Beet kvass at home: 10 best recipes, according to Bolotov, for blood pressure, without yeast, the benefits and harms of the drink

Beet kvass is one of the most valuable drinks on our table. It's a pity that we prefer sparkling water, Coca-Cola or packaged juice. Beets contain minerals and vitamins valuable for the human body, which cleanse blood vessels and tone the body. During yeast and lactic acid fermentation, enzymes are formed in the drink, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body as a whole.

  • 3 Beetroot kvass at home - contraindications
  • 4 How to make beet kvass at home yourself
  • 5 Beetroot kvass at home, classic recipe
  • 6 Kvass from beets at home, recipe for blood pressure according to Bolotov
      6.1 How to take kvass from beets for blood pressure
  • 7 Homemade beet kvass recipe for weight loss
  • 8 Homemade beet kvass recipe without yeast, without sugar
      8.1 How to take beet kvass to clean blood vessels
  • Beetroot kvass at home - benefits and harms

    Despite such a rich content of vitamins and minerals, beet kvass carries both benefits and harm. It all depends on the current state of the body, the quantity and for what purposes it is used. The main value of kvass is the presence of yeast fungi in the drink, which actively destroy pathogens. How beet kvass is useful for adults.

    1. Cleanses the body, removes toxins and waste.
    2. Prevents the development of putrefactive processes in the intestines, cleanses its walls.
    3. Reduces pressure, dilates blood vessels.
    4. Reduces blood cholesterol levels.
    5. Normalizes the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems, reduces the manifestation of menopause.
    6. Due to the rich saturation of vitamins, the use of beet kvass completely removes the risk of spring vitamin deficiency.

    Benefits of beet kvass for children

    Children are allowed to give beet kvass starting from 1 year, several tablespoons per day. Until one year of age, a child still has a weak digestive system; it is in the formative stage, therefore, firstly, you should not irritate it with a fermented drink. And secondly, the baby will not absorb minerals and vitamins from kvass.

    Before you start feeding your baby kvass, check if the child is allergic to beets. Give your baby a tablespoon of beet kvass and observe his condition and skin color.

    How beet kvass is beneficial for children.

    1. Saturates the body with iodine.
    2. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
    3. Promotes the formation of healthy intestinal microflora.

    The healing composition of the drink

    The first thing that distinguishes beet kvass from other drinks is the presence in its composition not only of useful chemicals, but also of biologically active components. That is, fermentation products.

    The method of preparing the drink allows the development of colonies of beneficial bacteria that normalize the intestinal microflora. This helps remove waste and toxins from the body.

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    Among the chemicals, vitamins A, C and PP can be distinguished, as well as almost all compounds of group B.

    Kvass is no less rich in vital microelements such as chromium, iron, copper, phosphorus, zinc and many others.

    The product also contains a significant amount of antioxidant nutrients, such as betanin, quarcetin, etc.

    Beet kvass at home - contraindications

    Beet kvass, like bread kvass, is a product obtained as a result of fermentation; there are a number of diseases for which drinking kvass is contraindicated.

    1. Gastritis in the inflammation stage.
    2. Gallstone and urolithiasis.
    3. Chronic hypotension.
    4. Intestinal diseases.
    5. Inflammation of the genital organs, pathologies.
    6. Diarrhea.
    7. Rheumatoid arthritis.

    If you overdrink beet kvass, expect side effects such as diarrhea, pain and cramping in the stomach, colic and discoloration of urine. For the drink to bring only benefits, you should not drink more than 1 glass per day.

    Also, we must not forget that even if beet kvass was made at home without yeast, it always contains ethyl alcohol (albeit in a small percentage). Therefore, beet kvass is not recommended:

    • pregnant and lactating women;
    • with cirrhosis of the liver;
    • if you are allergic to alcohol.


    This point cannot be called a disease, but still each of us wants to slow down the aging process. Beet kvass is rich in various antioxidants that fight free radicals. The product is equally effective for men and women.

    Antioxidants help keep skin healthy, elastic and young. They also ensure healthy hair and nails, making them strong and attractive.

    Oncological diseases

    All the same antioxidants are the best protectors against the development of malignant tumors. Beet kvass prevents mutated cell degeneration . Therefore, the drink prevents the formation of cancerous tumors in all organ systems of the body.

