What does blood pressure 160 over 110 mean, what are the reasons, what to do, how to reduce it and treatment at home

A person is considered alive as long as his heart muscle works. The heart is an organ that is forced to constantly pump blood through the vascular bed, creating blood pressure. Normally it should be 120 to 70 mmHg. Art.

If the tonometer displays a pressure of 160 to 110, we can talk about second-degree hypertension. This is a complication of the cardiovascular system caused by constant pressure surges.

What does blood pressure 160/110 mean?

High blood pressure does not develop immediately, but hypertension is dangerous because it very quickly passes from one stage to another.
That is why it is important not to miss the moment when the condition can be normalized at the initial stage. This condition is caused by a narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels. Blood begins to flow to the heart more slowly and the myocardium needs more force to push it further.

If normal pressure readings in men and women may differ slightly, then a value of 160 to 110 is considered elevated for both sexes. In older people, blood pressure is almost always elevated, requiring lifelong medication correction.

If blood pressure has crossed the mark of 160 to 110 mm Hg. Art., then even with the help of medications it will not be possible to return to the indicators of 120 to 70. Blood pressure levels will always be higher than normal.

What can it lead to?

If the pressure has risen to a critical level of 160 to 110, few people know what exactly this means. Stage 2 hypertension or hypertensive crisis without proper therapy can lead to much worse consequences.


  • Cardiaortic aneurysm;
  • Atherosclerosis and cerebral thrombosis;
  • Organic damage to the brain;
  • Angina pectoris.

Increased pressure primarily has a detrimental effect on target organs:

  • Heart muscle and cardiovascular system;
  • Kidneys and adrenal glands;
  • Brain and hypothalamus;
  • Visual organs.

If no measures are taken to lower blood pressure and treat the disease, over time, irreversible destructive changes occur in the target organs with subsequent dysfunction.

For men, an increase in pressure to a critical level is fraught with frequent heart attacks, strokes, impaired visual function and problems with potency.

During pregnancy, pressure changes are commonplace, but they cannot be ignored. If symptoms are not stopped in time, temporary hypertension can develop into a chronic form and negatively affect the unborn child.

Are such indicators dangerous?

Advanced second-degree hypertension is dangerous for the development of heart attack and stroke.
A constant increase in blood pressure leads to renal failure, blurred vision, cerebral thrombosis, aortic aneurysm, angina pectoris and encephalopathy. Hemorrhage may occur in vital organs, as the walls of the vessels feeding them lose their elasticity. However, if treatment is started in time, pathological changes can be prevented. The main thing is not to hesitate, because the count is not in months, and not even in days, but in minutes.

Correcting hypertension at home

Home help for relief of high blood pressure is differentiated.

First aid

If the pressure reaches 160 over 100 or 110 and continues to rise, an ambulance must be called, especially if a person experiences the following symptoms:

  • severe burning pain behind the sternum;
  • fear of death;
  • profuse sweat;
  • dyspnea;
  • tachycardia

Otherwise, you may develop a heart attack or stroke with unpredictable consequences. In other cases, the main task is to achieve a decrease in SBP/DBP within the first hour after its rise. Before the doctors arrive:

  • half-lay the person on high pillows;
  • provide a flow of fresh air;
  • calm the patient;
  • ask to breathe shallowly, evenly;
  • give 20 drops of sedatives - Corvalol;
  • if there is a treatment regimen developed by the doctor earlier, follow the instructions;
  • on the calves - mustard plaster, on the feet - a heating pad, under the tongue - a Nitroglycerin tablet;
  • regular tonometry.

All actions are recorded and transmitted to the doctor.

Drug therapy

Blood pressure of 160 to 100 or higher can only be corrected with medications. It is reduced gradually; an overdose of drugs or an incorrectly selected drug can sharply reduce blood pressure to critical levels. Use:

  • diuretics: Hypothiazide, Indapamide, Lasix, Spironolactone, Veroshpiron - remove excess fluid from the body, facilitating the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • antispasmodics – Spazgan, Maksigan, Scopolamine, Spanil, Platyfillin – relieve spasm of the arteries;
  • hypotensive - Norvasc, Amlodipine, Renitek, Ko-Renitek, Concor - affect the body's enzyme systems, metabolic processes, and nervous system in various ways, normalizing blood pressure.

