Treatment of rosacea (telangiectasia): vascular network, asterisks

What are spider veins and what are the methods for eliminating them?

7 clinics in Moscow since 1994 ☎ what you need to know about spider vein removal before choosing a clinic and other questions

Why spider vein removal is best done at Rednor Centers

have been working on the Russian market since 1994, during which time they have gained enormous experience and provided assistance to tens of thousands of patients. Our doctors are among the most experienced. By trusting us, you choose quality and safety.

Spider veins (or scientifically telangiectasia or rosacea) are persistent dilatations of small blood vessels in the skin that do not have an inflammatory cause and manifest themselves in the form of venous manifestations visible through the skin of the body, reminiscent of a cobweb or mesh. The appearance of such manifestations may be red, blue or purple

Spider veins. Is it dangerous?

Spider veins themselves are not a disease that poses any danger or threat to the life and health of the patient. In some cases, spider veins may be accompanied by pain and swelling at the site of their localization, and only this brings physical inconvenience to the patient.

Often, such manifestations are considered to be exclusively a cosmetic defect, and many do not pay attention to them. But in reality, this approach is not entirely correct. Manifestations in the form of changes in the smallest vessels are an alarming sign. The fact is that the appearance of spider veins (rosacea) indicates that a person begins to change in the elasticity of the capillary walls, and if at the first stage, visible manifestations are noticeable only on small capillaries, this does not mean at all that similar changes do not occur in more large veins (which are stronger and more elastic by default)

Why spider veins appear on the face: the main causes and treatment methods

Cosmetologists distinguish three main types of rosacea:

  • Venous
  • Arterial
  • Capillary

Most often, this problem is faced by women with thin and most sensitive skin, because they suffer the most from temperature changes, exposure to cosmetics and sunlight.

However, it is important to understand that a network of spider veins can cause anxiety not only for older ladies, but also for very young ladies. Couperosis can even occur in children and adolescents, especially if it is passed on to them at the genetic level.

Here are the main signs of its manifestation:

  • The appearance of redness on the skin that does not have clear boundaries. Most often they form in the areas of the forehead, wings of the nose, and chin.
  • Itching that causes discomfort after washing, walking in the fresh air and or applying cosmetics.
  • Burning and tingling sensations.
  • A network of blood vessels that becomes noticeable on the surface of the face.

All these signs characterize the initial stage of rosacea.

A neglected situation is characterized by such phenomena as:

  • Formation of relief seals.
  • The appearance of pinkish acne.
  • Dark red bumps in the affected area.


The reason for the appearance of spider veins is a violation of venous circulation and changes in the elasticity of the capillary walls. The appearance of spider veins does NOT ALWAYS indicate the existence of post-thrombotic or varicose pathology. Likewise, and vice versa, the presence of diagnosed varicose veins does not mean that spider veins may appear.

If you observe manifestations of spider veins on your body, we recommend that you consult a doctor for advice and an accurate diagnosis.

Who gets spider veins?

Spider veins appear in both women and men. In women, spider veins appear much more often (about twice as many). Typically, women react more often to the appearance of spider veins, since such a defect on the skin irritates them and they want to get rid of it, regardless of the reasons for its appearance, while men react to these manifestations much less often, not paying due attention to it or not at all. ignoring.

Causes of spider veins

According to statistics, from 20 to 30% of the adult population of the planet have spider veins. Women are predominantly affected by this disease; in 80% of cases, the cause of spider veins in women is pregnancy and childbirth.

Other reasons for the appearance of spider veins include:

