How to care for a relative who has had a heart attack

Not only traditional medicine effectively uses the healing properties of the bath. The traditional one also often resorts to its amazing properties. So-called balneological procedures are used during the period of rehabilitation and recovery after chronic pathologies.

People who have experienced acute myocardial ischemia wonder whether it is possible to go to the bathhouse after a heart attack. The question often arises about the possibility of visiting such an institution after stenting.

Probable benefits

The bath can strengthen the nervous system and improve the course of certain neurological diseases. It also strengthens the muscles throughout the body and improves their function. What other benefits of the bath are known:

  • Reduces tension in the spinal muscles, which causes pinched nerve roots and causes osteochondrosis.
  • Removing lactic acid, which is released along with sweat. It is this substance that is responsible for the unpleasant sensation after overwork, stress - physical or psychological, sports training.
  • It starts the intensive work of the respiratory system, thereby saturating the organs with oxygen.
  • Combats the manifestations of morning cough, characteristic of smokers, softens breathing.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the state of the central nervous system when inflammatory pathologies are detected.
  • Provides relaxation.

In the modern age, Russian specialists often use the bathhouse to treat the heart, blood vessels and genitourinary system in men. It is important to note that the beneficial effect is observed due to the stimulation of blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

Alternate exposure to increased temperatures and cold air leads to an increase in vascular tone, which is good for the prevention of atherosclerosis. The bath nullifies the consequences of bad habits and poor nutrition.

For vegetative-vascular dystonia, a bath is also often recommended, as it normalizes blood pressure.

Women also often leave positive reviews about the bathhouse. It not only has a good effect on the appearance of the fair sex, but also contributes to the better functioning of the female reproductive system.

Warm air in the bathhouse and sauna helps open pores and remove toxins from the body. Other positive qualities:

In what doses is alcohol allowed after a heart attack and bypass surgery?

Is it possible to drink alcohol after a myocardial infarction? Here everything remains exactly the same as with bypass surgery. At first, drinking alcohol is strictly contraindicated, and in the future it is necessary to adhere to reasonable dosages. And as medical practice has shown, if you follow these dosages and take alcohol in moderation , and not give it up completely, you can bring certain benefits .

The answer to the question whether alcohol is allowed after a heart attack is already clear, but what about the doses and choice of drinks? Everything is quite simple here. It is better to avoid beer and light alcohol altogether. However, a person can take a small amount of strong alcohol - about 1-2 glasses. This will not worsen the disease and there will be no new attack. If you start drinking alcohol a few weeks after medical procedures, with the permission of your doctor, this will reduce the risk of developing coronary heart disease and a new heart attack. However, if the dosage is exceeded, the inevitable can happen, in some cases there is a risk to life.

Understanding the issue of whether you can drink alcohol after a heart attack, it should be noted that regular intake of small doses, which are indicated as permitted, does not have such a negative effect on the body as a one-time intake of large doses. If you drink a lot of alcohol in one evening, the main muscle of the body, the heart, and the entire cardiovascular system as a whole suffer. This is best avoided, especially after surgery or heart disease. Before drinking alcohol, you should consult a narcologist.

After stenting and heart attack

Of course, a heart attack suffered in the past cannot pass without leaving a trace on the heart muscle. The contractility of cardiomyocytes is affected.

Attention! In place of normal tissue, connective tissue is formed. It forms a rough scar in which normal blood circulation is no longer possible.

Baths and saunas have an effect through temperature indicators, under the influence of which an increase in peripheral blood circulation is observed. This also provokes an increase in heart rate, in other words, heart rate. The same can be said about cardiac output, it increases one and a half times.

When talking about whether it is possible to take a steam bath, it is important to understand how the heart and blood vessels work.

Thermal exposure can lead to stimulation of their activity. This is undesirable during the recovery period and with an unhealed scar. There is also an obvious answer to the question of whether it is possible to steam after stenting. This practice is hazardous to health and is prohibited.

Rehabilitation after a myocardial infarction can take up to 1 year. In the first 8 weeks, when the acute and subacute periods lasted, the heart muscle scars. At this moment we can talk about the beginning of the stage of general recovery. After stenting the coronary vessels, you should not go to such places, as the bath helps to thicken the blood. A sauna with contrast procedures is especially dangerous.

A steam room helps a healthy person relax and provides vigor, but a bath after a heart attack and stenting can have the opposite effect.

Recurrent events are likely. If the myocardial scarring was incomplete, this danger is especially great. Under the influence of temperature, the activity of the heart will be stimulated.

To clarify your own condition, after rehabilitation, you need to make an appointment with a cardiologist and undergo the appropriate examinations. Most likely, he will recommend switching to gentle options for balneological procedures. For example, any hygiene procedures can be performed in the washing department, and there are no contraindications for this. But dousing yourself with hot water or visiting a steam room, even for a short period, is prohibited.

