tachycardia is an extremely dangerous symptom
Pancreas and heart, pain with pancreatitis
A gastroenterologist treats diseases of the pancreas in Nizhny Novgorod. The pancreas plays
Modern approaches to replenishing magnesium deficiency in women. Mezhevitinova E.A.
Magnesium in the blood In the blood serum, approximately half of the magnesium ions, like calcium, are found
What to do if there is a high pulse and high blood pressure, causes, dangerous symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
Tachycardia is an increase in the number of heart contractions of more than 90 beats at a certain point in time (usually
Varicose veins: how the disease occurs
Varicose veins after childbirth: causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention
As you know, pregnancy is a risk factor for the development of varicose veins: often during the gestation period
Infusion therapy (Sergiev Posad, Alexandrov)
Infusion therapy at the Paracelsus Clinic, Sergiev Posad, Aleksandrov ATTENTION: Online consultations with doctors are available (more than 18
When platelets are elevated in a child, what does this mean, how can they be reduced?
Classification The upper limit of normal platelet count varies from 350,000 to 400,000
coronary artery bypass surgery patient reviews
6 myths about coronary artery bypass surgery. After the operation it will be possible to live
If coronary artery bypass surgery is recommended for a person with coronary artery disease, reviews of patients who have undergone therapy in Israel,
Smoking with VSD: what consequences can this have?
Smoking is the cause of increased symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia. Inhalation of toxic smoke provokes complications of attacks that
Physical activity for coronary heart disease
The appointment is conducted by: Krivonosov Denis Sergeevich - cardiologist, candidate of medical sciences Make an appointment
Pine cones contain substances that have a beneficial effect on the blood vessels of the brain
Miracle remedy against stroke: recipe for pine cone tincture
Pine cones after a stroke are a folk remedy that is used in addition to the main
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