Top 15 best hemorrhoid remedies in 2021 (for women and men)

Some health problems are not commonly discussed in society. And hemorrhoids are just such diseases. But in the last 5-10 years, the number of people suffering from it has increased by 30%. Therefore, the ranking of the best hemorrhoid remedies in 2021 may be useful for both women and men.

People's choice:

A drugPrice
1. Hepatrombin Gfrom 300 rub.
2. Nigepanfrom 250 rub.
3. Proctosanfrom 550 rub.
4. Procto-Glyvenolfrom 400 rub.
5. Natalsidfrom 400 rub.

Table of the best funds

Types and classification of drugs

Hemorrhoids are an inflammatory process of hemorrhoidal veins, accompanied by the formation of nodes around the rectum and a number of unpleasant symptoms:

  • pain;
  • burning;
  • problems with bowel movements;
  • nodes;
  • thrombosis of nodes and more.

The disease progresses differently in patients. Depending on this, the specialist prescribes treatment. In 97% of cases, it is complex in nature, since only with this approach will the treatment be effective.

The remedy for hemorrhoids is selected primarily based on the typology of the disease:

  • external hemorrhoids;
  • interior;
  • combined.

Each type is indicated for the drug in its own release form:

  • pills;
  • candles;
  • ointments.

According to the principle of action, medications are divided into:

  • anticoagulants;
  • hemostatics;
  • venotonics;
  • antispasmodics;
  • anesthetics.

Important! Prescribed medications do not always give the desired effect. Doctors often have to change the prescription several times for the patient to get better. In general, the treatment process takes from 2 weeks to six months.

review of inexpensive ointments

What is the best remedy to buy for hemorrhoids?

Self-medication of hemorrhoids is unacceptable, because much depends on the cause that provoked the disease. The main problems include disruption of the circulatory system, damage to the rectum, and inflammatory processes in the walls and blood vessels of the gastrointestinal tract.

Having established the cause, the proctologist will prescribe medications belonging to the following groups:

  • Anticoagulants are medications with an anti-inflammatory effect that help resolve blood clots and restore connective tissue.
  • Hemostatics are drugs that increase blood clotting. They are used for internal bleeding.
  • Antispasmodics are emergency medications that relieve pain symptoms. Used in the treatment of hemorrhoids of any origin. If there is no temporary opportunity to visit a doctor, such remedies will temporarily alleviate the condition.
  • Venotonics are medications that increase the tone of the veins. They strengthen the walls of blood vessels and prevent relapses.
  • Anesthetics are drugs that reduce the sensitivity of nerve endings. They are usually prescribed in combination with venotonics and hemostatics.
  • Astringents are drugs with a drying, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. They prevent infection of blood and damaged tissues.

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Which antihemorrhoidal drugs are better: ointments, gels, suppositories or tablets

Every patient wants the fastest remedy for hemorrhoid symptoms. But only the doctor determines which option is best for a particular patient. There is no universal algorithm here. Tablets affect the body from the inside.

They are necessary in order to:

  • relieve inflammation;
  • reduce pain syndrome;
  • stop the bleeding.

Tablets for severe pain symptoms of hemorrhoids are usually prescribed in the following order:

  • painkillers;
  • hemostatic;
  • phlebotics or venotics.

Suppositories, gels and ointments for hemorrhoids are prescribed to relieve local symptoms. Rectal suppositories are very effective in such cases. Their components quickly penetrate into tissues and:

  • neutralize pain, burning and itching in the rectum;
  • relieve inflammation;
  • heal microcracks;
  • help reduce cones and blood clots.

Ointments and gels help against the manifestations of external hemorrhoids. Based on their operating principle, they are divided into several categories. They are often prescribed as an addition to tablets.

The best hemostatic agents for hemorrhoids

Anal bleeding occurs with the progression of hemorrhoids and indicates varicose dilation of the anal veins. If there are traces of blood, hemostatic agents are needed to improve blood clotting.

Such preparations contain sodium alginate, shark liver extract, bismuth or tribenoside. Usually they only stop bleeding, but do not get rid of hemorrhoids, so they are prescribed together with venotonics and astringents.

