Devices that determine cholesterol at home

Diagnosing the cholesterol index is important for many people with pathologies of the heart and for disorders in the blood flow system.

Not always every person with painful symptoms can contact a clinical laboratory.

Also, in the process of treating a high cholesterol index, it is necessary to monitor the concentration of lipids in the blood quite often.

Not every patient can afford constant monitoring using a biochemical method. There is a solution to this problem - this is the purchase of a device for measuring cholesterol levels in the blood.

The meter allows you to determine the concentration of high molecular density lipoproteins in the blood at home.

Cholesterol measuring devices

Medical device manufacturers offer a wide variety of devices that can measure lipid levels, as well as devices that have many functions:

  • Glucometer with measurement of lipoprotein concentration;
  • Glucometers with triglyceride measurement function;
  • Cholesterometer with hemoglobin level measurement.

These versatile, multifunctional cholesterol meters help monitor blood plasma composition.

This household meter is necessary for patients with the following pathologies:

  • For glucose control in diabetes mellitus;
  • For measuring cholesterol and sugar in the pathology of atherosclerosis;
  • With ischemia of the cardiac organ;
  • Post-infarction and post-stroke period;
  • To check the composition of the blood in case of lesions of the coronary arteries;
  • For unstable angina;
  • For all types of heart defects;
  • For diseases of liver and kidney cells.

This device helps monitor the composition of blood plasma

Device device

Today, manufacturers offer models that not only determine the level of total cholesterol concentration in the blood, but also separate them into fractions.

For people with pathologies of the heart organ and blood supply system, the total lipid index is an indicator of good (HDL) and bad (LDL) cholesterol.

Modern devices provide this opportunity to check LDL and HDL levels at home.

Cholesterol in the body is divided into fractions, but the most important level is the following lipid fractions:

  • Low molecular density lipoproteins, which settle on the vascular walls, form an atherosclerotic plaque and provoke the development of the pathology atherosclerosis;
  • High molecular density lipoproteins that have the properties of cleaning the bloodstream from free cholesterol molecules.

The device for measuring cholesterol is similar to that of a glucometer. The device has a litmus test strip, which is impregnated with a special reagent and when a drop of blood hits it, it gives a result.

To obtain a drop of blood, you need to prick your finger with a special blade (included with the device) and drop blood onto the test strip.

After such a short and uncomplicated procedure, each patient can know his or her indications.

Who needs regular measurements and in what cases?

In addition to people who already have high cholesterol levels, regular monitoring is necessary for people at risk for several parameters:

  1. You are overweight.
  2. There are or have been people in the family with high cholesterol.
  3. Had a stroke or heart attack.
  4. There are problems in the functioning of the liver and kidneys.
  5. Disturbances in the synthesis of hormones.

For high (or low) total cholesterol levels, measurements are taken at least every 3 months; for people at risk - after 6 months (cholesterol norms for men and women). Other time intervals prescribed by your doctor are possible. Older people also need to measure their total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein levels.

It is recommended after 30 years of age to undergo preventive tests once every 5 years. At the initial stage, a person may not feel any increase in cholesterol, so only taking tests allows one to quickly identify disorders in the body and prevent the development of concomitant diseases.

Will buying a special device pay off?

The issue of payback is considered from different angles. On the one hand, the cost of the device exceeds the price for taking tests several times, especially if a one-time examination is intended. In this case, it is cheaper to go to a medical institution and determine the current values.

However, people with a reading above or below the norm need regular monitoring. Patients who are overweight, elderly or with musculoskeletal problems have difficulty getting to the clinic; their place of residence may be far from the blood donation point for tests. For such people, buying a cholesterol measuring device will save not only effort and time, but also money.

The cost of a biochemical blood test varies from 250 to 1000 rubles, depending on the region and clinic. Thus, even not the cheapest device will pay for itself after 7-10 measurements.

Types of analyzers

Among the numerous range of devices, it is necessary to give preference to multifunctional devices that allow monitoring not only cholesterol, but also other parameters of blood composition:

  • Home blood testing device Easy Touch (Easy Touch). The functionality of the device is to measure lipid levels, sugar levels and hemoglobin concentration in the blood;
  • The MultiCare-in device will help you measure cholesterol by fraction and triglycerides;
  • You can measure fractionally lipoproteins with the Accutrend Plus device (Accutrend Plus);
  • Determination of the state of blood composition at the time of exacerbations of cardiac pathologies, as well as pathologies of the renal organ, can be done using the Triage MeterPro device.

