Sports and varicose veins. When can you exercise after vein surgery?

Sports for varicose veins

Lack of physical activity, as well as its excess, can cause this disease, so when choosing a training program you need to be extremely careful. Not every coach or sports doctor can choose a competent training system, so you need to act intuitively and select exercises and intensity specifically for your case.

always accurately diagnoses thanks to the enormous experience of professionals and imported equipment. If you want to get involved in running, swimming, martial arts or bodybuilding, then schedule a consultation. The specialist will determine whether physical activity is acceptable specifically for you, taking into account the stage of the disease and your current lifestyle.

How to decide on a training program?

Fitness for varicose veins should not create a huge load on the lower limbs. If your plans include a cross-country run of 20-30 kilometers or squats with a barbell with a weight of 200 kilograms or more, then you will significantly aggravate the problem and intensify the symptoms in the form of swelling, stiffness and pain.

When selecting a sport and training program, there is no serious difference for young and adult people, for women and men, etc. You can train even at 50 years old, but do it wisely and avoid unnecessary stress. The following factors can significantly worsen varicose veins:

  • Uncomfortable sports suit (tight).
  • Shoes that are not intended for sports.
  • Heavy squats or deadlifts.
  • Using critical scales.
  • Long-term static loads (leg press and holding weight for a while).

Sports for varicose veins, taking into account these disorders, will further weaken the tissues, increase the pressure in the veins, and increase the load on the valves. This will lead to even greater stagnation and aggravation.

To get in shape, give preference to:

  1. A bicycle or exercise bike.
  2. Jump rope (no more than 5 minutes per approach).
  3. Treadmill (run at a slow pace or walk).
  4. Swimming (all styles are suitable).
  5. Lunges with dumbbells instead of squats.
  6. Classic squats with your own weight.

High intensity training is a great choice. It will help you lose weight, build and strengthen muscle tissue. Fitness for varicose veins should be fun and not a difficult ordeal. Control yourself and do not strive for increased loads, as over time this will lead to aggravation and complications.

Sports for varicose veins should include a special diet. Choose healthy foods that contain proteins, carbohydrates, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals. Focus on vegetables and fruits, as the substances contained in their natural form improve the condition of the veins.

To be on the safe side and prevent exacerbation, make an appointment at the First Phlebological Center. The specialist will determine whether the loads are acceptable in your case and whether they will lead to complications.

Mechanism of the disease

Blood circulation throughout the human body is continuous. It flows down to the legs and, under the influence of residual blood pressure, returns upward. If the leg muscles contract, blood is forced back toward the heart.

In some cases, a malfunction occurs in the functioning of the body, the cause of which is most often the person himself.
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More details

Reluctance to give the muscles the appropriate load leads to the occurrence or worsening of varicose veins. As a result, blood circulation in the legs is disrupted, congestion appears in the form of heaviness, swelling in the evenings and night cramps.

If you do not pay attention to these sensations, the disease will progress. At the same time, spider veins will become more distinct and brighter, the veins in the legs will begin to swell and protrude to the surface. Running can help in the fight against varicose veins in the early stages.

Additional recommendations

There are several generally accepted rules for the prevention of varicose veins that will help prevent the onset and progression of the disease:

  • Complete cessation of bad habits. Smoking and alcohol are prohibited even on holidays.
  • Normalization of sleep. It is necessary to sleep at least 8 hours a day in order for the cardiovascular system to recover properly.
  • A complete diet. One of the main reasons for the development of varicose veins is atherosclerosis. This is the deposition of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels due to poor nutrition. It is necessary to minimize the consumption of fatty, fried, salty, smoked foods. The menu should contain sufficient quantities of vegetables, fruits, grains, and proteins.
  • Normalization of weight. The rule that follows from the previous paragraph is that by eating right, you can get rid of excess weight, which negatively affects all systems of the body, including the cardiovascular system.
  • Wearing compression stockings. To select the appropriate compression level, you must consult a doctor.
  • Monitoring the condition of the veins. Varicose veins are often inherited. Therefore, if one of your close relatives has this pathology, you need to regularly visit a doctor. This will help detect the disease at an early stage and take the necessary measures.

By following the above recommendations, you will be able to maintain the beauty and health of your feet for a long time. Then playing sports will be a pleasure!

Still have questions about playing sports with varicose veins?

Free consultation with AngioClinic specialists


Salmina Daria Vladimirovna

Geneticist. Graduated from the Chelyabinsk State Medical Academy. She completed an internship at the Northwestern State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov.

Walking to prevent varicose veins

Walking daily for half an hour reduces the risk of developing varicose veins by 40%. Especially if you have a sedentary job, it is extremely important to set aside time for walking. This is the simplest and most affordable way to prevent varicose veins. Try to walk more often - and you will see positive changes in the appearance of your legs and your own well-being after just a few weeks.

Which exercise machine is better for combating varicose veins?