Stada "Natalsid" - a remedy for hemorrhoids during pregnancy



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Suppositories prescribed for chronic bleeding hemorrhoids contain 250 mg of sodium alginate. The drug is used rectally 2 times a day for up to 2 weeks from the age of 14 to stop anal bleeding, reduce sensitivity and pain symptoms.

The suppositories have no serious contraindications or adverse reactions and are suitable for use by pregnant and nursing mothers. Patients claim that when using them, the symptoms of hemorrhoids disappear after 4 days of regular use.


  • Safe composition;
  • Recommended during pregnancy and lactation;
  • Eliminates the symptoms of hemorrhoids already in the first days of treatment;
  • Stops bleeding;
  • Cost up to 300 rubles.


  • Contraindicated for children.

Hemorrhoids during pregnancy are a common occurrence, and Natalsid is the safest drug that can be used even by expectant mothers.

Novartis "Procto-Glivenol" - a hemostatic agent with a venotonic effect



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An Irish drug in the form of a cream reduces bleeding and pain, and also increases the tone of the veins.

Lidocaine and tribenoside in the product strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improve blood clotting, and eliminate the sensation of itching and skin tension. The medicine is prescribed up to 2 times a day without age restrictions, the duration of the course is individual.

In emergency situations, Procto-Glivenol is prescribed at the discretion of the doctor in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. But long-term treatment often provokes disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, swelling, bronchospasms and allergic skin reactions.


  • Stops bleeding;
  • Relieves pain;
  • Has a venotonic effect;
  • Has no age restrictions;
  • Can be prescribed to pregnant women.


  • Can cause severe adverse reactions.

Procto-Glyvenol ointment is an easy-to-use and non-toxic drug that is effective in the treatment of hemorrhoids and anal bleeding at any age.

Traditional medicine in the treatment of hemorrhoids

Patients are not always ready to go to the doctor and share their problem. Therefore, they are looking for a method of treatment among traditional medicine. Most often recommended:

  • propolis;
  • calendula;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil.

Propolis for hemorrhoids shows itself as an effective and safe remedy. It can be used at different stages of the disease. During course admission:

  • pain decreases;
  • swelling is relieved;
  • the nodes are dried;
  • itching and burning go away.

Propolis is used in the form of suppositories. They must be inserted at night for 3-4 weeks.

As a cure for hemorrhoids, calendula is very effective:

  • prevents the growth of bacteria;
  • improves vascular elasticity;
  • stops the inflammatory process.

You can make ointments, tinctures and decoctions from calendula.

Sea buckthorn oil is a valuable source of vitamins and other beneficial substances. For hemorrhoids, it has a complex effect:

  • reduction of pain syndrome;
  • vein toning;
  • stopping bleeding;
  • acceleration of wound healing.

The oil is used externally - applied around the anus to bumps and cracks.

You can also buy ready-made herbal preparations in pharmacies. The most popular means are:

  • Prostopin;
  • Hemo-Pro.

Both products are available in the form of suppositories and have a minimal list of contraindications.

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Diet and normalization of stool

First of all, when treating hemorrhoids, it is necessary to normalize the stool and eliminate strong strain during bowel movements. Otherwise, during stool, blood will actively flow to the pelvic organs and internal hemorrhoids. The latter sharply increase in volume, which promotes the release of blood. To normalize stool, it is necessary to consume enough water and dietary fiber. Wheat (oat) bran is used as a source of dietary fiber. They can be taken during each meal, 2-3 tablespoons 3 times a day, scalded with boiling water. This is the substrate on the basis of which feces are “formed”. Vegetables, fruits, seaweed, flaxseed in their natural form or in the form of pharmacological preparations are useful. Also used are seeds and husks of plantain (mucofalk, phytomucil), which have a high water-holding capacity. Prunes, dried apricots, liquid oils (olive, sunflower), and boiled beets contribute to the relaxation.

To strengthen the mucous membrane, chamomile microenemas, a glass twice a day, and drinking rosehip decoction are useful. Going to the toilet should be daily, preferably in the morning, from 6 to 9 am. Often, just normalizing the stool stops the release of blood. Physical exercise and proper breathing (with the abdomen drawn in as you exhale) are useful. Drug therapy (laxatives, probiotics, etc.). Gastroenterologists can provide invaluable assistance to people in this regard.

