Treatment with grandmother's remedies: cleaning blood vessels with garlic

An unhealthy lifestyle and unecological nutrition of people in modern civilization have led to the fact that heart and vascular diseases are in first place as a cause of mortality.

The scale of this problem is such that no advances in medicine will correct the situation unless every person makes the right foods that prevent atherosclerosis and other diseases of the cardiovascular system as the basis of their diet.

Garlic is one of the most popular spices in the world and the best remedy for cleaning arteries, strengthening the walls of blood vessels and preventing heart attacks and strokes, which is confirmed by research . Knowing about its anti-sclerotic properties and being able to use the simplest traditional medicine from garlic in everyday life means maintaining health and saving life.

Is it possible or not to clean the vascular bed with folk remedies?

Vessels are the main blood highway, providing transportation of vital substances to all human organs. Vessels covered with cholesterol plaques cause a lot of troubles : increased blood pressure, decreased vitality, fatigue, deterioration of the immune system, and loss of performance.

Poor blood flow can cause serious exacerbations; it worsens health and is life-threatening.

Garlic helps flush out harmful deposits from blood vessels, making blood vessels stronger, more flexible and elastic. Cleansing is based on the action of garlic juice, which contains important microelements - selenium, aluminum and germanium, which are responsible for the integrity of the internal membranes of the vascular system.

We invite you to watch a video about how to clean blood vessels using garlic:

The benefits and harms of the plant during treatment, does it reduce high cholesterol in the blood?

The use of the cleansing properties of garlic helps to cure various vascular diseases:

  • With the help of this unique vegetable, the blood vessels of the brain are cleansed - atherosclerosis disappears, headaches disappear.
  • The functioning of the cardiovascular system improves - the likelihood of heart attack, stroke, and paralysis decreases.
  • There is a significant improvement in vision and hearing.
  • Varicose veins in the legs are reduced.
  • The benefits and harms of garlic when cleaning blood vessels


  1. When cleaning blood vessels with garlic, the synthesis of bile acids increases, which provokes the formation of “good” cholesterol in the blood and slows down the deposition of atherosclerotic plaques.
  2. Blood clots dissolve, thrombosis disappears, and blood flow improves.
  3. Concentration increases and memory improves.
  4. Pain in the heart area is relieved, blood pressure is normalized, and dizziness in older people is eliminated.
  5. But even such an excellent remedy as garlic can cause harm to the body and its use is not suitable for all people.

Garlic can be harmful:

  1. For stomach diseases: gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, high acidity.
  2. Cannot be used for kidney problems.
  3. If you are overweight, as garlic increases appetite.
  4. Pregnant and nursing mothers.
  5. Patients suffering from epileptic seizures.

Recipe of Tibetan monks for cleansing human blood vessels

Tibetan medicine is increasingly gaining popularity these days, because their herbal recipe for cleansing blood vessels is one of the most effective. Over the years, every person begins to experience many health problems, which is not surprising, because the body tends to wear out and well-being suffers from this.

But Tibetan recipes will help strengthen blood vessels, it was inherited to modern times from ancient Tibetan monks, and can be used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of disease. Vascular disease does not go away without a trace and, in its advanced form, can be fatal.

Tibetan recipe for cleansing blood vessels using garlic

Residents of megacities have a special lifestyle; they often tend to consume low-quality goods offered by stores, and if we add alcohol and age-related changes to this, the person ends up being diagnosed with atherosclerosis.

A person gets this insidious health problem due to inflammatory processes on the walls of blood vessels. This occurs due to cholesterol and lipid plaques. They make it difficult for the blood to circulate properly, which can lead to problems with the kidneys, heart, brain and other important organs in the human body.

These problems do not arise in a couple of days, they take years. Nobody knows what our body will provide to them tomorrow and for this we need to prevent the disease. This will help you avoid this problem and maintain your health for many years. Modern medicine can only offer drug treatment, which does not really help with the problem, the only option is surgical intervention.

In such cases, a Tibetan recipe comes to the rescue, and it won’t take long to wait for results. It can be used to prevent disease. It is hidden in garlic with alcohol, which not only helps blood vessels recover, but also rejuvenates the human body.