  • Hereditary predisposition
  • Postponed birth
  • Hormonal disorders (including changes in hormonal levels during pregnancy and/or a history of abortions)
  • As a result of the use of hormonal drugs (including hormonal contraceptives)
  • Upon the onset of menopause (menopause)
  • long-term venous insufficiency
  • Decreased tone of the vessel walls (including age-related)
  • Chronic gastrointestinal diseases (liver and intestines)
  • Chronic diseases of the endocrine system
  • Chronic diseases of the circulatory system (hypertension)
  • Heavy physical activity (including high-intensity sports with a predominant load on the leg muscles, such as dancing, cycling, skiing and others)
  • High stress on the legs due to prolonged wearing of high heels
  • Professional working conditions (standing work)
  • Excessive passion for baths and saunas
  • Abuse of sunbathing (including solariums)
  • Consequences after frostbite of the extremities
  • Incorrectly performed cosmetic procedures (deep or excessively intense peeling)
  • Presence of venous diseases (for example, varicose veins)
  • Frequent and sudden changes in temperature
  • Bleeding disorders
  • Previous surgical operations
  • Injuries
  • Alcohol abuse
  • Smoking
  • Being overweight (the higher the percentage of obesity, the higher the chance of spider veins)
  • Age (the likelihood of spider veins increases with age)
  • Vitamin C hypovitaminosis
  • Lifestyle with low physical activity (for example: sedentary work)

Contraindications to microsclerotherapy

The microsclerotherapy procedure for telangiectasia is an innovative, fairly safe, planned procedure. But, as with absolutely any invasive technique, it has contraindications:

  • Skin diseases in the area of ​​intervention of an inflammatory and infectious nature.
  • Acute period of deep or superficial vein thrombosis.
  • Pregnancy and lactation period.
  • Allergic reaction to sclerosant.
  • Presence of thrombophilia (hypercoagulable state).
  • Impaired motor activity of the patient.
  • The presence of an open oval window of the heart (for the use of a foam form of the drug).
  • Lymphostasis.

Adequate compression after the procedure significantly improves the aesthetic result. Therefore, aesthetic microsclerotherapy in patients for whom compression therapy is contraindicated is not contraindicated, but has its own nuances.

In the presence of morbid obesity, as a rule, a larger number of microsclerotherapy sessions are required and difficulties in selecting compression stockings are required. During long flights and hormonal therapy, it is better to refrain from aesthetic procedures and perform it later.

Types of spider veins

By origin:


In case the width of their threads exceeds 0.02 mm


Arterial spider veins are usually red in color. Mostly, arterial spider veins diverge from the main arteriole in different directions and have an appearance somewhat similar to a spider


Spider veins most often appear on the nose and cheeks and appear as reddish or purple stars in a linear or tree-like pattern

Classification of spider veins according to external manifestation:


Pinpoint spider veins are manifestations expressed as a single element of a vein or capillary that is visible through the skin. It is often not very large in size and can sometimes be perceived as a mole, only of a slightly different color. In large quantities, they can combine into large red spots


A tree-shaped spider vein is a manifestation in the form of a “sprout” of a vein, from which capillaries diverge in one direction. In appearance it resembles a plant with roots or a branch. Most often they are blue in color.


Spider veins are manifestations in the form of a single arteriole, from which spider veins diverge in different directions. Unlike the tree-like manifestation of spider veins, here the discrepancies do not have one distinct direction of “movement”, but diverge in different directions. Spider veins visually resemble a spider with many legs. Most often red.


Linear spider veins appear as small stripes, often in one direction. Visually, linear spider veins are similar to the appearance of postpartum stretch marks on the abdomen. They are found in both blue and red colors and usually appear on the cheeks and nose.

There are many external manifestations of spider veins, and a person can experience several types of manifestations of spider veins at once. But you shouldn’t be scared, the treatment for spider veins is the same.

Places of appearance (localization) of spider veins

Such formations can appear on any part of the body

More often

1. On the face (this disease is also called rosacea), spider veins mainly form on the cheeks and wings of the nose

2. On your feet. A fairly common place for spider veins to appear. Mostly appear just above the knee

A little less often

1. On hands. Quite rare, but they can also appear

2. On the neck and back


Telangiectasias (spider veins) are the result of dilation of superficial intradermal capillaries. In cases of a long-term defect, the structure of the capillary walls may be disrupted, their compaction and loss of elasticity may occur. Dilated capillaries are clearly outlined and appear under the skin as bluish or red structures in the form of small lines, a fine network - “cobwebs” or multiple dots.

