10 interesting facts about the prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids (hemorrhoidal disease)

is the collective name for pathologies of the rectum, in which the internal and external hemorrhoidal plexuses located in the anal canal increase in size.
If the outflow of blood is disrupted, internal nodes can fall out and bleed, and sometimes complications arise, for example, thrombosis, which is accompanied by severe pain. Most often, this disease is caused by a genetic predisposition, but the “trigger mechanism” for the development of hemorrhoids most often becomes everyday habits, lifestyle and natural physiological processes (hemorrhoids during pregnancy, in patients over 50 years old)

We have collected several important facts about the prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids in one article to refute misconceptions and recall the main points that will help you avoid becoming a victim of this “popular” disease.

If you have the following symptoms of hemorrhoids:

  • pain when defecating, sitting and walking,
  • bloody stool
  • prolapse of hemorrhoids,
  • itching in the anus

consultation with a proctologist is required

! A doctor of this specialization will help solve your problem carefully and effectively by prescribing competent therapy.

Our clinic is hosted by a leading proctologist, author of scientific works, and a surgeon with more than 40 years of experience
Sergey Dmitrievich Trukhmanov .
You can make an appointment with the doctor in person or take
an online consultation with a proctologist .

Online consultation with proctologist S.D. Trukhmanov
will be useful if:
1) you do not have the opportunity to come to the Pirogov clinic;

2) you would like to receive expert advice from a doctor and adjust conservative treatment;

3) surgery for hemorrhoids was indicated for you.

To prevent hemorrhoids, it is important to maintain a drinking regime.

Glass of water

on an empty stomach or
a cup of coffee
daily before the morning toilet improves intestinal motility.

For constipation, it is useful to drink water containing magnesium ions or sulfate

. Drink a glass of mineralized water at room temperature 3 times a day.

Special herbal infusions for the intestines and even ordinary green tea are useful. The latter contains flavonoids - natural antioxidants and tannins, which increase vascular tone and reduce the severity of the inflammatory process in the tissues of the anus. It is important that green tea is of high quality and properly brewed. For gastritis and stomach ulcers, green tea may be contraindicated.

at least 2 liters of liquid per day


cognac is extremely harmful to the intestines.

- it has a toxic toxic effect on the cavernous tissue of hemorrhoids and “corrodes” it.

Advanced stage

It is possible to cure an already advanced form of hemorrhoids, but every person should know that, unlike healing in the first stages, this process will be longer, and the first results appear not after the first application, but as a result of complex application of measures during the first few procedures. In addition to severe cases, it is also recommended for pregnant women to resort to systemic treatment in order to maintain normal fetal development, refusing medications prescribed by a doctor. Effective methods include local rubbing with the famous Zvezdochka balm, which allows not only to relieve inflammation, slightly reduce pain, but also to restore blood circulation to the pelvic organs. A folk remedy for the treatment of hemorrhoids will also help cope with neglected internal nodes, and if the bumps are bothering you, a remedy made from butter, zinc ointment and mint tincture will help put you back on your feet. The entire composition is mixed, spread out in a thin layer and frozen. You can cut off a small part that needs to be inserted into the anus at night.

How to treat hemorrhoids? Enemas at home will save you:

  1. Enemas aimed at reducing the size of cones in a week: 4 tbsp. l. wormwood must be cooked over low heat in 1 liter of boiled water for 5 minutes, then left to steep for 5 hours, and when ready, strain. For daily evening procedures when using an enema.

    Microclysters are used to treat internal hemorrhoids
    2. Enemas aimed at reducing and eliminating pain altogether: mix horse chestnut seeds with chamomile (30 g each), oak bark (50 g) and sage leaves (30 g). Pour 2 liters of boiled water and leave, covering the broth for 5 hours, then strain and can be used. 3. Use a glass of boiled water with potassium permanganate diluted in it. Insert a rubber bulb into the anus, holding the water for 1 minute. The course of procedures is a week.

What foods are good for preventing intestinal diseases?

In order not to risk your health and not be a victim of hemorrhoids, it is recommended to include more vegetables, fruits and fiber in your daily diet.

For the prevention of hemorrhoids it is useful:

  1. Fiber-rich fruits and vegetables (apples, avocado, pumpkin, broccoli)
  2. Beetroot and beet salad
  3. Freshly squeezed juice, especially pumpkin juice
  4. Prunes
  5. Chew food thoroughly


  1. Hot, spicy, fried, smoked
  2. Marinades
  3. Eat dry
  4. Soda
  5. Whole milk
  6. Baking and flour
  7. Lots of sweets
  8. Pasta, white rice and bread
  9. Canned food

If microflora disorders are detected, it is better to cure them. Sometimes it is necessary to prescribe probiotics that restore the intestinal microbiome, and enzymes that help digest food.

*For patients with diagnosed intestinal disease, the diet is individually prescribed by a doctor.

Early stages

The easiest method to implement is to review your diet. It is important to include healthy and necessary foods in your diet:

  1. Include plenty of fiber in your daily diet.
  2. Avoid peas and all legumes.
  3. Eliminate mustard, pepper, black bread.

The right approach to choosing products will help speed up recovery and avoid further progression of the disease.
In the process, it is important to prevent constipation, not strain during stool, maintain personal and intimate hygiene, wash the anal area more often, if this is not possible, then wipe with wet wipes. When wondering how to cure hemorrhoids with folk remedies, do not miss the moment which ones are suitable specifically for your stage of the disease.

