Signs of hypotension of the intestines, muscles, gall and bladder, uterus

Hydronephrosis is also called hydrocele of the kidney, since with this disease the outflow of urine in the area of ​​​​the calyx and pelvis of the organs is disrupted. As a result, these parts of the kidneys expand, which can ultimately lead to irreversible changes (atrophy) in the tissues of these paired organs. Hydronephrosis often develops against the background of urolithiasis, kidney tumors, injuries to the urinary system and other diseases. Damage to the calyx and pelvis of the kidneys causes characteristic symptoms of hydronephrosis in humans.

Arterial hypotension

Arterial hypotension is a decrease in blood pressure. The diagnosis is made if blood pressure is reduced from normal by 20% or more. Treatment of arterial hypotension presents the same problem as arterial hypertension - increased blood pressure. Pathology can be primary and secondary. The secondary form often occurs against the background of:

  • heart failure;
  • arrhythmias;
  • fasting;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • endocrine shifts.

Main symptoms:

  • weakness and lethargy;
  • drowsiness;
  • often - apathy;
  • absent-mindedness;
  • headache.

The use of low blood pressure medications is not necessary. It is possible to normalize blood pressure if you adhere to a healthy lifestyle, including exercise, proper nutrition, and stress prevention. If there is no effect, you should look for the cause - the provoking disease - and eliminate it.

Read more about arterial hypotension (for example, about the symptoms of drug-induced hypotension that occurs while taking certain medications) on our website

Advantages of contacting MEDSI

  • Experienced specialists.
    Our doctors have all the skills and knowledge to treat renal hydronephrosis in adults and children. Specialists work in accordance with international standards and use organ-preserving techniques
  • Opportunities for comprehensive diagnostics.
    Before starting treatment for kidney hydronephrosis in adults and children, an examination is carried out to assess the cause of symptoms, determine the degree of damage and other features of the course of the disease. We have modern expert-class equipment. It allows you to detect pathologies in the early stages
  • Individual therapy methods.
    They are selected in accordance with the results of the patient’s examination, after analyzing laboratory and instrumental data
  • Gentle methods of surgical treatment.
    The therapy uses the capabilities of endoscopy, microsurgery and laparoscopy. If possible, operations are performed through small punctures, including using robotic technologies
  • Modern hospital.
    We have high-tech operating rooms with innovative equipment from leading manufacturers. In hospitals, patients are provided with balanced nutrition and round-the-clock care
  • Fast recovery after interventions.
    Particular attention is paid to the new philosophy of patient management after surgery (fast track), which involves the fastest possible return to active life.
  • Comfort of visiting clinics.
    They are located near the metro. This allows residents of any district of Moscow to visit MEDSI clinics. We made sure there are no queues so you don't have to wait long for an appointment

To undergo treatment for renal hydronephrosis in adults and children in our clinics, call (495) 7-800-500. Our specialist will answer all questions and offer a convenient time for consultation with a doctor. You can also make an appointment through the SmartMed app.

Specialized centers

  • Standards of the International Association of Urology
  • High-precision diagnostics using cutting-edge equipment
  • Modern high-tech operating rooms and hospitals

More details

Causes of muscle hypotension in children and adults

Muscle hypotonia means a persistent decrease in muscle tone.

The main causes of the pathology:

  • congenital disorders of neuromuscular complexes;
  • muscle dystrophy;
  • lack of protein in the diet (this is one of the most common causes of muscle hypotension in children);
  • decreased physical activity;
  • action of toxins (poisons);
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • lack of thyroid hormones.

The main symptoms of muscle hypotension:

  • deterioration in motor activity;
  • drooling and problems pronouncing words and sounds;
  • rapid onset of fatigue during active movements.

The diagnosis is made based on symptoms and additional methods (CT, MRI, electromyography), which are used to analyze the severity of the pathology.

The basis of treatment is eliminating the cause. An important role is played by therapeutic exercises, physiotherapy, and massage for muscle hypotension.

Treatment of the disease

In the acute form, when there is severe intoxication of the body, emergency medical care is necessary. It is necessary to call an ambulance for hospitalization and detoxification measures. Doctors wash the stomach and clean the esophagus with enterosorbents. In case of a threat to life, hemosorption or hemodialysis is performed. Treatment of chronic renal failure in children is carried out to restore kidney function and slow down pathological processes. The course is compiled individually, taking into account the cause and condition of the patient. Depending on the form of the disease and the clinical picture, medication or active treatment is prescribed. No one can answer the question of whether a child will outgrow chronic renal failure; it is necessary to follow the instructions and monitor the state of glomerular filtration.

Conservative methods

Therapy includes:

  • low protein, salt-free diet;
  • diuretics to increase urination;
  • hormones;
  • stimulants to relieve anemia;
  • medications to regulate blood pressure to prevent the development of heart disease; medications to reduce stomach acidity;
  • vitamin D and calcium to prevent renal degeneration.

Active methods

If medications do not help, therapy using special devices is indicated to prevent relapses and maintain vital functions.

  • Hemodialysis is hardware blood purification using an “artificial kidney” device. During the procedure, toxins are removed and the water-salt balance is restored. A visit to a dialysis center is required.
  • Peritoneal dialysis purifies the blood and restores balance by filtering it through the abdomen. The procedure is carried out at home.
  • Kidney transplant. The operation increases the duration and improves the quality of life.

