What to do if you have low blood pressure during pregnancy in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimester, how to raise it

Waiting for the baby to be born requires preparation. The expectant mother should pay maximum attention to her health. After all, even the slightest problems in the body lead to malfunctions in the baby’s body; his body and psyche will not be formed correctly.
  • Pregnant blood pressure
  • How to increase blood pressure during pregnancy
  • Causes
  • Symptoms
  • Treatment and prevention

Most pregnant women experience unpleasant symptoms throughout the entire pregnancy period (this can be either one symptom or 5-7 at once):

  • insomnia
  • pain in the abdomen and chest
  • anemia
  • vaginal discharge
  • back pain
  • pain in the pubic area
  • heartburn
  • haemorrhoids
  • skin irritations
  • nausea
  • changes in blood pressure, etc.

Normal blood pressure during pregnancy

It is generally accepted that high blood pressure is a direct threat to a woman’s health and contributes to a favorable course of labor. It is considered normal if it does not exceed 140/90. A woman's blood pressure is considered low if the heart (top) value is less than 100 and the bottom value is less than or equal to 60. This makes you feel worse and affects the development of the embryo, so you need to monitor your blood pressure with a blood pressure monitor.

Hypotension can occur in completely healthy women who have never consulted a therapist. The gynecologist, if necessary, eliminates deviations from the norm, gives recommendations on how to restore it without drugs, or prescribes drug treatment.

In the first trimester, women experience hormonal changes, which can be accompanied by toxicosis (vomiting, nausea) and a decrease in blood pressure. The reason for this is the hormone progesterone. When pressure drops, blood flow through the vessels slows down, so the fetus may experience a lack of oxygen (intrauterine hypoxia). During this period there is a risk of miscarriage.

When the 2nd trimester begins, blood pressure that has dropped below normal affects the tone of a woman’s body. Slow blood circulation in the placenta and uterus inhibits the formation of the embryo. During the second trimester of pregnancy, your blood pressure may drop when you sleep at night or during the day. Those who like to lie on their back experience hot flashes. The weight of the fetus compresses the vena cava, which prevents normal blood flow.

Symptoms of hypotension at the end of the third trimester negatively affect the contractile function of the uterine walls. Low blood pressure values ​​in the third trimester lead to disruption of labor. Women with hypotension often experience induction during poor labor performance, and in particularly severe cases, caesarean section is recommended.

Often, when carrying a large fetus, a woman at the end of pregnancy complains of shortness of breath, poor sleep, and dizziness when standing up suddenly. Such conditions during pregnancy are explained by a drop in pressure caused by an increase in fetal weight and compression of the inferior vena cava.

Taste preferences change.

A woman may have an aversion to food that she used to love. Another option is also possible: a sudden craving for foods that you don’t like in taste or smell. Loss of appetite, especially against a background of constant nausea and malaise, as well as constant hunger, are common signs of pregnancy in the early stages. The desire to try something inedible or in an unusual combination is more typical for 4-12 weeks of pregnancy, but there are cases when a woman notices this symptom already at 2-4 weeks. It is quite possible that the desire to taste chalk or eat a sausage sandwich thickly spread with orange jam is the body’s attempts to report a lack of microelements in the body. There is no need to worry ahead of time: carrying a child requires a large amount of resources, so the body tries to prepare in time and collect reserves “for two.”

What pressure is considered low?

According to obstetricians, during pregnancy a slight deviation in pressure can be considered normal; this is due to hormonal changes. A slight drop in pressure means that pregnant women lead a more balanced lifestyle, rest more often, and do not burden themselves emotionally and physically.

If the pressure drops below 90/60, it should be considered low. In the absence of illnesses and good health, there is no particular reason for concern, but be sure to monitor the condition of the fetus. A cause for concern is the mother’s illness, accompanied by ailments:

  • feeling of weakness and increased drowsiness;
  • frequent headaches and a feeling of heaviness in the temples;
  • dizziness that occurs suddenly and unexpectedly when moving;
  • rapid pulse and shortness of breath;
  • increased sweating.

Hypertensive patients may have such symptoms with blood pressure values ​​of 120/80, so it is impossible to establish general criteria for all pregnant women and accurately determine which blood pressure is low. A drop in pressure in the upper (lower) part of the body by 10 units compared to normal is considered a cause for concern.

Breast sensitivity increases.

Even a slight touch to the mammary glands can cause pain; some women experience colostrum discharge from the nipples. Later, the breasts swell, enlarge, and the nipples darken. These are some of the signs that pregnancy manifests itself in the early stages. You may notice chest tenderness when moving or playing sports. Try wearing loose underwear that doesn't restrict movement. It is worth stopping active physical activity for a while, replacing it with yoga and stretching. Give preference to clothes made from soft materials that do not cause you discomfort.

Reasons for the downgrade

Severe toxicity in the initial period is accompanied by vomiting, vomiting, and in severe cases causes dehydration and, as a consequence, arterial hypotension. If a woman suffers from poisoning, it is necessary to measure her blood pressure with a tonometer. Factors that can cause hypotension:

  • disease;
  • stress;
  • no mode;
  • poor or insufficient sleep;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • dehydration.