The appearance of telangiectasia - spider veins - can be associated with two main reasons:

  1. As a result of congenital diseases that are accompanied by dilation of superficial skin capillaries (xeroderma pigmentosum, mastocytosis, Raynaud's disease, connective tissue dysplasia, etc.);
  2. It is provoked by the following factors - hormonal imbalance (for example, a high concentration of estrogen in the blood during pregnancy), frequent and prolonged exposure to sunlight and radiation, acquired diseases of various organs and systems, a sedentary lifestyle, alcohol abuse and smoking, etc.

The presence of spider veins in itself is not regarded by doctors as a pathological human condition, but is only a cosmetic defect. According to statistics, currently more than 30% of adult men and more than 50% of women over 35 years of age have this cosmetic problem.

Spider vein removal

As we said above, for most people, the presence of manifestations of spider veins is not dangerous, and for the most part they bring aesthetic discomfort. In any case, if you find spider veins on your body, legs or face, we recommend that you consult a doctor who can make an accurate diagnosis and find out the cause of the appearance of spider veins. And only after this, together with the doctor, make decisions regarding their treatment.

As we have already indicated, the cause of the appearance of spider veins can also be the presence of possible diseases that need to be treated, and only after completing the necessary course of treatment and stopping the cause of their appearance, can spider veins be removed

To begin with, having found out the true cause of the appearance of spider veins, it is worth eliminating this very cause, for example: reduce the time of sunbathing or visiting a solarium, reduce the time of wearing high heels, stop smoking or drinking alcohol, and take care of weight loss

There are several ways to remove spider veins

Sclerotherapy for spider veins

One of the most common methods of treating spider veins. The essence of the method is that a slecrosant solution is injected into a vein using a thin needle. The incoming medicine begins to act on the inner surface of the vessels, gluing them together. The stars disappear after about 1-2 months. The scar that appears resolves within a year.

Advantages of the method. The advantage is the low invasiveness and easy tolerability of the procedure.

Disadvantages of the method. Among the disadvantages of the method, one can highlight unpleasant effects in the form of redness and swelling of the treated area, the need to wear compression bandages or stockings for some time after the procedure

This method is used primarily to remove spider veins on the legs. Sclerotherapy is especially effective against venous spider veins, while capillary vascular changes are practically unaffected by it

Laser removal of spider veins

The laser method of removing spider veins is the most popular today. The essence of the method is that through the use of a laser beam and its absorption by damaged vessels, the vessels are soldered (glued together). The laser generates radiation of a special frequency, to which only damaged vessels respond

Advantages of the laser spider vein removal method. The method is absolutely painless. The result is noticeable immediately. No injury to the skin or treated surface. Deleted asterisks are not returned. There is no risk of damage to healthy tissue. Healing occurs without pain, swelling and the formation of any scars. For a number of spider veins (not large ones), one procedure is sufficient. High speed of the procedure. No contact with healthy tissue

Disadvantages of the laser spider vein removal method. Large spider veins may require multiple treatments. The method is contraindicated for use during pregnancy, lactation and individual intolerance

Electrocoagulation of spider veins

The essence of the method is local cauterization of spider veins with high-frequency current. A thin electrode is inserted into the damaged vessel, through which a current discharge passes and destroys the affected part of the vessel.

Advantages of the method. Speed ​​and efficiency of the procedure

Disadvantages of the method. An extremely painful procedure. Possibility of burns, scars, pigmentation or depigmentation of the treated surface. Possibility of damage to healthy tissue. Electrical damage is caused not only to damaged blood vessels, but also to the skin itself. This method is not suitable for removing spider veins on the face

Ozone therapy for spider veins

The technique of ozone therapy is essentially similar to sclerotherapy. The essence of the method is that an ozone-oxygen mixture is introduced into a vessel through a needle, resulting in oxidation of the walls of the vessel, followed by gluing them together.

Advantages of the method. This method does not cause burns, scars or age spots. There are no side effects and does not require long rehabilitation

Disadvantages of the method. The procedure is quite uncomfortable. Multiple treatments may be required to remove spider veins

Used to remove spider veins on the legs

Radio wave removal of spider veins

Spider veins are removed in a non-contact manner. The essence of the method is a non-contact incision and subsequent coagulation of blood vessels.

