Rules and techniques for measuring blood pressure
Rules and techniques for measuring blood pressure Rules and techniques for measuring blood pressure. Tonometers for
Every six months - ECG and once a year ultrasound. Examination schedule for hypertensive patients
Consultation with a cardiologist – RUB 1,750. What is hypertension? Causes of arterial hypertension Symptoms
Hematocrit: norm by age, reasons for increased and decreased values
The value of normal hematocrit in humans The body of a healthy adult contains approximately 4.5-5 liters of blood.
effect of pressure on sleep
What should your blood pressure be like at night? 4 profiles
Frequent daytime sleepiness is one of the symptoms of many diseases. Among them are
Analgin is an effective pain reliever
Analgin is an effective pain reliever
Analgin is a widely used medication that has an affordable price. He belongs to the group
Use of aspen bark for diabetes
Treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus with aspen bark drinks
How to take aspen bark for diabetes to achieve maximum effect and improve overall
Causes of hypotension
What to do if a hypertensive patient’s blood pressure drops to normalize the condition
High blood pressure (hypertension) is observed in a number of pathological conditions. It could be like essential
Engine oil pressure: causes, consequences and methods for eliminating “jumps”
Engine oil pressure is an indicator of engine health. Regular lubrication is required for normal operation
Diagnosis of trophic eczema of the lower extremities
Trophic eczema. Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of trophic eczema.
Price list Clinic doctors Varicose eczema is a disease that occurs as a complication of varicose veins caused by
Eosinophils are elevated: what does this mean?
Idiopathic hypereosinophilic syndrome
The results of a blood test detail the number of all types of cells: red blood cells, leukocytes and others.
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