The doctor chooses the treatment regimen. Spontaneous administration of drugs is prohibited.

Folk recipes

Hypertension of the second degree allows the use of folk recipes as a background:

  • Flax seeds contain large quantities of essential omega-3 fatty acids, which rejuvenate blood vessels and increase their elasticity. The body cannot synthesize these substances on its own; they must constantly be supplied to it through food. The recipe for treating hypertension is simple: grind the seeds in a blender and add them to salads, main courses, and sprinkle on sandwiches. By including flax seeds in your diet, you can extend your life by an average of 5 years;
  • tincture of red pine cones is used not only to treat hypertension, but also after a stroke, to normalize motor function in case of partial paralysis: the raw materials are collected in June-July, washed, poured into a liter jar, then poured with vodka or alcohol, infused for a couple of weeks in the dark at at room temperature, filter, drink three times a day, half an hour before meals, a teaspoon;
  • garlic is a folk remedy for the treatment of high blood pressure, two cloves of garlic are crushed, poured with a glass of boiled water, and left for 12 hours. Drink a glass of garlic water in the morning and evening. The course of treatment is a month;
  • Unpeeled pumpkin seeds in a half-liter jar are boiled for two hours, cooled and drunk throughout the day;
  • A glass of cucumber juice taken in the morning on an empty stomach helps remove toxins from the body and reduces vascular tone.

All prescriptions must be approved by your doctor.

Reasons for this pressure

When they first see the numbers 160 by 110 on a tonometer, many do not understand what this means and do not know whether treatment should be started. Naturally, first of all you should consult a doctor. Hypertension can be triggered by severe stress or intense physical activity. If a jump in blood pressure is observed once, further therapy may not be required, but if the situation repeats and the pressure does not drop, you need to sound the alarm.

In people of retirement age, the main reason for the development of hypertension is the natural thinning of blood vessels and loss of their elasticity. The young population has physical inactivity.

If you often eat unhealthy foods, cholesterol plaques form on the walls of blood vessels. They narrow the lumen and disrupt normal blood flow.

Both causes provoke vascular spasm, and blood enters the heart, brain, kidneys and other vital organs in insufficient portions, which leads to oxygen starvation. And without oxygen, organs begin to die and the person dies.

And also read on our website: What do blood pressure readings of 160 over 60 mean - causes, symptoms and what to do?

High blood pressure occurs at least once in every person's life. There are trigger factors that can increase the likelihood of developing the disease. In medicine they are divided into two groups:

adjustable obesity

bad habits

poor nutrition

incorrect daily routine

uncorrectable age

hereditary disposition

diabetes mellitus, etc.

In addition, very often hypertension develops against the background of:

  • hormonal imbalances;
  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • pathologies of the kidneys and adrenal glands;
  • head injuries and hypothalamic diseases;
  • atherosclerosis.

The risk of developing second-degree hypertension is increased by lack of sleep, frequent stress, a sedentary lifestyle, as well as abuse of salty foods and caffeine.

It will be interesting to know that a pregnancy that has complications can lead to a malfunction of the heart.

Do they give you disability?

With persistent blood pressure readings at 160/110, disturbances in the body and dysfunction of vital organs are inevitable. When conducting a full examination of the patient and a medical examination, the medical commission may assign a person a disability group of 3 if damage to internal target organs is detected. When a patient is assigned a disability, he is obliged to adhere to the rehabilitation scheme prescribed by doctors.

The third disability group does not exempt you from work, however, it has its limitations:

  • There should be no noise in the workplace;
  • A person should not experience frequent stress due to work and various types of stress;
  • The patient definitely needs to reconsider his work schedule, eliminating irregular working hours and night shifts;
  • A hypertensive disabled person is not allowed to concentrate too high when performing certain tasks: the load on the brain should be moderate;
  • Also, patients with hypertension are prohibited from working at high altitudes.

