Dizziness, fever and even suffocation: symptoms of panic attacks and how to deal with them

Pain in the back of the head is a fairly common problem. And she has many reasons. Therefore, it is important to find their problems in order to feel relief. Let's find out together with a specialist how to do this.

Headaches in the back of the head can have several different causes. For example, it may only be muscle damage due to a minor injury, or it may be a secondary symptom of other pathologies. The type and location of pain can play a critical role in diagnosing the cause. If the pain is severe and repeated, be sure to consult a doctor.

What is a panic attack

A panic attack is an attack of sudden fear and severe anxiety for no apparent reason.
The origins of panic disorder are not completely clear. However, it is believed that the disease has a genetic predisposition and more often affects the fair sex. Women are more prone to panic attacks and suffer from this disorder 2-3 times more often than men. Panic attacks cannot lead to death, despite the fact that this is the feeling that most often accompanies them. The more often attacks occur, the worse the quality of life becomes. People who have repeatedly experienced panic attacks become increasingly anxious and subconsciously try to avoid places or situations where and when they succumbed to fear. Those who have at least once experienced an attack at night subsequently experience sleep disorders.

What to do in case of a panic attack

The most important thing to do during a panic attack is to switch your attention. Any method is suitable for distraction. If an attack occurs in a public place, you can clench and unclench your fists, rub your earlobes, or shift from foot to foot. If panic takes you by surprise at home, try turning on music and starting to do household chores: washing dishes, dusting. Any activity that involves muscle work and requires attention is suitable.

Since a panic attack is accompanied by a rapid heartbeat and a feeling of stuffiness, it would be a good idea to take a couple of sips of water and concentrate on breathing. It is best to master several techniques that will quickly relieve tension. In case of an attack, start by exhaling - slow it down, and the pulse will also slow down. The ratio of the length of inhalation and exhalation should be 1:2. You can experiment and choose the technique that will help you. A smartphone can also help you take your mind off panic. Games, social networks - all this will shift attention and distract from a panic attack.

Causes of pain in the back of the head in an adult

“Pain in the back of the head itself does not indicate the cause of this pain,” explains neurologist Elena Gaivoronskaya.
– The doctor assesses the frequency of pain, its intensity, duration, nature (pulsating, pressing, stabbing), associated symptoms. Only on the basis of all this data can a diagnosis be made. There are a number of reasons why headaches may occur predominantly in the back of the head.

headaches .

This is the most common cause of pain in the back of the head. Such pain can last from 30 minutes to 7 days. Such pain can be caused by severe stress, overwork, lack of sleep, malnutrition, poor posture or not drinking enough water.

Patients with this problem usually feel tension in the back or front of the head. The pain can range from dull to severe.


Another common type of headache that often appears in childhood and gets worse with age. Migraines are most common in women. Its symptoms include severe pain on one side of the head with nausea, vomiting and blurred vision. Patients are usually sensitive to light, noise, or smell. Physical activity may increase pain. It can last from several hours to several days.

Causes of migraines include emotional or physical stress, environmental and dietary changes. Sometimes medications (such as birth control pills) can also cause migraines.

Overuse of medications or recurring headaches.

These headaches can develop if a person takes too many painkillers. They are very strong and are often accompanied by nausea, anxiety, irritability, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, memory loss and even depression.

Occipital neuralgia.

A rare but severe headache that usually begins at the base of the neck and spreads to the back of the head and then behind the ears. Often occurs when the occipital nerves, which run up the back of the neck to the base of the skull, are damaged or irritated. The pain is accompanied by a burning or shooting sensation and persists on one side of the head, but often intensifies with movement of the neck. The patient is usually sensitive to light.

Possible causes include spinal injury, tumors, nerve damage caused by diabetes, swollen blood vessels, and rarely infection.

Headaches during physical activity.

They occur as a result of stressful activities and often occur after physical exercise. This pain resembles palpitations and can last from 5 minutes to 2 days.

Often occurs after heavy weight exercise or running. But sometimes they happen after sexual intercourse or pushing in the toilet.

Headache due to arthritis.

It appears in the back of the head and intensifies with movement. May be the result of arthritis of the first, second or third vertebra. Either it is associated with changes in the bone structure of the neck or inflammation of the blood vessels in the head.

In addition, the cause of a headache in the back of the head can be:

  • osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;
  • high blood pressure;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • stress;
  • brain tumors;
  • brain aneurysm;
  • subarachnoid cerebral hemorrhage;
  • cervical spine injuries and traumatic brain injuries;
  • meningitis.

How is normal anxiety different from a panic attack?

The mechanism that triggers a panic attack is no different from what causes ordinary anxiety - both are psychophysical reactions to danger. The difference is that a panic attack is a reaction to danger in the absence of danger. However, a false alarm triggers the same cascade of reactions as a normal alarm - the sympathetic system is activated, and adrenaline is released.

A panic attack can occur due to excessive physical activity, fatigue and exhaustion, as well as due to the abuse of stimulants and alcohol. In addition, stress and unresolved conflict situations can trigger an attack. A lack of understanding of one's own experiences and feelings, a tendency to avoid and ignore negative emotions also increase vulnerability to panic disorder.

