Spider veins: what is rosacea and how to get rid of it?

Spider veins (webs or telangiectasia) are small visible dilated blood vessels (capillaries) that are located under the surface of the skin. They may be red (fed by cutaneous arteries called arterioles), purple, or blue (fed by reticular veins). The most common locations include the face, upper chest, and neck. Thin red lines that appear to extend across areas of the cheeks and nose indicate a spider web-like appearance (rosacea). The reason for the appearance of spider veins on the body is explained by disturbances in the metabolism of sex hormones in the hepatic system. Treatment of spider veins is a very difficult job for a phlebologist.

Most often, patients present with telangiectasis on the legs. In foreign literature, such spider veins are called spider veins. Spider veins on the legs can become quite noticeable, which for some patients creates a cosmetic problem, but they do not hurt. Because of their small size and superficial location, spider veins rarely lead to venous insufficiency, but many seek to eliminate them to improve aesthetic appearance. It is these signs of varicose veins that attract more attention and therefore are most often the reason for contacting a specialist after unsuccessful “treatment” with apple cider vinegar, folk methods and medications.

Women and stars

Women, you are beautiful at any age. Each of you is beautiful in your own way. Each has its own unique image and a whole set of charming advantages. One of them is beautiful legs. You are a woman and you, like no one else, know how important it is for them to look healthy, beautiful, well-groomed and attractive. First of all, this allows you to delight yourself with the opportunity to diversify your wardrobe as much as possible. Especially in the summer, when you want to give yourself the pleasure of trying on new open, beautiful, fashionable and at the same time comfortable things (swimsuits, miniskirts, short dresses, shorts, breeches, etc.). How nice it is to wear what you like, look 100 percent, be confident and receive admiring compliments. What a joy it is to be an inexhaustible source of inspiration for others and your chosen one. It's priceless.

Unfortunately, there are a number of foot problems that can be frustrating and inconvenient for you. They can deprive you of the pleasure of shining as you deserve. Spider veins (vascular or capillary spider veins, telangiectasias) are one of these problems. As a rule, when a woman first encounters this, many questions arise that await answers. What is this? What did I get? What are spider veins? What are the reasons for their occurrence? Why are they dangerous? What to do with them? How are they treated? Is it possible to remove them? What are the removal options? Which technique should you choose? Where to remove spider veins? What is the price? What is the price in Moscow? Cost of the procedure? Are there any complications after their removal and what are they?

If you have already found the answers to these and other questions, then you can immediately contact our clinic for spider vein removal. We have been successfully providing specialized care for over 25 years. We are waiting for you.

If you have just begun to understand the complexities of this problem, look for detailed information, do not worry, we will definitely help you. In our article we will try to answer all your questions briefly and to the point.

Where to remove spider veins?

You can remove spider veins on your face or body at any of our centers. You can choose any center convenient for you; our centers are located near the metro.

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What are spider veins (webs)?

Cosmetic defect (telangiectasia). Expanded blue or red stripes and veins appear on the legs, which form an intricate pattern. They are persistent and do not disappear. These are small vessels (veins) in the superficial layers of the skin on the legs that persistently dilate and become visible. Most often, the vascular pattern or pattern has a mesh, web-like or star-shaped shape. Hence the name of the star, mesh or cobweb. There are other configurations: linear, tree and point.

Spider vein removal cost

Procedure/zonePrice, in rubles
Laser treatment of angiectasia on the face, 1 cm2750,00
Laser treatment of angiectasia on the eyelid, 1 cm21 500,00
Laser treatment of angiectasia on the nose, 1 cm21 100,00
Laser treatment of angiectasia on the cheek, 1 cm2900,00
Laser treatment of angiectasia on the body above the waist, 1 cm2500,00
Laser treatment of punctate angioma700,00
**Registration certificate No. FS-2005/044 dated June 22, 2005

all prices in the section Laser cosmetology prices

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  • 1 If the procedure is carried out on the day of consultation, see the conditions
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What are the reasons for the appearance?

The appearance of vascular defects in the form of stars or mesh occurs against the background of disruption of the functioning of the venous and capillary system. This in turn is associated with a local increase in blood pressure and a decrease in vascular tone.

Two main types of factors lead to this pathology:

Congenital or hereditary:

  • connective tissue weakness
  • hereditary vascular pathology


  • altered or disrupted hormonal levels (pregnancy, menopause, puberty, abortion and others)
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system (varicose veins, etc.)
  • aging (loss of vascular tone)
  • overweight and obesity
  • Excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation, sunbathing and solariums
  • prolonged forced standing or sitting
  • excessive stress on the legs (sports, dancing, harmful working conditions)
  • injuries and microtraumas of the skin
  • hypothermia
  • bad habits (smoking and alcohol abuse)

What does modern prevention of varicose veins of the lower extremities include:

  • Physiologically sufficient physical activity. Hiking, swimming, cycling are useful. With these types of loads, the calf muscle is activated, which maintains the necessary tone of the venous system of the lower extremities.
  • Proper, balanced nutrition. The required amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements must be supplied to the body daily.
  • The use of compression hosiery under excessive and static loads, as well as air travel.
  • A preventive visit to a phlebologist to monitor the condition of the venous system.

