How to find out your hemoglobin level at home


Many people of all ages and genders face the problem of low hemoglobin. Many people mistakenly do not attach importance to it, not suspecting that in the near future this condition can cause many problems. Hemoglobin is an important component of red blood cells. It is with its help that oxygen is delivered from the lungs to the cells and tissues of the body. But a decrease in the amount of this protein is fraught not only with oxygen starvation. Chronic iron deficiency threatens the development of anemia. This serious disease leads to decreased immunity and disruption of the cardiovascular, digestive and urinary systems of the body. Iron deficiency anemia cannot be corrected with diet alone. In such cases, it is necessary to take special iron-containing drugs.


The severity of symptoms largely depends on the level of hemoglobin: the lower it is, the more severe the anemia. Therefore, in mild cases, men may not notice changes in their well-being or not attach importance to them, since they are little expressed. In such situations, periodic weakness or increased fatigue may occur, but many attribute this to stress, age and other life circumstances. With a further decrease in hemoglobin, the situation becomes more complicated, the existing symptoms become more intense, and others appear.

Sometimes even a decrease in hemoglobin to 90 g/l is asymptomatic.

In general, a decrease in hemoglobin levels in men may appear:

  • drowsiness, weakness, decreased performance;
  • shortness of breath, which initially occurs due to physical exertion;
  • feeling of heartbeat;
  • dizziness that can lead to loss of consciousness;
  • pallor of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • increased irritability, aggressiveness;
  • headaches of varying degrees of intensity;
  • decreased appetite;
  • increased brittleness of nails, the appearance of white spots and bumps on them;
  • perversion of taste preferences with the emergence of a desire to eat inedible food, in particular raw meat, chalk, clay;
  • developing an addiction to the smells of acetone, gasoline, perfume, etc.;
  • ringing in the ears, flickering of spots before the eyes.

A symptom of decreased hemoglobin that is typical for men may be impaired erectile function.


Fast-acting drugs. This group of drugs for normalizing the level of hemoglobin in the blood is a means for intramuscular or intravenous injection. They are intended for the treatment of serious chronic cases of anemia, as well as for the treatment of iron deficiency disorders in patients with gastrointestinal pathologies. The course of therapy is prescribed by the doctor, focusing on the severity of the disease. Such drugs quickly increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood, but in terms of the duration of the effect they are inferior to oral drugs. This is due to the fact that iron absorption occurs mainly in the intestines. In addition, an injectable type of iron preparation to increase hemoglobin can cause a number of adverse reactions. Therefore, it is strictly not recommended to use them without the prescription of a specialist.

Long-acting drugs. This group includes drugs to increase hemoglobin in the blood with diagnosed iron deficiency anemia of moderate severity. Like the previous group of drugs, they belong to medications and should be taken exclusively as prescribed by a doctor. Only a specialist can choose the right drug to increase hemoglobin levels, calculate the dose and duration of the course. The effect of treatment when using long-acting agents is usually observed no earlier than three weeks after the start of therapy. Taking the drugs continues after normalization of hemoglobin levels in the blood, although the dose of the drug in this case may be reduced. The average duration of treatment is usually three months.

Preventative drugs. A separate group should include drugs intended to increase the content of iron-containing products in the body.
They are not medicines and are not used to equalize hemoglobin levels in the blood or treat anemia. However, such drugs can be a good prevention of disorders, especially in people at risk. This category includes people whose diet is not rich enough in iron-containing foods, as well as those who have an increased need for this element: pregnant and lactating women, teenagers, athletes. The introduction of additional iron-containing sources into the diet does not always guarantee that the element will be absorbed and used. Therefore, the composition of such preventive supplements must be carefully verified.

Healthy diet

Means for increasing iron levels in the blood are selected individually, it all depends on the reasons for the decrease in this important indicator. If it has decreased due to irregular nutrition, you need to change your diet plan by adding iron-fortified foods:

  • Chicken liver and beef tongue.
  • Plums, pineapple, pomegranate juice, celery, tomatoes.
  • Fruits of strawberries, cranberries, raspberries.
  • Peanuts and legume products.
  • Greenery.

Low iron levels may be accompanied by a fever. Usually the result appears after a month and a half. But healthy products will not have the desired effect if you combine them incorrectly. Food enriched with calcium does not allow you to increase an important microelement in the blood: it inhibits the absorption of iron.

