Does rosehip increase or decrease blood pressure, who can drink it, contraindications

Among lovers of natural treatments, there is ongoing debate about how rosehip affects blood pressure. Some claim that it has a hypotensive effect, and the effect of tinctures and decoctions of the plant is even better than pills that lower blood pressure. Others are confident that rose hips are indispensable for those people who constantly suffer from decreased performance.

Naturopathic experts tend to agree that the plant can act in both directions - help with high blood pressure and increase its level if necessary. The effect depends on the amount of the product used and on the method of preparing the medicine based on the fruit. Today we need to figure out whether rosehip increases or decreases blood pressure, how to use it correctly and what are the incomparable benefits of this natural product.

Beneficial and medicinal properties of rose hips for humans

Before using rose hips, it is necessary to study the composition and effect of its fruit on health.

This plant contains a large amount of vitamins that have a beneficial effect on health. It also contains a lot of pectins, organic acids, sugar and bioflavonoids. Ripe fruits contain minerals including manganese, calcium, magnesium and sodium.

All the beneficial properties of the bush are due to the components of its composition. Regularly used decoctions and any other folk remedies prepared from this plant help strengthen the immune system. For this reason, people are less likely to get the flu and are less concerned about other colds. A decoction of the leaves of the bush also has a positive effect on the nervous system.

People who are accustomed to periodically drinking rosehip tea are less likely to suffer from depression and are not exposed to stressful situations.

The fruits of this plant have a positive effect on blood vessels. They contain minerals that can strengthen the walls of blood vessels. In addition, due to the minerals in the composition, the blood becomes thinner, the amount of cholesterol decreases, and the functioning of the circulatory system is normalized.

Many experts believe that rosehip products can be considered diuretics, since they have a choleretic effect. The use of medicinal decoctions strengthens the intestines and improves the functioning of the digestive organs. Due to the fact that rose hips are beneficial for the pancreas, doctors recommend using them to treat symptoms of ulcers and other serious stomach diseases.

Some people believe that the berries of this shrub are harmful to the respiratory system, but this is not true. Medicinal decoctions are made from the ripe fruits of the plant, the benefits of which help get rid of the symptoms of bronchitis and cope with the complications of tuberculosis.

Does rosehip thicken blood?

The berries of the bush have a dual effect, and with long-term, continuous use they can lead to excessive blood viscosity . The use of preparations made from the roots of this plant has the same effect. That is why it is important to use the product after consultation with a therapist.

A doctor may recommend short-term herbal treatment with decoctions of wild rose berries, but it should be combined with other products that have blood-thinning properties. This could be: tomatoes, olive oil, ginger, chocolate, beet juice, oatmeal, garlic or onion.

Important! Rose hips are good for the heart and have a beneficial effect on the entire human body, but when consuming them, the exact dosage must be observed. Otherwise, you may experience unwanted side effects.

The fruits of the bush are rich in ascorbic acid, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels, affecting their permeability, “removing” sclerotic plaques from the blood , thereby preventing the occurrence of atherosclerosis. The pulp also contains vitamin P, which “works” to strengthen small capillaries. And flavonoids are involved in the synthesis of collagen, which is necessary for the regeneration of blood vessels.

Reducing blood viscosity naturally can be achieved by consuming rose hips in short medicinal courses.

“Thickened” blood is a very serious illness, as it entails many negative consequences for human health. The patient’s brain functions worse, and the full functioning of the circulatory system and heart also decreases.

Find out more about the effect of rose hips on the blood.

Which rosehip infusion is best to take?

You can prepare many different remedies and decoctions from the fruits of the bush. It is recommended to familiarize yourself in advance with the types of infusions that are often used in folk medicine.


Sometimes they make a medicinal product based on diluted alcohol or vodka. This infusion has tonic properties that help cope with the symptoms of low blood pressure (BP). Therefore, doctors recommend drinking this remedy only for people with hypotension.

In such products, the tonic effect is achieved through alcohol, which can cause contraction of the walls of blood vessels. To get rid of the symptoms of hypotension, you must strictly adhere to the optimal dosage. Every day before meals you need to drink 10-15 drops of the drug.


