Does motherwort lower or increase blood pressure, how to take it

The composition of motherwort and its beneficial properties

Herbal tincture helps with headaches and nervous hyperactivity, improves mood. Despite the abundance of sedative drugs, many people prefer inexpensive natural remedies. It has a positive effect in the treatment of pathologies of the vascular and nervous systems.

The amazing properties of thyme herb are due to its multicomponent composition. This plant is rich in:

  • flavonoids;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • essential oils;
  • microelements;
  • tannins.

The bitterness present in the herb normalizes lipid metabolism; when it is disturbed, cholesterol plaques are formed. The tincture, which is made from the plant, is an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent. In this dosage form, the active components are better absorbed.

Ascorbic acid prevents the formation of blood clots by liquefying them. This vitamin is involved in the synthesis of collagen, without which the walls of blood vessels are not formed. Perennial herbs contain alkaloids that lower blood pressure.

The neuroleptic reserpine, contained in St. John's wort, has not only antispasmodic, but also antihypertensive effects. It is able to relieve nervous tension and reduce the rate of contraction of the heart muscle. This component of St. John's wort normalizes sleep and calms. Regularity strengthens them, restores elasticity, and prevents the formation of lipid deposits that cause the development of atherosclerosis.

It fights spasms in the arteries and muscles and reduces papaverine pressure. Since knotweed herb is rich in potassium, it helps remove fluid that accumulates in the body, the drug from this plant is also an effective diuretic.

Quercetin improves heart function and prevents cell degeneration. Without vitamins A and E, which are also present in perennials, the immune and circulatory systems cannot function normally.

In addition to infusions, tablets and extracts, teas are produced from the herb. It is added to herbal compositions.

Composition of the drug Motherwort

The most important active ingredient is motherwort extract. The plant has the ability to have an effect on the central nervous system. Flavonoid glycosides found in flowers and stems, as well as alkaloids, saponins and tannins, regulate the state of the nervous system, inhibiting its excitability. In addition, the natural components of the herb can regulate heart rate.

In addition to motherwort extracts, Motherwort forte contains magnesium. This element is indispensable in the formation of nerve connections and impulse transmission. Magnesium is found in all organs and tissues; its deficiency leads to behavioral disorders, decreased resistance to stress, and vulnerability to negative factors. In addition, a lack of magnesium can cause joint pain and night cramps.

Vitamin B6 is another important component of the drug. Without it, magnesium cannot be fully absorbed by the body. This vitamin helps you control your emotions and find the strength not to react sharply to negative information.

The effect of motherwort on blood pressure

The rich composition of perennials has a positive effect on the functioning of the circulatory system and improves heart function.

When using allspice:

  1. The body's immunity is strengthened.
  2. The inflammation goes away.
  3. Neuroses and hyperactivity are eliminated.
  4. Accelerates adaptation to stress.

Medicines from the plant cope with the symptoms of hypertension and help normalize blood pressure. Thyme herb has a beneficial effect on the general condition.


It is recommended that people with hypertension take remedies from perennial herbs in various forms; neither tea nor tablets are prohibited, but they act more slowly than tinctures, which quite quickly reduce blood pressure.

If the disease has progressed to stage 2 or 3, the herb is not suitable for self-medication, but is combined with other medications intended to treat high blood pressure.


Tinctures and decoctions that contain herbs are excellent for tachycardia, when the heart rate increases significantly. Severe stress and mental fatigue increase blood pressure, thyme lowers it, calms the nerves, lowers the heart rate, strengthens the body's defenses, has a positive effect on the endocrine system, but is not recommended for low blood pressure.

Along with other pharmaceutical drugs, herbal tincture is used to relieve hypertensive crisis and epileptic seizures.

Indications for use

Motherwort can be purchased in several formats. This:

  • drops;
  • pills;
  • extract;
  • crushed raw materials (grass).

Motherwort can be included in sedative preparations

The plant is indicated in the following cases: arterial hypertension, disruption of the nervous system, increased excitability, stressful conditions, sleep problems, menopause. Motherwort effectively reduces blood pressure only in the initial stages of the disease. When persistent hypertension develops, it is used as part of complex therapy.