About weakness, sweating and pain

There may be several reasons for feeling unwell. And it is not always clear which doctor to contact with a particular ailment. Our expert will help you navigate. In order to get a complete answer, in the comments to this article you need to:

  • briefly outline the main symptoms;
  • make the question as specific as possible;
  • write a question in the comments under this article.

You will find answers to your questions in the next issue of the section “What kind of doctor do I need?”

Question: Weakness is combined with severe sweating. What could be the reason and which doctor will help solve the problem?

Sweating is a natural physiological process that is characteristic of warm-blooded organisms, including humans. The main function of sweating is to regulate heat exchange and maintain optimal water-salt balance in the body. However, severe sweating can be one of the symptoms of diseases. Excessive sweating – hyperhidrosis.

The causes of hyperhidrosis and general weakness may be the following:

  • diseases of the thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism - increased production of thyroid hormones, can also be accompanied by rapid heartbeat - tachycardia, irritability, nervousness, sleep disturbances);
  • diabetes mellitus (with elevated glucose levels, blood vessels and nerve endings are affected, especially with diabetes, the hands, neck, and scalp sweat);
  • hypoglycemia (a decrease in blood glucose levels causes an increase in adrenaline levels, which provokes sweating);
  • pathology of the adrenal glands (pheochromocytoma - a tumor of the adrenal glands stimulates the production of catecholamines: adrenaline and norepinephrine);
  • ovarian dysfunction and menopausal changes in a woman’s body (the production of testosterone, the male sex hormone, increases, which increases metabolism and thereby causes increased sweating);
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system (hypertension, coronary heart disease, vegetative-vascular dystonia, etc.);
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • lesions of the central nervous system of various etiologies;
  • benign and malignant neoplasms (as small signs syndrome);
  • chronic infectious diseases;
  • chronic stress and depression.

The patient needs to see a general practitioner. The specialist will give directions for the necessary laboratory and functional tests (general blood test, general urinalysis, biochemical blood test, TSH, free T4, free T3, ECG, etc.) and, depending on their results, for additional examination methods.


Question: When I get up after lying or sitting for a long time, my heel starts to hurt. To the point of lameness. It lasts about five minutes, and then everything goes away. Tell me which doctor to contact?

Heel pain is one of the symptoms of inflammatory diseases of the heel area.

The calcaneus is the bony skeleton of the calcaneal region; it has a body and a calcaneal tubercle. The body participates in the formation of the transverse tarsal joint (the connection between the calcaneus, navicular and talus bones). The calcaneal tubercle is located slightly behind and downward from the body of the heel bone - it is a massive bony process, and it is on it that the bulk of the body presses when walking. It plays an important role in supporting the arch of the foot (the long plantar ligament is attached to it). The most powerful tendon in the body, which is formed as a result of the fusion of the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles of the leg, is attached to the posterior surface of the tubercle - the Achilles tendon. It is surrounded by subcutaneous fatty tissue, which contains a whole network of vessels and nerves.

What can hurt in the heel area:

  • calcaneus (with reactive arthritis, osteomyelitis, tuberculosis, osteochondropathy of the tubercle, crack or fracture);
  • synovial bursae (with bursitis - inflammation of the mucous bursae);
  • ligaments, tendons, fascia (for sprained Achilles tendon, plantar fasciitis, etc.);
  • surrounding joints (with gouty arthritis, etc.);
  • nerves, blood vessels (for polyneuropathy, angiopathy).

Heel pain in the morning, as a rule, can be associated with an inflammatory or degenerative-dystrophic disease of the foot and peri-heel area and can be characterized by plantar fasciitis, heel spurs, gout, arthritis, etc.

The patient needs to see an orthopedic doctor. The specialist will give directions for the necessary laboratory and functional studies (radiography of the foot, plantography, etc.), and if there are indications, he will refer you to other specialized specialists (rheumatologist, neurologist).

occupational therapist, head of the hospital “Clinics for the whole family 1 + 1”
answered your questions Photo depositphotos.com The author’s opinion may not coincide with the opinion of the editors

How to treat panic attacks and when to see a specialist

It is necessary to contact a specialist if you have recurring panic attacks. Therapy is selected individually and, as a rule, includes psychotherapeutic work and drug therapy. Psychotherapy involves various techniques aimed at recognizing and understanding the causes of problems, teaching ways to deal with the symptoms of the disease, and relaxation methods. Psychotherapy can take place in the form of individual meetings with a psychotherapist or in the form of group sessions with other patients. Drug therapy for panic disorder is carried out with various drugs that help reduce the level of anxiety and fear. Prescription, dosage adjustment and discontinuation of treatment must be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

Modern neurotechnologies can also help in the treatment of panic attacks. Methods of neurofeedback training have been developed for patients with panic disorder. During the trainings, patients learn to manage their emotional state, they form new neural connections, and their anxiety level decreases. In addition to professional help, lifestyle plays a significant role in the treatment and prevention of panic attacks. Try not to abuse alcohol and caffeine, get more rest, go in for sports, preferably yoga.

Source: https://www.wmj.ru/krasota/telo/golovokruzhenie-zhar-i-dazhe-udushe-simptomy-panicheskikh-atak-i-kak-s-nimi-borotsya-razbiraem-s-vrachom.htm

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