Advantages of the method. Painless. Healing occurs without pain, swelling and the formation of any scars. The likelihood of damage to nearby tissues is minimal. In some cases, one procedure is enough

Disadvantages of the method / High cost. Applicable only when removing small capillaries

Causes of rosacea

Telangiectasia is most often localized on the face or legs. The reasons for their appearance are varied and can be caused by both internal and external reasons:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • pathology of the circulatory system (chronic venous insufficiency);
  • gynecological diseases;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, digestive and excretory systems;
  • bad habits - smoking, alcohol abuse;
  • prolonged exposure to cold or heat;
  • abuse of sauna, bathhouse.

The asterisks are bluish in color and localized on the legs - venous. Arterial ones are bright red in color, have a small diameter and are most often located on the neck and face, chest and abdomen. Cuperosis does not have age preferences, but with age its manifestations are more common, since diseases of the blood vessels are more common in middle-aged and older people.

After accurately diagnosing the causes of the appearance of stars, the phlebologist decides on the method of treatment. Since medications for telangiectasia are powerless, we are talking about removing the affected small vessels - venules, arterioles and capillaries.

The most effective method is to remove blood vessels on the face and legs using a laser.

Rehabilitation after spider vein removal

After removal of spider veins on the body or face, there is no need to stay in the hospital. Some methods may require the use of compression bandages or stockings. In general, the tips and recommendations are quite simple and easy to apply. Be sure to check with your doctor for recommendations on what should be done and what should not be done, and for how long.

General rules after spider vein removal:

  • Refrain from visiting baths and saunas
  • Avoid visiting solariums and sunbathing
  • Cancel massage on any part of the body
  • Refrain from tearing off “scabs” after the spider vein removal procedure (applicable for a number of methods)
  • Apply a special cream as prescribed by your doctor.
  • Reduce physical activity
  • Avoid certain cosmetic procedures

Diagnosis and removal of rosacea with laser at NEARMEDIC

Laser removal of spider veins at NEARMEDIC network clinics is carried out only on the basis of an accurate diagnosis. Diagnosis is carried out by a phlebologist using a complex method: visual examination, history taking, laboratory and instrumental examination, consultations with related specialists - gynecologist, endocrinologist, etc.

In accordance with the diagnostic results, the phlebologist draws up an individual treatment plan taking into account the patient’s characteristics. When diseases of the endocrine system and gynecological problems are detected, appropriate therapy is prescribed. In this case, removal of blood vessels on the face and legs, parallel to the treatment of the underlying disease, is preventive in nature, preventing the spread of the disease and the occurrence of complications.

Removal of small vessels on the face, legs and other parts of the body using laser sclerotherapy in the NEARMEDIC network of clinics is carried out by certified doctors of the first and highest qualification categories with academic degrees and many years of experience in clinical practice.

In our clinics, the procedure is performed with a diode or neodymium laser, depending on the diagnostic indications and localization of rosacea. If necessary, both types of laser systems are used when treating one patient.

Removal of spider veins with diode laser

A diode laser is usually used to remove spider veins and bluish-colored networks ranging in size from 1 to 6 mm. The use of a diode laser is a tested and well-proven method for the treatment of rosacea on the face and legs in the NEARMEDIC clinical setting.

Removal of rosacea with neodymium laser

A neodymium laser is capable of removing even the smallest capillaries and treating a large affected area in one flash. It copes most effectively with the manifestations of rosacea of ​​a reddish tint.

If you have spider veins on the skin of your face, legs or body, do not delay visiting a phlebologist or cosmetologist at one of the NEARMEDIC clinics. Our specialists have significant experience in successfully removing manifestations of rosacea, preventing its spread and complications. You are ensured restoration of the original, healthy state of the skin with a lasting therapeutic effect.