Many lovers of traditional medicine use water infusions prepared from the berries of the bush. The effectiveness of such a measure directly depends on the correctness of its preparation. Preparation of the tincture begins with mixing one hundred grams of berries and 500 ml of boiling water. The mixture is infused for 3-5 hours. Then cool to room temperature and drink.

This measure is used to eliminate hypertension and lower blood pressure. Drink three times a day before meals.


Tea infusion is popular among people because it is prepared much faster than alcohol or water infusion. However, in terms of the content of vitamins and useful components, it loses to other folk remedies.

Most of the micronutrients that make up the berries are completely destroyed during the cooking process.

To brew your own rosehip tea, add 250 grams of the bush's fruits to a liter of water and cook them on a gas stove for about 25-30 minutes. Then strain the liquid and drink it three times a day.

What is the result of using rose hips?

So, does rose hips increase or decrease blood pressure? When producing pharmacological drugs, manufacturers conduct many tests on animals, evaluate the body's reactions to a particular medication and can confidently claim the effect. With plants the situation is different - it is often difficult to guess what the effect of rose hips on blood pressure will be. The result always depends on the characteristics of the body, the amount of product consumed and the form in which the medicinal product is prepared

Therefore, lovers of herbal medicine need to know the following information:

  • Rosehip increases blood pressure if the plant is prepared in the form of an alcohol tincture. It stimulates the work of the heart muscle, increases the heart rate, increases the number of heart beats per minute, and accordingly increases blood pressure. A tincture based on alcohol from rose hips is useful for hypotensive patients and will have the desired effect if taken in the morning.
  • Rose hips reduce blood pressure when prepared as a tincture or decoction of water. This remedy has a sedative effect, helps eliminate insomnia, normalizes blood pressure if it is elevated and relieves tachycardia. However, a rosehip decoction in water should not be taken by car drivers during the daytime - it can cause drowsiness.
  • In the absence of a direct connection between rose hips and blood pressure, for example, in people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system, it is recommended to use an aqueous decoction of the fruit in low concentration. It has an anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect, cleansing the body of bacteria and relieving signs of infection, while not affecting blood pressure.

Many hypertensive patients have probably noticed that with colds and the feverish syndrome that accompanies them, blood pressure can rise sharply

There is a jump in blood pressure against the background of temperature fluctuations, which affect the tone of the vascular walls. During chills, the capillaries sharply narrow, and after active sweating begins, they expand. Therefore, consuming rose hips during a cold not only helps to sweat and alleviate the signs of intoxication in the body, but also lowers blood pressure. People who do not suffer from fluctuations in blood pressure are recommended to use rosehip-based decoctions as a powerful immunostimulant.

It is suitable for combating infectious agents during cold epidemics, as well as for accelerating recovery if you still manage to become infected.

How and when to drink rose hips

Before using a decoction or infusion of rose hips, you should learn about the features of their use. Experts advise taking such remedies in courses. The duration of each of them should be about a month. This time is enough for the drug to work and give a positive result.

It is very important to understand the dosages of taking such drugs. Adults and teenagers should drink 70 ml of infusion 2-3 times a day before meals. For children under seven years of age, the dose is reduced to 30 ml.

Blueberries are known to contain a lot of ascorbic acid, which damages tooth enamel. Therefore, experts recommend rinsing your mouth with warm water after each use of the drug. To reduce the impact of acid on your teeth, drink the infusion through a straw.

If the drug is taken to achieve a biliary effect, it should be drunk only before meals. At the same time, a little honey is added to the decoction to increase its effectiveness.

Some patients receiving rosehip infusions experience difficulty absorbing calcium. To make this ingredient better absorbed, drink it an hour after eating.

Precautionary measures

With prolonged and uncontrolled use of rosehip-based compositions, undesirable effects may occur:

  • darkening of tooth enamel - the effect is due to the natural dye that is part of rose hips (after drinking drinks, you should rinse your mouth with water);
  • problems with bowel movements - the development of constipation appears due to the fixative effect of the plant, therefore, while taking decoctions, you should introduce fresh fruits and vegetables, grains, fiber into the diet, and drink as much water as possible;
  • bloating - the problem of gas formation will not occur if, during treatment with the plant, you drink decoctions of dill and parsley, eat celery, and also do not exceed the prescribed dose of drinks with rose hips.