By following these simple rules you can keep your legs healthy and beautiful for a long time.

Self-medication and prevention of varicose veins are two different things!

Various ointments, creams, as well as baths with herbal decoctions can provide some pleasure, but cannot prevent the development of varicose veins. All these effects are not effective prevention of varicose veins of the legs (lower limbs). Do not think that preventing varicose veins can completely prevent the development of the disease. There is nothing absolute in this world. However, prevention of varicose veins can give many years of life without symptoms of the disease.

Why are they dangerous?

Spider veins themselves do not pose a direct health risk. They create only an aesthetic defect and bring internal discomfort to the owner. However, their appearance may signal more serious health problems that need to be addressed as quickly as possible. Unresolved problems tend to progress, which in turn can lead to a deterioration in the general condition and lead to other complications.

The number of stars usually increases over time. Very large cobwebs increase in size and are often combined with varicose veins of large veins. Cosmetic defects may be accompanied by heaviness and fatigue after walking. The legs and feet may swell. It is important to remember that in most cases, the more pathological changes in the superficial vessels on the legs, the more difficult it is to remove them.

Places of education

Formations of this kind can appear on absolutely any part of the body. However, there are several of the most common areas of their occurrence:

  • wings of the nose;
  • cheeks;
  • feet;
  • ankles;
  • anterior surface of the lower leg;
  • popliteal region;
  • middle third of the outer thigh.

Pathological formations can also, in rare cases, appear on the back, neck and arms. However, it is important to remember that, regardless of where the skin defects in the form of a vascular network are formed, it is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner. He will conduct an examination, on the basis of which it will be possible to determine their nature, make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. If you leave SZ that appears on the human body without attention, you can provoke the development of more serious diseases of the venous system.

It is recommended to exclude any forms of self-medication in order to prevent an increase in the affected area of ​​the SZ. You can count on a positive result only in case of therapy according to the recommendations and under the supervision of a professional doctor.

On foot

The appearance of telangiectasia on the legs in most cases may go unnoticed due to the absence of pain or another form of manifestation of its occurrence. This can lead to the pathology developing into an advanced form. As a result, swelling and a feeling of heaviness will appear in the lower extremities. If you ignore these manifestations of pathological disorders, the condition will noticeably worsen.

In fact, the formation of a defect in the legs is the first and quite serious sign of problems with blood vessels. The branches can vary in color and shape and are located on the lower limbs in groups or parallel to each other. Don't assume that the problem will solve itself. Treatment of spider veins on the legs should be carried out under the supervision of an experienced phlebologist. In honey you can definitely find qualified help in eliminating telangiectasia.

On the face

The vascular network on the skin in different areas of the face, otherwise called rosacea, is a signal of weakened and brittle blood vessels. As a rule, this defect appears on dry and sensitive skin. It is worth noting that eliminating this aesthetic imperfection is quite difficult.

Cuperosis is a cosmetic imperfection that occurs due to dilation of blood vessels, which can be traced through the skin in the form of cobwebs or stars. In most cases, imperfections appear on the chin, cheeks, and wings of the nose as a result of the loss of elasticity of the vessels under the influence of stress. This leads to stagnation of blood and their expansion.

Dermatologists distinguish the following stages of rosacea:

  • The first
    , manifested in the form of irritation due to prolonged exposure to an environment with high air temperatures and dry air. In this case, it is appropriate to talk about the local nature of the problem.
  • The second
    , in which dilated capillaries located in the vicinity begin to merge into a single network. This stage is characterized by a brighter color of the vessels.
  • The third
    , characterized by a greater severity of the capillary network and redness.
  • Fourth
    . At this stage, not only small vessels, but also all other vessels on the face are susceptible to pathological effects. This leads to the appearance of areas of local blanching of the skin and clearly visible capillaries.

Can self-medication help?

As a rule, this does not give the desired effect. A comprehensive examination, consultation with a phlebologist and development of a treatment plan are required. Very often you come across information that seriously talks about the possibility of getting rid of star veins using folk recipes (apple cider vinegar, pine and flower baths, Kalanchoe infusion, tomato compress). We don’t think that this is the correct and rational solution to the problem for you and we don’t recommend experimenting on your patience and health.

