Trophic eczema. Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of trophic eczema.

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Varicose eczema is a disease that occurs as a complication of varicose veins caused by stagnation of blood in altered veins. As a result of circulatory disorders, atrophic processes occur in the skin adjacent to the causative area. This may be the result of thrombophlebitis, for which inadequate and untimely treatment was prescribed. But the most common reason is the lack of treatment for varicose veins.

According to statistics, the disease is more often observed in older people, more often in women.

Trophic eczema - what is it?

Venous trophic eczema is a pathological condition that occurs as a result of long-term disruption of venous outflow and manifests itself with symptoms of dermatitis. Violation of venous circulation is more typical for the lower extremities, so eczematous phenomena often affect them.

Trophic venous eczema

Patients with symptoms of trophic venous eczema are frequent guests at appointments with specialists of various specialties both in Moscow and the Moscow region, and in other regions of our state. Both urban and rural residents suffer from venous eczema. But patients with this pathology do not always immediately receive the necessary medical care. It is no secret that patients with venous eczema can be treated for a long time and unsuccessfully by surgeons and dermatologists in public clinics, even in Moscow and the Moscow region. The secret to good treatment is expert diagnosis. For professional diagnosis, it is better to contact a good specialist.

Venous trophic eczema. Diagnostics

Diagnosis of eczema consists of a competent examination of soft tissues, assessment of the condition of the skin, and collection of medical history. All of these medical diagnostic techniques require experience and a good knowledge of pathology. But the main thing in diagnosing venous eczema will be an ultrasound examination of the venous system of the lower extremities.

Diagnosis of trophic eczema of the lower extremities

It is this technique that will provide the necessary information for truly modern European treatment. Using ultrasound data, you can obtain comprehensive information about the state of the venous blood flow of the lower extremities. A lot depends on these data, because only good diagnostics will allow us to find the truly best way to help the patient.

Treatment of venous trophic eczema

Modern treatment of venous trophic eczema in Moscow is an integrated approach. Naturally, good local treatment of damaged and inflamed skin is necessary. For this purpose, modern ointment forms of medical drugs are used. Compression therapy also has a good effect. But all these measures are only temporary. Innovative methods for treating varicose veins are of leading importance in the treatment of venous trophic eczema. Undoubtedly, the best methods for this purpose today will be endovenous thermal obliteration of veins (laser coagulation and radiofrequency ablation).

Treatment of trophic eczema with laser

The methods of miniphlebectomy and sclerotherapy (scleroobliteration) are of auxiliary, but of no small importance. When used correctly and professionally, the listed technologies help to quickly return to normal life. Still, even the best innovative technologies give a good effect only in the experienced hands of a European-class expert.


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Prevention of venous trophic eczema

The leading importance in the prevention of venous trophic eczema is the diagnosis and timely treatment of varicose veins. The very presence of trophic disorders associated with venous pathology indicates the advanced nature of venous pathology. Today, the modern patient of Moscow and the Moscow region has a good choice. You can go to a public clinic to see a surgeon or dermatologist, who will prescribe your treatment. As practice shows, this does not always lead to recovery. But any patient in Moscow has the opportunity to visit the modern Moscow City Phlebological Center. Here, modern diagnostics of the venous system will be guaranteed, innovative treatment will be prescribed and performed. A good city phlebological center employs leading and best specialists from Moscow and the Moscow region.

Treatment of trophic eczema at the clinic of Dr. Semenov A.Yu.

Leading phlebologist and head of the Moscow City Phlebological Center, Artyom Yurievich Semenov, helped hundreds of patients cope with the symptoms of venous trophic eczema. They forgot about this problem forever. Good treatment according to European standards, but at prices acceptable for Russia, is available to everyone today at the Moscow City Phlebological Center.


Modus vivendi decided to understand the “target audience” of eczema, learn about risk factors and treatment methods. Vadim MALYUTIN, a dermatovenerologist at the medical diagnostic laboratory “SINLAB”, acted as a consultant.


