Reduces or increases blood pressure "Corvalol", instructions for use

Medicines for high blood pressure are in widespread demand not only in our country. Today, hypertension (hypertension) is considered a disease of youth, as cases of the disease are increasingly being recorded among young people and adolescents.

  • Andipal for high blood pressure
  • Corvalol: lowers blood pressure?
  • Valerian and blood pressure
  • Shilajit and blood pressure
  • Eufillin and blood pressure
  • Glycine lowers blood pressure
  • Anaprilin for blood pressure
  • Mydocalm: does it increase blood pressure?
  • No-spa and pressure
  • Concor from pressure
  • Enalapril: for blood pressure?
  • Papazol and blood pressure
  • Enap and pressure
  • Nitroglycerin and blood pressure
  • Captopril for blood pressure
  • Novopassit and pressure
  • Papaverine and blood pressure
  • Iodine and blood pressure
  • Afobazole: effect on blood pressure
  • Honeysuckle and pressure

Drug treatment for high blood pressure may include the following medications:

  • β-adrenolytics (normalize cardiac activity and reduce peripheral vascular resistance; the most popular are timolol and anaprilin)
  • diuretics (they remove excess fluid from the body; veroshpiron and furosemide are effective and widespread)
  • ACE inhibitors (affect the rhinin-angiotensin system; mainly prescribed ramipril or captopril)
  • calcium antagonists (in pharmacies you can find cinnarizine, felodipine, verapamil)
  • alpha blockers (block impulses that lead to vasoconstriction; doxazoline is the most popular)
  • angiotensin receptor blockers (inhibit the active action of angiotensin; you can buy valsartan, irbesartan, diovan, cozaar in pharmacies)
  • medications to dilate blood vessels, such as apressin or dimecarbine

Andipal for high blood pressure

Andipal is a drug from a number of vasodilating antispasmodics. It contains substances such as analgin, papaverine, dibazole and phenobarbital. Dibazole just affects blood pressure, reducing them. Papaverine is an antispasmodic that will relax smooth muscles. Phenobarbital has a calming effect, which also reduces blood pressure. But pressure decreases only if it is caused by stress or vascular spasms. If you are diagnosed with essential hypertension, Andipal will not be effective.

The medicine in question is not intended to stabilize blood pressure. If you have headaches without a doctor’s prescription, it is better not to take this drug, because low blood pressure can also be the cause of headaches.


The following complications can result from consuming Corvalol in large quantities:

  • Reduced blood pressure. Along with dizziness, weakness and fainting, renal filtration may slow down against this background, which can lead to the development of oliguria. The likelihood of this negative consequence increases with kidney disease and initial hypotension.
  • Slow reaction and deterioration of coordination of movements. It is especially dangerous for people operating moving machinery. May cause traffic accidents and industrial accidents. In the elderly, it increases the likelihood of falls and, as a result, fractures due to osteoporosis.

Long-term use causes a feeling of constant fatigue, trembling limbs, the appearance of depressive moods, deterioration of memory and the ability to concentrate. Due to addiction, patients gradually increase the dose. The drug has a cumulative effect, that is, it accumulates in the body, so symptoms of poisoning with regular use can occur even after the next dose of the usual dose.

There is no indication in the official instructions that the simultaneous consumption of alcohol is prohibited. However, statistics confirm the presence of unwanted reactions and dangerous complications due to the combined use of Corvalol and alcoholic beverages. Cases of coma and death have been described.

Corvalol: lowers blood pressure?

The composition of Corvalol includes ethyl ester of α-bromoisovaleric acid, phenobarbital and mint oil, which gives the drug a specific strong odor. Corvalol relieves spasms, stabilizes the human nervous system, and greatly dilates blood vessels. After taking this drug, many note that it was easier for them to fall asleep.

This medicine can be taken if high blood pressure is caused by stress, vascular spasms, or lack of sleep. Corvalol is drunk before meals (add 30 drops of medicine to 50 ml of water), 1-3 doses per day. In some cases, doctors advise increasing the dosage to forty drops. Corvalol is also sold in tablets, which are taken a couple of times a day in the amount of one or two tablets.

Long courses of Corvalol to lower blood pressure are prohibited. The drug should be alternated with another drug of similar action or breaks between courses of administration.