Vessels (rosacea). Before and after

Red cheeks, red face, spider veins, rosacea, rosacea

Red cheeks, red face, spider veins, rosacea, rosacea - there are many names, but the essence is the same. Expansion of the superficial vascular network is a genetic predisposition that is enhanced by many external factors (air temperature, nutrition, stress).

Such redness on the face today can only be removed using IPL, broadband intense light, this is a hardware technique. 3-4 procedures at intervals of a month, and excellent results.

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Treatment of spider veins:

  • sclerotherapy
  • laser
  • electrocoagulation
  • ozone therapy

Different clinics use different options. In some cases, a classic operation may be required - surgical removal of an incompetent vein. The choice of the most preferred method is individual. It is carried out with a focus on your wishes and at the same time, clinical feasibility and effectiveness are necessarily taken into account. The final optimal decision can only be made by an experienced, good phlebologist . Based on our 25 years of experience, sclerotherapy is the most effective, safe and comfortable technique. It allows you to achieve impressive, long-lasting cosmetic results.

Wine stains on the face. Before and after

This is not the final result

Port-wine stains on the face and other open areas of the skin are very disturbing to owners. Some people get used to their presence over the years, while others come and remove them. Removing port-wine stains is not an easy task, but it is completely within the capabilities of both the patient and the doctor. This photo shows the result after 3 procedures and this is not the final result .

In addition to photo flashes on a device with an IPL system, special medications are prescribed for home care. The procedures are carried out at intervals of 3-5 weeks. Rehabilitation - redness and slight swelling of the treated area for 1 to 3 days.

Cosmetologist's work:
  • Procedure interval 3-5 weeks
  • Rehabilitation up to 3 days
  • IPL system
  • Not final result

Sclerotherapy (microsclerotherapy)

We perform the procedure on an outpatient basis without hospitalization, without incisions and without pain. Duration about an hour. Minimum restrictions. Treat the skin at the injection site with an antiseptic (alcohol wipe). A special liquid or foamed preparation – sclerosant – is injected into the dilated visible saphenous vein and the feeding branches that make up the defect through a thin needle (insulin syringe). It causes adhesion, gluing and sclerosis of the vein walls. Due to these effects, we turn off damaged vessels from the bloodstream. The Veinlite device allows us to visualize the veins well.

For sclerotherapy, we use the best products Fibro-Vayne or Athoxysklerol.

If there are a large number of stars, additional injections may be necessary to achieve optimal results.

Next, we apply special gauze pads to the areas of sclerosant injection and put on compression stockings for 3-4 days. Compression therapy allows you to reduce venous pressure and accelerate the necessary initial gluing of the walls of the asterisk vessels. The level and duration of compression pressure is determined individually.

After sclerotherapy, the rehabilitation period is short. As a rule, there is no need to take sick leave. You will be pleasantly surprised when you see how quickly there is no trace left of the star. In the long term, an excellent, lasting aesthetic effect is preserved. It is very important to follow all our recommendations after the procedure. Our professionalism, concentration and experience will allow you to be confident in the results. Grateful reviews from our patients confirm that we are on the right track. We will do everything to make you satisfied.

Vessels on the face, redness and swelling. Before and after

The procedure is not very pleasant, but tolerable, and most importantly, quite fast. Rehabilitation takes an average of 24 hours; in rare cases, there may be redness and swelling for up to 3-5 days. Therefore, if you have not undergone a similar procedure before, it is better to schedule it before a couple of days off. Usually 3-4 procedures are required with an interval of 3-5 weeks, the effect is often visible after 1-2 procedures.


This technique uses laser radiation of a special frequency. The laser beam allows you to glue, solder and sclerosis the veins that make up the cosmetic defect. It is worth noting that despite its popularity, the technique has obvious disadvantages. The procedure is accompanied by a significant thermal effect on the skin with burning of the entire star pattern, whereas with sclerotherapy the sclerosant is injected and distributed through one injection point. With laser exposure, it is not always possible to close the “feeding veins,” which can lead to the rapid appearance of new subcutaneous patterns.

Which is better: sclerotherapy or laser coagulation?

These methods are not opposed, but rather complement each other. Larger vessels are better removed by sclerotherapy (it is easier to puncture them with a needle and inject the drug, there is less chance of rupture of the vein during injection, correctly administered sclerosant in the form of foam almost 100% leads to gluing of the vascular network). A small vascular network is difficult to treat with sclerotherapy due to technical reasons (the diameter of the vessels of the network can be comparable to the diameter of the needle). And for percutaneous laser coagulation, this is an advantage, since it is easier to heat and “seal” such a vessel with a laser without the possibility of burning the overlying skin. Thus, first, large vessels are removed using sclerotherapy, and then small ones are “reached” with a laser.