In some cases, a person with hypertension may be assigned disability group 2, which imposes a ban on work. Only home work is permitted.

The first disability group is assigned in rare cases of severe progression of the disease, severe heart failure, serious dysfunction of internal organs and complete loss of self-care skills.

The presence of a disability group requires its annual confirmation.


In addition to high blood pressure readings on a tonometer, second-degree hypertension can be recognized by the symptoms that all patients experience. The main symptom of this pathological condition is pain in the back of the head and tinnitus. Some people complain of spots in front of their eyes, which significantly reduce their vision and make it difficult to concentrate.

Other symptoms indicating a blood pressure of 160 to 110 include:

  • dizziness;

  • nausea;
  • soreness in the chest area;
  • decreased performance;
  • apathy;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • convulsions;
  • difficulty pronouncing words;
  • swelling of the face;
  • increased sweating.

The clinical picture may differ for each person. If symptoms become more intense or appear more intense, you should call an ambulance.

High blood pressure: what to do

Blood pressure in an adult is considered normal if its level at rest does not exceed 140/90 mmHg. Pressure level from 140/90 to 160/95 mmHg. belongs to the so-called border, intermediate zone. If the blood pressure level is equal to or higher than 160/95 mmHg, then we speak of high blood pressure (hypertension).

How does hypertension manifest itself?

Hypertension is one of the most common diseases of the cardiovascular system. Many consider it the disease of the century.

This is a chronic disease that manifests itself as a constant, and in the initial stages, periodic increase in blood pressure. Patients experience nervousness, progressive general weakness, headaches, tinnitus, dizziness, and pain in the back of the head. “Fly spots” flash before your eyes. Such people, as a rule, have poor sleep and are often troubled by insomnia.

During an increase in pressure, a feeling of heat may occur, the face and other areas of the skin turn red, and then sweat appears on them. Hands and feet, on the contrary, may become cold. At the same time, the pulse becomes faster, and stabbing pain occurs in the heart area. The severity and duration of these symptoms depends on how high a person's blood pressure is.

Causes of hypertension?

1. Nervous - mental tension. The nervous factor is one of the determining factors in the occurrence of hypertension. Its initial link is emotions, mental experiences, which are also accompanied by various reactions in healthy people, including increased blood pressure. Frequent stressful situations sooner or later lead to persistent high blood pressure.

2. Endocrine disorders. Endocrine factors also play a certain role in the development of hypertension. It is well known that mature men, menopausal women, and, finally, people with various pathologies of the pituitary gland and adrenal glands are more prone to increased blood pressure.

3. Consuming large amounts of table salt. The nutritional factor also plays a role in the development of hypertension. It has been established that people who consume large amounts of table salt often suffer from high blood pressure. This is due to sodium retention in the body, which causes edema, vasoconstriction and an increase in circulating blood volume, which leads to increased blood pressure.

4. Heredity. One of the reasons for high blood pressure is a genetic factor. It has been established that in children whose parents have hypertension, the disease occurs 2.5 times more often than in others.

5. Nicotine , alcohol and other stimulants . Bad habits play an important role in increasing blood pressure. Tobacco, coffee, and alcohol are powerful stimulants of the heart and blood vessels. These substances seem to spur the heart, and it begins to work overload. Alcohol and tobacco are poisons that can penetrate the cells of all organ tissues, causing dehydration and serious disturbances in metabolic processes in the body.

Why is high blood pressure dangerous?

Blood vessels are very sensitive to both constantly high pressure and its fluctuations. Under the influence of these factors, the vascular wall loses its elasticity and in some places becomes thinner. As a result, the arteries lengthen, become tortuous, deformed, and may become kinked.

Under the influence of high pressure, lipids are deposited faster in the walls of blood vessels (so-called plaques are formed). Numerous observations by doctors indicate that in the body of people suffering from high blood pressure, atherosclerotic damage to blood vessels develops many times faster. As a result of vascular changes that affect all organs, people with high blood pressure quickly develop signs of coronary heart disease, ischemia of the brain, kidneys, and limbs.

