8 recipes for folk remedies made from garlic to cleanse blood vessels from cholesterol

An unhealthy lifestyle and unecological nutrition of people in modern civilization have led to the fact that heart and vascular diseases are in first place as a cause of mortality.

The scale of this problem is such that no advances in medicine will correct the situation unless every person makes the right foods that prevent atherosclerosis and other diseases of the cardiovascular system as the basis of their diet.

Garlic is one of the most popular spices in the world and the best remedy for cleaning arteries, strengthening the walls of blood vessels and preventing heart attacks and strokes, which is confirmed by research . Knowing about its anti-sclerotic properties and being able to use the simplest traditional medicine from garlic in everyday life means maintaining health and saving life.

Indications for the procedure

The activity of the brain primarily depends on the quality of the blood vessels, without the normal functioning of which there is no full-fledged life. But without blood flowing through the veins, arteries and capillaries, not a single body system exists.

In the process of human life, due to the consumption of food saturated with harmful substances, containing a high percentage of artificial additives and fats, the blood becomes viscous and thick.

Cholesterol is deposited on the walls of blood vessels for two reasons:

  1. due to the increased content of “bad” cholesterol that enters the blood with food;
  2. due to high blood sugar levels, which destroy arteries: excess fat deposits are also deposited in damaged vessel walls.

Gradually, the openings of the blood channels become narrower , and blood passes through them with difficulty. This is atherosclerosis. If you do not take measures to clean the vessels and do not keep them clean, the blood supply may completely stop and coronary artery disease will occur. Sooner or later it leads to a stroke or myocardial infarction.

The same thing happens due to poor blood composition: thick blood forms blood clots that can clog blood vessels.

These destructive processes occur in the body of any person, sometimes even young ones. Therefore, it is necessary for everyone to always monitor the cleanliness of blood and blood vessels. With age, this becomes especially true.

You need to urgently cleanse your cardiovascular system if:

  1. a person over 40 years old;
  2. headaches are common;
  3. blood pressure often increases;
  4. have more than 5 kilograms of excess weight;
  5. diagnosed with diabetes mellitus;
  6. varicose veins are observed;
  7. atherosclerosis was diagnosed.

But it is impossible to pin hopes solely on medications: they cannot be taken constantly, as this is fraught with addiction and complications on other organs.

If you don’t consume blood vessel cleansing products every day, there is virtually no chance of maintaining cardiovascular health.

One of the most effective ways to free the lumens of the arteries from cholesterol plaques and prevent new deposits from accumulating there is regular consumption of garlic and a course of use of medicinal products based on this vegetable.

Treatment and prevention of coronavirus

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Tashkent. 03/21/2020

Shukhrat Khalilov, candidate of medical sciences. sciences

The main danger of the COVID-19 virus is that it, first of all, affects the immune system and only then, secondly, affects the lung tissue. The time lag between these two waves of attack is precisely what we call the “incubation period.”

We often said words such as “strong” or “weak” immunity. However, ordinary people have almost no idea what it is. Moreover, most doctors have a very poor understanding of the structure of the immune system and the functionality of its individual parts. More details can be found here (1). However, this text is very difficult for an unprepared reader.

I will try to explain in the most simplified and accessible way possible in a thesis format the mechanism of the impact of the COVID-19 virus on the human body.

80% of the entire immune system is concentrated in the mucosal and submucosal layers of the small intestine in the form of lymphoid tissue and its accumulations - Peyer's patches. Lymphoid tissue produces antibodies (lymphocytes T-, B-, G-, etc.), as well as various types of immunoglobulins.

Antibodies enter the inferior vena cava, the heart, through the lymphatic system and, after passing through the pulmonary circulation, enter the systemic circulation and are distributed throughout the body.

Thus, tissue immunity is strengthened, including the lung tissue’s own tissue immunity.