With high blood pressure

For arterial hypertension, it is advisable to take Corvalol. Prescribing the drug is justified under the following circumstances:

  • Blood pressure problems are caused by stressful circumstances;
  • sleep disturbances are observed;
  • Health problems are the result of hyperactivity, nervous tension and irritability appear;
  • High blood pressure is caused by seizures.

Relieving spasms, dilating blood vessels and affecting the nervous system, after taking the drug there is a gradual decrease in pressure. The drug has a mild sedative effect, which has a positive effect on the patient's condition.

Doctors do not recommend taking the drug for a long period of persistently high blood pressure.

It is suitable when there is an urgent need to reduce blood pressure, when, due to circumstances, traditional medications for hypertension are not available.

Valerian and blood pressure

Valerian tincture contains isovaleric acid, borneol ester, alkaloids and valeric acid. This remedy helps to calm down sleep disorders, stress, and also helps with gastrointestinal spasms. Valerian tincture reduces blood pressure caused by the reasons just listed, but the medicine does not have a direct hypotensive effect. Mainly prescribed as part of combination therapy. Take valerian after meals, 25 drops (maximum 4 times a day). Among the side effects that appear with an overdose are drowsiness, causeless fatigue and slight dizziness.

At low pressure

You can drink Corvalol with low blood pressure, it depends on the purpose of taking it. If the indicators are low and there are no obvious reasons for this condition, the drug should not be taken. Often low blood pressure is caused by stress and nervous experiences. In this case, taking Corvalol is permissible only when the pressure is normalized, when there is a need to provide a sedative or spasmodic effect.

In most cases, doctors recommend choosing other sedatives for this purpose. When deciding to take the drug to normalize the mental state, the maximum dose for people with hypotension should not exceed 15 drops. Failure to do so and exceeding this standard may result in fainting.

Shilajit and blood pressure

Shilajit is a natural remedy that contains many useful micro- and macroelements, as well as organic substances. Scientists still do not answer exactly the question of how mumiyo affects blood pressure. It may contain various ingredients depending on the location of the deposits and some features of the area.

Shilajit is known to relieve inflammation, help remove toxins from the body, strengthen the defenses, etc. Shilajit is supposed to lower blood pressure. It contains chromium, which affects blood pressure. But one tablet of the product is unlikely to help. A minimum twenty-day course is required. Gradually, the body's metabolic processes stabilize, and along with them, the pressure decreases to some extent.

Eufillin and blood pressure

Eufillin is a drug from the class of antispasmodics that expands the lumen of blood vessels, lowers blood pressure, has a positive effect on blood circulation in the body, and also helps against spasms of smooth muscles. Eufillin is mainly prescribed for pulmonary edema, asthma, cerebral edema, angina pectoris, and edema, which is a manifestation of hypertension. The drug is not prescribed to patients prone to hypotension. If pressure increases, targeted treatment with aminophylline cannot be done, since due to some components the pressure stabilizes after a slight decrease or does not decrease at all.

Anaprilin for blood pressure

Anaprilin is an adenoblocker. It lowers blood pressure and heart rate decreases. There is a possibility of increased uterine contractions and increased gastrointestinal secretion. This drug is prescribed to patients with cardiac arrhythmias, including paroxysmal tachycardia, patients with myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. It should be taken a maximum of 4 times a day, 0.025 g, twenty minutes before meals. If the doctor has prescribed an injection, he must also indicate the dosage.

Anaprilin can lower blood pressure, regardless of whether it was previously high or low. The pressure may drop very quickly if the medication was administered quickly intravenously, or during long courses.

Side effects

Taking the drug Corvalol to lower blood pressure may cause adverse reactions:

  • gagging;
  • allergy;
  • sinus rhythm disturbance;
  • dizziness;
  • sleepy state.

If adverse reactions occur, the dosage should be reduced or discontinued.

You cannot take Corvalol for hypertension constantly, as long-term use leads to addiction. When taking the drug, you should refrain from driving or performing work that requires concentration, as it reduces psychomotor reactions and causes drowsiness.

Mydocalm: does it increase blood pressure?