How to care for a relative who has had a heart attack


Reznik Irina

3 minutes


The man survived a cardiac accident and returned home safely. The relatives are happy that everything turned out okay, but they don’t know what kind of life the heart patient should lead now, what kind of stress he is allowed to do, what diet to follow. They are afraid that the heart will catch again. And with the best intentions they make mistakes that only harm a person. Erkin Mirzoev, a cardiologist at the capital's City Clinical Hospital No. 17, examines common mistakes and explains how to act correctly.

Erkin Mirzoev

1. “The patient must observe strict bed rest for 10 days after a heart attack. Only on the 11th day can he get up. Feeding, changing clothes, caring for the patient’s skin, using a bedpan - everything must be done only in bed.”

This is what doctors believed before and actually adhered to similar rules. Today, Russian cardiologists have adopted international recommendations, according to which the patient begins to do physical therapy while still in intensive care, and to walk as soon as he is transferred to the ward. The first exercises are gymnastics for the legs, which prepares the patient for walking. Modern doctors consider feasible movements a very important rehabilitation measure. It helps restore physical activity in a person who has had a heart attack. Of course, the volume of permissible loads is determined by the doctor and depends on the degree of myocardial damage and the patient’s condition.

The distance the patient walks should increase every day. After increasing the load, the doctor must do an ECG, measure the patient’s blood pressure and pulse. If the indicators differ from the norm, chest pain appears, the patient has difficulty breathing, and the load will have to be reduced. If recovery is favorable, the doctor will determine how much physical activity can be increased. Now you can control its level yourself using your pulse. For the patient, it is a marker of permissible load. The doctor will tell you within what limits your heart rate can increase.

2. “After a heart attack, you can eat whatever the rest of the family eats.”

No, your relative’s diet will be determined by your doctor. Remember that a person after a heart attack should not include spicy and smoked dishes, strong meat and fish broths, fried meat, animal fats, or foods that cause bloating (cabbage, black bread, kvass) on the menu. You definitely need to limit salt. Instead, add lemon juice, spices and herbs to your food . It is better if the patient’s meals are divided - often in small portions. The last meal is no later than 19:00. Food should be light. Vegetables and fruits rich in fiber are recommended to help monitor bowel function. It is important to adjust the stool, since it is difficult for the patient to push. If necessary, you will have to do an enema.

Special restrictions must be adhered to regarding liquids . You should not give the core more than 1-1.5 liters of water (you should count soup, kefir, and watermelon). Be sure to keep an eye on your water balance. If the amount of urine per day is less than 80% of the amount of fluid drunk, the development of edema can be assumed. If more urine is produced, the treatment is successful, swelling decreases. Has the patient developed swelling in the lumbar region and legs? Call a doctor immediately!

3. “It would not be superfluous to remind a recent heart attack patient more often about the illness he suffered. Let him be careful. Better to be safe."

Don't go too far. After a heart attack, a person may develop an acute fear of death, the fear that the heart attack will happen again . On the contrary, distract him from these thoughts, they can really worsen the condition. Try to reassure the patient, note any improvements in his well-being, and rejoice with him that he is on the mend. Make sure he regularly takes the medications prescribed by his cardiologist.

If the doctor says that it is time to introduce feasible physical activity, but the patient does not want to move, explain to him that his desire to take care of himself risks muscle atrophy and loss of coordination. If you start moving gradually and in doses, you can quickly return to a normal, full life.

And remember: any experience now is dangerous. Therefore, try to protect your relative from unpleasant news. He should not even communicate on the phone with friends who might upset him in some way or make him worry. Previously, doctors forbade the patient to watch TV. Now there are no such strictures, but, of course, at this time, “horror films” are not the best choice.

4. “The worst is behind us. There will be no recurrent heart attack. Everyone can relax." This mistake is exactly the opposite of the third. But how many relatives - so many opinions.

In fact, after a heart attack, acute attacks are possible: severe shortness of breath, attacks of suffocation with frequent and shallow breathing, usually occurring at night. Therefore, relatives must be close to the person in order to come to his aid in time. The first thing to do during an attack is to give the patient a semi-sitting position, placing pillows under his back. Ventilate the room or turn on the air conditioner. Try to calm the patient down.

You should be alert to a condition in which heart pain is accompanied by a drop in blood pressure, weak pulse, pale skin, blue lips, and the appearance of cold sweat . Interruptions in the functioning of the heart and rapid irregular heartbeats are especially dangerous. Pain behind the sternum should alert you: it indicates early post-infarction angina. Call an ambulance immediately. The possibility of another heart attack cannot be ignored. In order not to miss the deterioration of the condition, be sure to periodically measure your blood pressure and pulse.

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