Causes of pressure 160 to 90, what to do at home and is there a chance of recovery

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High blood pressure is a fairly common problem for modern people. Pathology appears in any sex, more often in old age, but surges are possible even in young people. A pressure of 160 over 90 can cause serious disturbances and disruptions in the functioning of the heart, blood vessels, and brain. It is important to know the main symptoms and causes, as well as methods of combating the disease and recommendations for normalizing blood pressure.

What does pressure 160 over 90 mean?

If the tonometer shows 160/90 mmHg. Art., this indicates disruptions in the body, as well as the development of hypertension. Doctors call this value fairly moderate hypertension. The indicators are elevated and appear at stage 1 of the disease. Elderly people and obese patients are at risk.

In some cases, the value can be regarded as the norm, since for men over 40 years old this is acceptable if there is no discomfort or pain. As a rule, such pressure occurs in very tall people with a strong body. Their performance is always higher than normal.

At an older age, the pressure is 160/90 mm Hg. Art. indicates the aging of the entire organism, organs and systems. This is considered normal, because the vessels lose their elasticity and a slight increase is acceptable, the main thing is that unpleasant symptoms do not appear. In old age, it is important to constantly monitor indicators using a tonometer and visit a doctor for examination on a regular basis.

In women, blood pressure is always slightly lower than in men and 160 over 90 is hypertension. Even without characteristic symptoms, pain and other sensations, if such symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a doctor. In women, surges can occur as a result of pregnancy, more often at the end of the gestation period. This is due to an increase in blood volume, increased stress on the body, as well as a greater need for oxygen for the fetus. During pregnancy, standard values ​​and an increase to 140/90 mmHg are considered normal. Art. Everything else requires immediate consultation with a doctor.

If the pressure of 160 to 90 appears constantly, then this indicates a strong load on the vessels. In case of a calm state, absence of stress, fear and worry, you should quickly contact a doctor, there is a risk of death.

With constantly elevated blood pressure, kidney function is disrupted, and stroke and heart disease may occur.

Is it possible to normalize high blood pressure and what to do?

Yes, with the help of lifestyle modification (influencing modifiable factors), treating the underlying disease, taking medications that normalize blood pressure.

Lifestyle modifications include proper nutrition, including avoiding fatty foods and reducing salt intake (the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) eating plan recommended by the US National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute is preferred); weight normalization; quitting smoking and alcohol; regular physical activity; stress management (for example, mastering relaxation techniques).

If you have persistently high blood pressure due to a medical condition (such as diabetes) or caused by taking certain medications, it is recommended that you consult your doctor. Control of the underlying disease, refusal of drugs (or their replacement) that increase blood pressure, make it possible to stabilize the patient’s blood pressure and condition.

Nonmodifiable risk factors associated with high blood pressure include age and family history.

Causes of pressure 160 to 90

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There is a theory that blood pressure of 160/90 is a condition of older people. In part, this is true, because the body ages, internal organs and systems cannot work as before, but there are other reasons that are typical for the younger generation. Each person has different reasons, there may be several of them, so there is no standard and single treatment regimen.

Possible reasons include:

  1. Bad habits that negatively affect the cardiovascular system.
  2. The age factor, the older you are, the more likely the appearance of hypertension.
  3. Hereditary predisposition.
  4. Sedentary lifestyle, office work.
  5. Disorders or diseases of the endocrine system.
  6. Diabetes.
  7. Consequences after pregnancy.
  8. Hormonal disorders.
  9. Oncology.
  10. Frequent stress, emotional stress.
  11. Chronic diseases.
  12. An incorrect diet, namely nutrition, is the first thing that affects blood pressure and blood vessels.

Despite the possible asymptomatic occurrence of a pressure of 160 to 90, heart functions are disrupted, renal dysfunction begins to occur, the thyroid gland and other systems suffer.


The examination is carried out under the supervision of a group of specialists. The first is a cardiologist. As necessary (to study the origin of arterial hypertension).

List of activities in correct order:

  • Oral questioning of the patient and collection of anamnesis. First of all.
  • Measurement of pressure and heart rate.
  • 24-hour Holter monitoring. The main indicators are recorded for 24 hours. Considered the gold standard, although little is known about etiology.

  • Electrocardiography. Assessment of functional deviations. Variants of arrhythmias are possible, from typical sinus tachycardia to ventricular extrasystoles and others.
  • Echocardiography. Visual technique. Aimed at identifying organic pathologies and defects. The classic sign of advanced hypertension is left ventricular hypertrophy.

  • Load tests. Carefully.

Advanced diagnostics includes blood tests (general, biochemistry, hormones), urine (clinical, according to Zimnitsky).