Symptoms of the acute form of the disease

Symptoms of acute hemorrhoids in young women are most often associated with pregnancy or childbirth. The appearance of an enlarged hemorrhoid constipation characteristic of this period .

Acute dilatation of hemorrhoidal veins manifests itself with sharp pain , which becomes unbearable during bowel movements. In addition, the pain syndrome can intensify while walking, as well as with increased intra-abdominal pressure during straining, coughing, laughing, and hiccups.

Another characteristic sign of the acute form of the disease is bleeding from the dilated veins of the rectum. This symptom manifests itself as fresh blood on the surface of the stool.

Often hemorrhoids in women are combined with anal fissure. In such cases, blood stains on toilet paper and underwear appear even more often after defecation.

Which method is the most reliable?

Hemorrhoids are a disease that occurs as a result of expansion of the arterial collectors of the rectum.

In addition to a hereditary predisposition to the development of hemorrhoids, the following lead to: ___• stool disorders (constipation, diarrhea), ___• sedentary lifestyle, ___• sedentary work, ___• overweight, ___• heavy physical activity, ___• diseases of the digestive system, ___• pathologies, increasing intra-abdominal pressure (ascites, emphysema, chronic cough, etc.), ___• pregnancy.

The duration of the relapse-free period for hemorrhoids does not depend on the method of eliminating the enlarged node. To prevent the disease from returning, it is necessary to eliminate all factors contributing to the development of pathology - this is a necessary and sufficient condition for maintaining your health.

Minimally invasive methods

Mechanism of action of low-traumatic interventions

Minimally invasive (low-traumatic) treatment methods involve the removal of hemorrhoids without the use of a traditional surgical scalpel. Such procedures are well tolerated by patients, so they are often called the treatment of hemorrhoids without surgery. ___1. Sclerotherapy of hemorrhoids is the introduction of a chemical substance into the lumen of the vessel feeding the node, which burns the inner lining of the vessel. As a result, the pathological element decreases in size. ___2. During coagulation of hemorrhoids, “gluing” of the internal walls of the vein feeding the node occurs under the thermal influence of wave radiation. ___3. Ligation of nodes with latex rings is a mechanical ligation of the feeding arteries.

Thus, the mechanism of action of minimally invasive methods is the same: the pathological element is “disconnected” from the vascular network, becomes necrosis and is excreted from the body with feces.

Advantages and disadvantages of low-impact methods

The advantages of low-traumatic methods of treating hemorrhoids are expressed in the name itself. An injury that is insignificant to the body does not impose increased demands on the patient’s health, so such treatment can be carried out even in old age in patients aggravated by many chronic diseases.

In addition, minimally invasive intervention assumes: ___• outpatient nature (does not require hospitalization), ___• a short recovery period with minor restrictions (prohibition of physical activity and thermal procedures), ___• mild postoperative pain syndrome, easily relieved with standard painkillers.

Minimally invasive methods have one single, but serious drawback : they are not effective for all patients. At stages IV and V of the development of the process (unremovable nodes), as well as in cases of complicated hemorrhoids, it is necessary to resort to traditional surgery to remove hemorrhoids

Why do hemorrhoids occur?

The disease develops due to impaired vascular function and decreased blood flow. We list the main unfavorable factors that contribute to the development of hemorrhoids:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • constipation;
  • long work in a standing or sitting position;
  • hard physical labor;
  • pregnancy and childbirth;
  • inactive lifestyle;
  • intoxication;
  • shift in taste preferences (lots of hot or spicy foods);
  • infections.

In the modern world, the above factors are observed in almost every person. In addition, every year the genetic factor develops due to people’s irresponsible attitude towards their health. But that's not all. Even the absence of these factors does not guarantee you complete relief from hemorrhoids. Our experts emphasize that the most important thing here is preventive examinations with a proctologist starting from the age of 21.

The best veinotonics for hemorrhoids

Les Laboratoires Servier "Detralex" - a multifunctional venotonic for acute and chronic hemorrhoids



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Tablets with a venotonic effect are intended for the treatment of varicose veins and hemorrhoids. The product contains flavonoids, hesperidin and diosmin. The product strengthens the walls of blood vessels, increases the elasticity of veins and prevents blood stagnation.