One of the most popular options actively used to combat vascular diseases of the legs in the initial stage is exercise equipment. It is important to choose the right simulator here. If training is needed to prevent the development of a disease, then any model will do. Otherwise, you should give preference to an exercise bike with a horizontal seat, for example, BRONZE GYM R801 LC.

But treadmills are a much more difficult option if symptoms of the disease are already present.

In this case, under no circumstances should you carry out long runs at high speeds. Only light workouts with periodic transitions to a walking step. And the duration of the workout itself should not exceed twenty minutes. Also, before starting training, you should be concerned about finding special orthopedic running shoes that will reduce the level of stress.

Spider veins/spider veins: what is it, is it dangerous and can creams help?

Capillary meshwork (reticular varicose veins) and stars (telangiectasia) are the expansion of small veins no more than 3 mm in diameter. This type of varicose veins can occur as a concomitant of varicose veins, or independently. Such “stars” can appear not only on the legs, but also on the face, chest and other places. The causes of reticular varicose veins are unknown. Unlike varicose veins, this is not a disease. Reticular varicose veins are only an aesthetic problem, like wrinkles and gray hair - there are no negative consequences for the body.

If “varicose veins” are a consequence of varicose veins, then to prevent its occurrence it is necessary to treat varicose veins. If the “stars” arose on their own, then treatment or prevention is not required. However, if a person is aesthetically unsatisfied with the presence of a vascular pattern, it can be removed.

Sports for vein pathologies in the postoperative period

During the rehabilitation period after vascular surgery, it is extremely important to give your legs moderate physical activity. It promotes the speedy restoration of normal blood flow and prevents the formation of blood clots. However, it must be taken into account that resuming sports with varicose veins after surgery must be done carefully and gradually. The best option for physical activity in this case is walking and performing physical therapy exercises recommended by your doctor.

Sports for varicose veins in the postoperative period

The only treatment is surgery: is it possible to do without incisions?

Varicose veins are a disease that can only be treated radically - surgically. There are many types of operations: using a laser (sealing veins), sclerotherapy (a special drug is injected into the vein, as a result it “sticks together”), phlebectomy (classic operation - removal of veins from incisions), miniphlebectomy (removal without incisions, through punctures - minimally invasive method).

Traditionally, these operations are performed under local anesthesia. As a rule, they are so minimally invasive that you can get up and walk immediately after returning from the operating room. This is done to prevent a rare but dangerous complication - deep vein thrombosis. If the patient wishes or is afraid, it is permissible to use general anesthesia for a short period of time. On average, the operation lasts half an hour. After the intervention, there are no stitches left (except for a variant of the classical operation, which is now practically not used) - only temporary bruises.

Modern treatment methods allow you to start training at any intensity already 3-4 days after surgery. And already a month after the operation, you can again engage in those sports that are not recommended for varicose veins - for example, lifting weights.

There is an opinion that after surgery and sealing of some veins, over time the neighboring ones will inevitably begin to expand. However, the average relapse rate is 15%. That is, only 15% of those operated on will experience a relapse during the rest of their lives. Therefore, all patients with varicose veins, even after surgery, are recommended to visit a phlebologist once a year.

Causes of venous pathologies

The causes of varicose veins are closely related to the phenotypic anatomical feature of a person - upright posture. This quality is unique - in our world there is no other creature capable of walking upright. The ability to walk upright gave people the ability to withstand dangers in the prehistoric era. However, man paid for the advantages of upright walking with a tendency to venous pathologies. The most common type of such pathology is varicose veins of the lower extremities.

Secondary causes influencing the development of varicose veins:

  • excessive weight - the more weight, the greater the load on the venous vessels;
  • impaired metabolism - abnormal metabolism can affect the structure of vein tissue, making it more fragile;
  • physical inactivity - the walls of the veins consist of smooth muscle fibers; like any other muscle tissue, it requires training, otherwise it becomes flabby and incapable of normal functioning;
  • pregnancy is a complex influence of all the above reasons.

Varicose veins on one leg

Fitness and varicose veins in Moscow. Modern exercises for varicose veins

Here is a fairly simple example of simple physical exercises available to almost any resident of Moscow:

  1. Raise your legs to the “birch” position and shake them relaxed.
  2. Lying on your back, bend your legs and rotate them at the knee joints in one direction, then in the other direction.
  3. Lying on your back, spin your legs like a bicycle.

Exercises for varicose veins

Varicose veins are not an obstacle to physical activity, although physical activity should be chosen carefully. Lifting weights, jumping, and running are contraindicated; static exercises performed while standing should be limited. Strength training is performed only in a lying position, and the load on the abdominal press must be strictly dosed. When visiting a fitness center, you should warn the trainer about the presence of symptoms of varicose veins. The most suitable types of physical activity for varicose veins are swimming and water aerobics, which effectively relieve stress from the legs.

Water aerobics for varicose veins

Exercises that activate diaphragmatic breathing, especially yoga, restore blood circulation well. Stretching and Pilates are very useful, especially in a lying position. These directions are available to residents of Moscow and the Moscow region with professional instructors.

Yoga for varicose veins

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