Accutrend Plus

Easy Touch

Multicare in

Determining level increase by external signs

A persistent and long-term increase in serum cholesterol levels can be suspected even without using a home device. You can check your cholesterol at home based on the presence of external signs of its increase. These include: xanthomas and xanthelasmas (deposits of excess lipids under the skin of various areas of the body, as well as on tendons), the presence of a lipid edging around the iris.

External signs of high cholesterol

If it is not possible to measure cholesterol at home, the following symptoms may indicate its increase:

  • frequent burning pain behind the sternum,
  • crawling sensation in the distal parts of the limbs,
  • frequent dizziness,
  • cognitive function disorders,
  • the occurrence of vision problems.

An indirect sign of high cholesterol is the presence of extra pounds.

How to choose the right device?

In order for a device for measuring blood composition to bring maximum results from its use, it is necessary to take into account the following nuances when purchasing:

  • Compact dimensions of the device;
  • Ease of using the device and performing the measurement procedure;
  • Number of additional functions. When choosing a measuring device with additional functions, you need to decide which measurements you need to use. Many functions may be unnecessary for you, and you will need to change the batteries in the device more often. When choosing a device, it is important to clarify what diagnostic errors in the results it may allow;
  • The accompanying annotation to the device for change should indicate standard indicators for certain parameters of blood composition. The range of standard indices will allow the client using the device to determine the results on the analyzer display. Each patient should check with the doctor about their individual normal indicators;
  • Are test strips included with the measuring device or not. You also need to find out whether you can buy the necessary strips on the open market;
  • The presence of a plastic chip included with the measuring device, with which the procedure is carried out easier and faster;
  • The kit includes a blade for piercing the skin. Using a specialized pen with a needle, the skin puncture procedure will be as painless as possible;
  • How accurate is the device? You need to read reviews on the Internet of people who use the device model you have chosen;
  • Availability of memory in the device to store previous results. With this function, there is no need to write down the results in a notebook, but it is possible to track the dynamics from the device’s memory book;
  • Warranty period for a device for measuring blood composition parameters. You must buy the analyzer from official distributors or at a pharmacy kiosk. This can be a guarantee against counterfeiting.

It is necessary to choose the right device for analyzing blood biochemistry

How it works: design and principle of operation of a portable analyzer

The portable cholesterol blood analyzer is a rectangular device. At the top there is a screen where the result is displayed. Depending on the model, there are one or more control buttons on the case.

At the bottom of the device there is a test strip soaked in a reagent and acting like litmus paper. A small amount of blood is dripped onto it, then the blood falls from the strip onto the converting device, after 1-2 minutes the values ​​are shown on the screen.

Standard batteries are used for power; the compartment for them is located on the back of the case. Usually the kit includes a case and spears for piercing a finger or auto-piercers. Test strips are usually included in small quantities and must be purchased separately. The devices are equipped with modern microcircuits with a processor that automatically controls all processes.

The values ​​after express diagnostics may differ slightly from the values ​​when interpreting tests in the laboratory, but this does not mean that the device is not working correctly; each model has a certain percentage of error.


Advantages of a portable device:

  • The ability to conduct a cholesterol test at home and at any convenient time;
  • Systematic monitoring of the cholesterol index and other blood composition parameters;
  • By constantly checking the concentration of cholesterol in the blood, health complications can be avoided;
  • At the slightest discomfort, you can use the device to determine cholesterol or glucose and take the necessary medication to adjust the level;
  • One device for measuring blood parameters can be used by all family members;
  • The price of the device is calculated for different incomes. There are devices of more expensive and budget models, which in their functions are not inferior to famous brand names.

Is it possible to determine cholesterol at home?

When identifying pathologies of lipid metabolism, it is very important to regularly check plasma cholesterol levels. Typically, this indicator is monitored in outpatient settings. People who monitor their health try to listen to doctors’ recommendations and take a lipid profile as often as their clinical situation requires.

But it also happens that it is not possible to regularly visit the outpatient laboratory. Then a technique comes to the rescue, with which you can find out the level of cholesterol in your blood without leaving your home. For this purpose, you need to purchase a special device.

Recommendations for use

In order to always have an idea of ​​the state of blood parameters in case of cardiac or vascular pathologies, a portable home meter for cholesterol, glucose and hemoglobin concentration was developed.

At the slightest deviation from the standard indicator, you must contact your doctor.

