Does beets really increase hemoglobin - 6 facts about its benefits for the blood and more

Beetroot (in common parlance - beetroot), both raw and boiled, is a very healthy product. The juice from it also has a lot of positive properties. It is difficult to say for which body system this vegetable is most beneficial.

According to research , beet nutrients have a beneficial effect on blood composition and the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Beetroot as an ingredient in dishes and medicine is recommended for people suffering from the entire spectrum of diseases of the circulatory and cardiovascular systems.

There is also an opinion that beets are capable of raising hemoglobin when its level in the blood is low. Is it really?

Effect on hemoglobin

First of all, beets are valued for their active participation in hematopoietic function. Due to its high iron and copper content , the vegetable is indispensable for blood renewal. It is also significant for hemoglobin levels.

In addition to iron, beet pulp contains a lot of vitamin B9, which prevents anemia and even prevents leukemia. Particularly effective for anemia:

  • pickled beets;
  • beet juice

It is also recommended to mix beet juice with freshly squeezed carrot juice.

Researchers and doctors also made a very interesting discovery: they discovered that beet protein is half similar in structure to hemoglobin in human blood. Research is currently underway into the possibility of converting a beet protein compound into a human blood substitute.

Beets also thin the blood, preventing blood clots.

How long to take beets to increase hemoglobin

The size of the daily serving of beets for raising hemoglobin levels usually depends on the amount of beneficial nitrates in it. Their ideal content is from 6.4 to 12.8 mg per kg of root crop. That is, 1 cup (136 g) of beets per day is quite enough. If you drink beet juice, you will need no more than 200 ml daily.

It is important to remember that correcting iron deficiency in the body will take time. Feeling may improve after a week of daily consumption of beets, but it may take several months or more for a sustained increase in hemoglobin levels in the blood.

6 more useful properties

Beets are indispensable in the diet of those who want to maintain healthy blood vessels and heart muscle. This vegetable is not just a valuable food product, but also a real medicine for the heart muscle and blood vessels.

  1. Strengthening the heart. The root vegetable contains vitamin B9, which is useful not only for blood composition, it also strengthens the heart muscle.
  2. Blood thinning, cholesterol reduction. Folic acid and vitamin C reduce blood viscosity and help fight thrombophlebitis. Beets also cleanse blood vessels.
  3. Rejuvenation and strengthening of blood vessels. Improves the condition of blood vessels, including capillaries, and ensures their youth.
  4. Anti-sclerotic effect. The complex of beneficial substances of the root vegetable makes arteries and veins more elastic, and with regular use prevents the development of cerebral atherosclerosis.
  5. Reduced blood pressure and diuretic effect. Freshly squeezed beet juice is especially useful in this regard: it contains a lot of potassium, which is necessary for hypertension.
  6. Combating obesity and beneficial effects on blood vessels and the heart. When consumed correctly, it helps improve metabolic processes, fights excess weight, and eases the work of the heart. This is due to the unique amino acid betaine.

Betaine and minerals from the pulp and leaves of beets are practically indestructible during heat treatment. Therefore, the medicinal substances of the root vegetable do not disappear even if it is boiled.

Beneficial effect on the body

Beets have become popular all over the world not only because of their pleasant sweet taste, but also because of their positive effects on the body. The beneficial properties of the vegetable are as follows.

Increased stamina

Research has shown that people who drink beetroot juice before exercise can exercise longer, demonstrating increased cardiorespiratory endurance (intense exercise).

Lower blood pressure

Beets contain nitrates, which increase nitric oxide levels in the body. This gas (produced naturally in the body) causes blood vessels to dilate, increasing blood flow and lowering blood pressure.

Experiments have shown that drinking just 1 glass of beet juice (or an equivalent amount of root pulp) can reduce systolic blood pressure by a significant 4-5 mmHg. Art. This feature makes beets an effective product for the prevention and treatment of certain cardiovascular diseases.