It is better to take dairy and cereal products separately and not mix them with meat. And in order for iron to be better absorbed, you need to drink freshly prepared orange or grapefruit juices.

Iron content in food

Product categoryThe product's nameIron content per 100 g of product (mg)
Meat and meat by-productsBeef liver5,6 – 6,1
Pork liver11,8 – 12,2
Chicken liver8,0 – 8,9
Beef3,1 – 3,5
Pork1,4 – 1,7
Rabbit meat4,1 – 4,8
Mutton2,2 – 2,5
Chicken1,2 – 1,8
Turkey1,7 – 1,9
Fish and other seafoodCephalopods (squids, etc.)8,5 – 9,5
Bivalve molluscs (mussels)6,5 – 6,9
Crustaceans (shrimp, crabs)1,6 – 1,9
Canned sardines2,4 – 3,0
Tuna canned1,2 – 1,6
EggsChicken2,3 – 2,7
Quail3,4 – 3,7
LegumesGreen pea6,5 – 6,9
Beans (green/white/red)5,8/3,8/3,0
Soybeans4,9 – 5,3
Beans2,7 – 3,1
Greens (dark green leafy vegetables)Parsley5,4 – 5,9
Spinach3,3 – 3,9
Turnip (greens)1,0 – 1,2
Cabbage (cauliflower/Brussels sprouts/Chinese/broccoli)1,5/1,4/1,2/1,1
Plant seeds and nutsSesame14,3 – 14,8
Seeds (sunflower)6,7 – 6,9
Peanut4,4 – 4,8
Almond4,1 – 4,4
Pistachios4,7 – 4,9
Walnut3,4 – 3,7
Flour products and cereals (manufacturers specially enrich some types of bread with iron, this is indicated on the packaging)Rye bread3,7 – 4,2
Wholemeal bread2,3 – 2,7
Wheat bran10,4 – 11,0
Buckwheat7,7 – 8,0
Corn2,5 – 2,8
Oats3,3 – 3,7
Millet2,6 – 2,9
Other herbal productsPersimmon2,3 – 2,6
Celery1,1 – 1,4
Watermelon0,9 – 1,2
Potato0,7 – 1,5


One of the sources of iron-containing complexes in the human diet is hematogen. This product has been used for decades to prevent anemia in individuals with normal hemoglobin levels in the blood. The basis of hematogen is cattle blood, processed under industrial conditions in a factory. This substance, rich in complex proteins, called albumin, is easily digestible and serves as a source of natural iron complexes. However, some brands of hematogens additionally contain a number of confectionery ingredients: chocolate, honey, nuts, etc. This not only adds extra calories to the product and increases the risk of allergies, but also disrupts the absorption of iron-containing complexes. Hematogens made according to the classic recipe, without containing confectionery ingredients, include “FERROGEMATOGEN®-PHARMSTANDARD”.

When is it necessary to take a hemoglobin test?

In modern medical practice, a blood test for hemoglobin is considered basic. The study is prescribed when registering pregnant women, to clarify the diagnosis if anemia or the development of other pathologies is suspected. Living in a deteriorating environment and constant mental and physical stress require careful attention to your health. Chronic fatigue, frequent depression, loss of interest in life are serious reasons to visit a doctor and get a referral for a blood test.

Indications for prescribing a hemoglobin test are:

  • frequent headaches;
  • the appearance of dry mouth;
  • lethargy, drowsiness or painful insomnia;
  • paleness of the skin, long-lasting bruises;
  • severe thirst and increased urge to urinate;
  • deterioration of vision and memory;
  • poor healing of cuts and wounds;
  • instability of psycho-emotional state.

Clarifying the level of hemoprotein in the blood is especially important for pregnant women carrying a child, parents planning to replenish the family, and patients with persistent hyperglycemia.

A blood test for hemoglobin itself does not eliminate the problem, but it can prompt dramatic lifestyle changes. Giving up bad habits, a balanced diet and proper rest can protect against irreversible changes in the endocrine system. To improve your quality of life and calmly greet each new day, it is enough to periodically set aside a few minutes to submit biomaterial for research.