Also assessment of the neurological status using routine methods, electroencephalography, MRI of the brain (rarely), scintigraphy of the liver, kidneys, and thyroid gland. It is possible to prescribe FVD and X-ray of pulmonary structures.

Possible danger

Constantly high blood pressure at a value of 160 over 90 indicates the onset of arterial hypertension. It is divided into several types:

  1. Primary. It represents a separate pathology that appears without the influence of extraneous factors.
  2. Secondary. Appears as a result of malfunctions of certain organs, in the presence of various diseases.

Additionally, hypertension can be of different types, resulting in a blood pressure of 160/90 mmHg. Art. refers to a moderate form of hypertension. The main symptoms are dizziness and migraine, blurred vision and the appearance of dark spots before the eyes, as well as the appearance of tinnitus. Such signs are very dangerous and often lead to death without assistance.

With a pressure of 160 to 90, symptoms may not occur for a long time and begin to appear only during attacks. The diagnosis made by doctors comes as a surprise to a person, because the general condition did not indicate a threat.

At the very beginning of the development of hypertension, sleep begins to deteriorate, patients fall asleep for a long time, and some effort must be made to get rid of extraneous sounds.

Hypertension is dangerous for people of any age; as a result of its severe course, it is possible to develop a stroke or heart attack even in young people.

How to reduce blood pressure at home

You can lower your blood pressure at home using the following recommendations:

  1. Regularly monitor blood pressure and pulse rate;
  2. Lay the patient down, slightly elevating his lower limbs and ensure absolute rest;
  3. Give an antihypertensive drug (for example, Captopril), beta-blockers. It is important to observe the correct dosage in order to avoid an excessively sharp and severe decrease in blood pressure;
  4. Provide free access to fresh air in the room where the patient is.

It is strictly forbidden to use such folk methods as contrast showers, water treatments, applying hot compresses and heating pads to lower blood pressure. Such actions can seriously aggravate the situation, causing the development of a hypertensive crisis or even the death of the patient!

Even if you managed to stabilize blood pressure readings of 160/90 on your own, after an attack you must definitely contact a medical specialist to carry out diagnostics, identify the causes of the pathological condition, and develop the most effective and safe therapeutic course in a specific clinical case!


An increase in blood pressure up to 160 to 90 can be recognized by characteristic symptoms. Patients exhibit the following symptoms:

  1. My ears are ringing and making noise.
  2. Loss of coordination, possible sweating in space.
  3. Vision deteriorates, sharpness is lost, and “goosebumps” appear in the eyes.
  4. Nausea and vomiting.
  5. The headache is very severe, and there is a pulsation in the temporal and occipital regions.
  6. Produces a lot of sweat.
  7. Increased irritability, aggression.
  8. The skin becomes red, especially on the face and neck.
  9. Chills.
  10. Tingling sensation in fingers and toes.
  11. Palpitations.

As soon as symptoms appear, blood pressure measurements should be taken. If the reading is 160 over 90 and persists for a long time or the pressure increases frequently, then you should immediately consult a doctor. After diagnosis, he will determine the provoking factors and will be able to prescribe the correct treatment.

What to do if the pressure is 160 to 90

Treatment should be carried out using complex methods. If you have tinnitus, dizziness and a strong pulse, you should call an ambulance or, if possible, go to the hospital yourself. In addition to medications that normalize blood pressure, doctors recommend taking diuretics and vasodilators. It is impossible to normalize heart function without the use of sedatives.

In critical cases, urgent measures must be taken to prevent complications. If you have previously been diagnosed with hypertension, then your home medicine cabinet must contain medications that lower your blood pressure. They can be used when there is a sharp jump in indicators and a significant deterioration in the condition. In critical situations, medications must be taken immediately after an attack, and for this it is best to use:

  1. Captopril - the tablet is placed under the tongue and dissolved for rapid action. Over the course of a quarter of an hour, the condition improves and the main symptoms disappear. The medicine is prohibited for use by people with individual intolerance to substances.
  2. Nifedipine - a tablet that stops attacks very quickly. For quick action, the tablet is placed under the tongue.
  3. Propranalol is a modern beta blocker that reduces blood pressure and is used in critical cases. It is not recommended to use the drug in case of heart failure and asthma.

If, after using the described remedies, the pressure remains at the same level, then hospitalization is required, as well as calling an ambulance.

Drug treatment

To reduce blood pressure at a value of 160 to 90, you must use only those medications prescribed by the doctor. All medications for hypertension have cumulative properties, which means they need to be used on an ongoing basis. The tablets should be taken before meals in the morning or evening.

If you have hypertension, it is important to have a tonometer at home, which allows you to monitor the condition of the body. Measurements are carried out in a calm state 2-3 times a day.

