Blood pressure 140 over 90 - normal or pathological, what to do, what pills to take?

What does pressure 140/90 mean - is it always hypertension?

For most people, blood pressure (BP) from an early age may be slightly higher or, conversely, lower than the established norm. In the age category over 40-50 years, due to wear and tear of blood vessels and disturbances in the functioning of the heart, elevated blood pressure is considered a natural physiological process that does not indicate hypertension.

Another reason for high blood pressure is stressful situations, neuroses, and psycho-emotional shocks. The human cardiovascular system has to raise blood pressure in order to ensure normal blood supply to the internal organs. Thus, the body protects itself from oxygen deficiency, which is fraught with the following dangerous consequences:

  • Headache;
  • Memory impairment;
  • Decreased ability to concentrate;
  • Cerebral ischemia;
  • Painful sensations localized in the heart area.

Blood pressure of 140 over 90, for people over 40 years old, may well be considered one of the normal variants, and is by no means evidence of hypertension.

Blood pressure readings are 140/90 mm.
rt. Art. It is strictly contraindicated to take antihypertensive pills without permission, since these drugs interfere with the functioning of the brain. It is permissible to take medications for hypertension only as prescribed by a doctor, strictly observing the dosage and duration of the therapeutic course recommended by a specialist.

If the pressure has risen, self-massage of the neck has a good effect, allowing you to eliminate spasms and normalize the processes of cerebral circulation.

Sometimes, you can eliminate unpleasant sensations simply by relaxing, taking a walk at a calm pace, or swimming in salt water.

Sudden changes in pressure are typical for overly emotional and sensitive people. In such situations, it is necessary to learn how to deal with stress, and the use of mildly acting intoxicating and sedative drugs may also be recommended.

Increased blood pressure after psycho-emotional shocks, nervous tension, physical activity is a completely normal, natural process. If the patient worries about this and endlessly measures blood pressure, the tonometer needles will rise even higher.

Doctors recommend taking pills for hypertension in the following cases:

  1. The pressure is maintained for a long time.
  2. The condition is accompanied by symptoms characteristic of hypertension.
  3. Severe headache with blood pressure 140/90.

At the initial stages, it is better to avoid chemicals, replacing them with valerian, motherwort or hawthorn tincture, and lemon balm decoction.

Valerian and motherwort

What could be the reasons for increased blood pressure?

A blood pressure of 145 over 95 is the limit that may indicate a condition such as borderline hypertension. The following reasons can provoke this disease:

  • The presence of bad habits (tendency to overeat, smoking, abuse of alcoholic beverages, strong tea and coffee);
  • Psycho-emotional instability, permanent stress;
  • Excess body weight. Doctors note that every extra kilogram increases blood pressure by exactly one indicator;
  • Hereditary predisposition (presence of hypertension in close relatives);
  • Age-related changes, accompanied by narrowing of the vascular walls and increased load on the heart;
  • Secondary hypertension, developing against the background of disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system, renal pathologies, aortic coarctation;
  • Lack of adequate physical activity corresponding to the patient’s age category, leading to the development of physical inactivity.

Constantly high blood pressure has a negative impact on the body. The load on the brain, heart, visual organs, and blood vessels increases. Therefore, if you have such symptoms, you should definitely consult a doctor, undergo diagnostics, establish the exact causes of the increase in pressure and begin appropriate treatment!

Common Causes of High Blood Pressure

Even more serious symptoms requiring emergency care

  • Shortness of breath, suffocation.
  • Severe headache, forcing one to take a certain position. It is not relieved by analgesic drugs.
  • Back pain accompanied by chest pain.
  • Pain behind the sternum is intense, intensifies with breathing and movement.
  • Fainting conditions.
  • Impaired functioning of the body muscles (shaky gait, difficulty speaking, lack of clarity in the facial muscles).

There is no need to expect the condition to stabilize on its own. A doctor's call is required.