Online consultation with General Practitioner Natalia Anatolyevna Isaeva

Online consultation

During the consultation, you will be able to voice your problem, the doctor will clarify the situation, interpret the tests, answer your questions and give the necessary recommendations.


Purpose. The drug "FERROGEMATOGEN®-PHARMSTANDARD" is a dietary supplement designed to maintain a normal amount of hemoglobin in healthy people. It also combines well with medications to treat anemia. Thanks to this, FERROHEMATOGEN®-PHARMSTANDARD can also be used as an addition to medications intended to correct low hemoglobin. It must be remembered that in this case the advisability of using this dietary supplement should be discussed with your doctor.

Composition and characteristics. The composition of the product is maximally optimized for the most complete absorption of the glandular complexes it contains. In addition to black albumin, FERROHEMATOGEN®-PHARMSTANDARD includes:

  • vitamin C, which improves the absorption of iron-containing components;
  • copper, which is a necessary element in the synthesis of hemoglobin and the formation of blood cells;
  • folic acid, which stimulates the maturation of blood elements;
  • vitamin B6, required for hemoglobin synthesis.

Contraindications. "FERROGEMATOGEN®-PHARMSTANDARD" has a minimum number of contraindications. This dietary supplement is not recommended for use if you are hypersensitive to its components. Also, the product should not be consumed if you have diabetes or excess iron in the body.

A storehouse of vitamins

If hemoglobin has dropped, how to raise it ? This may have occurred due to a lack of vitamin B12. The doctor prescribes it in pills or injections.

B12 produces red blood cells and is involved in blood circulation, so you should not ignore this need of the body. This vitamin can be found in chicken liver, beef or poultry, and seaweed.

To quickly absorb iron, take vitamin C. Treatment with vitamins lasts 1-2 months. If it does not give the long-awaited result, you need to take the vitamin for another couple of months, reducing the dose.

Vitamin B12 content in food

Product categoryThe product's nameVitamin B12 content per 100 g of product (mcg)
Meat and meat by-productsBeef liver45 — 65
Chicken liver14,5 – 17,5
Pork liver20 — 40
Rabbit meat3,8 – 5,2
Beef2,2 – 2,8
Pork1,2 – 3,3
Mutton1,7 – 2,4
Fish and other seafoodCephalopods17 — 23
Carp1,5 – 2,0
Crab0,8 – 1,4
Cod1,4 – 1,8
Sardine10,5 – 11,4
Mackerel11,4 – 13,1
Perch (river)2,0 – 3,0
Other productsHard cheeses1,1 – 2,0
Sour cream0,3 – 0,5
Chicken eggs0,4 – 0,7

Which berries increase hemoglobin?

Berries will also help improve hemoglobin levels when levels are low. You should definitely eat cranberries and black currants; the products are healthy not only fresh, but also frozen. Cranberries can be mixed with sugar. Strawberries, strawberries and blueberries are also recommended for iron deficiency.

A berry that is useful for anemia and anemia is rowan. To achieve the effect, you must eat at least a tablespoon daily.

Foods that limit iron absorption

Foods can either stimulate iron absorption or inhibit its absorption.

Foods that contain phytates

Whole grains, cereals, soy, nuts and legumes contain a specific component - phytic acid or phytate. The intake of even a small amount of phytate into the body has an inhibitory effect on the absorption of iron.

During a medical experiment, subjects were offered 2 mg of phytate in foods. It turned out that even this amount reduces iron absorption by 18%. When 250 mg of phytate enters the body, about 82% of iron is not absorbed. [4]

If circumstances require the consumption of foods containing phytic acid, meat, fruits and vegetables containing vitamin C should be introduced into the diet. These measures will help improve the absorption of the non-heme form of iron.

Calcium rich foods

Calcium is the main material for the mineralization and health of bone tissue. We must not forget that it affects the absorption of iron. Calcium intake from dairy products or food additives inhibits these mechanisms.

Observational results show that consuming 165 mg of calcium in the form of milk, cheese or active supplements inhibits the absorption of any type of iron by more than 50-60%. The data obtained concerned doctors who recommend calcium to children, women, and patients with iron deficiency. [5]

Analysis of the studies revealed their short-term nature, carried out with a single use. Other, longer-term observations have shown that calcium in the form of supplements or from dairy products does not inhibit absorption.