You can collect rose hips yourself or buy them at a pharmacy. Those who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases (ulcers, gastritis with high acidity) or are predisposed to liver and skin problems should not take formulations with rose hips. Such drugs are also not recommended for patients with chronic cardiovascular diseases and a tendency to form blood clots.

To avoid side effects from taking rose hips, you should first consult with your doctor about possible contraindications. Treatment of chronic hypertension with rosehip should be combined with the use of medications prescribed by the doctor - rosehip increases their absorption and accelerates the achievement of results. Using the fruits of the plant to lower or increase blood pressure is the choice of each individual patient; the main thing is to follow the rules for preparing the formulations and take the products regularly.

How does rosehip infusion affect blood pressure?

Infusion and decoction of the fruits of the bush have a positive effect on the walls of blood vessels and the heart. This drug increases blood pressure and helps relieve high blood pressure.

Before using rose hips to lower or increase blood pressure, it is necessary to understand their effect on blood pressure.


It has long been known that with high blood pressure it is necessary to drink medications made from rose hips. They have diuretic properties, reduce blood pressure by 2-3 times and treat symptoms of hypotension. Infusions and syrups from the fruits of the bush are popular in folk medicine.

Experts recommend using products prepared in a water bath. They relax the walls of blood vessels, improving circulation and lowering blood pressure.


The use of certain berry infusions treats symptoms of hypotension and increases blood pressure to normal levels. Regular use of such drugs constricts blood vessels and activates the vascular center. In addition, such measures normalize blood circulation and eliminate the symptoms of arrhythmia.

Rosehip helps with blood pressure

As mentioned above, rose hips have a very wide spectrum of action. In this article we look at problems specifically with pressure. An increase or decrease in pressure, oddly enough, is associated not only with the patency or obstruction of blood vessels and arteries. The emotional background is also included in this process. But, since we are all living people, it is not always possible to control our emotions; sometimes excitement occurs at the level of a chemical process, over which we, alas, have no control. However, if you regularly consume rosehip infusion, you can help your nervous system cope with stressful situations.


Doctors have proven that if a person has problems with the gastrointestinal tract, he can be an extremely irritated person.

A very good way to save both the nervous system and the stomach is to steam rose hips with oats. Drink this drink during the day 15–20 minutes before meals. The oat content coats the walls of the stomach, and the rosehip infusion calms the nervous system and improves immunity. And, as a result, the pressure stabilizes. So we can say with confidence - yes, rosehip helps with blood pressure.

Rosehip for hypertension

Folk remedies prepared from this plant help lower blood pressure and improve blood circulation. Such drugs are effective only at the first stage of pathology development. At the second or third stage, rosehip tinctures will not help heal completely, so they are used only as an aid. To eliminate high blood pressure use:

  • Hawthorn decoction. The berries of the bush are mixed in equal proportions with hawthorn, then cranberries and rowan are added. Then all the ingredients are poured with water and left for two hours. A chilled infusion reduces blood pressure; you need to drink it twice a day.
  • Lemon tincture. You can use lemon and rose hip remedies to lower your blood pressure. The ingredients are cut into pieces and mixed with liquid honey. The resulting mixture is drunk daily, once a day.

Plant composition

Admirers of traditional medicine use all parts of the plant to prepare medicines: the root system, leaves and even flower petals. However, rose hips are more popular, from which they are made:

  • teas;
  • tinctures;
  • decoctions.

Popularity among the population increased after the discovery of a large amount of ascorbic acid in rose hips, as well as provitamin A. But this is not a complete list of useful substances that are part of the plant. Let us list its components in detail.

  • Carotene;
  • Vitamins: C, A, P, K, E, B1, B2, B6, B9;
  • Bioflavonoids;
  • Substances: tannins, nitrogen-containing substances, flavones and cahetins;
  • Cellulose;
  • Pectins;
  • Sahara;
  • Organic acids: citric, malic and others;
  • Minerals: iron, manganese, potassium and calcium salts, phosphates, chromium, magnesium;
  • Fats and unsaturated fatty acids;
  • Essential oils.