The effect of the Tibetan recipe on the human body To prepare the recipe, garlic is used, which is poured with alcohol or vodka. If you apply all the recommendations correctly, this remedy will have an unexpected result. Soon after starting the course, a person will notice visible changes in his body.

How does the medicine work?

  • This recipe helps restore the inflammatory process in the human body and destroy the source of the problem.
  • The recipe helps strengthen the immune system; for this, in moments of increased danger of contracting ARVI, it is advisable to take this miracle remedy from Tibetan monks instead of medicine.
  • Alcohol tincture helps reduce the level of cholesterol lipids harmful to humans.
  • Blood microcirculation will improve, and this will lead to an improvement in the condition of the facial skin and its color.
  • The tincture normalizes blood pressure.
  • Helps speed up metabolism, which will lead to significant weight loss.

According to the recipe of Tibetan monks, garlic tincture is medicinal and is increasingly gaining popularity due to its positive properties. Despite all its qualities, self-medication can lead to aggravation of the problem. Only a specialist can choose the right treatment.

Advantages of using a Tibetan recipe for cleansing blood vessels

The Tibetan recipe consists of a tincture of garlic and alcohol; these ingredients help cleanse the walls of blood vessels from fat, salt and other harmful and clogging obstacles that do not allow proper blood circulation.

What is the effectiveness of the product:

  • the tincture normalizes the condition of the heart and blood vessels;
  • eliminates dizziness and pain in the head;
  • helps improve memory and concentrate on anything;
  • there is an increase in hearing and vision;
  • gives vigor and energy.

If you prepare the tincture with vodka, this recipe helps with shortness of breath, as well as painful muscle spasms and cramps.

Proper preparation of Tibetan tincture for cleansing blood vessels This recipe is easy to use and prepare. The tincture helps cleanse the body of harmful components and improve human well-being. The first step is to purchase high-quality garlic for tincture.

The recipe will need 10 days to fully infuse. To begin with, take 0.5 kg of peeled garlic. and grind it. Place the resulting slurry in a container; a glass jar is perfect. Next, the mixture is filled with 0.4 liters of alcohol, after which the container is sealed for the next 10 days. Store in a dark place away from direct sunlight. After the expiration date, the tincture is filtered and placed in the refrigerator for further preservation.

Proper use of Tibetan garlic tincture to cleanse blood vessels

It is very important to adhere to the correct regimen for taking the tincture. It has been developed over many millennia. Tibetan centenarians have drawn up a clear intake plan for proper cleansing of blood vessels. It is best to prepare the tincture in the autumn, since garlic has the strongest qualities at this time.

The duration of taking the medicine is 1 month. You need to drink it within 20 minutes. before meals. The required amount of tincture is mixed with 50 ml of milk. The volume of tincture is designed for the entire period of administration. The first time the dose is 1 drop. Then the dose is gradually increased, on the 10th day it should be 25 drops. And it stops there until the end of treatment. This procedure can be repeated no earlier than after 5 years.

How to eat to normalize blood pressure and cleanse the body of cholesterol plaques?

Garlic tinctures and decoctions are excellent means for cleansing blood vessels , since garlic contains such a useful component as allicin, which, moving through the vessels, reduces the size of cholesterol plaques on their walls. The reduction in blood cholesterol levels reaches 9%.

Garlic is used in tinctures made with alcohol, vodka and water. It can be used as a separate product or in combination with other healthy products: honey, milk, onions, lemon, fir needles, onion peels and many others.

Each medicinal product has its own dosage and rules of administration, which must be strictly adhered to , after consulting with your doctor. Let's look at several useful and simple recipes for preparing and using garlic tinctures below.

The best folk recipes for garlic decoctions and tinctures for the brain

On alcohol

A classic recipe for a general tonic that helps cleanse blood vessels of fatty deposits and rejuvenate the entire body as a whole.


  • garlic – 350 gr.;
  • 96% alcohol – 500 ml.

