What does blood pressure 170 to 110 mean, what to do and how to reduce high levels?

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The fast pace of life, daily problems, solving certain problems, stress and emotional stress provoke the development of various deviations and diseases. One of them is hypertension. A pressure of 170 over 110 is a fairly high indicator, which poses a danger to any person. The negative effect begins already at a pressure of 140/90 mm Hg. Art., but if the indicators increase and appear frequently, even if you feel normal, you still need to consult a doctor. There is no need to think that the pressure will stabilize and you can continue to live normally.

Possible dangers

Any increase in pressure that is higher than normal means that there are malfunctions in the body. In addition, high values ​​negatively affect a person, especially if the pressure is 170 to 110, then the likelihood of hemorrhage increases. At constantly high levels, the vascular system loses its elasticity, the walls of the vessels become brittle, and gaps appear that will rupture during the jump.

The heart reacts worst to racing because it is under a lot of stress. For this reason, a person develops angina, ischemia, and heart attack. The human brain is also affected; due to the strong blood pressure, brain vessels wear out, increasing the risk of stroke. The organs of vision suffer from pressure; if the readings are 170 to 110 or higher, then temporary loss of vision and retinal detachment cannot be ruled out.

Causes of pressure 170 to 110

It is important to know!

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While pumping blood, the heart creates a certain pulsation. Depending on this, the pressure of blood through the arteries changes. The systolic indicator indicates the maximum force of blood ejection from the heart, and the diastolic indicator indicates the level of complete muscle relaxation of the organ.

The permissible pressure, which is considered within normal limits, is 110-139/65-89 mm Hg. Art. During loads and movements, indicators may change in one direction or another. At a pressure of 170/110 mm Hg. Art. Patients develop stage 2 hypertension. If the upper pressure reading is 180 units or higher, then this is already diagnosed as stage 3 hypertension. At high levels, it is recommended to take measurements every day, which will allow you to monitor the condition and take timely measures.

The causes of growth are different and in medicine they are divided into several groups:

  1. Diseases of internal organs and human systems.
  2. Bad habits.
  3. Poor lifestyle and related factors.

Among the diseases that can cause increased blood pressure are:

  1. Pathologies of the kidneys and adrenal glands.
  2. Diabetes.
  3. Endocrine system disruptions.
  4. Disorders of the cardiovascular system.
  5. Liver pathologies.

Due to bad habits, an increase in indicators is also possible. These include frequent consumption of coffee and caffeinated products, strong tea, and alcohol abuse. In smokers, the likelihood of hypertension increases several times, so it is important to get rid of this habit.

Causes in people may be a result of other factors:

  1. Regular stressful situations, emotional tension.
  2. Menopause.
  3. Constant lack of sleep and fatigue.
  4. Large amounts of salt consumed.
  5. Junk food, for example, fast food, fried, smoked and other foods.
  6. Excess of fats and carbohydrates in the diet.
  7. Sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical activity.
  8. Excess body weight.

Based on the reasons, characteristic symptoms of increased pressure appear. In addition, depending on the provoking factors, doctors select the correct therapy that will provide maximum effectiveness.


The pulse with blood pressure 170/110 should be kept within 80-85 beats in middle-aged hypertensive patients. Heart rate between the ages of 50 and 70 should be 85-90. In teenagers and people over 70 years of age, the heart rate can reach 90-95.

An increase in heart rate to 110 indicates moderate tachycardia. In a healthy person, this indicator is observed after strong physical exercise, during fear and emotional shock.

In people with hypertension, a simultaneous increase in blood pressure and pulse may indicate a hypertensive crisis.


An increase in pressure to 170 to 110 can be determined by characteristic signs. They will appear with different intensities, at different times, all this is individual, but should alert patients in any case.

Possible symptoms include:

  1. The appearance of severe nausea, in some cases followed by vomiting. After the urge to vomit, short-term relief occurs.
  2. The appearance of frequent problems with the organs of vision, sharpness disappears, darkening occurs in the eyes, “goosebumps”.
  3. Noise or ringing in the ears that becomes worse in absolute silence.
  4. You feel dizzy and may lose consciousness.
  5. Weakness in the body that prevents you from doing normal work.
  6. Severe pain in the head, pulsating, localized most often in the back of the head, temporal and parietal parts.
  7. Pain in the chest from the side of the heart.
  8. Rapid pulse.
  9. Apathy, the appearance of fear of death.