Rules for taking motherwort for high blood pressure and hypertension

Not only representatives of alternative medicine, but also doctors appreciate the properties of the plant, which can be found in almost any area. You can buy a tincture from it in a pharmacy in ready-made form or prepare it yourself.

If the tonometer needle does not jump to 160 mm Hg. Such preparations from the mother herb are very effective.

In order to reduce blood pressure increased as a result of severe stress, it is recommended to use 30 drops of alcohol tincture. This should be done until the anxiety subsides and the nerves calm down, but no more than three times a day.

It supports sleep, so to lower blood pressure by taking this drug at night you just need to increase the number of drops to 50.

If your hypertension has reached the stage where your blood pressure rises to 180 mm or more, herbal medicine alone will not solve the problem, you will need to take stronger drugs. These medications should be selected together with your doctor. Natural remedies from the plant serve as a useful addition to basic therapy.

Recommendations for collecting raw materials

Motherwort tincture for blood pressure and other medicines can be prepared either from pharmaceutical raw materials or from herbs collected independently.

The herb acts as a diuretic, tonic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, and is successfully used for hypertension

If you choose the second option, then when collecting motherwort you should follow these recommendations:

  1. We collect the grass during flowering - from about mid-June to mid-August.
  2. When collecting, carefully cut off the tops with inflorescences: the diameter of the stem should be at least 4–5 mm, and the length of the cut part should be 35–40 cm.
  3. We tie the tops into bunches and hang them in the shade in the fresh air or in a well-ventilated area.
  4. You can dry motherwort without hanging it: in this case, spread the grass in an even layer on a flat surface, protected from direct sunlight.

Properly dried motherwort retains its shape and does not break under its own weight. The beneficial qualities of medicinal raw materials are preserved for 2–2.5 years from the date of collection.

Can it be used at low blood pressure?

People with hypertension are not recommended to drink teas and tinctures from this plant. To normalize sleep, relieve fatigue and excessive tension, it is better for such people to take another sedative. With low blood pressure, you need foods or medications that increase blood pressure, and motherwort, which lowers it, can cause headaches, weakness, and lead to fainting.

People suffering from hypertension can only use the herb together with tinctures of wormwood, hawthorn and other plants that can increase blood pressure.

Options for using motherwort

The easiest way is to buy a bottle of medicine at the pharmacy, but some people prefer to prepare it themselves and eat it before meals. Although the herb is not addictive, it is not recommended to use the tincture for more than 2 weeks as the ingredients accumulate in the body.

Tablets that contain plant extract are more convenient to use. They eliminate anxiety, calm, normalize blood pressure, but do not act immediately and are not suitable for quickly getting rid of an attack of hypertension.

Herbal decoctions are prepared independently from dried leaves and stems.

The liquid extract is produced by pharmaceutical companies and is used to eliminate:

  • insomnia;
  • Headache;
  • intestinal spasms.

To normalize blood pressure, drink the drug three times a day, no more than 7 drops at a time. The extract of the grass growing under your feet is many times more effective than valerian root.

Motherwort decoction

It is not difficult to prepare the medicine at home without drinking alcohol. Pour boiling water over the perennial leaves and leave on the fire for a quarter of an hour. For 100 grams of water, take a tablespoon of dried herb.

Strain the cooled broth through cheesecloth and drink as tea for a month.

An infusion taken before meals is also good for regulating blood pressure. To obtain it, the grass must be crushed and poured with boiling water, observing the proportions. For 2 cups of liquid you will need 4 liters of plant.

Motherwort tablets

To calm your nerves, eliminate stress, and lower blood pressure, you don’t have to carry a bottle of tincture with you. The tablets are produced by pharmaceutical companies, in which St. John's wort plays a major role. adds vitamins and magnesium to the extract, which help relax muscles and cope with psycho-emotional stress.

Treatment with these tablets takes a long time, but guarantees a positive result.

"Pustyrnik P" is produced by a Russian company. When to use:

  1. The amount of cholesterol in the blood is reduced.
  2. Pulse frequency is normalized.
  3. The pressure has been released.
  4. He has a headache.