How to prepare and use the tincture:

  1. Finely chop the garlic.
  2. Fill with alcohol.
  3. Place in a dark place for 10 days.
  4. Next, strain the infusion through a fine sieve.
  5. Let the tincture brew for a couple more days.
  6. The remedy should be used diluted before eating: 5-7 drops of infusion per glass of water.
  7. Treatment lasts 1 month.

Read about garlic tinctures in vodka, alcohol or red wine in this article.

We invite you to watch a video on how to prepare garlic tincture with alcohol:

With fir and onion peel

The action of this remedy is based on the normalization of blood circulation in blood vessels and small capillaries.


  • 2 large heads of garlic;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of fir needles;
  • 2 tbsp. l. peels from onions.

How to prepare and use:

  1. Take onion skins, add pine needles and add a liter of water.
  2. Bring to a boil and keep the broth on low heat for 10-15 minutes, then wrap the pan with a towel and leave overnight.
  3. It is necessary to take the decoction for 4 months, about 1 liter per day (a glass before meals).

Remember that it is better to use fresh fir needles collected this year, since during long-term storage it loses its medicinal properties.

Infusion on water, how to make

Water garlic extract is an excellent remedy that not only cleans blood vessels and improves blood circulation, but also increases the vitality of the body.


  • 400 gr. garlic;
  • 500 ml water.

How to prepare and take the tincture:

  1. Crush the garlic using a garlic press.
  2. Place the garlic pulp in a bowl with a tight lid and let it brew for two days in a cool, dark place.
  3. Strain the pulp through cheesecloth and dilute the resulting juice with water.
  4. The resulting product should sit for another 3-5 days; it should be shaken periodically.
  5. The course of taking this tincture is 2 weeks, 8-10 drops before meals.

Elixir with lemon

A mixture of lemon and garlic is intended to treat diseases of the liver, intestines, stomach and to cleanse the walls of blood vessels.


  • 16 lemons;
  • 16 heads of garlic.

How to prepare and use:

  1. The garlic needs to be peeled.
  2. Wash the lemons; there is no need to remove the peel.
  3. Grind the ingredients in a blender until semi-liquid.
  4. Pour into a three-liter jar and add slightly warm boiled water.
  5. Infuse the healing composition for 3 days at room temperature, stirring occasionally.
  6. Next, store the drug in the refrigerator.
  7. Drink half a glass 3 times a day on an empty stomach.
  8. The course of treatment is 40 days.

We recommend watching a video about the medicinal elixir of garlic and lemon:

With honey

This product is an excellent remedy in the fight against atherosclerosis.


  • 1 head of garlic;
  • 2 tbsp. l. liquid natural honey.

How to prepare and use:

  1. Grind the garlic to a paste.
  2. Mix the mixture with honey.
  3. Pour the composition with 1 liter of water, mix thoroughly.
  4. Leave for 2 days.
  5. It is necessary to use the remedy 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. l. before eating.

You will learn the benefits of garlic, honey and lemon for cleaning blood vessels in a separate article.

We invite you to watch a video about preparing srestiv for cleaning vessels using lemon, garlic and honey:

With butter

Increases immunity, improves appetite, fights cholesterol, and cleans blood vessels efficiently.


  • 200 ml unrefined sunflower oil;
  • 1 head of garlic.

How to prepare and use correctly:

  1. Finely chop the garlic cloves.
  2. Pour oil over the garlic and leave in the refrigerator for 3 days.
  3. Take the remedy for two weeks in the morning on an empty stomach, one teaspoon at a time.
  4. You can also add the composition to food.

Possible side effects

Compositions using garlic are undoubtedly very beneficial for the body, but some side effects from taking them are also possible. Side effects from taking the drug :

  1. Allergic reactions are possible.

  2. Garlic is a very fragrant product and the smell from your mouth when you eat it is quite specific.
  3. Eating fresh garlic or tinctures of it on an empty stomach can cause heartburn, nausea, and even vomiting.
  4. Garlic causes stomach upset and diarrhea in some people.
  5. Eating fresh garlic increases the risk of bleeding, so it is contraindicated for use in patients taking blood thinning medications.
  6. Medicinal tinctures containing this product may cause increased sweating.
  7. Some people have reported feeling dizzy from the smell of garlic.
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