Autohemotherapy: false science or effective treatment?

Beautiful skin is first and foremost healthy skin. In order for your face to shine, you need proper nutrition, care and immunity support, incl. local, at the proper level. If acne appears on the face, especially in adulthood, the immune system cannot cope, it needs support. One of the most effective means is autohemotherapy. These are injections of the patient’s own blood, which help activate metabolic processes, strengthen the immune system and reduce inflammation.

How does the procedure work?

Previously, cosmetologists did subcutaneous injections. This made it possible to achieve the desired result, but there was a side effect in the form of hematomas. Injections began to be given intramuscularly. After them, no traces remain on the face, and the effect remains.

The procedure goes like this: blood is taken from a vein from the patient and injected into the muscles, usually the buttocks, on the opposite side. So, if blood was taken from the right arm, then an intramuscular injection is made to the left side. The course starts with 2 ml. and continue increasing with a factor of 2. The procedure is carried out every other day for 10 days, sometimes more.

Indications for use

Autohemotherapy, as has been repeatedly proven, has an extremely positive effect on the body, especially improvements are noticeable in the following diseases and disorders:

  • Weak immunity
  • Metabolic disorders in the body
  • Problems of lymph flow and blood circulation in general
  • Disorders and diseases of the endocrine system
  • Purulent processes of soft tissues
  • Slagging and intoxication of the body
  • Acne and pimples
  • Decreased vitality and performance.

In addition, significant positive changes have been noted when using this technique in the treatment of chronic cytomegalovirus infection, chronic inflammatory process in the uterus, appendages, in the treatment of genital herpes, with adhesions in the pelvis, with severe menopausal syndrome, in the treatment of condylomatosis, papillomatosis, and infertility .

Types of autohemotherapy

Fresh, unpurified blood is most often injected into the muscles, but this is not always the case. In some cases, various drugs are added to the plasma and injected into reflexogenic points or back into the vein. Types of autohemotherapy:

  • Introduction of autologous blood. The molecular composition of plasma can be changed by exposure to X-ray waves, ultrasound, or freezing.
  • Biopuncture. Blood mixed with oxygen, which enters it as a result of shaking, is injected into reflexogenic points. Sometimes homeopathic medicines are added to the composition.
  • Ozone cleaning. To enhance the immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory and antiviral effect, plasma is ozonated. This composition is injected into a vein, and not into the muscles.
  • Stepwise technique. If the problem is infectious, antibiotics are added to the plasma.

Autohemotherapy in the treatment of acne

Autohemotherapy has gained particular popularity in the treatment of acne. The essence of the procedure is to stimulate the body's defense reactions due to waste and toxins contained in the blood, which cause skin diseases. This “stimulation” resembles the effect of vaccination. That is, there is a targeted introduction of an “antigen” in order to produce antibodies. In this case, the antigen is the waste and toxins of bacteria and other decay products, and the antibodies are the strengthening and protection of the immune system.

Recently, autohemotherapy has been used not only for the treatment of acne, but also for the purpose of rejuvenation, which is achieved by restoring endocrine status and hormonal levels through the introduction of one’s own potentiated hormones.

Contraindications to the procedure

There are few absolute contraindications, but there are certain restrictions. Autohemotherapy will have to be postponed during pregnancy and lactation, with a low level of hemoglobin, with a viral infection, menstruation, during menopause, inflammatory processes of the appendages, etc. The procedure is not recommended for severe forms of arrhythmia, the presence of neoplasms (malignant and benign). The final decision on the possibility of using the method in a particular case is made by the doctor.

Effective or dangerous: what evidence-based medicine says

Yes, today, in the era of development of the pharmaceutical business, it is unprofitable to prove the benefits of a virtually free “medicine”, because blood for transfusion does not even need to be processed. Therefore, there are enough opinions from opponents of the method, proving not only the ineffectiveness, but also the danger of therapy.

To believe it or not is a matter for the patient and his attending physician. However, the collected evidence base, including the results of studies by European scientists, shows that in some cases autohemotherapy cures faster and better than medications, and also does not cause mutations in the body.

Interesting fact! If some opponents consider the transfusion of unchanged blood dangerous, then outdated but still used “banks” and acupuncture, which is popular today, are treated with less mistrust. And the methods are very similar. In all cases, an artificial bruise is formed using physical pressure. It is a hematoma in a certain place that activates the necessary resources (program) of the body, setting it up for independent healing.

Quality of life of patients with psoriasis

Along with other chronic diseases, psoriasis can significantly worsen the quality of life of patients, who may experience both physical and psychological discomfort. Difficulties with labor and social adaptation often arise. Thus, severe itching sometimes interferes with normal rest, and plaques on the hands can limit performance. Scaly rashes on the scalp are especially difficult to tolerate. This is due to the fact that these plaques cause rejection in some, as a result of which patients become unsociable, and social phobia may even arise. Stress due to dissatisfaction with one's own appearance, constant pain or itching, as well as immune disorders quite often lead to the development of mental disorders (increased anxiety, depression, social isolation). Only a quarter of patients with psoriasis do not experience psychological discomfort; for the remaining patients, this disease is a serious obstacle to normal life. Among the symptoms of psoriasis that worsen the quality of life, the first place is occupied by itching of the skin, in second place is joint pain due to psoriatic arthritis.

Localization of rashes

As a rule, the skin that is located on the extensor surfaces (elbows, knees) of large joints changes. The favorite localization is the border of the scalp and places that are constantly exposed to injury or friction. However, this sign cannot be considered a diagnostic criterion, since in atypical forms of lichen planus, other surfaces of the skin are also affected.