Particularly popular today are sitz baths against hemorrhoids, the effectiveness of which is determined by temperature:

  • steam/smoke – aimed at rapid pain relief;
  • hot – aimed at stimulating blood circulation, reducing pain and relieving inflammation;
  • warm – heal cracks, strengthen blood vessels;
  • cool - aimed at stopping bleeding.

All sitz baths are based on herbs and plant materials that have antimicrobial, antispasmodic, and restorative effects. The total procedure time should not be more than 15 minutes. The most used herbs include oak bark, horse chestnut seeds, sage, chamomile and others. The proportions of almost all baths are standard and amount to 2 tablespoons per 0.5 liters of water, which must be simmered over low heat for 5–7 minutes.

Chamomile has a strong anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect

Is it true that anal sex leads to hemorrhoids?

There is no data that would reliably confirm the correlation between anal sex and, for example, hemorrhoids. The main danger of anal sex is, of course, the transmission of infections, for example, the human papillomavirus, which causes cancer. human papillomas. Even Koch bacilli - the culprit of tuberculosis - in 5% of cases live in the rectum, and not just in the lungs.

“Non-standard” sex can lead to anal fissures, damage to the mucous membrane, and bleeding. Insufficiency of the anal sphincter also develops, which can lead to fecal incontinence. And weakening of the ligaments leads to prolapse of hemorrhoids.

Evidence-based medicine does not answer this question, but it’s better to be careful.

Ointments and compresses

For the purpose of cure, most patients choose the use of herbal medicine, with the participation of which an ointment is subsequently prepared. We take oak bark, toadflax inflorescences and water pepper grass in a ratio of 2:5:3. You can use rendered lard or full-fat sour cream as the fat base. Then the entire composition must be heated for 12 hours over low heat. Then the future cream is passed through a sieve and poured into molds. The ointment is used by inserting it into the anus in the form of a tampon soaked in cream and leaving it in this position for up to 5 hours.

Ointments prepared at home from natural ingredients cope with the manifestations of external hemorrhoids, reduce pain and size of hemorrhoids

Is it possible to cure hemorrhoids using traditional methods?

Herbal baths, decoctions and compresses are appropriate only as part of combined conservative therapy for uncomplicated hemorrhoids. We are not aware of cases in which these isolated measures would be truly effective. Traditional methods of treating hemorrhoids should be treated especially carefully and from a critical point of view. Still, we are talking about a serious pathology of the rectum, often with cracks, prolapse of nodes and even thrombosis. Self-medication can be dangerous.

A separate group of proctologist patients are those whom doctors treat for complications after treatment with traditional methods.

They will definitely not help with hemorrhoids:

  • ice candles
  • fresh potato paste
  • aloe leaf
  • cucumbers from the garden
  • steam baths
  • leeches

Is it true that pregnancy can cause hemorrhoids?

Unfortunately, hemorrhoids during pregnancy are a really common problem. The fact is that in pregnant women, the growing uterus puts pressure on the lower abdomen. It is the compression of the veins, combined with low physical activity, that leads to the development of hemorrhoids during pregnancy. Very often, the disease makes itself felt in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, but in the presence of a hereditary predisposition, it manifests itself earlier - already from 10-15 weeks.

If you have problems with the intestines, we recommend treating them in advance, at the stage of
pregnancy planning .
You should not worry about hemorrhoids during pregnancy - they can be treated conservatively (without surgery). We recommend that you consult an experienced doctor: he will give recommendations on adjusting your diet, exercise, and prescribe safe medications.

Causes of the disease

Experts believe that the source of hemorrhoids is a change in local blood circulation due to weakening of muscles and veins. Provoking development factors include:

  • food – spicy, salty, smoked, fried;
  • bad habits – smoking, alcohol abuse;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • obesity and physical inactivity;
  • hard physical labor;
  • prostatitis, adenoma;
  • liver pathologies, neoplasms;
  • psycho-emotional stress.

Age-related changes also play a significant role in the occurrence of hemorrhoids.

Treatment of hemorrhoids without surgery: what therapy does the doctor prescribe?

Hemorrhoids are a collective name for diseases of the rectum with a corresponding set of symptoms. The classification of hemorrhoids is extensive, so adequate treatment is prescribed after examination, and recommendations for a treatment regimen are strictly individual.

Generally speaking, treatment for hemorrhoids without surgery includes:

  • Correction of diet and diet to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Herbal medicines;
  • Drug therapy;
  • Physiotherapy;
  • Minimally invasive non-surgical treatment methods: sclerotherapy, coagulation or ligation of hemorrhoids.

Is it true that hemorrhoid surgery is painful?

Any surgical intervention is associated with some discomfort during the rehabilitation period. However, our clinic performs minimally traumatic operations using a laser or ultrasonic scalpel, as well as using the improved technique of Milligan-Morgan, Longo, etc. Thanks to modern technology and the experience of our surgeons, patients recover after surgery without prolonged bed rest.

Read more about the treatment of hemorrhoids at the Pirogov Clinic (St. Petersburg)

9. What methods of intestinal examination exist?

This or an X-ray examination - irrigoscopy

passage of barium through the intestines;
or endoscopic: sigmoidoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy. Capsule endoscopy also allows complete visualization of the small intestinal cavity.

For other methods there are separate, strictly limited indications.

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