In some cases, an increase in pressure may not be visible visually, but if no action is taken, the condition of the internal organs will deteriorate significantly. Due to this, it is necessary to constantly monitor the indicators, use a tonometer for this, and take measurements 2-3 times a day. It is recommended to record all indicators for hypertension in a notebook.

What to do if the pressure is 170 to 110

First of all, if the pressure is 170 to 110, you need to contact a doctor for professional help. Doctors conduct a thorough examination of the patient and laboratory diagnostics. After conducting research and obtaining the necessary data, the doctor determines the causes and makes a diagnosis.

Initial treatment consists of identifying and removing the underlying causes leading to increased pressure. To normalize indicators for hypertension, medications are used, since without them the level of 170/110 mm Hg can be returned to normal. Art. will be impossible. Doctors often recommend using complex treatment as therapy, which includes taking tablets from several groups of medications.

If high blood pressure appears not only as a result of a malfunction, but is supplemented by stress, then doctors prescribe sedatives.

If you are diagnosed with stage 2 hypertension, you will need to adjust your lifestyle. The patient should minimize salt intake, it is recommended not to overeat and monitor the amount of calories consumed, which do not exceed 2400 per day.

Complete cessation of bad habits has a positive effect on the condition. People with sedentary jobs need to play sports and walk outside more.

Prevention of blood pressure surges

You can avoid increasing blood pressure by adhering to the following recommendations:

  • Take medications prescribed by a doctor regularly and systematically, without omissions or unauthorized completion of the treatment course;
  • Get proper rest and sleep:
  • Eat a healthy, balanced diet;
  • To refuse from bad habits;
  • Engage in physical therapy, swimming, and moderate exercise.

Blood pressure, the readings of which are 170/110, is a serious deviation from the norm, requiring competent timely treatment and lifestyle changes!

First aid

When the pressure rises to 170/110 mmHg. Art. the person must be given first aid, since such marks pose a danger.

If the condition worsens sharply, you need to call an ambulance; before the doctor arrives you will need:

  1. Lay the patient down and open the windows in the room.
  2. If a person is nauseous, lay him on his side.
  3. Try to calm down as much as possible and bring down the pressure readings.
  4. Enalapril 10 mg is given, the tablet dissolves under the tongue. Results should appear within 15-20 minutes after administration.
  5. You can use Nifelipin or Captopril in a similar way.
  6. If heart pain occurs, then Nitroglycerin is placed under the tongue.
  7. To calm and relax, sedative tablets are used; you can prepare an infusion based on valerian and motherwort.
  8. If the indicators remain stable, then a tablet of Enalapril or another drug is given again.

It is worth noting that taking several blood pressure pills at once is prohibited. Only one drug needs to be used. If there is no medicine at hand, there are other first aid measures:

  1. The patient sits on a chair.
  2. Warm water is filled into a basin for the feet and used for 15 minutes.
  3. You can take a few deep breaths in and out to calm your nervous system.
  4. Vinegar compress is effective for pressure. To prepare, dilute vinegar in an equal part of water, wet a towel and place it on your calves and feet.
  5. A massage of the neck, head and shoulders will help.

When the doctors arrive, you need to say what the pressure was initially and what measures were taken. This will allow you to choose the right drug treatment to provide first aid and normalize the condition, eliminating complications.

What to do at home?

If you experience a significant increase in blood pressure, be sure to call an ambulance.
Before the doctors arrive, take a comfortable position, preferably with your legs lower than your head. To speed up blood flow, you can massage your limbs or apply a warm compress to your calf muscles. Provide fresh air by opening a window or unfastening the collar around your neck.

Every hypertensive patient should know which drugs quickly lower blood pressure and stabilize the condition. To calm down, drink tincture of valerian or motherwort. For pressing pain in the heart, place a Nitroglycerin tablet under the tongue. Among emergency medications, Captopril and Nifidipine provide a good hypotensive effect. These medications begin to act within 20 minutes; during this time you should not take any other medications.