Among drug treatments, doctors use different groups of drugs that can be used together:

  1. Duoretics, also known as diuretics, among the popular ones are Furosemide and Indapamide.
  2. Vasodilators, of which Andipal is considered effective.
  3. ACE inhibitors – Bagopril.
  4. Neurotropic drugs - Rilmenidine or Dolegit.
  5. Medicines to restore heart function - Kapoten.

Along with medications, traditional medicine can be used. They are used as adjuvant measures and can also be the main treatment for blood pressure of 160 over 90.

Prognosis and possible complications

The prognosis of hypertension depends on the dynamics of the process, as well as the presence of aggravating factors. The resistant form is difficult to cure. The probability of death in the next decade, according to medical statistics, is 35%. The indicator depends on the severity of damage to target organs.

Aggravating factors include age 45 years and older, alcohol abuse, nicotine addiction, heart disease, endocrine system disease now or in history, predisposition at the genetic level, poor response to drug treatment, advanced hypertension, incorrectly selected therapy, arrhythmias, cardiac deformities .

In the absence of treatment, the development of the following complications is possible:

  • stroke;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • cardiogenic shock;
  • heart failure;
  • renal/liver failure;
  • internal bleeding;
  • dementia, ranging from mild cognitive impairment to profound mental retardation.

Almost all complications cause premature death of the patient.

Folk remedies


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Even when using natural ingredients and traditional medicine recipes, a doctor's consultation is necessary, since all recipes can harm the body with hypertension. Folk remedies are often used because they have almost no side effects and also include natural ingredients.

Among the popular herbs for pathology is motherwort. This plant is found in almost any herbal medicine.

To create a medicine you need:

  1. Motherwort, hawthorn, rose hips - 2 tbsp.
  2. Mint, calamus, valerian root - 1 tbsp.

The ingredients are mixed and poured with boiling water. The product is left for 8 hours, so it is advisable to prepare the medicine overnight. In the morning, you need to strain the infusion and drink ½ glass. For maximum effectiveness, you will need to constantly make a new decoction.

Herbs and other traditional medicine have a complex effect on the body:

  1. Brings the pulse back to normal.
  2. Normalize blood pressure.
  3. Calms the nerves.

It is important not only to treat hypertension with medications and other means, but also to change your lifestyle and diet. It is recommended to keep a diary containing daily records of blood pressure measurements. This will allow you to determine when jumps to 160 to 90 occur, and when the indicator returns to normal.

Reasons by age group


In children and adolescents, the most common factors in the development of arterial hypertension are:

  • Excessive consumption of table salt. As already said. Systematic abuse of this substance leads to a persistent increase in blood pressure readings.
  • Excess body weight. Provokes hemodynamic disturbances and increases the load on the heart and blood vessels. Therefore, it is recommended to monitor the child’s diet and prevent obesity in the early years of life until stable eating habits are formed.
  • Physical inactivity. Modern children increasingly prefer a sedentary lifestyle at the computer. Active games are becoming a thing of the past. Hence the increased incidence of early hypertension. Blood flow is disrupted and cardiac activity is not trained. Is it dangerous.

For teenagers, the list of reasons is somewhat wider.

These factors are supplemented by:

  • Temporary hormonal imbalance. Blood pressure during puberty (puberty) is unstable. It constantly jumps within wide limits. This is a temporary phenomenon, which, however, needs to be corrected if there is a danger to health and life. The issue is resolved individually with an endocrinologist and cardiologist.
  • Drinking alcohol, smoking. Few people would be surprised by a teenager who smokes or drinks. Bad habits are a direct path to hypertension at an early age.

Youth, middle-aged people (up to 40 years):

Usually we are talking about somatic diseases. Thyroid gland, pituitary gland, adrenal glands. Diabetes mellitus. Variations are possible. Often a person creates a problem for himself: smokes, drinks, abuses fatty foods.

Representatives of the older age group (over 40 years old).

In this case, we are talking about the accumulated baggage of diseases and general wear and tear of the body. Among the common reasons:

  • Atherosclerosis. Narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels or occlusion of arteries by cholesterol plaques. With a long ongoing process, they become calcified and exist on a permanent basis.
  • Kidney pathologies. First of all, pyelonephritis. Develops in many older patients. Accompanied by an increase in blood pressure. Nephritis and glomerulonephritis also provoke an increase in tonometer readings.

An unfavorable outcome of a long course of hypertension of renal origin is the formation of so-called malignant hypertension. This is a deadly process. It does not occur with numbers of 160 to 120-124, but with much higher numbers.

In the vast majority of cases, the process occurs with mild tachycardia: 90-100 beats per minute. Over time, the patient gets used to it, but this is not normal.

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