Pressure surges can be caused by: prolonged exposure to the sun or poor ventilation, sudden changes in weather, diseases:

  • endocrine disorders;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • infection;
  • heart problems, vascular problems;
  • kidney disease, dysfunction of the adrenal glands.

In the absence of pathology, hypotension is one of the symptoms of pregnancy. Mood swings and malaise are typical for women with low blood pressure.


The appearance of heartburn in the early stages is also explained by changes in hormonal levels. This symptom can occur at the very beginning of pregnancy and does not disappear until childbirth. A feeling of discomfort or burning behind the sternum is provoked by the reflux of acidic stomach contents and usually does not indicate a serious pathology. Drinking chocolate, strong tea and coffee, as well as citrus fruits increases heartburn attacks. You may want to avoid these foods at least during the first trimester of pregnancy. Wearing tight and uncomfortable clothing can also cause heartburn. It is worth monitoring your diet more carefully and avoiding long periods of time between meals.

How does low blood pressure manifest itself and why it is dangerous?

You can tell if your blood pressure has dropped by how you feel. If you feel unwell due to a sudden change in blood pressure, you may experience a headache along with a throbbing sensation in the back of your head and temples.

A sign of physiological hypotension is constant weakness, meteorological dependence. Fainting can lead to a fall and is a threat to the fetus. Their predecessors are tinnitus, waves, spots before the eyes. Frequent dizziness and discomfort associated with heart pain worsen well-being, attention, memory and thermoregulation. The woman's limbs are cold even in a warm room.

Impact on the expectant mother and child

For the unborn child, pressure surges in the mother are fatal. Poor blood flow in some cases causes placental insufficiency and abnormalities in fetal development. The food supplied to him through the placenta is insufficient, so the child may be born with some pathology and low body weight.

Poor blood circulation in the pelvis causes mild contractions, but the uterine tone is insufficient for normal labor, and the fetus does not descend into the birth canal. Doctors are forced to take emergency measures:

  • use pliers;
  • apply vacuum;
  • or caesarean section.

Poor blood supply to the placenta can cause abruption and premature birth. This danger appears at the age of 7-8 months. Blood pressure below normal is not a factor that is desirable for the general health of the woman and fetus at all stages of pregnancy.

Increase in basal temperature.

The indicator measured rectally varies depending on the woman’s hormonal background. Basal temperature can indirectly determine both ovulation and pregnancy. In the early stages, the rectal temperature rises, and pregnancy is indicated by the fact that there is no decrease in the value after a few days, as with normal cyclic changes. If this is not your first attempt to find the happiness of motherhood, then you most likely know the rules for measuring basal temperature: the correct value is the one obtained immediately after a night's sleep, without getting out of bed. Stress can affect your test results, so it's a good idea to calm down or take a medication approved by your healthcare provider before going to bed.

What foods to eat to increase

Increases blood pressure in pregnant women with a properly selected diet. Cardiovascular tone and heart function with fresh berries, healthy fruits and seasonal vegetables. The antihypertensive diet is clearly different from the diet of women with hypertension. They can and should eat fatty and salty foods.

Fatty foods (butter, fatty types of sea fish, milk, cream, fatty sour cream) and pickles can be consumed at low blood pressure, but not in excess. Dishes made from cereals lead to rapid weight gain, and excess salt leads to swelling.

They help raise blood pressure and contain essential vitamins:

  • citrus fruits (lemon, grapefruit);
  • apricots;
  • black currant;
  • bakery.

It is considered normal if pregnant women drink up to 1.5 liters of liquid during the day and eat root vegetables (carrots, beets), dill, and celery.

Frequent urge to urinate.

The nerve endings located in the bladder react to even the slightest impact. The growing uterus puts pressure on the bladder during pregnancy, causing a constant desire to visit the restroom. This symptom is often detected at 5-6 weeks of pregnancy after a missed period, but can appear already at the beginning of the first trimester due to individual characteristics. There is evidence that progesterone reduces the tone of the bladder, which affects its physiology.

What to do if your blood pressure drops

You can tell if your blood pressure has dropped by monitoring your symptoms or using a blood pressure monitor. It is necessary to take action if a woman’s blood pressure is below 10 points and she is close to fainting.

If unpleasant symptoms appear (pulsation in the temples, palpitations, spots before the eyes), the pregnant woman should lie down (sit down) so as not to fall if she loses consciousness. In case of fainting, a woman should lie down in the fresh air and rub her earlobe.

How to quickly raise blood pressure at home

In the first trimester, you should avoid hot baths and focus on sleep, exercise and contrast showers. Together with proper nutrition, these measures will help get rid of the accompanying low blood pressure: weakness, dizziness, nausea, fainting.

In the second and third trimesters, blood pressure increases with simple treatments:

  • walk;
  • massages;
  • foot baths;
  • gymnastics.

With the consent of the doctor, take tonic preparations of herbal origin: lemongrass tincture, royal jelly, zamanichi tincture.