What is the price? Cost of treatment

A very important issue is the cost of removing stars. Agree, it should be reasonable. In our practice, we use the most cost-effective minimally invasive technique - sclerotherapy. We differ from other clinics in that it is very important to us that you get the desired aesthetic result with minimal time and an affordable price.

Please note that our one-time, one-time payment includes the entire course of treatment and the necessary ultrasound control. Everything is included, regardless of the number of required visits, sclerotherapy sessions, procedures, follow-up visits and additional injections. We are not supporters of low prices for each treatment session (clinic visit). In some cases, many such sessions or visits may be required (5, 10 or even 15). In some medical centers, the final amount for a course of treatment can actually become very high and will unpleasantly surprise you.

Our main difference and advantage is kindness, attention, experience, competence and professionalism of the phlebologist Igor Vitalievich Elshansky.

In addition, with us you can always, at a time convenient for you, without a queue, by appointment, undergo a complete diagnosis of the condition of the vessels of the lower extremities (veins and arteries) with discounts on the promotion. Our medical center is equipped with modern diagnostic and treatment equipment.

How to choose a cream for skin with rosacea?

  • Give preference to cosmetics labeled “for the care of skin prone to redness.”
  • Nourish and moisturize the skin sufficiently (choose a cream with a moisturizing effect): dehydrated skin thins faster, the elasticity of the vascular wall decreases and its fragility increases.
  • Look for peptides in the basis of anti-rosacea formulas - they restore blood vessels, normalizing their cellular metabolism.
  • Choose pharmaceutical cosmetics: the active formulas of such products can solve several problems at the same time and are distinguished by a high content of active ingredients: vitamins and minerals, hyaluronic acid, enzymes, peptides, thermal water, natural antioxidant extracts.
  • Among the entire range of pharmacy brands, French manufacturers of cosmetics stand out, the effectiveness of whose products is confirmed by quality certificates and approved by dermatologists and cosmetologists.
  • At any time of the year, use a day cream with SPF of at least 30; during a beach holiday, use Sunscreen with maximum protection.

How to avoid? Prevention

Prevention is always cheaper than cure. In order to prevent the appearance of spider veins, there are simple methods that must be followed.

  • correction of hormonal levels (especially female sex hormones)
  • examination and treatment of chronic cardiovascular diseases and gastrointestinal tract
  • avoid prolonged exposure to the sun
  • avoid baths and saunas
  • do not wear tight clothes
  • diet
  • avoid excessive physical activity
  • avoid prolonged forced sitting and standing
  • avoid hypothermia
  • eliminate bad habits (smoking, alcohol)
  • exercises


We have selected for you the simplest and most effective options for physical activity that will ensure sufficient blood circulation in the legs, relieve tension, relax muscles and help prevent the formation of asterisks.

  • Standing. We walk in place without lifting the tips of our toes from the floor (up to 2 minutes)
  • Standing. As you inhale, raise your arms up to your sides. At the same time, stand on your toes. As you exhale, lower your heels. Bend your knees slightly. Put your hands down. At the same time, stand on your toes. As you exhale, lower yourself onto your heels. Bend your knees slightly. Lower your arms (up to 10 times)
  • Standing. Take one leg back. Stay in this position for a few seconds. Repeat with the other leg too. (up to 10 times)
  • Jumping rope (up to 10 minutes).
  • Sitting. Legs stand together. Raise one leg towards your chest. Hands hold your knee. Return to the starting position. Alternately with the right and left foot. (up to 10 times on each leg).
  • Sitting or lying down. Place your legs straight on a stand above the level of sitting or lying down. Relax for 10-20 minutes.
  • Lying on your back. Straighten your legs and rotate them in the same way as you would when riding a bicycle.
  • Use only your feet and toes to pick up small objects on the floor.
  • Sitting. Place your legs at 90 degrees. Slowly raise your heels as high as possible without lifting your toes off the floor. Perform the exercise for both legs and separately for each (10 times)
  • Sitting on a chair. Straighten your legs. Rest on your heels. Stretch your toes towards you. Initial position. (up to 10 times).
  • Sitting or lying down. Alternately bend and straighten your toes (up to 10 times).
  • Sitting or lying down. Lift your heels off the floor and cross your straightened legs (up to 10 times).
  • Lying on your back. Raise your straightened legs perpendicular to the floor. Take turns bending and straightening your knees (up to 10 times)
  • Lying on your back. Press your shoulders and elbows to the floor. Using your palms to keep your hips raised, rotate your shins. Don't lift your feet off the floor.
  • Lying on your back. Straighten your legs. Pull the toe towards you. Then from myself. Alternately with each leg. (up to 10 times)
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