Features of the development and course of chronic combined hemorrhoids

Haemorrhoids - the most common vascular disease in proctology, in which the cavernous (cavernous) bodies in the terminal part of the rectum expand. Many people do not attach importance to its symptoms, thus leading the process to complications.

According to statistics, every 7 out of 10 people on our planet experience symptoms of hemorrhoids. Lack of timely adequate treatment can lead to serious complications. Among them are bleeding from hemorrhoids, their inflammation, thrombosis and necrosis, anemia, paraproctitis and anal fissure. MedicCity proctologists recommend undergoing regular examinations by a specialist to prevent unpleasant consequences of the disease. In the early stages, hemorrhoids are treated using the most gentle methods possible!

Hemorrhoids in women usually occur during pregnancy and childbirth. Hemorrhoids during pregnancy are quite difficult to treat, since most medications can adversely affect the development of the fetus. Therefore, women are recommended to visit a proctologist at the stage of pregnancy planning.

1 Consultation with a proctologist in MedicCity

2 Consultation with a proctologist in MedicCity

3 Consultation with a proctologist in MedicCity

Hemorrhoids in men are no less common. The disease appears as a result of a sedentary lifestyle, sedentary work (for example, hemorrhoids are an “occupational” disease of drivers), digestive disorders, constipation, alcohol abuse, and smoking. The cause of the disease can also be increased physical activity and hereditary predisposition.

It is customary to distinguish the following types of hemorrhoids: external (external) hemorrhoids and internal hemorrhoids.

This video talks about the main causes of hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are a chronic disease that, without timely treatment, progresses and often leads to serious complications.


At stages 1-2, internal hemorrhoids rarely cause any trouble and in most situations proceed hidden. In some cases, patients are disturbed by a feeling of discomfort in the anus, which intensifies after a long stay in a sitting position, as well as a feeling of incomplete bowel movement after defecation in the actual absence of constipation.

As the disease progresses to stages 3-4, more striking symptoms appear:

  • itching, burning or constant discomfort in the anus;
  • painful bowel movements, with pain persisting for 10-30 minutes after defecation;
  • bleeding from the anus (less often - mucous discharge);
  • prolapse of hemorrhoids from the anus to the outside.
  • Diagnostics

    Internal hemorrhoids are easily detected during a digital examination of the anus by a proctologist or surgeon. In some cases, special instrumental research may be required:

  • anoscopy - to assess the size of hemorrhoids;
  • rectoscopy - to detect concomitant diseases;
  • colonoscopy - to examine the general condition of the rectum.

External (external) hemorrhoids

The external manifestation of hemorrhoids is the presence of varicose veins (hemorrhoids), which are located outside the anus. External hemorrhoids appear near the anus.

Enlargement and inflammation of hemorrhoids occurs due to stagnation of blood in the pelvis and in particular in the cavernous bodies of the anal canal.

When a blood clot appears in the external hemorrhoid, swelling develops and the person begins to feel pain. The sufferer may feel hemorrhoids as a large, firm “bump” covered with thin, sensitive skin.

With poor nutrition, a sedentary lifestyle, heavy physical activity and stagnation of venous blood in the rectum, a complication in the form of acute thrombosis (the so-called “hemorrhoidal thrombosis”) may occur.

Blood in external (external) hemorrhoids (hemorrhoidal thrombosis) appears when the skin over the hemorrhoid becomes thinner and the blood clot breaks out in the form of a clot, then scarlet blood may appear.

1 Hemorrhoidectomy in MedicCity

2 Hemorrhoidectomy in MedicCity

3 Hemorrhoidectomy in MedicCity

Symptoms of external hemorrhoids

With this type of disease, the following symptoms of hemorrhoids can be distinguished:

  • pineal-shaped protrusion around the anus;
  • hemorrhoids, varying in size and location, which are easily palpable by the patient and increase with strain during bowel movements;
  • pain and blood during bowel movements;
  • unpleasant burning and itching in the anus;
  • piercing pain at rest, after stool, when walking, coughing and sneezing (with the development of hemorrhoidal thrombosis);
  • severe pain when touching hemorrhoids (hemorrhoids increase in size, swell, turn blue).