    To prevent the formation of tumors, you just need to regularly drink a healing, cooling drink.

    Homemade beet kvass recipe for blood pressure according to Bolotov

    A unique recipe for blood pressure is offered by the famous doctor Bolotov. Beet kvass is fermented using enzymatic fermentation technology without the use of yeast. The drink prepared according to Boris Bolotov’s recipe helps normalize digestion and reduce blood pressure.


    Beetroot - 2 kg. Sugar - 5 tbsp. spoons

    Sour cream 25% fat - 1 tsp.

    Spoon whey - 2 liters.


    Grind the beets using a coarse grater. Heat the whey to 60 degrees.

    Pour sour cream and sugar into the whey, stir, pour in the grated beets.

    Cover with gauze and leave in a warm place for 7 days.

    Strain, refrigerate, take 1-2 glasses (up to 500 ml) per day.

    How to take kvass from beets for blood pressure

    The first thing you need to remember is that beet kvass cannot be taken simultaneously with medications, much less taken with tablets. Beet kvass has long established itself as an excellent remedy for systemically lowering blood pressure and reducing attacks of hypertension.

    Beet kvass normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular and circulatory systems and the brain. Due to this, a natural decrease in pressure occurs.

    Hypertensive patients are recommended to take 200 ml of beet kvass twice a day, in the morning and during lunch.

    A decrease in pressure occurs within 20 minutes after consumption, since once it enters the small intestine, nitric oxide is formed during the digestion of the drink, which contributes to the rapid dilation of blood vessels.

    What is beet kvass

    A drink based on beet juice, with or without the addition of yeast, used in folk medicine to treat various diseases, is called beet kvass. Properly prepared beet kvass preserves all the vitamins and minerals contained in the root vegetable, which makes this drink an elixir of youth, beauty and health. It contains:

    • vitamins of groups C, B, PP and E;
    • natural antioxidants;
    • magnesium;
    • calcium;
    • iron;
    • zinc;
    • cesium;
    • potassium;
    • phosphorus
    • rubidium;
    • bioflavonoids (betaine, betanin).

    Beneficial features

    The benefits of beet kvass are determined by the unique properties of its main component. Beets have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes, which helps cleanse the body and help lose extra pounds. The medicinal properties of this vegetable help normalize blood pressure, cleanse blood vessels, and remove toxins and other harmful substances from the body. Yeast-free beet kvass perfectly quenches thirst. In addition, drinking this drink promotes:

    • fat burning processes;
    • liver cleansing;
    • cleansing the intestines;
    • increasing the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
    • rejuvenation of skin cells;
    • relieving stress, normalizing the functioning of the nervous system;
    • prevention of cancer and other malignant neoplasms.

    Periodic consumption of beetroot drink is recommended for the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis and other vascular diseases, the treatment of hypertension and during a hypertensive crisis, during diseases of the urinary system of an infectious-inflammatory nature, for obesity and other metabolic disorders, for iron deficiency anemia and for the prevention of the development of cardiovascular diseases.

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    Before using kvass from beet juice, you must consult a specialist, since this product has contraindications. Drinking this drink is not recommended if you have the following diseases:

    • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
    • urolithiasis disease;
    • kidney disease;
    • renal failure;
    • intestinal diseases accompanied by an inflammatory process.

    Homemade beet kvass recipe for weight loss

    For weight loss, beetroot is consumed 30 minutes before meals. The total daily intake should not exceed 500 ml. Drink for no more than two months, then you need to take a break. Beets will cleanse the body of toxins, weight loss will occur without stress to the body.

    The best recipe for homemade beet kvass for weight loss is considered to be a recipe with honey and raisins. Due to the large amount of carbohydrates, a glass of kvass can easily replace snacks.


    Water - 4 liters Beets - 3 pcs.

    Half a medium lemon

    Raisins - 30 pcs.

    Honey - 3 tbsp. l.


    Cut the beets into cubes and dry in the oven for 3 minutes at 80 degrees. Dissolve honey and lemon juice in water.

    Place the beets in a glass jar, add the raisins and cover with the prepared liquid.

    Cover the neck with gauze and place the jar in a warm place for 2 days.

    Then strain, pour into jars and store in the refrigerator.

    Beetroot kvass with honey and raisins is recommended for women during menopause. The drink completely reduces symptoms such as hot flashes, which are accompanied by sudden surges in pressure.