COVID-19, when mixed with food during eating, enters the intestines and begins to destroy lymphoid tissue. As a result, the affected lymphoid tissue stops producing lymphocytes and immunoglobulins. Thus, the immune system is destroyed, and, as a result, tissue immunity in the lungs is sharply weakened.

From this moment, the second wave of coronavirus attack begins on the already unprotected lung tissue, which manifests itself in severe pneumonia, which ends in death.

Currently, all anti-epidemic measures are aimed at preventing coronavirus from entering the lungs, which is, in principle, extremely costly and practically ineffective. And all therapeutic measures are aimed only at combating complications, in the form of pneumonia.

It should be understood that COVID-19 is a threat for many years and decades. What we have today is just the first wave of the pandemic. And there will be many such waves. At the same time, all preventive and therapeutic measures are aimed at coronavirus localized in the lungs, while no effect on coronavirus localized in the intestines is carried out. In other words, “the cart is put before the horse.”

There are many natural products that not only have bactericidal properties, but also directly affect viruses, killing them. The most effective in this regard is garlic, and if you drink 2/3 cup of aqueous infusion of garlic daily, it immediately enters the small intestine and begins to immediately kill COVID-19. This achieves the following effects:

— “killed” COVID-19 stops destroying the lymphoid tissue of the small intestine. As a result, the lymphoid tissue continues to properly perform its function - i.e. produce antibodies and immunoglobulins;

— the damaged immune system is quickly restored and strengthened, which leads to a significant increase in tissue immunity in the lung tissue. An insurmountable barrier arises for COVID-19, but also for microbes (staphylococcus, etc.) and fungi, which also pose a significant danger in the event of coronavirus pneumonia;

— under the influence of “garlic water” a very interesting chain of events unfolds in the small intestine. “Killed” and weakened by “garlic water”, COVID-19 is nothing more than a natural vaccine formed naturally inside the human body.

As you know, to create an artificial vaccine, you need a super-equipped and very expensive laboratory and the work of highly qualified personnel. Work on creating an artificial vaccine continues for 6-9 months, and industrial production requires enormous costs and time.

After taking “garlic water”, a natural vaccine is formed in the small intestine within 30-40 minutes and is completely free;

— the natural vaccine begins to actively form specific immunity against COVID-19.

Thus, the chain of destructive pathological events in the human body caused by COVID-19 is interrupted and destroyed at the very beginning and has no continuation. The body fights COVID-19 in the most natural way, so to speak as planned, and defeats it. At the same time, the emergency and stressful mode of struggle on the part of the body is completely eliminated, and it counteracts the virus as planned. As a result, the resulting epidemic ends in a matter of days. Taking “garlic water” as an anti-epidemic protocol can be applied within one day throughout the country among the entire population. The basic pathogenic morphological substrate will disappear completely in one or two days.

The method for preparing “garlic water” is extremely simple.

1. One (!) peeled clove of garlic is cut in half in the transverse direction, placed in a porcelain liter teapot and filled with water at room temperature. This is done in the morning.

2. By evening, “garlic water” is ready for consumption. You should consume 2/3 cup 3-4 hours after your last meal, at night, before bed.

3. The next day, repeat the procedure for preparing “garlic water” with a fresh clove of garlic.

4. Continue for one month. During this time, specific immunity against COVID-19 will be formed.

(1) R. M. Khaitov, B. V. Pinegin. Features of the organization and functioning of the immune system of the gastrointestinal tract and diseases associated with disorders of its functioning (lecture). //ANNALS OF SURGICAL HEPATOLOGY, 1998, V.3, No. 1, p.112-116

Contraindications and side effects

Garlic not only has a pronounced taste and smell, but also very strong healing properties. Any intense effect on the body may have side effects. Therefore, garlic and preparations made from it have many contraindications. Moreover, as part of potions it is often combined with other potent drugs: onions, ginger, honey, radish, etc.