Hypotension of the renal pelvis

Hypotension of the renal pelvis is a decrease in its tone. Main reasons:

  • congenital malformations;
  • prolonged forced lying position (for example, after heavy operations);
  • hormonal changes in the body (puberty, menopausal wilting);
  • disruptions in nervous support;
  • damage to the wall of the pelvis (for example, a stone).

The nosology is manifested by stagnation of urine and worsening of its discharge.

How to treat hypotension of the renal pelvis? In mild cases, it is enough to eliminate its cause; in severe cases, it will be necessary to involve surgical intervention to narrow the “loose” pelvis.

What diagnoses are made based on the examination?

Some examples of common diseases accompanied by pyelectasis:

  • Hydronephrosis caused by an obstruction (obstruction) in the area of ​​the ureteropelvic junction. It manifests itself as a sharp dilation of the pelvis without dilatation of the ureter.
  • Vesicoureteral reflux is the backflow of urine from the bladder into the kidney. It manifests itself as significant changes in the size of the pelvis during ultrasound examinations and even during one examination.
  • Megaureter - a sharp dilation of the ureter can accompany pyelectasis. Causes: severe vesicoureteral reflux, narrowing of the ureter in the lower section, high pressure in the bladder, etc.
  • Posterior urethral valves in boys . Ultrasound reveals bilateral pyelectasis and dilatation of the ureters.
  • Ectopic ureter - The flow of the ureter not into the bladder, but into the urethra in boys or the vagina in girls. Often occurs with double kidneys and is accompanied by pyeelectasis of the upper segment of the double kidney
  • Ureterocele - the ureter, when it enters the bladder, is inflated in the form of a bubble, and its outlet is narrowed. Ultrasound reveals an additional cavity in the lumen of the bladder and often pyelectasis on the same side.

Hypotension of the gallbladder

Hypotension of the gallbladder is a deterioration in its ability to contract. It is fraught with deterioration in bladder emptying, leading to digestive disorders in the duodenum. Its main reasons:

  • violation of a healthy diet, abuse of “bad” foods - fatty, fried, spicy;
  • malnutrition of the tissues of the bladder wall;
  • failure of the nervous system;
  • parasitic infection.

Main symptoms:

  • periodic attacks of pain in the right hypochondrium;
  • bloating;
  • alternating constipation and diarrhea;
  • nausea and vomiting.

To confirm the diagnosis, duodenal intubation is performed.

In most cases, help with gallbladder hypotension consists of dietary nutrition. In some cases, the prescription of choleretic drugs will be required. In case of severe hypotension, the gallbladder is removed.

Gastric hypotension

Stomach hypotension syndrome is not a very common pathology. Its reasons may be:

  • poor nutrition;
  • the effect of various toxins on the stomach wall;
  • lack of potassium in the body;
  • protracted stomach diseases.

With pathology, stagnation of contents in the stomach develops, which manifests itself:

  • painful sensations;
  • feeling of fullness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • weight loss of the patient.

The main method of treatment is to provide a balanced diet. Its principles:

  • mechanical, chemical and thermal sparing;
  • eating small meals frequently;
  • Chewing food thoroughly.

Physical therapy also plays a role, which is aimed at strengthening the abdominal press.

Signs of intestinal hypotension

The basis of intestinal hypotension is:

  • disruption of the innervation and blood supply to the intestines (as consequences of injuries and operations);
  • congenital pathologies of the neuromuscular apparatus of the intestinal wall;
  • gross violation of dietary principles;
  • regular stress.

Signs of intestinal hypotension manifest themselves in the form of symptoms of partial dynamic (motor) intestinal obstruction:

  • prolonged constipation;
  • accumulation of gases in the intestines and bloating;
  • pain along the intestines;
  • reflex nausea, sometimes vomiting.

A colonoscopy is mandatory to distinguish intestinal hypotension from its organic damage.

The appointments are:

  • correction of diet;
  • mandatory consumption of plant fiber - it stimulates peristalsis;
  • complex of therapeutic exercises;
  • physiotherapy – paraffin on the abdominal wall, electrophoresis;
  • drinking mineral water.

Make an appointment with a urologist

If you have discovered one or more signs of hydronephrosis, contact our State Urology Center.
We invite you to make an appointment with a urologist at a convenient time. In our clinic you can undergo diagnosis and treatment of hydronephrosis free of charge as part of the compulsory medical insurance program. The sooner the disease is confirmed, the more effective the therapy will be. It is equally important to consult a doctor on time, as this reduces the risk of complications and generally improves the prognosis for recovery. October 19, 2020
Hakobyan Gagik Nersesovich - urologist, oncologist, MD, doctor of the highest category, professor

All the symptoms of the disease...

Hypotony of the uterus

With this pathology, the contractility of the uterus is impaired. Hypotony of the uterus in women during pregnancy is not as fraught as during childbirth. Factors contributing to the development of uterine hypotension:

  • malformations of its development;
  • neoplasia;
  • scars (for example, after surgery);
  • multiple births or polyhydramnios;
  • numerous births.

Hypotony of the uterus is manifested by weakened labor.

Treatment is carried out with drugs that increase uterine tone - these are Oxytocin, Methylergometrine, Dinoprostone.


Competent treatment of kidney hydronephrosis in an adult or child is impossible without a high-quality comprehensive examination. Only it allows you to determine the type of disease, the degree of organ damage and other features of the pathology.

Diagnostics include:

  • clinical and biochemical blood tests
  • Analysis of urine
  • Kidney ultrasound
  • X-ray examination of the kidneys
  • CT and MRI
  • cystourethrography
  • radioisotope study (nephroscintigraphy)
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