The main reason for the development of internal forms of hemorrhoids is a violation of the inflow and outflow of blood in the cavernous (cavernous) bodies. In a healthy person, these corpuscles fill with blood when the intestines are filled with feces, which causes them to increase and makes it easier to control the urge to defecate. After successful bowel movement, blood flows out and the cavernous bodies shrink.

If the regulation of outflow is disrupted and the cavernous bodies are constantly in an increased size, then over time this leads to varicose veins and thinning of the venous vessels. The main causes of blood outflow disorders traditionally include the following factors:

  • lifting weights;
  • low physical activity;
  • chronic constipation or acute diarrhea;
  • venous or oncological diseases;
  • pregnancy and childbirth;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • significant excess weight.
  • Disease prevention

    Even in the absence of symptoms, it is extremely important to follow preventive measures to avoid the appearance of hemorrhoidal cones and an increase in their size. To do this, you should visit a proctologist every six months for diagnostic tests. At home, it is recommended to do baths and microenemas, and use rectal suppositories, which have a positive effect on the microflora and the condition of soft tissues. In a hospital setting, cauterization of blood vessels is performed.

    It is important to follow a diet, include fermented milk products, fruits and vegetables in your diet, and drink plenty of clean water. To improve the functioning of the esophagus, avoid excessive consumption of caffeine and alcoholic beverages. Spicy seasonings and sauces irritate the intestinal mucosa.

    Every day you need to walk in the fresh air and do physical exercise. This prevention is especially important for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Squats will help relax your muscles and improve blood flow in your veins and arteries.

    Proctologists advise limiting heavy lifting and excessive physical activity. Try to minimize muscle tension. To activate blood circulation in the anus and avoid enlargement of hemorrhoids, you can rinse the anus with cool water using herbal remedies.

    To avoid irritating the soft tissue of the anus, you should purchase damp toilet paper. Only with a timely visit to a proctologist can complications and the development of proctological diseases be avoided. To make an appointment, call the number listed on the official website. An employee of the private medical clinic “Proctologist 81” will call you back and confirm the selected time. Prices for diagnostic tests and procedures are posted on the website. The cost depends on the stage of the disease and the presence of concomitant pathologies.

    Treatment options

    Internal hemorrhoids can be treated conservatively, but only if the disease was detected in the early, almost always asymptomatic, stages. In this case, the patient is prescribed regulation of motor activity, prevention of constipation (diet table No. 3), taking phlebotonic drugs and a course of therapy with rectal antihemorrhoidal suppositories.

    If the favorable moment has been missed, only surgical methods will help to cope with the disease:

    Latex ligation for the treatment of internal hemorrhoids, as a rule, is not used due to the low effectiveness of this method in combating advanced forms of the disease - that is, when the internal node falls out.

    Chronic combined hemorrhoids - treatment

    Depending on the severity of the pathology, the proctologist determines the treatment tactics. With grades 1 and 2 of hemorrhoidal development, conservative therapy with medications is possible. More severe pathology requires radical therapy. The hospital's first surgical department uses various surgical techniques. Surgery for combined hemorrhoids is preferable, which is performed using gentle techniques to achieve minimal trauma to healthy tissue.

    Clinical prognosis

    The overall clinical prognosis is always favorable. Modern proctological methods make it possible to successfully treat internal hemorrhoids even at the most advanced stages.

    The disease can pose a threat to life only if the hemorrhoids become necrotized with the addition of blood poisoning, but this is only possible in the case of a long, persistent and conscious refusal of the patient to receive medical care.

