photocoagulation is used on small areas of skin that have been affected by the vascular network.

Ozone therapy

It is based on the use of an ozone-oxygen mixture in treatment, which in turn stimulates oxidative processes in blood vessels and their walls are destroyed. The use of an ozone mixture is often done to remove spider veins on the legs.


Contraindications for removing vascular network include the following factors:

  • allergic reaction or complete intolerance to the drug sclerosant;
  • renal failure;
  • diabetes;
  • not recommended for use by nursing mothers and women during pregnancy;
  • for inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • heart disease;
  • with the development of peripheral arthropathy.

Photoremoval of pigmentation

Hyperpigmentation of lentigo, which is familiar to us as pigment spots or age spots, also causes a lot of anxiety and inconvenience. This is a mark that forms on the skin due to the harmful effects of solar radiation or due to age-related aging of the skin.

The color of these spots can vary from brown to black, and they themselves are located on areas of the body most often exposed to direct sunlight - hands, face, shoulders, arms, forehead and in patients with androgenetic alopecia.

In the first 5-12 days after the session, during the process of elimination, pigmented areas often darken; they can be disguised using camouflage cosmetics. At the end of the transition period, pigmentation decreases significantly until it completely disappears after a course of several procedures. The course usually consists of 4-6 procedures with an interval of 3-4 weeks.

Before a phototherapy session, the skin is cleansed and a gel is applied to improve light penetration into the deeper layers. The intense pulsed light emitted by the head of the device is absorbed by the natural skin enzyme melanin, deposited in the superficial and deep layers of the skin and forming pigmented zones.

Light energy turns into heat and, as a result of heating, only those areas of the skin where melanin is deposited are destroyed, the surrounding tissues are not damaged.

After the procedure, the skin may become warm and red, but even after the procedure is completed, you can immediately return to work.

Preparation for the procedure

The effectiveness of the procedure largely depends on how responsibly the patient approached the preparation and recovery period.

Before carrying out photoremoval of blood vessels, it is important to follow several rules:

  • Limit your time in direct sunlight, or use a UV protection cream with at least SPF30.
  • 2-3 days before photoremoval of blood vessels, you should stop using products containing alcohol (lotions, tonics, etc.).
  • Be sure to tell your esthetician if you are taking any medications or oral contraceptives. Among them may be those that increase the photosensitivity of the skin, which will require correction of the laser pulse power.


  • Oncology;
  • Mental illnesses;
  • Diabetes;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Pathological growths of connective tissue, tendency to keloids;
  • Blood clotting disorder;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Any injuries, inflammations and damage to the skin;
  • Acute infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases.

To remove rosacea in Moscow, sign up at the Academy of Cosmetology “Premium Aesthetics” clinic by phone: 8 (499) 346-02-92

Care and recommendations

A few days before laser removal of rosacea, it is recommended:

  • refuse baths and saunas
  • eliminate alcohol
  • Do not use exfoliating scrubs or chemical facial peels.

After removing rosacea on the face, it is advisable to:

  • give the skin rest, under no circumstances tear off the crusts formed after the procedure
  • in case of discomfort and increased peeling, you can apply Panthenol or Bepanten creams
  • do not use alcohol-containing cosmetics for the first days after removal
  • Avoid bright sunlight, so it is better to carry out this procedure from November to March
  • Limit water procedures for a couple of days
  • do not visit the sauna and bathhouse for 2-3 weeks
  • temporarily avoid going to the cosmetologist.


Our clinic specialists use the Fotona SP Dynamis laser, a neodymium laser with a wavelength of 1064 nm, to remove spider veins (telangiectasia) on the legs. Such laser characteristics provide: firstly, effective coagulation of blood vessels in the legs of both venous and arterial origin; secondly, complete safety for the skin surface. Due to the selectivity of the neodymium laser, superficial visible capillaries are sealed without damaging surrounding tissues.

Advantages of FOTONA neodymium laser

  • There is no rehabilitation period.
  • Possibility of selecting strictly individual impact parameters.
  • Controlled point selectivity of exposure along the entire length of the visible capillary.
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