Mydocalm suppresses muscle spasms that are caused by pathologies of the central nervous system. It reduces muscle tone, inhibits the passage of nerve impulses, and inhibits the occurrence of seizures. The use of the drug in question is relevant for organic lesions of the nervous system, which are characterized by increased muscle tone, for epilepsy, encephalitis and multiple sclerosis. Mydocalm does not increase blood pressure. Due to its antispasmodic effect, rapid intravenous administration may lower blood pressure. For long courses, systematic monitoring of pressure by measurement is important.

Habituation and dependence.

Also, a negative result of systematic use includes the development of addiction, which is manifested by the desire to take the next dose. The medicine has a cumulative property; with prolonged consumption, tolerance is developed, and there is a tendency to increase the dose to obtain relief.

It is impossible to stop taking the medication on your own due to severe withdrawal symptoms. It is necessary to seek specialized drug treatment help. Addiction treatment is most effective at the early stages of addiction.

No-spa and pressure

No-spa has an analogue, this is Drotaverine. The drug acts as an antispasmodic, affecting the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, blood vessels and genitourinary tract. Indications for use:

  • colic or annoying hiccups
  • spastic constipation / colitis
  • pylorospasm
  • spasms due to cystitis, kidney stones, pyelitis
  • spasms of the bile ducts and gallbladder

No-shpu is sometimes used by hypertensive patients to relieve headaches. The effect on blood pressure is due to the antispasmodic effect. Low blood pressure is most often a contraindication to taking No-shpa. For the same reason, drug overdose should be avoided. You can take 1-2 tablets no more than 3 times a day, only after meals. Also sometimes the drug is administered by injection into the muscle.

Concor from pressure

The drug belongs to beta-blockers; main active ingredient: bisoprolol. The drug reduces blood pressure, relieves heart rhythm disturbances and stabilizes the functioning of the organ. Concor reduces minute blood volume, carries out sympathetic activation of distal vessels, etc.

Already with a 2-day course, Concor has a positive effect on stabilizing blood pressure. Stable numbers on the tonometer appear after 1-2 months of treatment with this medicine. Concor is available in tablets. It cannot be crushed; the tablet is swallowed with food or immediately after eating. The dosage may vary in each case. Initially, the patient is generally given 1 tablet per day once. In some cases it is 2 tablets instead of one. You can take no more than four tablets of the drug in 24 hours. Don’t expect Concor to instantly lower your blood pressure; this requires long-term, targeted treatment.

Enalapril: for blood pressure?

Enalapril is a drug that is used to reduce and prevent further increases in blood pressure. It affects both systolic and diastolic parameters, reduces the load on the heart, and dilates the arteries. Enapril gently reduces blood pressure without having a negative effect on blood circulation in the human brain. It also increases blood flow to the heart and kidney areas. The drug may be prescribed by a doctor to prevent heart failure. The medicine has a slight diuretic effect.

Enapril, taken orally, helps with blood pressure within an hour. The maximum effect occurs in the fifth hour from taking the drug, the duration of the effect is approximately 24 hours. In severe cases, the pressure decreases only after a 2-3 week course of treatment.

Enapril can be taken in the morning, afternoon or evening (5 mg once a day). The doctor may advise increasing the dose after 1-2 weeks if the patient is in serious condition. The maximum daily total dosage is 40 mg, otherwise blood pressure may drop sharply, which threatens collapse and acute disruption of blood circulation in the brain.

Papazol and blood pressure

Papazole belongs to the antispasmodics that lower blood pressure. It contains dibazole and papaverine, which have the ability to reduce blood pressure. Doctors prescribe Papazol mainly for the treatment of arterial hypertension, which is caused by spasm of peripheral vessels and the vascular system in the brain. It is also effective for smooth muscle spasms, facial paralysis, and poliomyelitis.

Papazol should be given to the patient orally, 2-3 times a day in the amount of two tablets. If you combine the medicine with diuretics, antispasmodics or sedatives, the decrease in pressure will be more significant than with monotherapy. Contraindications to the use of the drug are epilepsy, bearing a child and breastfeeding a newborn.

