What does an endocrinologist treat and when should you contact him?

Thyroid dysfunction is a well-known problem with which women most often turn to an endocrinologist.
Meanwhile, this specialist is almost the main one of those responsible for fine-tuning the body, and it is necessary to visit the endocrinologist regularly. The endocrine system is the control panel for all functions of the human body. It is she, in close relationship with the immune system, that is responsible for the clear and uninterrupted functioning of internal organs. With the help of the release of certain hormones synthesized by proactive glands into the blood and lymph, the internal balance of the body and its autonomous independent functioning in the environment are maintained.

Symptoms of joint diseases: when to sound the alarm

Joint problems are not only indicated by pain in the knee or shoulder. Sometimes a regular therapist can notice something is wrong during a general appointment. Joint lesions have systemic and non-systemic manifestations. Sometimes they are accompanied by disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Typical symptoms include:

  • soreness and swelling;
  • stiffness of movement;
  • local redness of tissues;
  • compactions and hard formations, for example, with arthrosis of the hand on the phalanges of the fingers;
  • a crunching sound that is repeated and causes pain;
  • violation of fine motor skills.

In addition, if the joints suffer, the person experiences weakness, may shiver, and general malaise appears. All of this indicates that it is time to seek help.

Joint pain is not the only warning sign

The most common questions about the functioning of the endocrine system

How often do you need to visit an endocrinologist?

If your body works without failures, then you can limit yourself to a preventive dose once a year.

At what age is it better to start visiting an endocrinologist?

A visit to an endocrinologist is necessary at any age if you are overweight or underweight; you are actively losing hair or, conversely, hair has begun to grow in unexpected places; other “oddities” in the functioning of your body. In childhood, you should visit a doctor if the child is stunted or, conversely, has excessive height and weight. Women are advised to be monitored by an endocrinologist during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Regular visits should be included in the checklist from the age of 35.

I'm 20 years old and can't get rid of acne. I visit a cosmetologist who does cleansing, but it hardly helps. What should I do?

Visit an endocrinologist, get tested, and check your hormonal levels. Based on the test results, the endocrinologist will prescribe treatment.

My thyroid gland has been removed. I take L-thyroxine, Eutirox, but I can’t lose weight. What should I do?

You may need to adjust your treatment. Come see us for an appointment.

What does joint pain tell you?

During the initial diagnosis, the therapist will determine the nature and location of the pain. Of interest is the severity of pain at its peak. The specialist will ask what kind of pain you feel - superficial or deep, sharp or dull, burning or another nature. You will be asked to remember under what conditions the pain intensifies, how often it bothers you, and at what time of day it reminds you of itself.

Analyzing these and other factors will help the therapist determine which doctor to refer the patient to. After all, joint pain can be inflammatory or non-inflammatory. It can hinder movement in different ways and produce different accompanying symptoms.

Diagnosis and treatment

During the appointment, the endocrinologist will listen and examine the patient and palpate the thyroid gland. If necessary, he will prescribe laboratory tests and refer you for an ultrasound examination, which you can undergo without leaving the clinic. This will allow the disease to be detected even at an early stage.

In some cases, an endocrinologist in Veliky Novgorod goes to the patient’s home.

Special tests that can be taken at the VIVOclinic medical center:

  • a blood test to determine the level of the main hormones of the thyroid and parathyroid glands, in particular vasopressin (diagnosis of diabetes insipidus);
  • on the content of vitamin D, which affects the activity of the immune system and metabolism;
  • level of protein, cholesterol, triglycerides, glucose;
  • concentration of sugar, AST and ALT enzymes in the blood;
  • a general urinalysis, which reflects your metabolism and overall health status.

Based on the results of the examination, laboratory and instrumental studies, the endocrinologist will draw up an individual treatment plan for the patient, including hormonal therapy and nutritional recommendations. In acute cases, he will recommend surgery.

Which doctor treats joints

Depending on the clinical picture, the therapist may refer you to an orthopedic traumatologist, rheumatologist, surgeon, neurologist, endocrinologist, osteopath or chiropractor.

