TOP products with high phosphorus content. What foods contain phosphorus? What happens if there is a shortage or excess of it?

What foods contain glucosamine and chondroitin?

Before talking about what products to use to compensate for the deficiency of glucosamine and chondroitin, you need to have an idea of ​​what joints are made of.

Any joint in the body is formed by at least two bones. The contact points are covered with articular cartilage, which, like a sponge, has a cellular structure. The space between the cartilages is filled with synovial fluid. It consists of a liquid part - blood plasma, and a protein part - chondroitin, glucosamine, hyaluronan.

When a person moves, cartilage acts like a sponge: fluid from the deep layers of cartilage penetrates between the fibers and lubricates the articular surface. When the load decreases, the fluid flows back into the cartilage. With this mechanism, friction between bones is reduced and their strength is maintained.

In order to restore the osteoarticular system, special preparations have been developed - chondroprotectors, which include glucosamine and chondroitin. In addition to medications, for proper joint function, you need to take vitamins and microelements and eat the “right” foods. Chondroitin and glucosamine are found in small quantities in almost all products, but they are bound in the structure of polymers, so their digestibility is low.

The main substances from which these substances are well absorbed are:

  • cartilage;
  • white meat;
  • hard cheeses;
  • beef;
  • fish of the sturgeon and salmon families;
  • dairy products;
  • butter;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • gelatin dishes: jellied meat, jelly;
  • legumes;
  • nuts and dried fruits;
  • eggs;
  • linseed oil.


Most nuts are good sources of phosphorus, but Brazil nuts top the list. Just a 67 gram serving of Brazil nuts provides more than 65% of the RDI for adults ().

Other nuts containing at least 40% of the RDI per 60-70 grams include cashews, almonds, pine nuts and pistachios (, , , ).

They are also excellent sources of plant-based protein, antioxidants and minerals. Regular consumption is associated with improved heart health ().

Like seeds, most of the phosphorus in nuts is stored as phytic acid, which is not digested by humans. Soaking may help, although not all researchers agree ().


Many nuts, and especially Brazil nuts, are good sources of phosphorus, containing at least 40% of the RDI per 67 gram serving.

Why do the body need chondroitin and glucosamine?

Glucosamine is part of chondroitin, synovium, and is a building material for cartilage, as well as tendons, ligaments and muscles, providing strength and resistance to stretching.

Chondroitin is produced by cartilage tissue and is also a component of intra-articular fluid. Due to the fact that it retains water and stimulates the production of hyaluronic acid, the strength and elasticity of the joints is maintained.

Thus, chondroitin with glucosamine for joints is necessary for the normal functioning of the osteochondral system.

With a deficiency of glucosamine and chondroitin, the quality of the synovial fluid changes, which leads to a change in the function of the joint - friction occurs between the bones and subsequent wear.

Glucosamine and chondroitin are synthesized in small quantities in the body independently, but with age, as well as during heavy physical activity, injury and inflammation, their quantity decreases and the deficiency must be replenished from the outside. If treatment is started at the wrong time, irreversible consequences begin in the joints, which can lead to osteoarthritis.

Excess phosphorus

An overdose of a microelement in the body affects the kidneys: the process of stone formation in them starts, in addition, anemia and leukopenia develop, bones weaken, and there is a threat of osteoporosis.

The greatest danger to humans is excess white phosphorus. An increased content of the compound in the body causes headache, vomiting, burning sensation in the stomach, mouth, jaundice, and weakness. In chronic poisoning, the nervous and cardiovascular systems are affected and calcium metabolism is disrupted.

Unlike white phosphorus, red phosphorus is harmless. Chronic excess of the substance in the body causes pneumonia.

Causes of phosphorus overdose:

  • excessive consumption of carbonated drinks (lemonade), canned foods;
  • unbalanced diet, oversaturated with protein components;
  • metabolic disease.

Today, excess phosphorus in the human body is much more common than its deficiency. The reason for this statistics is the widespread use of trace element compounds in the food industry (E338, E340 – E343). These phosphates are required for proper storage of bulk food products (dry cream and milk, coffee, cocoa). In addition, the compounds provide a soft consistency to processed cheeses, prevent crystallization of condensed milk, increase the shelf life of meat and milk products, increase the weight and volume of sausages, and acidify soft drinks.

Signs of an overdose of phosphorus in the body:

  • hemorrhages, decreased blood clotting;
  • salt deposits;
  • decreased immunity (leukopenia);
  • development of osteoporosis;
  • minor hemorrhages on the retina;
  • diseases of the digestive tract, especially the liver;
  • anemia.

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Remember, excess phosphorus causes calcium deficiency and also impairs magnesium absorption. Therefore, to eliminate the symptoms of the consequences of an overdose, doctors prescribe aluminum hydroxide, which binds and slows down the absorption of phosphates.

The process of absorption of substances

As noted earlier, glucosamine and chondroitin are found in a bound state in many foods and are poorly absorbed. The chondroitin sulfate molecule is a hundred times larger than the glucosamine molecule, and its bioavailability is about 15-20%. Glucosamine contains a glucose core, which, as a conductor, increases digestibility by up to 41%.

Therefore, to strengthen your joints, you first need to start eating right.

You should not self-medicate if you have complaints:

  • crunch;
  • pain during movements;
  • morning stiffness;
  • restriction of movements;
  • edema;
  • hyperemia of the skin over the joints.