The result of damage to the coronary vessels is angina pectoris, or “angina pectoris”. You are worried about pain or discomfort in the heart area, behind the sternum, which occurs after physical activity or emotional experiences.

Myocardial infarction is also a manifestation of ischemia of the heart muscle. In this case, blood flow through one of the coronary arteries is obstructed or completely stopped for a long time. A heart attack and necrosis (death) of a section of the heart muscle develops. With a significant change in the blood vessels of the legs, peripheral circulation disorders develop: coldness of the extremities, impaired sensitivity. Symptoms of intermittent claudication may appear: stiffness, pain in the legs when walking. Changes in blood vessels may also result in impaired renal function. The eye vessels also suffer from high blood pressure. Thickening of their walls, as well as possible ruptures, can lead to visual impairment, both transient and permanent.

Another dangerous consequence of high blood pressure is the development of brain complications. This is blockage of the lumen of a cerebral artery by a thrombus or atherosclerotic plaque, intracerebral hemorrhage and the development of encephalopathy. The development of acute cerebrovascular accidents is usually preceded by the appearance of symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, memory loss, irritability, and low performance.

A direct consequence of high blood pressure is a complication such as hypertensive crisis. The onset is usually sudden. In this case, the blood pressure value increases individually. In one person, the pressure can rise to 270/160 mmHg, in another - up to 190/120 mmHg.

Help with hypertensive crisis

1. If the condition worsens, you must first measure your blood pressure.

2. It is necessary to reduce blood flow to the head and upper torso and ensure its outflow to the lower extremities. To do this, you need to sit the patient down or lay him on a bed with a high headboard.

3. Be sure to call a doctor. Before his arrival, it is necessary to monitor the patient’s condition.

4. If cardiac symptoms appear (pain or squeezing, pressing, stabbing sensations in the heart area), before the doctor arrives, the patient should be given sublingual nifedipine (Corinfar, phenigidine) at a dose of 10-20 mg or nitroglycerin, 1 tablet every 10 minutes.

During a hypertensive crisis, you should not use drugs such as dibazole, papazole, so beloved by many patients. In hypertensive crisis they are ineffective. Taking them will only prolong the pathological condition, which requires emergency assistance.

First aid

In critical situations, you need to call an ambulance; doctors will tell you what to do before they arrive. It is very important to give the patient first aid medications, these include Tonorm, Captopress or Nifedipine. These medications stabilize a sharp jump in blood pressure for 15-20 minutes. They are prohibited for regular use and treatment of hypertension.

To calm the patient, give him Sedavit or Novo-Passit. These are herbal preparations, so they will only have a positive effect on the condition of hypertensive patients.

You can inject 5 ml of 25% Magnesium sulfate intramuscularly, but this is very painful, so if possible, wait for an ambulance.

The patient should be placed on the bed, preferably face down, with a cold compress placed on his neck.

When the pressure is less than 160 to 110 mmHg. Art. injections are not recommended because the patient may develop hypotension, which is much more difficult to treat than hypertension.

Folk remedies for adjuvant therapy

Properly selected natural supplements of plant origin can enhance the general therapeutic effect of medications taken and bring additional benefits to the body.

So, for hypertension it is recommended:

  • Use herbal decoctions and infusions instead of tea;
  • Add vegetable broths and juices to your diet;
  • Do not forget about such healing ingredients as hawthorn, viburnum, honey, garlic and cranberry.

Medicinal herbs for herbal medicine should be selected by the attending physician who knows the characteristics of the body, the course of the disease and the patient’s medical history.

For decoctions, it is better to use not a specific plant, but herbal infusions, which may include lingonberries, rose hips, lemon balm, mint, calendula, magnolia, wormwood and clover. The above herbs relieve spasm of veins and arteries, improve myocardial function and calm the body.


Warm baths for the feet or the whole body will not harm, but rather will improve the patient’s condition. It is best to carry out the procedure in the evening. You can add herbal infusions, essential oils or emulsions to a container of water. Swimming in warm water before evening rest will eliminate nervous tension, reduce tone, improve the quality of sleep and overall well-being.