For acute hemorrhoids, the drug is taken 6 tablets per day for 4 days, then the dosage is reduced to 4 tablets. In the chronic form of the disease, the dosage of Detralex is 2 tablets per day for up to several months.

The product is contraindicated in case of lactation and individual intolerance to the components of the formula, and its long-term use can cause general weakness, nausea, diarrhea and skin rashes. Detralex does not have a teratogenic effect, therefore it is recommended for hemorrhoids and pregnant women.


  • Versatility;
  • Effective for acute and chronic hemorrhoids;
  • Can be taken by pregnant women;
  • Long-term use is possible;
  • General positive effect on blood vessels and veins;
  • Available in various dosages (500 and 1000 mg).


  • Contraindicated during lactation;
  • High cost - about 2500 rubles for 60 tablets.

Detralex is prescribed for the treatment of hemorrhoids caused by disorders of the venous and vascular systems.

Laboratories Innothera "Phlebodia" - treatment of varicose veins of the rectum



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The drug contains 600 mg of diosmin, due to which it has an intense venotonic, anti-inflammatory and lymphatic drainage effect.

The drug in tablet form is prescribed to adults for the treatment of varicose veins and hemorrhoids, 1-3 tablets per day. The duration of therapy is individual.

Long-term and excessive use of capsules provokes diarrhea, heartburn, constipation, headaches and hives.

Phlebodia is contraindicated for persons under 18 years of age, in the first trimester of pregnancy and during breastfeeding. For the treatment of acute hemorrhoids, Phlebodia is used in combination with hemostatic agents, anticoagulants and astringents.


  • Pronounced venotonic effect;
  • Strengthens the walls of veins and blood vessels;
  • Can be used in the II and III trimesters of pregnancy;
  • Minimum contraindications;
  • Suitable for long-term use.


  • Contraindicated for minors;
  • High price - 1800 rubles for 60 tablets.

Phlebodia is an effective venotonic agent, especially recommended in the treatment of thrombosis of hemorrhoids.


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Clinical prognosis

The overall clinical prognosis is always favorable. Modern proctological methods make it possible to successfully treat internal hemorrhoids even at the most advanced stages.

The disease can pose a threat to life only if the hemorrhoids become necrotized with the addition of blood poisoning, but this is only possible in the case of a long, persistent and conscious refusal of the patient to receive medical care.

Surgeon-coloproctologist, surgeon of the highest category. Rakhmatullin Andrey Albertovich

Stages of development of chronic pathology

With chronic hemorrhoids, the pain syndrome is much weaker. Often the only signs of chronic pathology are itching around the anus blood appearing on the surface of the stool from time to time .

The stages of development of internal hemorrhoids differ using the most objective symptom - the degree of stretching of the dilated veins: I. The hemorrhoid is constantly located in the intestinal cavity II. The knot falls out when straining and resets itself back III. The patient has to adjust the knot with his hands IV. One or more hemorrhoids are constantly on the outside and cannot be reduced

At any stage, thrombosis of the dilated veins of the rectum , in which case severe pain syndrome characteristic of an acute attack occurs.

With a long course of the disease, the risk of complications increases ( anemia, neurasthenia, anal fissure, etc. ).

Hemorrhoids as they are

Hemorrhoids develop gradually and do not bother the patient for a long time. Often people do not pay attention to body signals such as itching in the anus or pain during bowel movements. Worries about health come along with sharp and acute pain.

About 5% of people around the world have experienced hemorrhoids at least once. The largest percentage of patients are from 21 to 40 years old.

The patient begins to look for medications to combat hemorrhoids. This is called conservative therapy. It is prescribed to patients, but is effective only in the early stages of the disease (stages 1 and 2).

The role of medications for hemorrhoids:

  • help stop the progression of the disease;
  • reduce the frequency and severity of attacks.

Patients often self-administer drug therapy. It is important to understand that the drug can relieve pain and symptoms, or it can worsen the situation. In addition, even if the drug helps you get rid of discomfort, the disease is still progressing. And in the later stages, conservative therapy may not be enough.

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