Hypotension (low blood pressure) is considered normal in approximately 15% of the population. Under data
Low hemoglobin is not an independent disease. It is the result of an underlying disease, so when
Physical inactivity - what is it? Physical inactivity is a condition characterized by insufficient physical activity and
Local therapist Burnatskaya Svetlana Nikolaevna Experience 33 years Local therapist, occupational pathologist. Member of the Russian Scientific Medical
Blood pressure indicators are among the main physical parameters by which the state of the vascular system is judged
Thyrotoxicosis Hepatitis Diabetes mellitus 51022 August 06 IMPORTANT! Information from this section cannot be used
Saturation (English saturation - “saturation”) of blood with oxygen shows how much of this vital for organs
Anemia or “anemia” - a decrease in the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood below established standards, most often
Hemorrhagic stroke (HI) is a clinical syndrome in which there is a sharp development of focal and/or cerebral
For some reason, this type of heart rhythm disorder is often called incorrectly. “Sine ary and even “sinusoidal”