The average duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes. After swimming or a foot bath, it is recommended to dress in warm clothes and take a horizontal position, ideally for the whole night.

Hypotensive massage

This procedure can be performed by anyone. The total duration of the therapeutic massage is 10 minutes.

Professional skills are not important here, the main thing is to follow a certain sequence:

  1. Therapeutic massage should begin with the neck and shoulders, lightly stroking and rubbing, without much zeal.
  2. Next, add light pressure to the neck area while stroking.
  3. After the neck comes light stroking of the upper chest (at the level of the upper 7 vertebrae).
  4. The final stage will be kneading the pain points in the back of the head, as well as the crown, temples and frontal part.

Hypotensive massage can have a vasodilating effect. Soft stroking calms the central nervous system, helps reduce spasm and tension in the arteries and veins, as a result of which blood pressure decreases.


To normalize a person’s standing, doctors prescribe complex therapy for hypertension. The list of necessary medications includes drugs from the following groups:

  • ACE inhibitors - dilate arteries and relieve spasms in blood vessels;

  • calcium antagonists - normalize heart function;
  • alpha and beta blockers - stabilize heart rate and dilate blood vessels;
  • diuretics - reduce fluid levels in the body;
  • sedative medications - stabilize the functioning of the nervous system.

And also read on our website: What do blood pressure readings of 160 over 90 mean, what to do to bring down high blood pressure, what medications to take?

Among antihypertensive drugs, Bisoprolol, Artil and Lisinopril have a good effect.

Veroshpiron, Furosemide and Thiazide are recommended for use as diuretics.

Atorvastatin is prescribed to lower blood cholesterol levels.

Aspecard can be used to thin the blood.

ACE inhibitors will help relieve spasms: Captopril, Enalapril, Fosinopril.

Beta blockers such as Acebutolol, Pindolol, Propranolol and Timolol occupy not the least place in therapy.

The patient is prohibited from choosing his own medications. The treatment regimen is developed by the doctor. He takes into account the specifics of the medicine and selects drugs in such a way that they complement each other and have a complex effect on the body.

In order for the treatment to give the expected result, you need to take the medications strictly on an hourly basis and adhere to the dosage recommended by the doctor.

Folk remedies

The use of traditional medicine as the main method of treating hypertension is strictly prohibited. At the same time, by supplementing synthetic medications prescribed by a doctor with medicinal herbs, you can achieve recovery much faster.

The following recipes help stabilize blood pressure:

  1. Dried herbs of motherwort, cudweed, horsetail and valerian are mixed in equal quantities and brewed for 15 minutes. Take 50 g before each meal.
  2. A decoction of mint, buckthorn and yarrow helps stabilize heart rate and blood pressure surges caused by physical activity and stress. The prepared herbal decoction is consumed instead of tea three times a day.
  3. Chokeberry leaves are poured with boiling water and infused in a thermos. When the broth has cooled, add dill seeds and leave for another half hour. Strain the product and drink 100 g on an empty stomach.

Parsley has a very good effect on the body of hypertensive patients, because it is able to cleanse blood vessels and stabilize the functioning of the heart. Eating parsley is beneficial in any form, both natural and dried.


To help the body fight surges in blood pressure, you need to eat right.
Increase the amount of dried fruits in your diet - this is a real storehouse of vitamins. Garlic, celery and asparagus will cleanse the body of toxins and strengthen vascular walls. Useful minerals can be obtained from cottage cheese, whole grain cereals, as well as fresh fruits and vegetables.

And also read on our website: What does blood pressure 180 to 80 mean - causes, symptoms, treatment

Try to eat light foods, give preference to liquid dishes and steamed foods. It is very important to limit the amount of fatty foods, preserves, sweets and smoked foods.

Avoid alcoholic drinks, soda and fast food. They contain large amounts of cholesterol, which is one of the main provocateurs of vascular diseases.

The worst effects on the condition of blood vessels and heart function are salty foods and caffeine.