Improvement of cognitive functions

A study of groups of older adults found that a diet high in nitrates also helped improve blood flow to the brain, improving brain function and cognitive health. Another experiment found an increase in reaction speed (a measure of cognitive ability) in people who drank beetroot juice daily.

Rules of use

In the absence of restrictions and contraindications, root vegetables should be present in the diet regularly. When boiled, it is added to soups, warm and cold snacks are prepared from it, and preserved for the winter. In its raw form, it is eaten in salads and used for juices.

How much root vegetables should you eat to increase hemoglobin? Eating beets in different forms about 3-6 times a week will not harm a healthy person, but will only help raise hemoglobin and improve the overall composition of the blood.

For medicinal purposes, it is best to use freshly squeezed juice, observing the following rules .

  1. Due to the strong effect of the raw product, it is better to start using it with small doses, gradually increasing the volume of liquid you drink by 25-50 ml.
  2. In the absence of an allergic reaction, the volume can be increased to half a liter of juice per day, dividing it into two parts.
  3. It is best to mix beet juice with others: cucumber, carrot, celery, etc. First, take a smaller part of the beet juice, gradually the ratio of juices can be adjusted to 1:1.
  4. Juices should be freshly squeezed, and not prepared for several days: this way, not only the taste and freshness of the product will be preserved, but also many of its healing properties.

If at the beginning of the cleansing and therapeutic course the dosage of drinking juice is exceeded, deviations in health may be observed: dizziness, nausea, etc. This is due to the fact that the body is deeply cleansed of accumulated toxins.


Fresh carrot salads are a great alternative for those who don't have a juicer or the time to extract the juice. The dishes are easy to prepare, but no less healthy than fresh juice.

Cabbage, carrot and beet salad.


  • beets: 2 pcs.;
  • carrots: 2 pcs.;
  • white cabbage: 1 fork;
  • greens, olive oil, lemon juice: to taste.

The cabbage is finely chopped, and the carrots and beets are chopped using a grater. Mix the vegetables, add fresh herbs and olive oil with lemon juice.

Carrot and apple salad.


  • apple: 2 pcs.;
  • carrots: 2 pcs.

Peel and grate the carrots; remove the seed chambers from the apples. Chop the fruit. You can add salt and pepper to the salad.

How to prepare it - 4 medicinal recipes

To maintain the correct blood composition or increase hemoglobin levels, it is enough to eat a portion of borscht, beet salad or drink a glass of juice once a day.

The good thing about a vegetable is that it is tasty on its own, without additives, sauces or other ingredients. In combination with other products, its taste changes, and its usefulness increases significantly.

Beet juice

Beetroot juice is one of the 7 most beneficial juices for the blood.

To obtain it, take raw, unspoiled root vegetables, wash them thoroughly, peel them with a knife, cut them and pass them through an appropriate type of juicer.

You can grate it and then put it through cheesecloth, but this method is quite labor-intensive and looks untidy. There are two approaches to preparing and consuming beet juice:

  1. drink it only freshly squeezed;
  2. leave for 2-3 hours in the refrigerator to filter out the sediment, then drink.

The juice has a rich taste and can be diluted with water if desired. No salt, sugar or other seasonings are required.

Carrot juice mixture

The combination of beet and carrot juice is considered the most effective for renewing blood mass. First, you can take carrot as a basis, then gradually add beetroot to it, bringing the proportions to 1:1.

Salad with carrots and honey

All three ingredients are extremely beneficial for the circulatory system: they not only improve the composition of the blood, purifying it, but also thin the blood, lower blood pressure, dilate blood vessels and free their walls from adhering cholesterol.

It is prepared in this way:

  1. raw root vegetables are washed, peeled, and grated on a coarse or fine grater; you can take an equal number of them, or you can change the ratio in any direction;
  2. then honey to taste is added to the grated vegetables, a little lemon juice, which is also very beneficial for blood vessels; you can add some finely chopped walnuts: this product is also good for the circulatory and cardiovascular systems.

