Myths and truth about rosacea on the face and methods of treating it

A gentle blush and glowing skin are the result of self-care and good blood circulation on the face. But rosy cheeks are not always a sign of health. Unfortunately, sometimes unpleasant red dots and spider veins begin to appear on the skin. This is rosacea. It can appear all over the body. But such “stars” on the face (in fact, these are dilated blood vessels) worry us most of all. And then we turn to medical cosmetology to remove the capillary network on the face. This redness is caused by dilated blood vessels that extend almost to the surface of the skin. Most often, this pathology overtakes those with thin and delicate skin. They should be especially careful when carrying out many procedures, chemical peels and using strong scrubs. Sensitive skin reacts most acutely to such intervention. And besides this, such a vascular network on the face does not have the best effect on our perception of our own appearance.

Modern cosmetologists offer an effective means of combating the manifestations of rosacea, allowing you to restore a healthy natural glow and an even, fresh complexion. Removing blood vessels with a laser is a painless and safe way to get rid of spider veins.

In this article, we will study in detail what rosacea is, why it manifests itself, what methods besides laser therapy exist to remove it and achieve ideal skin, and is it easy to remove the vascular network on the face?

What is rosacea and the reasons for its appearance

Couperosis on the face

- This is a cosmetic defect that appears due to dilated blood vessels. They are visible through the skin and look like “stars” or “cobwebs” of capillaries.

Most often, rosacea occurs in the area of ​​the cheeks, chin, and wings of the nose. Spider veins on the skin indicate fragility and weakness of blood vessels. Vessels that have lost their elasticity lose their ability to contract after exercise, and blood stagnates and expands. This type of imperfection occurs predominantly in those with low-pigmentation and thin skin of phototypes I and II.

According to their configuration, spider veins from rosacea are divided into:

  • Arachnids
  • Spot
  • Linear

Stages of development of rosacea

Spider veins can appear at any age in both women and men. However, statistics show that this problem most often occurs in patients over 35 years of age.

Dermatologists distinguish 4 main stages of the manifestation of rosacea:

  • Stage 1
    - after a long stay in a hot environment with very dry air, irritation appears on the face. Several dilated capillaries appear on the skin. The problem is local.
  • Stage 2
    - over time, adjacent dilated capillaries unite into one network, the vessels become more noticeable and acquire a pronounced shade.
  • Stage 3
    - the network of blood vessels becomes more noticeable, the redness does not go away on its own and becomes permanent.
  • Stage 4
    - the pathological process affects not only small vessels, but all vessels on the surface of the face. Due to massive capillary spasm, areas of local skin blanching appear, and the capillaries become as visible as possible.

Causes that provoke the appearance of rosacea

Cuperosis is caused by stagnation of blood in the vessels of the skin: the walls of stretched capillaries become thinner and appear on the surface of the skin as a vascular network.
As a result, this can cause increased skin sensitivity, dehydration, irritation, and peeling of tissues. Dermatovenerologist Alexander Prokofiev, medical expert of the La Roche-Posay brand.

The main factors for the appearance of rosacea on the face:

  • Vitamin deficiency, namely lack of vitamins A, C;
  • Thinning, weakening of the reactive epidermis;
  • Taking certain hormonal medications;
  • Hormonal fluctuations in the body (imbalance of estrogen and progesterone), for example, during pregnancy or menopause;
  • Prolonged exposure to extremely high or low temperatures, for example, during hardening, overheating in the sun, in a bath, frostbite;
  • High blood pressure;
  • Bad habits (smoking, alcohol);
  • Excessive insolation;
  • Unbalanced diet: excessively spicy or salty foods are one of the factors that weaken blood vessels.

Signs of development of vascular disorders

Facial redness

This is the initial stage of vascular disorders, which is called erythrosis. Occurs under certain circumstances and provoking factors. Sometimes it appears for no reason. The wings of the nose, cheeks and chin are most prone to the onset of the disease. The sensitivity of the skin in these areas increases and it becomes red. A sick person complains of fever, itching, and tingling. This state can last from a couple of minutes to two hours. This skin pathology on the face can spread to the neck.

Constant redness

In problem areas there is already a constant state of redness of the skin. Spider veins and stars begin to appear, as well as pigmentation.

This condition is similar to a flush or sunburn that does not go away.

Skin changes

The skin becomes thinner, dries out, and has a grayish color. Inflammation begins in problem areas, sometimes they become covered with a rash. The disease progresses gradually and its third stage without treatment occurs 20-30 years from the onset of the pathology.

How to get rid of rosacea on the face using cosmetics?

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to get rid of spider veins on your face with the help of cosmetics alone – noticeable dilated blood vessels can be minimized only in combination with salon aesthetic procedures. To prevent the recurrence of spider veins, it is important to properly formulate a beauty routine and use cosmetics for hypersensitive skin.

Depending on the root cause of blood stagnation, medications, vitamin and mineral complexes and supplements may also be prescribed to combat rosacea.

To effectively care for rosacea-prone skin, use cosmetics that:

  • Reduce irritation and soothe the epidermis
  • Reduces skin sensitivity
  • Strengthens capillary walls

Avoid abrasive products in favor of soft gommages and peels. Look for soothing components in the formulas of anti-rosacea products: rose water, essential oils, horse chestnut extract, vitamins A, C, E, K, R. The following components will help relieve skin irritation: panthenol, plant extracts, allantoin.