Tablets are used several times a day. Sensitization may occur due to the addition of various components to the extract.

Motherwort tincture

The collection of medicinal raw materials from the plant occurs during its flowering period. Dry the leaves and stems under cover, away from the sun. For up to 3 years, motherwort is stored in a fabric bag in a glass jar. To prepare the tincture, take one part of the herb and 5 parts of ethanol, no more than 70%.

You can use it in its pure form or buy a bottle with extracts of other plants.

If you take 30 drops of the tincture three times a day and take the medicine before bed, you can normalize your blood pressure.

Motherwort with hawthorn and valerian

An effective remedy that helps relieve spasms, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, normalize blood pressure and improve overall health is a drug prepared from several medicinal plants. Valerian root, gradually accumulating in the body, calms the nerves and has a positive effect on the heart. Hawthorn helps reduce lipid deposits and improves blood circulation.

For migraines, tachycardia, and high blood pressure, prepare a mixture of these plants and allspice, each ingredient is taken in equal proportions.

Pharmacists recommend a ready-made tincture of hawthorn and valerian, which is taken for hypertension, 30 drops for heart disorders, and for emotional fatigue, the dose is halved.

Motherwort forte Evalar: instructions for use

Motherwort forte tablets are indicated for adults. The maximum daily dose is 2 tablets. One is taken at the beginning of the day, the second before bed. Two tablets a day provide 80% of the body's need for vitamin B6. The course of treatment depends on the severity of the nervous disorder. Due to the fact that magnesium tends to accumulate in tissues while taking the drug, the duration of the course can last up to 30 days. In rare cases, the doctor may prescribe an appointment for up to two months continuously. Without the recommendation of a specialist, you should not increase the time of taking Motherwort. As a rule, to restore performance and nervous balance, it is enough to buy 1 package of 40 tablets.

Features of the use of motherwort by pregnant women

Women carrying a child often experience swollen legs, pressure surges and vomiting. Is it possible to drink herbal infusion in this situation, expectant mothers wonder. Doctors recommend that they use teas and decoctions from the celandine herb to eliminate:

  • nervous tension;
  • toxicosis;
  • stomach upset.

However, alcohol tincture has a negative effect on the developing fetus, despite its function of lowering blood pressure, and should be avoided during pregnancy.

Contraindications for use

Herbal infusions should not be taken by people with hypotension or a slow pulse, as chest pain appears, dizziness begins, general condition worsens, and blood pressure drops. It is necessary to refuse herbal medicine in case of pathologies of the digestive organs. When combined with other drugs, the tincture can provoke unpleasant phenomena in the form of

  • heartburn;
  • vomit;
  • flatulence.

People prone to allergies should experiment with their health with caution. This herb normalizes blood pressure, but before taking it you should study the instructions and follow the dosage.

Contraindications and symptoms of overdose

There are no official contraindications to the use of motherwort-based products. But there are still some tips. Hypotensive patients (people with persistently low blood pressure, since the drugs have blood pressure-lowering properties), gastric ulcers and gastritis during exacerbations should avoid regular use of the products.

If severe symptoms of bradycardia appear, it is advisable to use mixtures of herbs containing not only motherwort. The drugs have a fairly strong hypnotic effect, so they must be taken carefully by drivers and people whose work requires increased attention.

A relative contraindication for use is a recent abortion or miscarriage. Children's age (up to 12 years). In rare cases, motherwort decoction can be prescribed to hyperactive children, but the pediatrician must calculate the dosage. If you decide to use motherwort for blood pressure, you should consult a specialist.

If the recommended dosages are not observed, the development of poisoning cannot be ruled out. Signs of this include dizziness, the development of dyspeptic symptoms - attacks of nausea, vomiting. In this case, the course of treatment should be interrupted and the attending doctor should be informed about the appearance of unpleasant symptoms.

Motherwort is a powerful medicinal plant, so it is necessary to take into account the available recommendations. Before starting treatment for hypertension with drugs based on it, you should consult your doctor.

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