To achieve the maximum result from the measurement, it is necessary to follow the difficult rules of the procedure:

  • It is necessary to make nutritional adjustments in advance. Try to stick to a low-fat and low-carbohydrate diet;
  • On the eve of the procedure, do not drink alcoholic beverages or those containing caffeine;
  • One hour before measuring your cholesterol, do not smoke;
  • If there has been a surgical intervention in the body, measurements of blood composition parameters can only be taken 2 - 3 months after the operation. Otherwise there will be distorted results;
  • The procedure must be performed sitting and in a relaxed state;
  • Before the procedure itself, it is necessary to shake your hand for a few seconds to establish blood flow in the peripheral capillaries;
  • On the eve of measuring blood levels using the device, do not perform heavy work or engage in sports training;
  • If, when measuring cholesterol, you plan to measure glucose levels, then you should not eat or even drink water;
  • On the eve of the procedure, you should have a light meal without cholesterol-containing foods and without carbohydrates;
  • Dinner should be no later than 12 hours before measuring blood counts.

It is necessary to make nutritional adjustments in advance

How to measure cholesterol with a device - step-by-step recommendations

In order for the result to be as accurate as possible, you need to perform the measurement procedure step by step correctly:

  • You need to sit down and relax;
  • Turn on the measuring device;
  • In the space provided in the tester, insert a test strip soaked in the reagent solution;
  • Using a specialized pen with a needle or blade, make a puncture on the skin of the finger;
  • Place the released drop of blood on the test strip;
  • In one minute, the device will show the result of home diagnostics of cholesterol levels in the blood;
  • Record the diagnostic result of the cholesterol index into the memory of the measuring device.

To ensure accurate results, it is also necessary to use test strips correctly:

  • The guaranteed shelf life of the strips is from 6 months to 1 year. The guarantee is provided by the manufacturer of blood testing strips. Do not use test strips with expired expiration dates in the device;
  • Do not touch the test strip with your hands, limit contact between your hands and the test strips as much as possible.

Also, the result of home diagnostics for measuring cholesterol also depends on the storage conditions of the analyzer:

  • The measuring device should be stored at home in tightly closed packaging provided by the medical equipment manufacturer;
  • The cholesterol meter should be kept in a cool place in the house.

If you do not adhere to the rules of storage and operation, then the result of home diagnostics will be distorted and you will not receive the necessary information.

Meters for quick testing

Now, thanks to the achievements of modern medical science, it is not necessary to visit a laboratory to determine the concentration of blood cholesterol. Today, scientists have developed devices that can be used to measure cholesterol at home.

In terms of their technical characteristics, portable devices for home use have some differences. Some allow you to quickly measure only cholesterol, others make it possible to control the content of glucose, serum lactate, urates, and ketone bodies. Despite some distinctive nuances, the algorithm for working with these devices is no different:

  • the measurement of the desired indicator is carried out on an empty stomach, preferably in the morning;
  • to turn on the device, you need to press the “Start” button;
  • Next, you need to insert the sensitive strip into the hole provided for this purpose on the body of the device;
  • A special scarifier is used to puncture the fingertip, and the resulting drop of blood is applied to the reagent;
  • After the programmed time has elapsed, a digital response appears on the device display.

Having a portable device to measure your cholesterol and other blood levels at home has many benefits. Its compact size makes it suitable not only for home use - you can take the device with you to work to take measurements if necessary.

The starter kit contains strips soaked in the reagent, which can then be purchased at any pharmacy chain. To get results you don’t have to wait long; usually the treasured numbers appear on the device’s display within 2 minutes after the start of the measurement. And finally, buying a device for determining cholesterol concentration at home is more profitable than regularly visiting biochemical laboratories, because most of them provide paid services.


The cost of devices for measuring blood composition parameters is in a wide price range from 4,000.00 rubles to 20,000.00 rubles, and famous brand companies offer measuring devices that are much more expensive:

  • Measuring device Easy Touch, One touch, or MultiCare-in - price range from 4000.00 rubles to 5500.00 rubles;
  • Multifunctional analyzer for measuring blood composition parameters Accutrend Plus. The price of this device depends on the manufacturer and is in the price range from 5800.00 rubles to 8000.00 rubles;
  • Multifunctional meters for 7 parameters of blood composition, from various manufacturers, cost from 20,000.00 rubles and much higher.

The price range of test strips is from 650.00 rubles to 1600.00 rubles.

The pricing policy for the cost of analyzers for measuring cholesterol, as well as other parameters of plasma blood composition, is designed for different segments of the population - from disabled pensioners to wealthy people.


The price of devices starts from 4890 rubles for MultiCare-in to 11600-11700 rubles for the Accutrend Plus analyzer. This difference in the lower and upper range is explained by the build quality, country of origin and functionality.

The presence of additional functions makes the device even more expensive (for example, the ability to do several types of analyzes or increased memory). Fame and brand recognition leads to an increase in price, but it is better to focus on the technical characteristics and take into account the reviews of patients who have already used the device for a long time.

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