    Cooking recipes and recommendations on how to drink fresh product correctly

    Having looked at how freshly squeezed red beet juice is beneficial for the body, we will further analyze how and in combination with what other products you can drink it.

    With honey

    For this recipe you will need to mix beet juice with honey in a 1:1 ratio. Recommendations on how many tablespoons of fresh beet juice you should drink vary from person to person . It is usually recommended to take the resulting product in the amount of 1-2 tablespoons 3 to 5 times a day before meals.

    This method has proven itself to be effective for high blood pressure and insomnia. Excellent for cleaning blood vessels. The course of treatment is two weeks.

    Juice with honey for insomnia can be preheated slightly to 40 degrees.

    With apple

    It is used for atherosclerosis, low hemoglobin levels, neuroses, high blood pressure, fragility of blood vessels and impaired elasticity. For hypertension, you should drink 100 ml of the product in the morning . In other cases, the juice should be divided into two doses. It is not recommended to drink the drink after five in the evening. The course of treatment is three weeks.

    1. Apples should be used soft, sweet varieties. The beets should be thoroughly cleaned and rinsed with running water.
    2. The juice is made at the rate of 3 apples 1 beet. It is important to follow the manufacturing technology. To begin, squeeze the juice out of the beetroot and put it in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours.
    3. Then freshly squeezed apple juice is added.

    Take small sips, no more than 50 ml at a time.

    With cucumber

    It is used to cleanse the body of waste and toxins and is used for weight loss. To prepare you will need 1 beet and 2 medium sized cucumbers .

    Fresh cucumber is added to the infused beet juice and mixed.

    For weight loss purposes, it should be taken 20 minutes before meals . The optimal course is a month.

    This recipe can also be varied by adding celery and lemon.

    With celery

    The product has a pronounced detoxifying effect . Lowers blood pressure, helps cope with stress, blocks the formation of cancer cells and promotes weight loss.

    To make it you will need to take 1 small beet, 1-2 stalks of celery and 2 carrots.

    1. Initially, the juice is squeezed out of the beets and placed in the refrigerator to infuse.
    2. After which freshly squeezed juice from carrots and celery is added to it.

    You can drink 100 ml, mainly in the morning. The course of treatment is two weeks.

    Homemade beet kvass recipe without yeast, without sugar

    This is the simplest recipe that does not contain sugar or yeast. Beet kvass is obtained by natural fermentation of the sugar root vegetable. To prepare, you only need beets and boiled, cooled water.

    Some recipes say to leave the jar in a dark place for 2 days, but we do not recommend doing this. Personally, I (author Irina) regularly drink beetroot drink made according to this recipe for high blood pressure and I can safely say, after 24 hours. If the jar is just standing in the kitchen at an air temperature of 20-22 degrees, the beets begin to ferment and become peroxidized, and the drink takes on an unpleasant aftertaste.

    Therefore, if you make beet kvass without sugar and yeast, the drink is considered ready an hour after the first gas bubbles appear. I strain and do not use the rest of the vegetable for the next sourdough.

    Preparation and ingredients

    You will need 2-3 medium beets. Boiled and cooled water.

    Cut the beets into cubes.

    Place in a three-liter jar.

    Pour water without adding 5-7 cm to the top.

    Cover the jar with gauze and place in a warm, ventilated place.

    Who is the root vegetable drink not recommended for?

    The usefulness of kvass is undeniable, however, its use also has some contraindications. The drink should not be drunk if you have the following conditions or diseases:

    1. Formation of stones in the kidneys or bladder.
    2. Gastritis, peptic ulcers of the intestines, stomach, pancreas.
    3. Diarrhea.
    4. Diabetes.
    5. Gout.
    6. Increased acidity in the stomach.
    7. Rickets.
    8. Lack of calcium in the body.
    9. Individual intolerance.

    Beetroot drink has a powerful diuretic and laxative effect. If there are stones in the kidneys or urea, the drink activates the movement of these particles, which causes significant pain and can lead to blockage of the lumens.

    Beets also make it difficult for the body to absorb calcium, which results in increased leaching of calcium along with urine. Therefore, if you have rickets, illnesses, or other diseases associated with calcium deficiency, drinking the drink is harmful.