Constant fatigue and loss of strength.;

These early signs of pregnancy occur primarily as a result of the body's natural reduction in immune defenses so that the embryo can fully grow and develop. Try to reduce your stress at home and at work and distribute tasks in such a way that you do not get tired. You should not drink a lot of coffee and supplements with a high caffeine content: it depletes the body's internal resources, giving a temporary boost in strength for a short time.

What can be done to normalize blood pressure

Pregnant women with hypotension are advised to wear compression stockings during morning or afternoon exercise. The pressure of underwear on the calves and thighs increases blood flow and normalizes blood pressure. In combination with light exercises, a contrast shower and rubbing the body with a soft towel are invigorating.

Take full advantage of the beneficial properties of the fruit, which include:

  • fructose;
  • fiber;
  • vitamins;
  • microelements.

With the consent of the doctor, a pregnant woman can take medications to lower blood pressure:

  • “Dipyridamole;
  • “Pantocrine;
  • "Eleutherococcus" (extract).

The duration of use of any drug should not exceed 30 days.

Regime and proper rest

Pregnant women should rethink their lifestyle to avoid taking medications that increase blood pressure. Getting a full night's sleep of at least 10 hours will help you avoid fatigue and feel more alert. To help you feel better, take a nap or two throughout the day.

Rest should be moderately active. You will feel better if you go for a walk or do some exercise during pregnancy. The duration of the exercises should not exceed 5 minutes. Night shifts and high emotional and physical stress are contraindicated for working women. Take rest breaks throughout the day.


Home aromatherapy is possible, but with limitations. There are essential oils that are contraindicated for pregnant women in each trimester. Oils from the following plants can provoke a miscarriage and complicate childbirth:

  • parsley, rosemary, cinnamon;
  • cedar, lemon balm, chamomile, basil;
  • tarragon, oregano, myrrh;
  • anise, thuja, monkfish.

Ylang-ylang essential oil is recommended for stabilizing blood pressure and has a positive effect on the walls of blood vessels and heart function. Scents of lavender, ginger, patchouli, and citrus are allowed for pregnant women.

Massage and additional treatments

You can also use acupressure, which is professionally performed by a specialist. At home you can massage 3 points:

  • The first point is on the upper lip near the cleft;
  • The second point is on the right and left big toes where they meet the next toe;
  • In the hands, the points that affect blood pressure are located on the little fingers.

Lightly rubbing your knees, wrists and ankles can increase your blood pressure. Yoga, fitness classes for pregnant women, swimming, breathing techniques will help keep the body in good shape and prepare it for childbirth.

If the doctor deems it necessary, the woman may be referred for examination of internal organs (heart, kidneys, thyroid gland, brain) to clarify the diagnosis. High blood pressure can be the result of a serious medical condition. In the absence of other pathologies, hypotensive women are prescribed:

  • electric shock;
  • electrophoresis in the collar area;
  • UVA;
  • massage.


Taking care of the health of the child, a pregnant woman should minimize the use of medications. Pay more attention to a properly balanced diet. Diet is necessary from the first days of pregnancy, when the fetus is just beginning to form its organs.

A properly selected set of products will help normalize blood pressure in a pregnant woman. A woman should have on her desk:

  • apricot, pomegranate, apple;
  • red berries (raspberries and strawberries);
  • sorrel greens, spinach, dill;
  • boiled root vegetables (beets and carrots)
  • celery root;
  • seafood;
  • strong meat broth;
  • any tea;
  • bee products and walnuts;
  • compote.

Pregnant women with hypotension can increase the daily dose of salt to 9 g; people with normal and high blood pressure should adhere to the norm - 6 g of salt per day. Salt is contraindicated if the pregnant woman has kidney problems or edema.

In addition to the above products for measuring blood pressure, women should include fermented milk drinks, lean meat and liver in their diet.

Avoiding sweets, smoked foods and other unhealthy foods can stabilize blood pressure levels.

Folk remedies

Only together with a doctor can a woman decide on traditional methods of increasing blood pressure. Here are a few recipes for pregnant women that can increase blood pressure when taken systematically:

  1. A pregnant woman can brew hibiscus tea and add a small slice of lemon to it. You can drink up to 3 tablespoons of a tonic drink per day. It's not difficult to prepare. Place 5 Sudanese rose (Hibiscus) flowers in a porcelain teapot with a capacity of 0.5 liters, pour boiling water, leave for 20 minutes.
  2. Normalize (increase, lower) blood pressure in women using cranberries. First, crush them in a mortar, then pour boiling water and leave for 1 hour a day, it is recommended to drink ½ cup. Take 1 handful of ripe berries per 0.5 liters of water. For flavor, add honey to the cooled and strained tincture.
  3. An infusion of herbs: thyme, hops, lemon balm and mint helps lift the mood of pregnant women. All these herbs normalize the nervous system, blood pressure levels, and strengthen the immune system.

Hypotension can be prevented in a simple way that doctors recommend to all pregnant women. Follow a routine, eat small portions, avoid visiting places with large crowds of people, use public transport less during rush hour and go shopping less.

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