— Eczema refers to various skin problems, so it is often considered not as a separate disease, but as a syndrome. Eczema is a fairly common phenomenon; with varying degrees of intensity, it can appear on the hands, torso, legs, and face. The syndrome can also be a companion to other diseases (for example, atopic dermatitis), and, despite the fact that it does not pose a serious health hazard, the patient’s quality of life is noticeably impaired. The resulting itching and burning interfere with usual activities during the day, disrupting the work rhythm - this is especially true for areas of activity where the patient works with irritating substances.


— Most often in practice we register coin-shaped eczema. It is characterized by the formation of sharply demarcated lesions with rounded outlines measuring 1-3 cm. This type of disease often worsens during the cold season - due to a drop in relative air humidity, the skin is more prone to drying out.

Dyshidrotic (palm, plantar) eczema, on the contrary, can worsen in hot weather: increased sweating provokes rashes on the palms and soles. Among the varieties, varicose eczema is distinguished, affecting the legs of patients: it occurs in people with impaired venous outflow from the lower extremities.

As already noted, eczema (the same coin-shaped or palmar) can appear with atopic or allergic contact dermatitis. In such cases, it depends only on the doctor how to correctly qualify the problems that have arisen.


— Despite the fact that eczema has been known for a long time, the causes of its occurrence are difficult to study. There is no single theory explaining the occurrence of the disease and symptoms. According to one theory, increased sensitivity to microbes (chronic tonsillitis, caries, microbes on the skin, etc.) can lead to the manifestation of the syndrome.

We can talk about provoking factors, the main of which for various types of eczema is dry skin. Heredity plays a big role in skin diseases. Irritation can be caused by antiseptics - substances that wash away the lipid mantle (fat layer) from the epidermis. These, for example, include various fuels and lubricants. Despite the fact that eczema does not have occupation-related risk groups, doctors, hairdressers, builders (contact with cement), and bakers (contact with flour) should be especially careful.

If possible, it is advisable to exclude a stress factor that can lead to the formation of eczema and relapses. Do not forget that eczema tends to worsen due to alcohol consumption, so you should not “treat” one risk factor by consuming another.


— According to complaints, the patient may be bothered by intense itching and the presence of rashes, which are the main clinical picture of the syndrome. The term “eczema” comes from the Greek word for “boiling,” which in turn reflects the appearance of the disease. Dense bubbles appear in the affected areas, which burst over time, the liquid dries out, causing crusts to form. At the same time, the skin around the lesions, often scratched (patients cannot control the itching), may be dry.


— Diagnosis in dermatology is usually made based on two components: a survey of the patient and the clinical picture. If the patient has not been examined before, he may be recommended to consult an ENT doctor or dentist to look for foci of chronic infection - tonsils, caries, etc.

Laboratory tests are needed only if the dermatovenerologist needs to exclude other diseases. In such cases, a skin biopsy is taken for histological examination. But this is the exception rather than the rule. Usually, it is enough to consult an experienced doctor who is well versed in eczema, allergic and contact dermatitis and will be able to make the correct diagnosis and select individual treatment for the patient.


— Treatment should be prescribed by a dermatovenerologist. You should not self-medicate. The main approach is to eliminate the triggers discussed above. Try to avoid stress, give up alcohol, and avoid contact with irritating substances. If varicose eczema appears as a result of venous insufficiency, you need to contact a surgeon who can advise on the possibilities of correcting the function of the veins.

External treatment is aimed at restoring the skin barrier. Despite the fact that the lesions get wet, the skin itself is dry, so it is necessary to regularly use moisturizers.

Especially when it comes to eczema on the hands, which is caused by irritating substances: while washing your hands, soap degreases the skin, so you need to constantly moisturize it.

You can use hormonal ointments in short courses (no more than two weeks). There are other, longer-term regimens for their use, but such a course must be completed under the supervision of a dermatovenerologist. In severe forms of eczema, systemic hormones are used for a short course - they are needed to relieve the acute reaction, then external therapy is prescribed.

Ultraviolet light helps patients with atopic dermatitis and eczema. During the cold season, you can attend special procedures or go on vacation to warm countries. However, when relaxing at sea, you need to take into account the fact that salt water can dry out the skin. In this case, it is better to refrain from swimming. You also need to remember about the carcinogenic effect of ultraviolet radiation. The risk of getting skin cancer later is greater in people who have had sunburn in the past, so try not to get sunburned in the southern sun.