  • Rheumatologist.

Most often, if knee arthrosis or arthritis is suspected, they are referred to a rheumatologist. Before the consultation, you will need to undergo additional tests - for example, rheumatic tests, examination of C-reactive protein, synovial fluid, cryoglobulin analysis, etc.

  • Traumatologist surgeon.

They are referred to him in difficult cases, if treatment for arthrosis of the hip joint or therapy for other pathologies prescribed by a rheumatologist has not yielded results. This doctor comes to the rescue when the joints are severely deformed, the disease is protracted and the pain remains even at rest.

An orthopedic surgeon uses arthroscopy, joint replacement, and performs corrective surgeries and other surgical interventions on large joints.

An orthopedic surgeon sees patients with advanced cases

  • Orthopedist-traumatologist.

This specialist deals with a variety of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, including congenital and acquired pathologies of joints and tendons, ligaments and muscles. He diagnoses and treats lesions of soft tissue structures, consequences and complications of injuries, post-traumatic arthrosis, and neoplasms.

  • Neurologist.

Sometimes the cause of joint pain is neurological in nature - inflammation of a nerve, pinching in the spine, injuries that change the position of the vertebrae, etc. A neurologist also examines functional pain in the joints caused by intensive growth of the body in adolescence, during pregnancy or due to severe physical exertion. As a rule, they go away on their own without treatment, but still need monitoring.

  • Endocrinologist.

In some cases, joints hurt due to disruption of hormone synthesis, due to metabolic failures. Excess weight and regular stress lead to their defeat. An endocrinologist deals with such pathologies: a rheumatologist or orthopedist will not help the patient in such cases.

  • Chiropractor.

Sometimes therapists recommend that patients turn to alternative medicine. The chiropractor uses the contact method to correct disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

Do your joints hurt? Perhaps your need is not an orthopedist, but a neurologist or endocrinologist

First visit to an endocrinologist

Despite all the dangers and unpleasantness of diseases of the endocrine system, the good news is that the slightest malfunction in the functioning of the endocrine glands becomes noticeable immediately.

Therefore, if you:

  • suddenly gained or lost weight;
  • you feel dry mouth and constant thirst, frequent urge to urinate, especially at night;
  • notice irregular menstrual cycles and/or menopausal hot flashes;
  • suddenly went bald or, conversely, suddenly grew hair in unexpected places;
  • covered with acne;
  • found tremors in the fingers, tremor, spasmodic muscle pain, headache;
  • feel constant fatigue and weakness;
  • noticed an increase in the front of the neck;
  • you cannot conceive a child with regular sexual activity, -

You must immediately make an appointment with an endocrinologist.

In a regular district clinic, you can only get to this specialist with a referral from a therapist or gynecologist. But in our clinic, consultation is available to everyone.

We pay special attention to people at risk: overweight patients, hereditary predisposition to diabetes mellitus and thyroid diseases, pregnant and lactating women.

In what cases should you contact a specialist?

The therapist will tell you what kind of specialist this will be, depending on the clinical picture. But you definitely shouldn’t hesitate to contact us if you have the following symptoms:

  • injuries of any severity - fractures, dislocations, damage to joints and soft tissues;
  • chronic rheumatic diseases (the doctor must monitor the dynamics and effectiveness of therapy);
  • sudden onset of pain in the joint;
  • other alarming symptoms regarding the musculoskeletal system.

Approximately as shown in the video, an initial appointment with an orthopedic doctor takes place:

Chief sleep specialist

This is a somnologist who is trained in sleep problems. He studies all aspects of snoring in detail and develops treatment tactics.

For therapy, as a rule, patients are recommended to use mask-compressor devices. In medicine, this technology is defined as the CPAP method. Its basis is the creation of a pressure with positive features in the upper airways. With this method, its constant use is very important. True, each patient is assigned a personal number of procedures.