    Due to high blood pressure, beet kvass is characterized by high acidity, so it is harmful to use it in case of gastritis, ulcers, or exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The increased presence of sugar in the product makes its consumption unacceptable for people with diabetes.

    How to cook

    To prepare kvass from beets, you do not need to use complex technology. It is fermented at home from available products. To diversify it, you can use different recipes.

    Classic recipe


    • medium root vegetables - 4 pieces;
    • 3 liters of cold water;


    1. The beets are washed, peeled and cut into small slices.
    2. Then the pieces are poured into a three-liter container to the middle.
    3. The vegetable is filled with water up to its shoulders and covered with gauze to avoid dust and midges.
    4. Now the “beet mash” is placed in a cool room for further fermentation.
    5. After bubbles appear on the surface of the jar, you can taste the beetroot drink.
    6. To enhance the benefits, add chopped carrots.
    7. Diluting it with currant and cranberry juices will help diversify the taste of beet kvass.

    With black bread

    To make it you will need:

    • 2 kg of fresh beets and a small crumb of black bread. It's better if it's callous.
    • The beets are peeled, cut into pieces and placed in a three-liter jar.
    • The vegetable is poured with hot water (50-70 degrees) and left to cool.
    • When the liquid has cooled to 30 degrees, add bread and cover the mixture with gauze.
    • Then the jar is stored in a dark, cool place for three days until foam appears.
    • After removing the foam through knocking, the beet kvass is ready for use. It is filtered and placed in the refrigerator.

    Kvass with sweetener


    • beets - 2 pieces;
    • honey – 75 grams;
    • stale rye bread - 3 crusts;
    • purified water – 4 liters.


    1. The beets are washed well, peeled and chopped into thin shavings.
    2. Then it is placed in a bottle, crackers, honey and water are added.
    3. The container is covered with several layers of gauze.
    4. The composition should ferment for 4 days in a warm place.
    5. Film in the form of mold must be removed periodically.
    6. The finished beet kvass is bottled and placed in the refrigerator.

    It can also be used in cooking to prepare beetroot soup and cold borscht.

    Raisins and lemon juice


    • beets - 3 pieces;
    • honey – 45 grams;
    • 25 raisins;
    • lemon - half a piece;
    • purified water – 5 liters.


    1. Water is poured into the pan and placed on fire. After boiling, the fire becomes weaker, and the liquid boils for another five minutes. The water should cool to room temperature.
    2. Lemon juice and honey are added.
    3. The beets are peeled, finely chopped, placed on a baking sheet and placed in the oven. There, at a low temperature, it must be dried.
    4. Then it is put into a bottle, raisins are added and filled with acidified water and honey.
    5. The container is placed in a warm place for fermentation under a lid with holes.
    6. After the first signs of fermentation, the kvass is passed through cheesecloth and then bottled for further storage.
    7. The raisins in the composition not only bring benefits and enrich it with vitamins, but also enhance the fermentation processes.

    How to make freshly squeezed beetroot drink

    One of the advantages of beet juice is undoubtedly its availability . Root vegetables can be bought in any store all year round at a very affordable price. Therefore, it is not worth preparing juice for use.

    When fresh, it will sour, and during pasteurization a large amount of vitamins and minerals will be lost.

    Important features during manufacturing:

    1. To prepare the drink, you should not use root vegetables with light veins. Uniformly red fruits, mostly oblong in shape, are ideal.
    2. First you need to remove the top third of the beets along with the tops.
    3. The juice is made only from raw beets. The boiled product is useless for these purposes.
    4. The drink needs to sit in the refrigerator for at least an hour before using. This will avoid deterioration in health and dizziness.
    5. Shelf life in the refrigerator is two days.

    How to make juice?

    Juice can be made either with or without a juicer. Let's figure out how to squeeze juice without a juicer at home. To do this, you only need a grater and a piece of gauze.

    It is better to use a plastic grater. A metal grater will promote oxidation of the juice .

    Use the side with the smallest holes so that the grated beets have a pulp-like consistency. It will need to be folded into gauze and squeezed thoroughly.

    Instead of a grater, you can also use a blender or food processor. This technique does an excellent job of grinding, and the resulting product only needs to be squeezed out using gauze.

    How many root vegetables do you need to take to get 100 ml of juice? To make 100 ml of juice you will need approximately 2-4 medium-sized root vegetables .

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