Don’t panic, the speed of your reaction directly determines the outcome of the situation and your future well-being.

What medications should I use?

After the doctor diagnoses stage 2 hypertension, you will be offered an individual treatment regimen. It includes drugs from such groups as: diuretics, antihypertensives, blood thinners and cholesterol-lowering medications. Among diuretic drugs, Ravel, Veroshpiron and Furosemide have proven themselves to be excellent. At the second stage of hypertension, the doctor also prescribes Physiotens, Artil, Lisinopril and Bisoprolol for regular use.

And also read on our website: What do blood pressure readings of 110 over 60 mean and for whom is this considered normal and what to do?

The action of antihypertensive drugs is not aimed at eliminating high blood pressure, but at preventing its increase. These medications should not be used during a hypertensive crisis; they do not produce results. If there is a sudden increase in blood pressure, first aid medications are needed.

One of the most common provocateurs of narrowing of sauces and increased blood pressure is cholesterol, which enters the body with food. To reduce its pathological effects, doctors prescribe Zovasticor and Atorvastatin. Cardiomagnyl or Aspecard are used to thin the blood and prevent the formation of blood clots.

In the process of choosing medications for regular use, the doctor monitors the patient’s health condition. If side effects are observed or medications do not bring results, the treatment regimen is adjusted.

Treatment with folk remedies

Very often, people prefer natural methods of therapy, since they have minimal contraindications and do not produce side effects. This is partly true, but in the treatment of such a serious disease as hypertension, tinctures and decoctions alone will not be enough. When blood pressure is 170 over 110, traditional medicine can be an addition to traditional methods.

A good effect is observed when using periwinkle decoction. You just need to brew a handful of dried herbs in 250 ml of water and drink half a glass twice a day. Pomegranate peels also have a hypotensive effect; a decoction is also made from them and drunk instead of tea.

Viburnum berries have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle and normalize blood circulation. You need to squeeze the juice out of the berries and mix with sugar in a 1:2 ratio. Infuse the product until the sugar is completely dissolved and consume 2 teaspoons three times a day. For people whose disease is caused by diabetes mellitus, this method of therapy is not suitable.

Juice from raw potatoes has a healing diuretic effect. Take 50 g of the product before each meal. By regularly using this method, you will be able to remove excess fluid from the body and normalize blood pressure without synthetic medications.

And also read on our website: What does pressure 140 over 120 mean, what are the reasons for such indicators, is this normal and what to do with such blood pressure?

Drug treatment


STILL STRUGGLE WITH ARTERIAL HYPERTENSION INCORRECTLY? Reduces stress hormone levels and prevents oxygen starvation Read more »

For stage 2 hypertension, you cannot do without medication.

If the pressure is 170 over 110, then antihypertensive pills are used and often you need to take 2-3 groups of drugs at once:

  1. Diuretics.
  2. Beta blockers.
  3. Calcium antagonists.
  4. ACE inhibitors.
  5. Sartans.

The combination is determined by the doctor after diagnosing and assessing the patient’s condition. If the pressure increases due to stress, then sedatives can be used. Lovastatin and Vasilip are used to clean blood vessels.

What does BP 170/120 mean?

Constant pressure surges indicate the development of a moderately severe mixed form of arterial hypertension.
The upper figure of 170 indicates stage two hypertension, and the lower figure of 120 indicates stage three disease. This is not normal either for hypertensive patients or for pensioners who suffer from natural thinning of blood vessels due to effort.

Due to the constant increase in blood pressure, the load on the myocardium and blood vessels increases. The heart cannot cope with its functions, lacks oxygen, and the blood vessels lose their elasticity and their integrity is damaged. In turn, rupture of blood vessels provokes oxygen starvation of the brain and stroke.

The numbers 170 to 120 on the tonometer are critical and require immediate medical correction.

If renal pressure increases, urea enters the blood and the person faces intoxication and kidney failure. All these complications are deadly, but they can be avoided by promptly consulting a doctor.

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