To ensure maximum absorption of iron, you should not combine calcium-containing foods with iron-containing foods. It is best to consume them at different times of the day. The same rule applies to active supplements with calcium and iron.

Products with polyphenols

In the everyday diet, polyphenols are present in tea and coffee. In addition, active compounds can be found in plant foods, fruits, vegetables, grains or legumes.

Widely consumed tea and coffee, which contain a fairly high concentration of polyphenols, inhibit the absorption of the plant form of iron. A medical study has shown that one cup of black tea with a meal can suppress iron absorption by 60-70%. It is important to note that the non-concentrated drink has the same effect. If tea is taken between meals, the mechanism of inhibition of iron absorption is no more than 20%.

If you like tea or coffee, it is best to drink a cup 1-2 hours after eating iron-rich foods. This method of taking drinks containing polyphenols will help ensure optimal absorption of iron in any form.

Features of the diet for certain groups of patients

The nutritional rules for low hemoglobin are somewhat different for different groups of patients. Nutritionists indicate:

  1. Adults. The iron requirement for adults is about 12 mg per day. It is much easier for adults to digest meat products and animal by-products (liver, lungs, kidneys, heart). It is recommended to include them in the diet daily, at least in minimal quantities.
  2. Children. The iron requirement for children is from 8 to 11 milligrams per day. Preference should be given to plant products. But you should not overuse milk, especially fatty milk, as it radically reduces the level of hemoglobin and slows down the absorption of iron. It is also recommended to include buckwheat, fish, a small amount of chocolate and halva in the diet.
  3. Pregnant women. The iron requirement in pregnant women is the highest and reaches 20 mg per day. As a rule, to normalize hemoglobin, they are prescribed specialized vitamin complexes. It is also recommended to eat fish, red caviar, and carrots. But it is better to avoid turmeric, parsley and most other spices that stimulate smooth muscle spasms. The doctor with whom the woman registers must talk about all this in detail.
  4. Elderly. Their need for iron is the smallest - only 6 - 8 mg per day, which is explained by the natural slowdown in the functionality of the cardiovascular system and bone marrow. Doctors also recommend that older people consume fish, chicken fillet (breast, since there is practically no fat in it), as well as pomegranate and beet juice.

Which nuts increase hemoglobin?

Of the nuts that are used in the fight against low hemoglobin, walnuts are the most useful. The product contains iron, potassium, magnesium, cobalt, and a large number of vitamins. This composition allows it to stimulate the process of synthesis of the necessary substance and have a strengthening effect on a weakened body.

Eating nuts in combination with raisins is beneficial for hemoglobin. Half a glass of raisins is soaked in water for 2 hours. Then the water is drained, the raisins are mixed with walnuts (20 g is enough). The dish is divided into three servings, the approximate volume of each serving is a couple of tablespoons.

You can also try a combination of nuts with cranberries and honey. All these elements are mixed using a blender.

What vegetables increase hemoglobin?

Beetroot helps to cope most effectively with iron deficiency; it is useful in raw or boiled form. This product ensures the regeneration of iron content, “starts up” red blood cells, and enriches the blood with oxygen. Other vegetables will help increase hemoglobin.

  • Carrot. The product is consumed fresh, can be added to salads, and can be boiled.
  • Tomato. The vegetable improves blood composition, saturates it with essential elements, and prevents the formation of blood clots. Tomatoes do not lose valuable qualities after heat treatment.
  • Potato. The vegetable is saturated not only with iron, but also with other useful elements - calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, vitamins and organic acids. It is included in the menu boiled.
  • Zucchini. The product is rich in iron, potassium and magnesium. The vitamin C content helps in the absorption of iron.

All of these vegetables strengthen the body, restore the functioning of the intestines, which makes the fight against low hemoglobin more effective.

Frequent meals

Eating infrequently is often a sign of a decline in hemoglobin. Even if you eat foods enriched with iron, but extremely rarely, this will not give the long-awaited result. Iron is found in beef, chicken liver, products containing pectin, seaweed, rose hips, and buckwheat porridge. The amount of food must be of high quality. If you have anemia, you don’t need to fill your belly, following the rule: the more, the better, but eating well three times a day is the main condition for recovery. You should definitely have snacks between main meals - this will give you a tremendous boost of energy.

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