Prevention of spider veins

As they say: “Prevention is better than cure.” Here are some tips to help you avoid spider veins

  • Watch your own weight. Know that excess weight is one of the most common causes of spider veins
  • Monitor your own health. A number of diseases can cause the appearance of spider veins
  • Lead a more active lifestyle. Try to walk more often
  • Give your tired legs a rest. When you lie down, place a pillow or bolster under your feet so that your feet are slightly higher than your body position.
  • Do not sit cross-legged or cross-legged. Any compression of the veins can lead to consequences
  • Rinse your feet with cool water daily
  • Engage in moderate exercise and sports
  • Eat right. Make sure you get enough vitamins C, P and K
  • Stop smoking
  • Don't abuse alcohol
  • Eat more fish and seafood

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Removal of spider veins on the nose using laser

Increase in width

Before the procedure

After the procedure

Removal of spider veins on the nose using laser

Increase in width

Before the procedure

After the procedure

Removal of spider veins on the cheek using laser

Increase in width

Before the procedure

After the procedure

Removal of spider veins on the cheek using laser

Increase in width

Before the procedure

After the procedure


Contraindications for laser coagulation are minimal; it is not recommended if you have:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • oncological diseases;
  • acute inflammatory process, acute infections;
  • decompensated form of chronic disease of any etiology;
  • active stage of skin pathologies in the laser impact area;
  • pregnancy;
  • pacemaker.

The procedure also cannot be performed during breastfeeding and if the body is prone to the formation of keloid scars.

Where to remove spider veins?

You can remove spider veins on your face or body at any of our centers. You can choose any center convenient for you; our centers are located near the metro.

The initial consultation with a cosmetologist at the REDNOR cosmetology centers regarding the removal of warts during the procedure on the day of the consultation is FREE.

You can consult a doctor and have a wart removed by first making an appointment by calling


Mon-Fri: 9:00-20:00, Sat: 9:00-18:00

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Along with advanced hardware, GMTClinic uses effective injection technologies, such as plasma therapy and bioreparation, which act as additional solutions and help prolong the effect obtained.

Plasma therapy is a unique procedure based on skin rejuvenation at the cellular level. Enriched plasma taken from the venous blood of the patient himself is used as a catalyst for rejuvenating processes.

Bioreparation is also a popular and reliable injection technique, which GMTClinic specialists successfully use as a complement to laser removal of rosacea. Bioreparation activates the internal resources of cells, enhancing the production of collagen and elastin.

Anti-rosacea aesthetic facial treatments and peelings can also help.

Spider vein removal cost

Procedure/zonePrice, in rubles
Laser treatment of angiectasia on the face, 1 cm2750,00
Laser treatment of angiectasia on the eyelid, 1 cm21 500,00
Laser treatment of angiectasia on the nose, 1 cm21 100,00
Laser treatment of angiectasia on the cheek, 1 cm2900,00
Laser treatment of angiectasia on the body above the waist, 1 cm2500,00
Laser treatment of punctate angioma700,00
**Registration certificate No. FS-2005/044 dated June 22, 2005

all prices in the section Laser cosmetology prices

  • All Promotions
  • Consultation
  • 900 rub. 0 rub. 1
  • 1 If the procedure is carried out on the day of consultation, see the conditions
  • Sign up

Benefits of laser treatment for vascular changes

  1. The laser works specifically with dilated vessels, healthy vessels are not affected;
  2. The effect on the dilated capillary is quick and painless;
  3. No scars or burns - the device does not injure tissue;
  4. The first procedure gives a visible result, and after completing a course of procedures you can completely get rid of visible capillaries;
  5. There is no recovery period - after the session you can go about your business. Full recovery takes up to two weeks. This time is as comfortable as possible, and no special skin care is required.

For some patients, one session is enough - when the vessels are very thin. In case of severe rosacea, a course is prescribed.

Customer Reviews about Spider Vein Removal

all reviews in the Rednor reviews section

Reviews from Rednor Center clients about spider vein removal

  • A couple of months ago I removed a burst vessel on my nose in Rednor on Marksistskaya. I am incredibly pleased with the result, not a trace was left, although I was very worried, because... still a face, and in such a prominent place!

    Review of the removal of spider veins in the Rednor center on Marksistskaya - Irisha-86m - source

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1. A 5% discount card can be obtained after the first visit and payment for the first service (except for consultation). Card discounts are provided on services from the next visit.