Blood pressure 140 over 90 during pregnancy

The cardiovascular system of women expecting the birth of a baby bears a double burden, since it has to provide blood supply to both the body of the expectant mother and the child. For this reason, pressure 140 over 90 during pregnancy is not considered a dangerous symptom requiring immediate treatment. However, with frequent increases in blood pressure, the expectant mother is strongly recommended to seek advice from a specialist, since high blood pressure during pregnancy can lead to preeclampsia, a pathological condition that poses a potential threat to the patient and her baby.

Assessing the risk of complications

The presence of risk factors with a tonometer value of 140/100 increases the possibility of cardiovascular complications several times. In some cases, mild hypertension can lead to the following complications:

  • attacks of short-term cerebrovascular accident;
  • hemorrhagic or ischemic stroke;
  • disorder of myocardial blood supply;
  • circulatory disorders in the kidneys;
  • vascular hemorrhages in the fundus.

In the presence of concomitant diseases (diabetes mellitus, kidney pathologies), as well as provoking factors (age, physical inactivity, obesity), the risk of complications is critically high.

Symptoms of hypertension - how to recognize the disease?

A pressure of 140 over 90 in men and women may indicate hypertension if the following characteristic clinical symptoms are present:

  • Dyspnea;
  • Migraine attacks;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Difficulty in breathing;
  • Feeling of tinnitus;
  • Flashing spots and dots before the eyes;
  • Increased sweating;
  • Swelling of the face;
  • Redness of the skin;
  • Altered state of consciousness;
  • Unreasonable anxiety and irritability;
  • Cardiopalmus;
  • General weakness, malaise, decreased performance.
  • Pulsating sensations localized in the area of ​​the head vessels.

In most cases, in the early stages of development of the pathological process, hypertension is asymptomatic, which complicates diagnosis and subsequent treatment.

Signs of hypertension


Diagnosis is carried out under the supervision of a cardiologist and other specialized specialists if there are indications: endocrinologist, nephrologist, neurologist.

The list of studies is standard:

  • Oral interview with the patient. The doctor asks the patient about complaints about the condition and records all the data in writing.
  • Anamnesis collection. It is important to identify lifestyle, bad habits, diet, and the presence of somatic diseases that could cause an increase in blood pressure.
  • Blood pressure level measurement. To establish the fact of a hypertensive process.
  • Daily monitoring using an automatic tonometer. It is considered the gold standard for early diagnosis and monitoring of the patient over time.
  • Electrocardiography.
  • Study of the condition of the heart muscle using a special device (echocardiography).
  • Assessment of neurological status.
  • Encephalography.
  • Study of hormone levels in venous blood (T3, T4, TSH, cortisol and some others).
  • Assessing the condition of the kidneys using ultrasound and tests. It is possible to use a tomograph.
  • Load tests (conducted with great care).

The examinations are shown in the system.

What to do if the pressure is 140 to 90 - should it be brought down?

Whether or not to reduce the pressure of 140 to 90 is largely determined by the reasons that provoked its increase. If blood pressure levels increase due to physical activity and stress, then this is a completely normal phenomenon. If there is no pain, malaise, or alarming clinical signs, there is no need to worry.

In cases where increased systolic pressure is accompanied by symptoms characteristic of hypertension, it must be dealt with. Therapy can be carried out using medications and conservative, folk methods.

What pills should I take?

To stabilize high blood pressure, it is recommended to use the following drugs with antihypertensive properties:

  • Adrenoblockers (Antenolod, Betaxolol) - prevent the negative effects of adrenaline on the patient’s blood vessels;
  • Diuretics, diuretics (Indapamide, Furosemide) - remove excess fluid from the body. However, this type of medication should be taken with caution in order to avoid dehydration and leaching of potassium, which is necessary for the full functioning of the heart muscle.
  • ACE inhibitors (Captopril, Fosinopril, Enalapril) - help suppress the activity of angiotensin-converting enzyme. Used for the treatment of hypertension and arterial hypertension in a chronic form. These medications are contraindicated during pregnancy, breastfeeding, individual intolerance and hypersensitivity to the active ingredients of the drugs, and renal failure.
  • Angiotensin antagonists (Losartan, Cozaar) - have indications and restrictions for use identical to the group of antihypertensive drugs described above.
  • Calcium antagonists (Nifedipine, Verapamil) are aimed at blocking calcium channels in the patient’s body. Helps expand the vascular lumen and stabilize blood pressure. Contraindicated for patients suffering from arrhythmia, cardiovascular diseases, ventricular pathologies, and narrowing of the aorta.

All medications to lower blood pressure should be taken as prescribed by a doctor, strictly following the instructions, and not exceeding the recommended dosage!

Drug treatment of hypertension

How to reduce blood pressure at home?

You can stabilize your blood pressure at home, without resorting to the use of potent medications, using the following methods:

  1. Take herbal sedatives (tincture of hawthorn or motherwort, valerian);
  2. For painful sensations localized in the heart area, place a nitroglycerin tablet under the tongue.
  3. Do breathing exercises (10 deep, calm breaths and exhalations will be enough to improve your condition).
  4. For further increases in blood pressure, use Captopril.

A good therapeutic effect is provided by folk remedies made on the basis of medicinal plants that have diuretic and sedative properties:

  • Calendula;
  • Hawthorn;
  • Plantain;
  • Kalina;
  • Mint;
  • Chokeberry;
  • Yarrow;
  • Horse chestnut;
  • Cowberry;
  • Mistletoe.

You can take herbs in the form of decoctions, infusions, or already prepared herbal teas purchased from pharmacy chains.

Herbal decoctions for hypertension

Prevention of hypertension

In order to avoid hypertension or prevent an increase in blood pressure in this pathology, you need to pay attention to the following recommendations from specialists:

  1. Maintain proper drinking regime. During the day you need to drink at least 2 liters of clean water. Various drinks, soups, broths and other liquids are not taken into account. It is recommended to drink a glass of water immediately after waking up, on an empty stomach. The remaining dose should be distributed throughout the day so that you do not drink liquid before bed to avoid swelling.
  2. Eat a minimum amount of salt. The maximum permissible daily dose for patients suffering from hypertension is 5 mg.
  3. Physical activity. To prevent physical inactivity, which is one of the provoking factors of hypertension, it is necessary to regularly give the body feasible physical activity. Even morning exercises or a short walk in the fresh air will bring great benefits and help stabilize blood pressure.
  4. Refrain from overusing coffee drinks. Patients prone to high blood pressure can afford no more than 1-2 cups of this drink throughout the day. If hypertension worsens, it is recommended to stop drinking coffee for a week.
  5. Correction of diet. When diastolic pressure increases, it is recommended to increase the percentage of dairy products, herbs, vegetables and fruits in the daily menu. Smoked meats, fatty, fried foods will have to be temporarily excluded from the diet.

A pressure of 140 over 90 is considered to be one of the harbingers of hypertension, however, this symptom does not pose a serious threat to human life and health. You can determine the causes of high blood pressure and, if necessary, receive competent treatment by consulting a specialist!

Treatment regimens

Therapy is etiological, that is, aimed at eliminating the root cause of the pathological condition (kidney, thyroid, and other diagnosed diseases). This is the basis of treatment. Everything else is just additional measures designed to combat only manifestations and symptoms.

The first without the second makes no sense. To solve the problem of relieving symptoms, antihypertensive drugs are prescribed (several pharmaceutical groups at once, a complex effect is most preferable).

As an auxiliary measure, adherence to an optimal drinking regimen (2 liters of fluid per day), diet, and giving up bad habits is indicated. You should not take medications without a doctor's recommendation. What this entails has already been said.

The outcome of treatment in most cases is favorable if you follow all the specialist’s recommendations and do not engage in amateur activities.

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