Is it possible to apply ice to hemorrhoids? Risks you didn't know about!
The problem of hemorrhoids has been repeatedly touched upon in medical articles. For interested readers, there were detailed
Echinacea – how to take it correctly
How does echinacea affect blood pressure: does it increase or decrease it and can it be used for hypertension?
Echinacea herb is an antibiotic and antiseptic of natural origin. Often used during exacerbation of seasonal
Symptoms and emergency care for nosebleeds
Nosebleeds or epistaxis occur in 60% of the world's population. Most often the condition develops in
Psychosomatics of low and high blood pressure in women
“All diseases come from nerves” - have you ever heard such a phrase? In fact, such a folk
Mercury tonometer
How to measure blood pressure correctly?
Mercury tonometers, despite their “antiquity,” are still considered the most accurate mechanical devices for measuring
Gridnev A.E. Doctor’s tactics for bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract // Medical newspaper “Health of Ukraine”. – 2008. – No. 6/1. - With. 68–69.
Bleeding stops on its own in approximately 80% of cases. Continued bleeding requires stopping it endoscopically
01 restoration of hand activity
Hand rehabilitation after a stroke: how to restore hand movement
Why does the hand stop moving after a stroke? A stroke occurs due to an acute circulatory disorder in the brain,
Hematogen: composition, benefits for the body, rules of administration
During Soviet times, hematogen was a dessert. And many modern children do not even know that
Photo graph of a person's blood pressure over the course of a week
Fluctuations in blood pressure during the day and day
How a person’s blood pressure changes During the day and day, blood pressure constantly changes. At night,
child's blood pressure
Blood pressure in a child from 0 to 17 years old: norms and how to measure correctly
Blood pressure depends on many factors, including age and
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