Garlic mixtures for the treatment of atherosclerosis should be taken very carefully, and some even under the supervision of a doctor. The most common contraindications to the use of garlic preparations:

  • diseases of the excretory system;
  • epilepsy;
  • tumors;
  • acute phases of diseases, especially the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • individual intolerance.

It is necessary to carefully monitor the patient’s well-being during cleansing, since allergic reactions may not occur from the very beginning of the course. This is due to the active removal of cholesterol from the body and strong allergens, which are used to prepare home remedies against cardiovascular diseases.

In addition, if the anti-sclerotic diet is not followed, the effect of cleaning blood vessels will be either insignificant or may be accompanied by complications in the gastrointestinal tract and other organs. Therefore, during courses of cleansing blood vessels with garlic, it is necessary to exclude from the diet:

  1. fatty meat and dairy products;
  2. smoked meats and baked goods;
  3. sweets based on sugar and spices;
  4. strong tea and coffee, alcohol.

A prerequisite is to consume at least 2 liters of clean drinking water during the day. Otherwise, the patient will experience severe discomfort, and the liver and kidneys will experience too much stress.

Medicinal properties

Garlic contains a large amount of vitamins and microelements necessary for the body. Among them are sulfuric and phosphoric acid, calcium, sodium, potassium. The presence of ascorbic acid makes the plant an indispensable assistant in the fight against autumn and spring seasonal diseases.

Garlic also contains B vitamins, phytosterols, fiber, phytoncides, essential oils, water, carbohydrates, proteins, and bioflavonoids.

Garlic helps:

  • protect the body from infections;
  • get rid of toxins;
  • relieve spasms;
  • avoid the formation of tumors;
  • maintain testosterone levels;
  • normalize the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, preventing the formation of blood clots and getting rid of cholesterol plaques.

Is it possible or not to clean the vascular bed with folk remedies?

Vessels are the main blood highway, providing transportation of vital substances to all human organs. Vessels covered with cholesterol plaques cause a lot of troubles : increased blood pressure, decreased vitality, fatigue, deterioration of the immune system, and loss of performance.

Poor blood flow can cause serious exacerbations; it worsens health and is life-threatening.

Garlic helps flush out harmful deposits from blood vessels, making blood vessels stronger, more flexible and elastic. Cleansing is based on the action of garlic juice, which contains important microelements - selenium, aluminum and germanium, which are responsible for the integrity of the internal membranes of the vascular system.

We invite you to watch a video about how to clean blood vessels using garlic:

How to take lemon and garlic

In order for the therapeutic effect to be fully obtained, the administration algorithm must be followed. The duration of vessel cleansing directly depends on the specifics of the disease. For prevention purposes, it is enough to take lemon and garlic for 2-3 weeks. For serious illnesses, therapy can take months. After the course you need to take a break. In total, therapy can be carried out twice a year.

It is advisable to take the lemon and garlic medicine with water. Take before meals. A single dosage is 1-2 tbsp. l. The duration of storage depends on whether alcohol is added to the remedy. If it is present in the composition, then the medicine is suitable for use for 6-8 months. In other cases, it is recommended to use up the product within 3-4 weeks.


Based on the causes of occurrence, gouty arthritis is divided into forms:

  • primary
    – associated with hereditary characteristics of purine metabolism and excretion of MUN by the kidneys;
  • secondary
    – the cause of development is some other diseases, nutritional disorders, bad habits, etc.

According to the mechanism of accumulation of MUN, gout is divided into types:

  • metabolic
    – increased internal production of purines during their normal excretion by the kidneys;
  • renal
    – impaired excretion of uric acid by the kidneys;
  • mixed

By severity:

  • mild course
    - attacks of gouty arthritis no more than 2 times a year with damage to no more than two joints; single tophi no more than 1 cm in diameter; there are no complications from the kidneys or impaired joint function;
  • moderate severity
    - no more than 5 attacks per year affecting no more than 4 joints with minor changes in cartilage and bone tissue; a large number of small tophi; stones in the kidneys;
  • severe
    – attacks of gouty arthritis more than 5 times a year, multiple large tophi and arthritis; decreased kidney function.