Treatment of hypertension with pressure 160/110

Recommendations for therapy, after a complete examination of the patient, are given by the attending physician who prescribes a specific type of treatment. Stage 2 hypertension cannot be treated without pharmaceutical products, so regular and systematic use of medications is mandatory. The doctor prescribes medications and dosage based on the medical history and individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

As a rule, funds from the following groups are prescribed:

  • Preparations with diuretic properties to remove excess fluid and reduce swelling;
  • Alpha blockers to increase the clearance between the walls of arteries and veins;
  • ACE inhibitors, which normalize the functioning of the heart muscle and prevent vascular spasms;
  • Antihypertensives and sartans, which reduce blood pressure for 24 hours after taking the tablet;
  • Beta blockers that normalize heart rate;
  • Calcium channel blockers, which improve the patency of arteries and veins, which helps reduce blood pressure;
  • Sedative (calming) drugs.

If you miss a pill, doubling the dosage the next time you take it is strictly prohibited!

Daily use of medications prescribed by a doctor is only part of the success on the path to recovery. In addition, the patient should protect himself as much as possible from stress and anxiety, get enough sleep and not overwork.

Nutrition and lifestyle

Do not forget that complex treatment can be effective if all prescriptions are followed, including not only drug therapy, but also lifestyle, physical activity, diet and sleep, etc.

The food you eat plays a significant role in the treatment of the disease. If you take antihypertensive drugs and at the same time eat foods that increase blood pressure, you can get into a vicious circle of unsuccessful treatment.

In order for therapy to bring only benefits, it is better to revise the diet a little, replacing junk food with healthy ingredients. For example, you should exclude fatty, fried and smoked foods, fresh baked goods, baked goods, confectionery and pickles. You will have to forget about strong coffee and tea in favor of weakly brewed, non-hot drinks. It is recommended to reduce the consumption of salt, sugar and spices as much as possible. Allowed for hypertension are low-fat meat and dairy products, vegetables and fruits, legumes and cereals, herbs and berries, as well as seafood rich in iodine and B-vitamins.

Products such as mayonnaise should be treated with caution. It is better to replace it with the same home-made product, removing the unhealthy ingredients in it and adding acceptable ones from the menu.

It is better to prepare dishes for hypertension by steaming, in a microwave oven, in the oven or by boiling. Baking on a grill or barbecue is allowed. It is better to avoid fried foods. If you really want it, you can treat yourself to the same fried potatoes, but only occasionally and using a small amount of oil.

Diet is an important component of effective therapy. If you have hypertension, you need to eat strictly following the nutritionist’s instructions and creating a balanced menu. Meals should be regular, with an interval of 3-3.5 hours, but portions should be small - no more than 300 g of the total portion weight. At the same time, you should not load your body with excessively high-calorie food immediately after sleep. Dinner should be light, no later than 1.5 hours before evening rest.

It is also important to follow a drinking regime, drinking 1.5 - 2 liters of clean still water daily. Water circulates through the bloodstream and promotes improved absorption by the body of all beneficial substances coming from food.

Hypertension is often accompanied by obesity, so lifestyle changes when treating the disease are aimed not only at stabilizing blood pressure levels, but also at reducing weight. The correct lifestyle consists of daily physical activity, the level of which is determined by the attending physician. This could be just walks in the fresh air, morning exercises, or training with a limited degree of stress on the heart muscle.


The main prevention of high blood pressure surges is a correct lifestyle, as well as compliance with certain prohibitions.

If you regularly see a reading of 160 to 110 on the tonometer screen, you need to give up all bad habits.

Physical activity is contraindicated for people with high blood pressure, as it can lead to heart attack or stroke. It is recommended to do breathing exercises and take more walks in the fresh air.

Sleep should last at least 8 hours. Constantly measure your blood pressure and if there is the slightest difference from the norm, go to the doctor.


High blood pressure is more often diagnosed in old age, but it does not escape young people, since it occurs under the influence of the same provoking factors, which are divided into physiological and pathological.