    Surgeon-coloproctologist, surgeon of the highest category. Rakhmatullin Andrey Albertovich

    Hemorrhoids 2nd degree

    This stage is accompanied by pain during defecation. Exertion and physical stress also occur with discomfort. Bloody discharge from the anus appears on the underwear. The patient notices bloody clots even in the absence of bowel movements and in a calm state. After a bowel movement, you feel like you have an empty bowel.

    Stage 2 hemorrhoids require special attention and urgent treatment. If the patient misses time, then conservative treatment will not help cure the disease in the future. The proctologist prescribes hemostatic drugs and rectal suppositories. Minimally invasive treatment methods are carried out, including sclerotherapy using special injections. The injection is injected into the base of the blood clot and promotes its death.

    Infrared coagulation is also performed. Accompanied by cauterization of hemorrhoids using laser radiation. In case of complications, the patient is referred for latex ligation. The blood vessels of the anus are compressed with a latex ring, after which the pathological neoplasm dies and disappears. There is no blood flow, so the node comes out of the anus.

    Traditional medicine is also effective in this case. The patient is given microenemas of rosehip or sea buckthorn oil. The doctor prescribes baths with a decoction of chamomile, oak bark, birch, and potassium permanganate. A special anti-hemorrhoidal collection is also used.

    How are hemorrhoids treated?

    To diagnose the disease, an external examination and digital examination are often sufficient. Rectoscopy and rectal ultrasound are also used. How hemorrhoids are treated depends on the form and stage of the disease.

    Surgery is aimed at removing the nodes. This includes:

    • Longo operation;
    • transanal hemorrhoidal dearterilization;
    • hemorrhoidectomy.

    Treatment for hemorrhoids without surgery includes:

    • fight against constipation;
    • phytotherapy;
    • massage;
    • antihemorrhoidal drugs;

    procedures aimed at bleeding and spontaneous death of nodes.

    Conservative therapy

    Treatment involves the use of local and oral medications. Almost all drugs have a complex spectrum of action; a specific type is selected by the doctor in accordance with the complexity of the pathological process and the general condition of the body.

    Therapeutic procedures are carried out using:

    • anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents - Gepatrombin, Geparoid Zentiva, Lyoton;
    • hemostatic agents - Relifa, Troxevasin, Methyluracil, Troxerutin;
    • venotonics - Indovazin, Aescin, Procto-Glivenol, Reparil, Venoruton, Essaven;
    • anti-inflammatory - Doloproct, tetracycline and syntomycin ointment;
    • hormonal - Proctosedyl, Ultraproct, Advantan, Aurobin, Hydrocortisol;
    • immunomodulators – Posteinase, etc.;
    • astringents - Bezornil, Proctosan;
    • antiseptic - Levomekol, ichthyol ointment and Vishnevsky liniment.

    Homeopathic medicines can be used during therapy: Aesculus, Phlebodia 600.

    In addition to external agents, systemic venotonics may also be included in the regimen. Tablets are prescribed in the primary stages of pathology and as a means of preventing it. With their help, they get rid of venous stagnation, tissue swelling, and suppress the inflammatory process.

    Systemic drugs are prescribed if the following indications exist:

    • pain syndrome, bleeding;
    • constipation - to soften fecal stones;
    • the need to prevent the development of the disease or prevent the penetration of secondary infection.

    Therapeutic procedures are carried out with Detralex, Venarus, Venoruton, Pilex, etc. During treatment, the patient must give up smoking and alcohol, switch to a balanced diet, not lift weights, and normalize the work and rest schedule.

    Why are hemorrhoids dangerous?

    Many patients associate the disease with only pain during bowel movements and bleeding, and therefore do not attach much importance to it in the early stages. Meanwhile, it is developing rapidly. And if yesterday everything was limited to discomfort when going to the toilet, tomorrow it may result in:

    • Thrombosis and suppuration.
    • Inflammation and swelling of the rectum.
    • Formation of fistulas.
    • Acute paraproctitis.
    • Other diseases that cannot be cured without surgery.
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