Characteristics of plaques

The size of the rashes may vary. The primary elements are considered to be small papules of bright red or burgundy color. Over time, their size increases significantly, and they also tend to merge. In 90% of cases, signs of psoriasis include the formation of standard plaques, which are characterized by the triad:

1. A stearin stain is characterized by lightly scraping off gray-white scales that resemble candle shavings in appearance.

2. If you continue to scrape the surface of the plaque, then after removing all the scales, a thin white film will appear, called terminal.

3. The symptom of blood dew can be detected by removing the terminal film. If the skin papillae are damaged, there will be not heavy bleeding, but drip bleeding.

Preparations and remedies for psoriasis

For this disease, the most popular means are for external use. They may contain several components that prevent excessive division of skin cells, as well as soften and reduce skin itching. The names of the drugs vary, but most often they contain the following substances:

  1. Glucocorticosteroid hormones that reduce inflammation and inhibit the reactivity of the immune system. When applied topically, hormones have a less pronounced systemic effect. They are part of Elokom, Advantana.
  2. Vitamin D is included in a large number of topical preparations. Its greatest effectiveness for the treatment of psoriasis is shown when combined with ultraviolet irradiation.
  3. Tar is used mainly for the treatment of lesions located in the scalp area.
  4. Activated zinc quickly eliminates redness and skin itching. This component is practically harmless to the body. Among the drugs for the systemic treatment of psoriasis are:
  • corticosteroids, as they regulate metabolism and eliminate foci of inflammation, but they have a pronounced withdrawal syndrome;
  • cytostatics inhibit the division of epidermal cells, but at the same time weaken the immune system and slow down the regeneration of other tissues;
  • immunomodulators help normalize immune reactions, but their effectiveness has not been fully studied;
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs reduce only the severity of itching and inflammation, but do not affect the primary changes. Vitamins and antiallergic drugs are used in addition to the main therapy. Since there is no truly effective medicine to combat psoriasis, it is prescribed in conjunction with physiotherapeutic procedures.

Benefits and results of this procedure

Autohemotherapy is combined comprehensively with other treatment methods. This makes it possible to enhance their effect and quickly receive a positive therapeutic response from the body. The procedure is considered a gentle technique. The risk of side effects if the treatment regimen and conditions are followed is minimal. The risk of developing allergic reactions is practically reduced to zero.

The advantages of the technique include:

no special training required; it is carried out on an outpatient basis; the procedure is practically painless.

The method is used to correct a wide range of problems. It is easy to combine with other treatment methods.

Features and scheme of autohemotherapy

In autohemotherapy, blood is first taken from a vein. It is then injected into human tissue. When large volumes of blood are administered at once, inflammatory reactions develop. They are manifested by increased body temperature, chills and muscle pain.

Therefore, the introduction of untreated blood should be carried out according to a special scheme so that adverse reactions do not occur. During the first procedure, no more than one milliliter of the patient’s own blood is injected under the skin. Gradually its volume is increased, bringing it to ten milliliters. Then they gradually begin to reduce this amount.

Further treatment is carried out as follows:

  1. No more than two milliliters of blood is injected into the gluteal muscle. They are taken from the patient’s vein directly during the procedure. The injection is carried out in the upper outer quadrant of the gluteal region.
  2. Repeat the procedure two days later. In this case, the blood volume is increased to four milliliters.
  3. The third injection is given two days later. The volume of injected blood reaches six milliliters.
  4. Then the procedure is also performed at intervals of one or two days. At the fourth injection, 8 ml is injected, the fifth - 10 ml, the sixth - 10 ml of fresh blood.
  5. During the seventh injection, 8 ml of blood is injected. Then therapy is continued according to a reducing regimen.

When performing the procedure, observe sterile conditions. The course of treatment is up to fifteen procedures. Ingoda autohemotherapy is combined with ozonation of venous blood and its exposure to x-rays. It is often carried out in conjunction with hirudotherapy.

What is the autohemotherapy procedure?

This therapeutic method involves injecting the patient's own untreated venous blood. Most often it is performed intramuscularly, and sometimes subcutaneously. This biological fluid is not subjected to any actions and is not mixed with other medicinal substances.

The procedure enhances hematopoiesis and increases the body's resistance to various diseases. There is an opinion that blood, while circulating through the vessels, can “remember” the processes that occur in the body.

When they enter human tissue a second time, blood cells themselves are able to identify sources of inflammation, eliminate them, and also fight pathogenic microorganisms. When administered, it perfectly stimulates tissue immunity. The action of autohemotherapy is aimed at activating the following processes:

functioning of the immune system; hematopoietic processes; functioning of the hemostatic system.

After using the method, chills, joint damage, temperature reactions and other negative phenomena do not occur. The procedure can be used not only in a hospital setting, but also in an outpatient setting. The technique does not replace other methods of treatment. Autohemotherapy is used only in complex treatment of diseases.

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The saying that the new is the well-forgotten old is relevant in relation to such a method of treatment as autohemotherapy for herpes. For a long time it was believed that this disease was completely harmless and manifested itself during colds.

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However, in-depth studies of the herpes virus have shown its wider distribution and significant impact on the activities of the entire body. Lying low, it bides its time, and as soon as a person becomes ill, herpes is ready to begin destroying his immune system. Its appearance is also facilitated by:

  • avitaminosis;
  • weakening of the body after a major operation;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • stress-depressive conditions;
  • carrying out radiotherapy.
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