If you need to quickly remove rosacea on your face

, then use foundation for sensitive skin. For example, hypoallergenic foundation Rosaliac CC Crème. Its formula is specially designed for skin prone to redness and rosacea. The product will instantly disguise spider veins, and the ambophenol in the composition will help reduce skin redness.

To cleanse skin with rosacea

use gentle cleansers. For example, Rosaliac Gel micellar gel. It will effectively remove makeup, cleanse sensitive skin of impurities and soothe it.

To moisturize the skin

Apply Rosaliac UV Légère emulsion. It not only delicately moisturizes and softens the skin, but also strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Improving blood microcirculation can significantly reduce skin redness.

To enhance the protective function of the skin and eliminate temporary redness

use Rosaliac UV Riche cream. Its formula contains vitamins GG and PP, which effectively eliminate temporary redness and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

The skin around the eyes is thinner and more delicate, so specialized products are needed to care for it. Get rid of rosacea around the eyes (effectively remove redness)

Toleriane Ultra Yeux care will help. The product will reduce the feeling of discomfort and reduce swelling of the skin under the eyes. With constant use, redness noticeably decreases, irritation and unpleasant swelling in the eyelid area disappear.

Treatment of rosacea in the salon

In the fight against spider veins on the face, three aesthetic tactics have proven themselves to be excellent, which can significantly minimize such a defect:

  1. Laser therapy:
    a laser is applied to an area of ​​skin, the site of exposure is heated to the required depth, the damaged capillary is “sealed” and smoothed.
  2. Photorejuvenation:
    a similar result is achieved through light exposure of the skin.
  3. Ozone therapy:
    according to the principle of mesotherapy, it involves the introduction under the skin of an ozone-oxygen mixture that destroys the damaged capillary, but has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system as a whole.

Spider veins and redness. Before and after

Spider veins and redness can be of different shapes and locations on the face. Sometimes it’s a star on the nose, and sometimes there’s a sort of painful blush on the cheeks. And the desire to remove such a mark is understandable, because the foundation does not always cover this vascular feature.

Procedures using the IPL system allow you to do this in 1-4 visits. The number of procedures depends on the severity of the process and the individual characteristics of the skin. The interval between procedures is 3-5 weeks; it is better to plan them for the autumn-winter period (spring to April).

Recovery time is 1-3 days, redness and swelling are possible after the procedure. Immediately after, you can apply light makeup.

Cosmetologist's work:
  • From 1 to 4 procedures
  • Interval 3-5 weeks
  • IPL system
  • Rehabilitation up to 3 days

Is it possible to cure rosacea on the face with cream?

The answer is no.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to completely get rid of rosacea with the help of cosmetics, masks, folk remedies, exercises or self-massage - the dilated vessel will not disappear and will continue to show through under the skin. Dermatovenerologist Alexander Prokofiev, medical expert of the La Roche-Posay brand.

The spider veins are removed in the clinic using special equipment. Cosmetics can soothe sensitive skin, relieve redness, and prevent the appearance of new stars and the expansion of existing ones. Cosmetics only mask the manifestation of rosacea, improve microcirculation and prevent the situation from getting worse.

Stages of rosacea

Couperosis first appears with slight redness of the skin, burning, and itching. The disease then develops as follows:

  • redness of the skin becomes persistent;
  • the skin dries out and stars appear;
  • skin inflammation does not go away.

How to choose a cream for skin with rosacea?

  • Give preference to cosmetics labeled “for the care of skin prone to redness.”
  • Nourish and moisturize the skin sufficiently (choose a cream with a moisturizing effect): dehydrated skin thins faster, the elasticity of the vascular wall decreases and its fragility increases.
  • Look for peptides in the basis of anti-rosacea formulas - they restore blood vessels, normalizing their cellular metabolism.
  • Choose pharmaceutical cosmetics: the active formulas of such products can solve several problems at the same time and are distinguished by a high content of active ingredients: vitamins and minerals, hyaluronic acid, enzymes, peptides, thermal water, natural antioxidant extracts.
  • Among the entire range of pharmacy brands, French manufacturers of cosmetics stand out, the effectiveness of whose products is confirmed by quality certificates and approved by dermatologists and cosmetologists.
  • At any time of the year, use a day cream with SPF of at least 30; during a beach holiday, use Sunscreen with maximum protection.

How to care for skin prone to rosacea: advice from a dermatologist

When caring for skin with visible spider veins, it is important to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Choose cosmetics with a hypoallergenic formula for reactive skin;
  2. Avoid using products with a thick, oily texture;
  3. Do not use aggressive products to deep cleanse the skin: hard scrubs and acid peels;
  4. Minimize temperature contrasts (do not overuse baths and saunas);
  5. Avoid excessive pressure on the skin and active facial massages;
  6. In sunny weather, do not forget to apply SPF protection.

Laser coagulation method

The essence of the procedure is that the laser seals the walls of damaged vessels, which prevents the flow of blood into them, due to which the network of capillaries becomes completely invisible.

The advantages of the technique are its painlessness, the absence of any marks on the skin after the course of treatment. In addition, I note that this does not cause any harm to the entire circulatory system.

Sessions can be held both in winter and summer. The duration of one procedure is about forty minutes. The number of appointments with a cosmetologist in this case will depend on the degree of complexity of the disease. At the initial stage of rosacea, four sessions may be enough, but to get rid of advanced rosacea, it is best to spend at least seven.

It is important not to use any cosmetics during the treatment period; the effect of such therapy will be noticeable on the third or fourth day.

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