Salad with nuts and dried fruits

This product is suitable for salads, raw, boiled or baked: hemoglobin will increase in any case.

From grated boiled beets you can make a salad with lemon juice, sour cream or mayonnaise, prunes, walnuts and garlic. All components combine well in the dish and are all very beneficial for hemoglobin.

To prepare it you need:

  1. peel boiled, or better yet, baked beets;
  2. cut it on a coarse grater;
  3. add soaked and chopped prunes and chopped walnuts;
  4. peel the garlic and squeeze through a press or finely chop with a knife;
  5. add a little salt, season with a mixture of lemon juice and natural unrefined sunflower oil.

Lemon and unrefined directly pressed sunflower oil in combination with garlic can be considered a tasty dressing, or can be considered a real medicine that has a beneficial effect on the circulatory and cardiovascular systems.

Beetroot juice can be squeezed not only from the root crop, but also from the tops. This will significantly increase the nutritional value of the healing product.

Beet juice

To prepare the juice, fresh medium-sized root vegetables are used. Vegetables are peeled and passed through a juicer. You can grate the beets and squeeze out the juice.

There are two options for drinking juice:

  • freshly prepared;
  • 2 hours after the product has been in the refrigerator.

There is also a third option: beet juice is mixed with carrot, apple or tomato juice. The main thing is that all the ingredients of the drink are fresh. This method of consumption increases the concentration of nutrients in the drink, which contributes to the overall health of the body.

Read more about the properties of beet juice.


Even the most useful product has its contraindications. Buryak is no exception.

  1. Diabetes. Large amounts of glucose and fructose limit the consumption of vegetables in this disease.
  2. Urolithiasis disease. The oxalic acid contained in the vegetable is undesirable for this disease.
  3. Weak stomach , increased stomach acidity, digestive system prone to upset. Beetroot juice and pulp increase stomach acidity and help relax the intestines. Therefore, you need to observe moderation and caution when consuming them.
  4. Diarrhea. Eating root vegetables increases intestinal motility, which will worsen the unpleasant condition.
  5. Individual intolerance. This is not an exotic product, but it often causes allergic reactions. In this regard, it is recommended to be careful when handling beets. This is especially true for nursing mothers and young children under 3 years of age, whose immune system has not yet developed.

Ways to raise hemoglobin levels using carrots and beets

Carrots and beets are vegetables that should be in a pregnant woman’s diet. Root vegetables contain many useful substances that will help maintain the proper condition of the expectant mother and child. In addition, regular consumption of the above vegetables helps maintain normal blood pressure.

Root vegetables are introduced into the menu in the form of salads and juices. They are stewed, baked, boiled

Features of use during pregnancy

But during pregnancy, dishes made from root vegetables are well tolerated. Moreover, obstetricians recommend that expectant mothers eat beets regularly, because:

  • it contains a lot of vitamins, minerals, carotenoids, pectins, organic acids, which ensure the well-being of the expectant mother and the full development of the child;
  • it fights constipation well; if necessary, even microenemas are made with beet juice;
  • the vegetable stimulates a decrease in blood pressure, which is very important in the third trimester;
  • beets should be eaten throughout pregnancy to maintain hemoglobin at the required level and prevent fetal hypoxia.

How to increase hemoglobin with beets

Beetroot for hemoglobin in the blood is very effective because it contains a lot of iron, which helps in the restoration and reactivation of red blood cells. Once the red blood cells are activated, the oxygen supply to all parts of the body increases. Adding beets in any form to your daily diet will help you easily combat low hemoglobin and anemia.

People with anemia often experience dizziness, fatigue, headaches, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, and lack of appetite. The vitamins and minerals contained in beets and their leaves help improve your well-being.

The most effective way to consume beets to increase hemoglobin is to juice them. You can combine beets and carrots to naturally boost your iron levels, or add oranges for a vitamin C-rich drink.

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