In this case, only a specialist will individually select therapy aimed at reducing inflammation and pain, restoring the cartilage framework and, consequently, motor function.


A typical 85 gram serving of cooked pork contains 25-32% of the RDI for phosphorus, depending on the cut.

Pork chops contain the least amount of phosphorus, while pork tenderloin contains the most. Even bacon is a good source, containing 6% of the RDI per cut (, ,).

As with poultry, cooking method can affect the phosphorus content of pork.

Roasting retains 90% of the phosphorus, while boiling can reduce levels by about 25% ().


Pork is a good source of phosphorus, containing about 200 mg per 85 gram serving. Roasting is the best way to preserve phosphorus content.

Healthy foods

It is better to prevent a disease than to treat it. By consuming healthy foods, we give the body all the necessary vitamins and microelements, thanks to which the body is restored at the cellular level. To prevent diseases of the musculoskeletal system, you first need to adjust your diet by consuming foods for joints.

What products are needed for joints and cartilage?

  • red fish;
  • greenery;
  • animal cartilage;
  • white meat;
  • milk;
  • hard cheeses;
  • yogurt;
  • low-fat kefir;
  • gelatin;
  • dried fruits: prunes, dried apricots, dates, raisins;
  • eggs;
  • cereals;
  • mushrooms;
  • corn.

Red fish contains a lot of phosphorus, calcium, and healthy fats, which improve the composition of synovial fluid and strengthen cartilage. Greens are rich in magnesium, which strengthens nerves in joints. Animal fats are well absorbed because... they are similar to human cartilage.

White meat contains iron to nourish joints. Dairy products supply calcium for arthrosis of the joints. Gelatin contains a lot of chondroitin and glucosamine. Foods rich in selenium and sulfur are involved in protein synthesis, so selenium-containing foods should be on the table every day - legumes, eggs, cabbage, apples, onions, radishes.

Chondroitin and gelatin are destroyed during heat treatment, so it is recommended to cook at low temperatures, preferring boiling or stewing.

Let us note which products contain glucosamine and chondroitin:

  1. Plant glucosamine is obtained from corn.
  2. Animal glucosamine is produced from the shell of crustaceans.
  3. Chondroitin of animal origin is extracted from the trachea of ​​cattle and the cartilage of red fish: salmon, sturgeon.

Chondroitin and glucosamine obtained by such methods have high bioavailability and are used in the manufacture of chondroprotectors.


Soy can be used in many forms, some of which contain more phosphorus than others.

Ripe soybeans contain the most phosphorus, while edamame (boiled or steamed unripe soybeans) contains 60% less of this mineral (, ).

Mature soybeans can be boiled or roasted. Their consumption provides the body with more than 100% of the RDI per 172 gram serving ().

Fermented soy dishes such as tempeh and natto are also good sources, providing 212 mg and 146 mg per 85 gram serving, respectively (,).

Most other cooked soy products, such as tofu and soy milk, are not as good sources of phosphorus, containing less than 20% of the RDI per serving (,).


Whole soybeans and fermented soy products are good sources of phosphorus, providing up to 100% of the recommended daily intake per serving.

How to increase the digestibility of an element?

The absorption of the component improves when interacting with calcium. A stabilized balance of elements is present in hazelnuts, cheeses (hard), and fresh milk. The absorption and passage of substances through cells, systems and organs is influenced by the presence of vitamins A, F, D, iron, magnesium, hydrochloric acid, and potassium in the diet. Nutrition for the absorption of phosphorus should be varied, with plant and animal products. The absorption of the substance is reduced by the presence of aluminum, barium, estrogens, thyroxine, and androgens in the diet.

Daily norm

When choosing products that contain phosphorus, it is worth considering the requirements for the amount of the substance and its daily dosage. A number of recommendations are worth highlighting here:

  • Children should consume 1.5-2.5 grams per day.
  • Adults need a smaller amount - 1.5-2 grams.
  • During breastfeeding or pregnancy, the need for a microelement increases to 3-4 grams.

The content of phosphorus-rich foods in the diet should be increased by 1.5-2 times:

  • Athletes who are actively involved in sports.
  • People experiencing protein deficiency due to disorders in the body or undergoing a special diet.
  • Patients suffering from rickets and tuberculosis.

Biological role

The main value for human life is phosphoric acid, which is needed for the metabolism of fats, the construction of enzymes, the synthesis and breakdown of carbohydrates. Together with calcium, the element forms tooth enamel and bone skeleton.

Benefits of phosphorus: normalizes energy metabolism; regulates acid-base balance; strengthens bones and teeth; reduces pain due to arthritis; promotes body growth; promotes cell division; improves glucose absorption; participates in the encoding and storage of genetic information, muscle contraction, and conduction of nerve impulses.

Creatine phosphate and adenosine triphosphoric acid act as energy accumulators necessary for the functioning of the body. A decrease in the amount of these compounds leads to paralysis of any type of activity - from mental to physical.

Vitamins A, D, F, hydrochloric acid, iron, manganese, potassium, calcium, proteins enhance the absorption of phosphorus. Calciferol, corticosteroids, thyroxine, parathyroid hormone, estrogens, androgens, magnesium and aluminum, together with excessive sugar consumption, on the contrary, reduce the concentration of the microelement in the body.

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