Rosehip for hypotension

The medicinal properties of the plant allow it to be used for hypotension; when properly prepared, it increases blood pressure. Berries also help cope with other symptoms of the disease, which include general weakness, nausea, and pain in the temples. The following drugs are used in the treatment of hypotension:

  • Sage. To prepare the product, 300 ml of decoction of the bush berries is mixed with 80 grams of sage. This remedy is infused for three hours, after which it can be used to normalize blood pressure.
  • Lemon skin. Peel two lemons and pass through a meat grinder. Then the resulting pulp is mixed with rose hips and placed in the refrigerator for two days. Then add honey to the mixture and mix everything again. The product obtained in this way is consumed twice a day before meals.

Rosehip recipes to normalize blood pressure

To bring blood pressure levels back to normal, traditional medicine recommends drinking rosehip tea or decoctions , during which it is important to observe the time interval and consume the healing drink for no more than 21 days. At the end of the course of treatment, you need to take a month's break. The daily dose for an adult is 750 ml of liquid, it is advisable to divide this amount into 3 doses (250 ml each). It is best to take rosehip tea before meals, as it is a good appetite stimulant.

For hypertension

Hypertension negatively affects a person’s well-being and the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Therefore, if the pressure rises above 140/90 mm Hg. Art., the patient can be recommended to use rose hips to reduce it.

How to take rosehip for hypertensive patients:

  1. In its natural form. For example, in late summer the patient may eat several fresh berries per day as a dessert. In other seasons of the year, dried or frozen rose hips are used.
  2. In the form of an aqueous decoction (in no case should it be mixed with alcohol).

In old age, mainly high systolic blood pressure. This is a condition in which the lower indicator remains normal, but the upper value increases.

We recommend reading about the benefits of using watermelon for hypertension.

Here are some recipes to reduce blood pressure in hypertensive patients:

  1. 1 tbsp. l. dry wild rose fruits are poured into a ceramic teapot and poured with 1 glass of boiling water, then covered with a lid and left for 10–14 hours to infuse. Drink half a glass during the day after meals.
  2. Take 2 tbsp. l. rose hips and hawthorn berries (fresh or dry), pour into a thermos (0.5 l), fill the container to the top with boiling water, seal tightly and leave for several hours. The finished infusion is drunk half a glass before bedtime for 4 days.
  3. Washed lemon (including peel) and 4 tbsp. l. fresh berries are crushed in a blender, after which 1 tbsp is added to the fruit mixture. l. cranberries and 250 ml of liquid honey. Mix everything thoroughly. Take 1 tbsp daily. l. several times a day with a glass of warm water until the medicine runs out.

For hypotension

Rose hips will also be useful for hypotension to increase blood pressure, especially in the form of an alcohol tincture.

Important! You should be careful when using rosehip root decoction, as such a drink can cause high blood pressure, constipation and affect the secretion of bile in the body.

How to prepare a drink with antihypertensive properties:

  1. Pre-chopped fresh rose hips (4 tbsp) are poured into a glass bottle or jar (1 l), after which a liter of vodka is poured into the container. The mixture requires ten days of aging in a dark and cool place. Take 1 tsp. tinctures before meals for 20 days. The course of treatment can be repeated every two or three months.
  2. The combination of rose hips and sage helps to increase blood pressure. For cooking, take 1 tbsp. l. Each ingredient is mixed, then poured with hot water and left under the lid to infuse for 60 minutes. The finished infusion is taken 4-5 times a day, 1 tbsp. l.

Rose hips, like other parts of any medicinal plants, must be handled very carefully so as not to harm your health. But still, you should not give up very healthy berries that can enrich the body with vitamins and other beneficial substances.

Rosehip based recipes

There are three most effective recipes that are used to normalize blood pressure.