Enap and pressure

Enap is a drug that lowers blood pressure. It contains enalapril and hydrochlorothiazide. The first component relieves spasms and dilates blood vessels, and the second has a diuretic effect and reduces blood volume. Enap is given to the patient every day at the same time, preferably in the morning. You cannot take the medicine on an empty stomach. Chewing and crushing tablets is also not recommended. You can take 1 tablet per day. If you exceed the dose, there is a risk of a very strong drop in blood pressure.

Nitroglycerin and blood pressure

Nitroglycerin relaxes smooth muscles, lowers blood pressure for a short time and improves blood supply to the heart muscle. After administration, the patient’s breathing becomes deeper and the heart rate increases. Nitroglycerin is effective for angina attacks, asthmatic conditions, etc. The medicine lowers blood pressure, so during treatment they need monitoring with a tonometer.

After the first use of the drug and in case of overdose, a sharp drop in blood pressure may be observed, and even orthostatic hypotension may be observed in such cases. You can take no more than 6 tablets or sixteen drops of this drug per day.

Captopril for blood pressure

Captopril reduces peripheral vascular resistance and lowers blood pressure. The doctor may prescribe captopril for chronic heart failure. For symptoms of arterial hypertension, the drug should be taken 2 times a day at a dose of 12.5 mg at the beginning of treatment. If the tonometer readings do not stabilize within 1-2 weeks, the dose should be increased, but not independently, but as prescribed by a doctor.

The drug is taken up to three times a day at a dose of 25 mg. You can take no more than 150 mg of the drug per day. Consumption is recommended 60 minutes before meals. After taking the first dose, a sharp drop in blood pressure is likely. But then it returns to normal. For elderly patients, individual dosage selection is required.

Storage conditions

It is recommended to store the drug Corvalol out of the reach of children, in a dark place away from sunlight or other bright light. Storage temperature should not exceed 15 degrees.

The shelf life of the drug when opened is 18 months. After the expiration date and storage, any remaining product must be disposed of in accordance with sanitary standards.

The drug is sold in pharmacies without a prescription.

All medications should be kept out of the reach of children

Novopassit and pressure

Novopassit is a sedative that contains guaifenesin and herbal components such as valerian, hawthorn, etc. The drug is used for increased irritability, anxiety and restlessness, phobias, mental overload, stress, and sleep disorders. Novopassit relaxes smooth muscles, but its effect on blood pressure has not been proven. You need to take the drug 3 times a day, one teaspoon. It is given to the patient after meals or with drinks.


  1. What are barbiturates?
  2. Impact on the body.
  3. Potential harm and consequences of regular use. 3.1. Poisoning. 3.2. Overdose.
  4. Habituation and dependence.

Corvalol is a popular combination drug with a sedative and vasodilating effect. The composition, in addition to components of plant origin, includes ethyl alcohol and phenobarbital, a long-term sedative. In increased dosages, it has a drug-like effect and is addictive. So the question of whether Corvalol contains barbiturates can only be answered in the affirmative. Let's consider the occurrence of negative reactions and the consequences of prolonged use of the medication.

Papaverine and blood pressure

Papaverine belongs to the antispasmodics and contains papazole. It dilates blood vessels, eliminates spasms and reduces smooth muscle tone. The sedative effect of the drug occurs only when large doses are taken. Papaverine is effective for spasms of the vascular system of the brain, digestive organs, and urinary system. Can be used as an additional tool in preparation for operations.

Papaverine reduces blood pressure if this condition is caused by vascular spasm. Therefore, it is prescribed for some forms of hypertension. It is given to the patient after meals 4 times a day orally, 0.02-0.05 grams. Sometimes it is recommended to administer 1-2 ml of a 2% solution under the skin. To enhance the effect, Papaverine can be combined with other medications.


  1. Current classifications of medicines: textbook / [compiled by: Galustyan A. N. et al.]. — St. Petersburg: SPbGPMU, 2018. — 54 p.
  2. Workbook on pharmacology: workshop / Mikhail Vladimirovich Pokrovsky, Lyudmila Mikhailovna Danilenko, Tatyana Valerievna Avtina, etc.; Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Belgorod State National Research University". — Belgorod: Belgorod: National Research University “BelGU”, 2018-. - 29 cm / Part 2: Workbook on pharmacology: drugs that affect the central nervous system. — 2021. — 79 p.
  3. Pharmacology with formulation]: textbook for medical and pharmaceutical schools and colleges: for students of secondary medical educational institutions / V. M. Vinogradov, E. B. Katkova, E. A. Mukhin. — 5th ed., rev. - St. Petersburg: SpetsLit, 2009. – 863 p.