Physiological (25%)Pathological (75%)
Hereditary predispositionVSD of the hypertensive type
Coffee addiction, alcoholism, smoking, drugsDepressive states
StressDepressive states
Physical overexertionHyperthyroidism
Taking medicationsItsenko-Cushing syndrome
Hypersalt dietObesity
Improper drinking regimeTumor growth
Weather sensitiveKidney diseases
Change of time zonesAdrenal dysfunction
Puberty, menstruation, menopause, pregnancyPathology of the pituitary gland

Blood pressure readings of 160/110 (160/100) can occur at any age, as they have common causes:

  • In children, increased blood pressure is most often provoked by: obesity, excessive salt intake, and a sedentary lifestyle;
  • in adolescents – hormonal changes and bad habits occur;
  • in people under 40 years of age – the main causes are diseases of the internal organs;
  • in the elderly - atherosclerosis and degeneration (wear and tear) of tissues

In addition, in women, an increase in blood pressure to 160/110 (160/100) may be due to unstable hormonal levels in the body.

Slide captions:

Test Head contusions, concussions, traumatic shock, heart failure Part No. 8 Performed by: Deputy Director for Safety of Lyceum No. 1 Urmanov Mikhail Yurievich, VKK Komsomolsk-on-Amur 2013

8.1 Determine the sequence of first aid in case of fainting: A- spray your face with cold water; B- give the legs an elevated position; B - place the victim on his back with his head slightly tilted back; D - unfasten the collar and allow fresh air to enter. 8.2* Determine the sequence of first aid for a concussion: A- urgently call a doctor, ensure absolute rest for the victim, apply cold to his head; B- put cold on the victim’s head, give him strong tea or coffee, escort him to a medical facility; B- Give the victim painkillers and sedatives, take him to a medical facility.

8.3* As a result of the fall, the teenager developed nausea and vomiting, and coordination of movements was impaired. What is the sequence of actions to provide first aid: A- give painkillers and take the teenager to the nearest clinic or hospital; B- do a gastric lavage, give an enema, give a sedative; B- ensure rest, apply a cold compress to the head, call an ambulance. 8.4 In case of traumatic shock, first of all, it is necessary to: A- create a calm environment for the victim (exclude irritating noises), give an anesthetic; B- carry out temporary immobilization, ensure complete rest for the victim, refer the victim to a medical institution; B- eliminate the effect of the traumatic factor, stop the bleeding, give pain relief, treat the wound, apply a pressure bandage.

8.5 Sudden loss of consciousness is: A – Shock; B – Fainting; B – Migraine; G – Collapse. 8.6** The causes of heart failure can be: A- rheumatic lesions of the heart muscle, heart defects, myocardial infarction, physical overexertion, metabolic disorders and vitamin deficiencies; B - internal and external bleeding, damage to the musculoskeletal system, fatigue, heat and sunstroke; B - severe injuries accompanied by blood loss, crushing of soft tissues, crushing of bones, extensive thermal burns.

8.7** Signs of a concussion A - short-term loss of consciousness, vomiting, loss of memory for events preceding the injury (retrograde amnesia), headache, dizziness, tinnitus, unsteady gait, dilated pupils; B- short-term loss of consciousness, headache, dizziness, sleep disturbance; B- headache, vomiting, dizziness, sleep disturbance; 8.8* Main causes of traumatic shock A - overwork, overload, blood loss; B- pain, large blood loss, intoxication due to the absorption of decay products of dead and crushed tissues, damage to vital organs with disruption of their functions B- pain, blood loss, intoxication due to the absorption of alcohol breakdown products, damage to vital organs.

8.9 Normal blood pressure is A- 120/60 mm. rt. Art.; B - 140/80 mm. rt. Art.; B - 130-120/80 mm. rt. Art. 8.0 If the blood pressure is 160/110, the patient is prohibited A - to drink tea, coffee; B- lie on a soft bed; B- drink cranberry juice.

Answers: 8.1-B, D, A, B 8.2-A 8.3-B 8.4-B 8.5-B 8.6-A 8.7-A 8.8-B 8.9-B 8.0-A

Scores: “5”-10-9 points “4”-8-7 points “3”-6 points

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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