Tincture of rosehip and onion peel

This measure is used to reduce blood pressure to normal values. To prepare this remedy, add a glass of onion shells and half a glass of blueberries to 400 ml of boiled water. Mix all ingredients and place in a water bath for half an hour. After this time, he moved the container with the broth to a dark room for 20 minutes, so he insisted. The drug prepared in this way is drunk three times a day.

Rosehip infusion with lemon and honey

A product made from these ingredients not only raises blood pressure to normal, but also strengthens the immune system. Add 80 g of blueberries, chopped lemon and 30 g of honey to a liter of hot water. After this time, the liquid is transferred to a cool room and kept there for 4-6 hours.

Rosehip infusion with pine needles and cones

This tincture restores the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels and improves blood circulation. When preparing a hypotonic decoction, add 100 ml of alcohol, 50 g of cones and pine needles to 650 ml of water. The mixture is kept for a week, after which it is filtered. To normalize blood pressure, drink one tablespoon of infusion every day.

The use of rose hips in therapy

Composition of fruits and their beneficial properties

Rose hips are very valuable medicinal raw materials. The high efficiency of their use is due to their rich composition.

The most important components:

  • vitamins (ascorbic acid, thiamine, pyridoxine, riboflavin);
  • minerals (Fe, K, Ca, Mn, Mg, P, Zn, etc.);
  • organic acids;
  • cellulose;
  • tannins;
  • pigments.

The fruits of this plant are known for their healing properties, thanks to which they are widely used in alternative medicine.

This composition causes a complex effect on the body:

  • the condition of the circulatory system improves (the elasticity of the vascular walls increases);
  • the function of the liver, kidneys and bladder is normalized;
  • a decoction of rose hips has an analgesic, anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Regular use of decoction or tincture improves metabolism in general.

In addition to the fruits, rosehip roots are also used in the treatment and prevention of various diseases. Their decoction provides a choleretic effect and is a good diuretic.

How does rosehip affect blood pressure: does it increase or decrease?

The key question that needs to be clarified before starting any preventive and therapeutic procedures is whether rose hips increase or decrease blood pressure? Everything is not so simple here: the effect depends on the initial condition of the patient and on the form in which the medicinal plant was used.

On the one hand, rose hips can quite stop the increase in blood pressure:

  1. A decoction of the fruits or roots of the plant has a diuretic effect. By removing fluid from the body, the volume of circulating blood decreases and blood pressure decreases markedly.
  2. The venotonic effect also helps to normalize pressure; more elastic vessel walls respond more quickly to changes in blood flow characteristics, which helps avoid unpleasant symptoms.

On the other hand, rose hips and blood pressure may be related in a completely different way. Thus, drinking alcoholic tinctures of rose hips, teas based on rose hips with the addition of other medicinal herbs can help with hypotension. At the same time, a mild antihypotensive effect avoids risk. The pressure will rise very slowly, so the likelihood of complications will be much lower than when using other means.

That is why it is impossible to definitively answer how rosehip affects blood pressure. When used correctly, this medicinal plant helps both hypertensive and hypotensive patients.

This extremely useful plant is indispensable in the fight against infectious and inflammatory pathologies.

Main contraindications

When taking rose hips for blood pressure or for other purposes, you need to consider contraindications. So, it is undesirable to use drugs based on this plant for patients:

  • with individual intolerance or allergies;
  • with diabetes mellitus;
  • with gastritis or peptic ulcer;
  • those suffering from liver failure;
  • with a tendency to thrombophlebitis and blood clots;
  • regularly experiencing problems with constipation.

If you suffer from intestinal disorders, then you should also avoid eating whole or ground fruits - both fresh and dried. In this case, the best choice would be to use decoctions and infusions.

However, decoctions with infusions are not so safe. At high concentrations of active substances, they can have a detrimental effect on tooth enamel.

To minimize the risk you should:

  • drink the decoction/infusion through a straw;
  • After use, rinse your mouth thoroughly.


Before using rosehip medications, be sure to read their contraindications. Doctors advise people suffering from gastritis to take infusions of this plant with caution, since the berries contain a lot of ascorbic acid. Also, rosehip medicines are contraindicated for people suffering from thrombophlebitis.