To reduce itching, the doctor may prescribe antihistamines: they do not have a therapeutic effect, but will help relieve symptoms and improve night sleep. Do not forget that a wet surface is a breeding ground for microbes, which can cause pustular complications. In such situations, wet lesions are treated with aniline dyes (brilliant green solution, etc.).

It should be remembered that eczema is a chronic disease that cannot be cured, but can be successfully controlled. Avoid provoking factors, follow doctors' recommendations, and your quality of life will not suffer.

Help Modus vivendi. Vadim Malyutin in 2008 Graduated from BSMU with a degree in general medicine. Assistant at the Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases of the Belarusian State Medical University, dermatovenerologist at the medical diagnostic laboratory "SINLAB". Author: Evgeny Vladimirov BelGazeta , March 21, 2016

Results of treatment of trophic eczema.

The patient is 32 years old. The result of laser treatment of trophic venous eczema 3 months after the intervention.

Trophic eczema - the result of laser treatment

The patient is 58 years old. The result of treatment of trophic eczema at the clinic of Dr. Semenov A.Yu.

Venous trophic eczema. Results of laser treatment after 6 months.

Trophic eczema. Reviews from patients of Dr. Semenov A.Yu.

I have been suffering from varicose veins for 10 years, although I HAVE NOT SUFFERED BEFORE!
I decided to contact the laser surgery center after reading the reviews. Already when trophic eczema appeared on the skin, it was necessary, of course, earlier, but it’s good that not later. I went to the clinic on June 29, 2011, I think that I was lucky to get an initial appointment with Artem Yuryevich Semenov. Sensitive, good-natured and, as time has shown, a professional in his field, made a diagnosis, suggested a course of treatment (radiofrequency ablation +...More details Emil Rustamovich Akhmedzhanov, Moscow, 02/10/2013.

Varicose veins were inherited from me. At the age of 30 I treated myself with sclerotherapy. The veins and bumps were gone and my left leg looked great. After the birth of my second child, the problems with my left leg returned. At first, small bumps appeared, and over time, darkening appeared on the left leg. Then a whole spot grew from a small spot, which turned out to be trophic eczema (((. My leg began to ache from a long walk. I had to constantly use Lyoton. Of course, time was lost, I...More

Tatyana Chertilina, Moscow, 03/01/2017

Steroids and other medications

Treatment of varicose eczema can rarely be done without the use of steroid drugs. These can be ointments or creams. Their main task is to eliminate visible symptoms of the disease, relieve inflammation, and improve skin condition.

It is important that only a licensed physician prescribe steroid creams and ointments. An incorrectly selected drug, dosage, course of treatment, at best, simply will not give a positive effect, eczema will progress, but at worst, it can cause negative side effects.

Popular steroid drugs for stasis dermatitis are:

  • exoderil - designed to relieve inflammation, and with its help, wounds heal faster;
  • aurobin - effective for varicose initial eczema, since its main purpose is to heal small wounds;
  • radevit - accelerates the healing process of cracks;
  • skin cap - has a cooling effect, relieves itching, promotes rapid tissue renewal;
  • flucinar is indispensable in cases where the skin is excessively dry, resulting in itching and itching.

Having prescribed the drug, the doctor must select the dosage (in most cases, all ointments are used once a day, but at the discretion of the attending physician, their use may be more often), and special recommendations are also given (for example, so that the affected area of ​​the skin does not come into contact with water after applying the drug ).

If varicose skin eczema is accompanied by the development of infection, antibiotics may also be prescribed, taken orally or using ointments based on them. For example, lotions made from benzoyl and furatsilin are very good.

Drug therapy also includes the use of the following groups of drugs:

  • Phlebotics - designed to eliminate venous insufficiency (the most popular are Troxevasin, Detralex, Escusan).
  • Antihistamines - relieve inflammation, itching (Suprastin, Diazolin, Clarotadine).
  • Diuretics - eliminate swelling by removing excess fluid from the body (Indapamide, Furosemide and others).
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