Preventing plaque formation

Atherosclerotic deposits are formed by the accumulation of cholesterol on the inner surface of the walls of blood vessels. By combining with calcium, they become denser. Gradually, the lumen of the vessel is blocked, preventing the passage of blood.

Sometimes the plaque breaks off and moves through the vessels along with the blood. If the lumen is smaller than its size, the vessel becomes clogged and a blood clot forms. The consequence of this is the cessation of blood flow to individual organs, tissue necrosis. Blockage of blood vessels in the heart can lead to a heart attack, and in the brain - to a stroke.

The following measures will help prevent the appearance of atherosclerotic plaques:

  • quitting smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • increasing the level of physical activity;
  • getting rid of extra pounds;
  • maintaining optimal weight;
  • changing your diet: eating vegetables, fruits, poultry, avoiding offal and animal fats.

Cleansing the blood with garlic and other folk remedies is an effective measure to prevent the formation of cholesterol deposits. It is especially useful for varicose veins, arrhythmia, hypertension and other diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

How to eat to normalize blood pressure and cleanse the body of cholesterol plaques?

Garlic tinctures and decoctions are excellent means for cleansing blood vessels , since garlic contains such a useful component as allicin, which, moving through the vessels, reduces the size of cholesterol plaques on their walls. The reduction in blood cholesterol levels reaches 9%.

Garlic is used in tinctures made with alcohol, vodka and water. It can be used as a separate product or in combination with other healthy products: honey, milk, onions, lemon, fir needles, onion peels and many others.

Each medicinal product has its own dosage and rules of administration, which must be strictly adhered to , after consulting with your doctor. Let's look at several useful and simple recipes for preparing and using garlic tinctures below.

The benefits and harms of the plant during treatment, does it reduce high cholesterol in the blood?

The use of the cleansing properties of garlic helps to cure various vascular diseases:

  • With the help of this unique vegetable, the blood vessels of the brain are cleansed - atherosclerosis disappears, headaches disappear.
  • The functioning of the cardiovascular system improves - the likelihood of heart attack, stroke, and paralysis decreases.
  • There is a significant improvement in vision and hearing.
  • Varicose veins in the legs are reduced.
  • The benefits and harms of garlic when cleaning blood vessels


  1. When cleaning blood vessels with garlic, the synthesis of bile acids increases, which provokes the formation of “good” cholesterol in the blood and slows down the deposition of atherosclerotic plaques.
  2. Blood clots dissolve, thrombosis disappears, and blood flow improves.
  3. Concentration increases and memory improves.
  4. Pain in the heart area is relieved, blood pressure is normalized, and dizziness in older people is eliminated.
  5. But even such an excellent remedy as garlic can cause harm to the body and its use is not suitable for all people.

Garlic can be harmful:

  1. For stomach diseases: gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, high acidity.
  2. Cannot be used for kidney problems.
  3. If you are overweight, as garlic increases appetite.
  4. Pregnant and nursing mothers.
  5. Patients suffering from epileptic seizures.

Diet and varicose veins. The Path to Healing

Proper nutrition is very important, but it is impossible to achieve recovery with it alone. Contacting a competent phlebologist is a must! In Moscow, you have an excellent opportunity to choose not only a good, but also the best specialist in the innovative treatment of varicose veins.

A team of phlebologists will help you get rid of varicose veins

A set of exercises combined with a healthy diet and advice from a doctor will help you quickly cope with an unpleasant disease and keep your legs healthy. Moreover, following such a diet is very simple, because it does not include strong restrictions on the amount of food. Surgery may be required. In case of radical treatment, the diet will help you recover faster. Whether you live as a city resident of Moscow, the Moscow region, or any other city and region of our country, diet will be a very good tool for prolonging life and improving its quality.

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