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How to get rid of spider veins on the face: what you can and cannot do

Before we talk about methods for solving this problem, it is worth talking about what procedures can be done and what should be abandoned. Compliance with such basic safety precautions will help you not harm yourself and quickly get rid of traces of rosacea.


  • Do vacuum facial cleansing.
  • Use too cold and too hot water for washing.
  • Use alcohol-containing care products.

If you want to get the maximum effect from treatment, then remember that each case of the disease is individual. Visit both a cosmetologist and your attending physician, undergo all the necessary tests, identify the cause of the disease, and only then proceed with action.

Rehabilitation period - how to care for your skin

No special skin care is required during the recovery period. In the first week, the skin may be drier than usual, but this is within normal limits. Within 14 days after deletion you cannot:

Go to the bathhouse, steam your face;

Do strength exercises;

Sunbathe, including in the solarium.

All of the above can dilate blood vessels, which reduces the effectiveness of laser treatment

If you come across a review that the laser did not remove the spider vein, consider several factors:

  • Not all vessels “go away” after one session;
  • The technology of the procedure may have been violated;
  • The patient may not have followed the doctors' advice.

We guarantee our patients comfortable rehabilitation and controlled results, subject to the recommendations of our specialists.

Which doctor should I contact?

As soon as vascular networks appear on any part of the body, you should go for an examination to a therapist. He will conduct a number of necessary studies, based on the results of which he will be able to determine the nature of the defects that have appeared. If indicated, the therapist may refer the patient to:

  • ophthalmologist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • cardiologist;
  • gynecologist;
  • neurologist.

If you have any accompanying symptoms, you should contact a specialist in the appropriate field. For example, if a person suspects that the problem is of a dermatological nature, then he will need to consult a dermatologist. If telangiectasia is accompanied by nausea, sudden weight loss, or a feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium, the person will need to consult a hepatologist or gastroenterologist. It is recommended to make an appointment with a rheumatologist for autoimmune diseases. A phlebologist surgeon eliminates SZ surgically.


Treatment of spider veins should be preceded by diagnosis. A phlebologist will help accurately diagnose the disease and the stage of its development. The appointment will begin with a conversation with the patient, his external examination and palpation of the limbs. This will help the specialist to draw a conclusion about the area where the protective zone is located and the nature of the problem.

At the next stage, the doctor prescribes an examination. As a rule, it includes ultrasound duplex scanning aimed at:

  • assessment of the condition of capillaries;
  • identification of pathology and its location;
  • study of the speed and direction of blood flow.

The conducted research will help the phlebologist draw conclusions about the person’s condition. In order to obtain more information about the patient's health, the doctor may order examination of other organs and ask him to take specific tests. To obtain more accurate information, establish concomitant diseases and the causes of telangiectasia, additional examination may be necessary:

  • liver;
  • hearts;
  • thyroid gland;
  • reproductive system.


External imperfections in the form of spider veins on the skin can be easily removed in the early stages of development. But at the same time, it is important to remember that you need to get rid of not only the external manifestations of the pathology, but also the internal causes that provoke its occurrence. If the doctor, due to lack of sufficient experience or for some other reason, does not provide therapy at the proper level, this will cause the problem to progress and become more serious.

The fight against a skin defect that appears due to dilated blood vessels should consist of surgical manipulations and drug treatment. Prescription of drugs should be carried out exclusively by a professional doctor, taking into account the characteristics of the body of each individual patient.

Surgical procedures include:

  1. Phlebectomy, which is a common procedure that involves removing a vein. It allows you to redistribute blood flow to deep vessels that can withstand heavy loads. It is carried out only under anesthesia.
  2. Adhesive obliteration and sclerotherapy, during which various compounds are introduced into the capillary to promote gluing of the walls. This leads to the disappearance of the varicose area. Operations are characterized by high speed.
  3. Endovasal laser coagulation and radiofrequency ablation, during which the vessel is heated to a temperature above 100 degrees. This provokes the destruction of its internal walls and its subsequent disappearance.

In order to decide how to remove spider veins on the legs or other areas of the human body, you need to make an appointment with a highly qualified specialist. By contacting our Yuzhny clinic, you can count on a professional examination and selection of treatment methods that will be effective in your particular case.

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