Iodine and blood pressure

Iodine is a drug that is prescribed to eliminate the lack of this element in the body of a child or adult. Such conditions occur during pregnancy, thyroid disease, breastfeeding, and, in some cases, when living in environmentally unfavorable areas. Excess iodine is no less dangerous than its deficiency, therefore taking the drug on your own is unacceptable! We need 150-200 mcg of iodine per day, which the body receives with food.

Increased blood pressure due to thyroid disorders is likely. Iodine reduces blood pressure to some extent. If the cause of the increase in blood pressure is not a malfunction of the thyroid gland, then iodine will not have any effect on blood pressure. Therefore, we advise you to go to the doctor and undergo the appropriate examinations to know whether iodine will help lower blood pressure in your case.

The effect of Corvalol on blood pressure

Excessive pressure is dangerous with a violent increase in pressure and negative consequences, because all internal organs suffer from high readings. When using Corvalol in the body, the increase in blood vessels and impulse transmission of activity decreases, which leads to the fact that the heart rate slows down and the pressure begins to drop.

The effect of the drug is quite stronger and can affect the pressure indicator, reducing it by 15-20 points. It is worth considering that taking traditional medications together with Corvalole may increase the effect, so you should approach the drug with caution. Treatment with Corvalol is recommended only after receiving advice and setting a deadline with your doctor. Taking the drug if you have low blood pressure is unacceptable.

Afobazole: effect on blood pressure

Afobazole has a pronounced anti-anxiety and slight stimulating effect. The drug helps with sleep disorders, anxiety and fears. The drug has no toxic effect. The properties of the drug are not aimed at changing blood pressure, so taking Afobazole specifically to lower or increase blood pressure is not advisable. But, if the reason for the increase in blood pressure lies in stress in a particular case, then the medicine in question can help.


The medicine is indicated when functional disorders occur and is ineffective when there are pronounced organic changes. It can be taken for anxiety, a slight jump in blood pressure, agitation, irritability, vegetative disorders (weakness, redness of the skin, excessive sweating).

The drug can be used occasionally to facilitate falling asleep, but sleep is not entirely physiological, so regular use for this purpose is undesirable. The medication helps relieve intestinal spasms, but this effect is insignificant.

Honeysuckle and pressure

Honeysuckle is a plant that has aromatic berries that are famous for their medicinal properties. These berries are useful for high blood pressure (hypertension). Honeysuckle berries are effective for anemia, pathologies of the cardiovascular system, and atherosclerosis.

Honeysuckle lowers blood pressure and eliminates headaches if they were caused by elevated blood pressure. After a short heat treatment, the berries do not lose their properties. Compotes are prepared from them or consumed raw. The simplest and most common drink is the following: 3 tbsp. spoons of berries are crushed and poured into 200 ml of boiling water, left for 20 minutes and drunk three times a day before meals.

Most drugs that lower blood pressure also have antispasmodic, diuretic, or many other effects. Self-administered use of medications is not recommended. It's better to make an appointment with a doctor. After all, eliminating a symptom does not relieve you of serious diseases that may underlie hypertension (high blood pressure).

Drug interactions

Some medications may lead to undesirable effects or decreased pharmacological properties when taken simultaneously with Corvalol.

Taking tranquilizers and sleeping pills increases the effect of Corvalol on the body.

Medicines that form metabolites in the liver lose effectiveness when taking Corvalol.

Corvalol should not be taken with alcohol-containing drinks, as simultaneous use can lead to adverse reactions, increased drowsiness, depression, and speech impairment.

The simultaneous use of the drug Corvalol with alcohol has a bad effect on the functioning of the kidneys, cardiovascular system, and liver. Taking alcohol and medications together can cause a heart attack, cirrhosis of the liver, or cause sudden death.

You cannot take Corvalol in tablets or drops without a doctor's prescription. The final dosage and duration of administration is determined by the doctor.

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