Drinking alcohol has a negative effect on treatment with rose hips. Therefore, patients should not drink alcohol during therapy with drugs for the production of which the berries of the bush are used. Patients suffering from dermatological diseases should not use rose hips to treat hypertension or hypotension, as this may cause complications.

Contraindication for use

Like any other medicine, products based on the fruits of the wild rose bush have contraindications.

  • Diseases for which you should be careful when using rose hips:
  • diabetes;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • excess vitamin C in the body;
  • heart failure;
  • thrombophlebitis and thrombosis;
  • increased sensitivity of dental tissues (as it contains acid that can destroy enamel);
  • constipation;
  • pancreatic diseases;
  • psoriasis.

Important! When measuring blood pressure, a person needs to be in a calm, relaxed state, and also take a comfortable position. Trying to accurately determine vital signs at the peak of high emotional stress or after physical activity will not reveal the “true picture” of the state of the body.

How to use it correctly?

Most often, people brew the fruits of the shrub to prevent viral diseases, overlooking its ability to influence blood pressure. This inattention often leads to sudden surges in pressure, complicating the course of the underlying disease.

Any brewing method kills a certain amount of useful components included in the composition. However, by using some tricks you can maintain their number.

  • When brewing, use hot water at a temperature of 60°C. Wait 2-3 minutes and pour in the required amount of boiling water. Healing substances will not be harmed!
  • For brewing, use a thermos with a glass flask.

Even small brewing tricks will not help if a low-quality product is used as a remedy!

If you harvest rose hips yourself, you can preserve all the beneficial properties of the plant:

  • picking the fruits before the first frost;
  • by drying the rose hips outdoors in the shade or using a special oven.
  • storing in a canvas bag in a well-ventilated, dry place, having previously removed all damaged fruits.

High-quality raw materials will serve as the basis for preparing a healthy vitamin drink for two years.

Does it increase or decrease blood pressure levels?

Many people suffering from hypertension or hypotension do not notice the obvious connection between rose hips and blood pressure. But despite this, most sources directly indicate: the method of preparing the drug, its concentration and dosage affect a person’s blood pressure.

Alcohol tincture of rosehip is contraindicated for hypertensive patients, as it sharply increases blood pressure.

An alcoholic tincture made from any part of the plant helps increase blood pressure. Water infusion, on the contrary, reduces blood pressure, so it is strictly contraindicated for hypotensive patients.

And also read on our website: How does raspberries affect blood pressure levels - does it increase or decrease them?

Recipes for low blood pressure

As a rule, with low blood pressure, alcohol tinctures are used, which help raise the pressure to the desired levels. You can purchase such medications ready-made at any pharmacy, or prepare them yourself at home. Here are several recipes for preparing a tincture that raises blood pressure to the required levels.

  • Using a blender, chop five tablespoons of rose hips. Next, transfer it to a glass bottle and add 500 ml of alcohol or vodka. The tincture is infused for about a week and taken 30 ml before meals once a day.
  • Pour one tablespoon of sage with pre-prepared and heated rosehip infusion, in the proportion of 1 spoon per glass of infusion and let it brew. After 2 hours, strain and take a teaspoon seven times a day.

An alcohol infusion purchased at a pharmacy is taken: 20 drops/3 times a day before meals.

Excessive dosage of rosehip alcohol infusion is dangerous. Exceeding the recommended dose can not only raise your blood pressure sharply, but also lead to liver damage.

List of contraindications

Like any medicine, rose hips have contraindications for use.

  • Frequent use of decoctions can lead to blackening and destruction of tooth enamel. In this regard, after each dose, you should rinse your mouth thoroughly.
  • Long-term use of drugs based on parts of the plant can lead to liver dysfunction.
  • The high content of vitamin C in the plant provokes complications of stomach ulcers and exacerbation of gastritis.
  • It affects the formation of blood clots, and if consumed excessively, provokes thrombophlebitis.
  • Its use is not recommended during pregnancy and lactation, as well as for children under three years of age.

Rosehip infusions should not be used by people:

  • with impaired blood circulation;
  • with high acidity;
  • skin disease or suffering from constipation.

And also read about the effect of motherwort, St. John's wort and thyme on blood pressure

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