In addition, the somnologist will give a lot of professional advice. Widely applicable recommendations:

  • Sleeping in a supine position is contraindicated.
  • You should not take tranquilizers and various types of sleeping pills.
  • Exercises are shown that train the jaw, as well as the muscles of the tongue and especially the pharynx.

Remember, the sooner you apply therapy, the faster and easier snoring will go away. A properly structured treatment regimen will protect against unpleasant and life-threatening complications.

How is the visit going?

The examination by the therapist begins with a questioning of the patient about complaints, the presence of chronic diseases, lifestyle, and family history. After which he begins to examine the patient; in some cases, the doctor may ask to undress to the waist. During the examination, the doctor assesses:

  • body type;
  • condition of the skin;
  • mucous membranes;
  • condition of the skeletal system;
  • muscular system;
  • joint condition;
  • volume of subcutaneous fat.

Then the doctor proceeds to other clinical methods:

  1. Palpation is palpation of various parts of the body in order to assess their density, soreness and other structural units.
  2. Percussion - tapping. Based on the nature of the sound, the doctor makes a conclusion about the presence of certain pathological processes. For example, a dull percussion sound over the pulmonary surface indicates the presence of inflammation, and a drumming sound when tapping the abdominal area may be a sign of bloating.
  3. Auscultation - listening with a stethoscope to pulmonary breathing, heart murmurs or blood flow through large blood arteries.

Dental hygienist

A dental hygienist has a secondary professional medical education. A prerequisite for working as a hygienist is to successfully complete the course “Preventive Dentistry”. What does a dental hygienist do:

  • professional oral hygiene;
  • treatment of gums with the Vector device;
  • whitening;
  • provides training in proper oral hygiene;
  • selection of personal hygiene products;
  • deals with the prevention of gum disease in adults and children.

In short, the main area of ​​work of a dental hygienist is the removal of dental plaque (tartar, plaque). It is important to see a hygienist every six months to maintain oral health.

Causes and types of bronchial asthma

The main impetus for the development of asthma is an increase in bronchial reactivity during allergic manifestations. Often allergens are:

  • Dust;
  • Pollen;
  • Animal wool;
  • Household chemicals;
  • Selected food products.

A number of allergists believe that the root cause of allergies in the vast majority of cases is taking medications.

There are three types of asthma.

  • Drug-induced, developing while taking medications. It is the body's reaction to certain drugs.
  • Infectious-allergic form. The cause of development is the presence of infection in the respiratory tract. The cause may be untreated tonsillitis, sinusitis or bronchitis. The presence of foreign bacteria in the body causes changes in the bronchi and subsequently asthma attacks.
  • The atypical form is the body’s reaction to allergens, most often to those that a person inhales. Usually, in the absence of such contacts, a person feels completely healthy. This form of the disease can be combined with dermatitis or allergic rhinitis.

General practitioner - who is he?

A general practitioner is a specialist with a higher medical education whose professional activities include the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of diseases. As a rule, the therapist is the first medical specialist to whom a sick person turns. This is not accidental, since it is precisely such a professional who carries out the primary diagnostic and therapeutic measures.

The therapist has extensive knowledge in all branches of medical science without exception. If necessary, he can refer the patient for examination and treatment to a specialist.

Orthopedic dentist

Dental services include dental prosthetics. It is the orthopedic dentist who deals with all types of dental restoration using orthopedic structures. These include:

  • crowns;
  • bridges;
  • veneers, lumineers;
  • inlays, overlays;
  • mouthguards, splints;
  • temporary structures for long-term orthopedic treatment;
  • removable and fixed dentures;
  • prosthetics on implants.

Pediatric dentist

Treatment and extraction of teeth for patients under 18 years of age is carried out by a pediatric dentist. When working with young patients, the primary task is to find contact with the child and get him ready for treatment, because almost all children enter any medical office with fear. In addition, the children's doctor needs to tell the child's parents how to carry out home oral hygiene for the baby, what products to use, when the physiological change of teeth occurs, etc.

Maintaining dental health from a very early age is necessary for the normal formation of the dental system.

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