The best diuretics to eliminate leg swelling

We are always ready to do everything possible to keep our skin beautiful, firm and elastic for longer. But poor facial skin condition does not always arise just like that. Most often, this tells us about our body, problems that have arisen that need to be urgently treated.

What can ruin your mood first thing in the morning? Puffiness on the face is not an independent disease. Swelling can indicate various problems with the body. Fluid is retained in the facial tissues, resulting in swelling on the face. Almost every person experiences this condition, but it can go away after 10 minutes. And there are people whose swelling remains for a longer time. Then you should think about it and immediately contact a specialist.

Causes of swelling of the legs

In an adult, swelling of the legs occurs due to high consumption of salt, which in its chemical structure includes sodium and chlorine. The first component usually becomes an obstacle to the normal passage of water in the body, which causes fluid to accumulate and the legs begin to swell. Swelling is especially typical during hot weather, when a person consumes even more water. Liquid in large volumes simply does not have time to be released and accumulates, resulting in edema.

Swelling may also be associated with the use of certain medications. For example, specialists often prescribe a medication that contains glucocorticoids (adrenal hormones) to an allergy sufferer. Long-term use of this medication may cause various side effects, including swelling of the legs. Also, the condition of the lower extremities is affected by medications that are used for high blood pressure, treatment of immune diseases and hypocortisolism.

When swelling gets out of control: anasarca

The appearance of swelling in the legs at the end of a long working day is unlikely to surprise anyone. And even slight swelling in the morning, as a rule, does not attract attention. But, if swelling becomes more and more noticeable and “spreads” throughout the body, you should not postpone the examination. In severe cases, anasarca occurs - swelling of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, usually combined with the accumulation of fluid in the body cavities. This is a sign of failure of compensatory mechanisms for a number of diseases, most often associated with congestive heart failure.

Edema and kidneys

The most obvious explanation for swelling that can “come to mind,” of course, is renal disorders.

There can be quite a few reasons for this pathology - from overload of the kidneys with “work” (a sharp increase in fluid intake) to serious pathologies (glomerulonephritis, damage to the renal vessels in diabetes, and others).

In the latter case:

  • or the rate of urine formation significantly decreases;
  • or, along with the urine, a protein is “lost”, which “holds” the liquid in the bloodstream, preventing the latter from “leaking” into the tissues.

Swelling, in this case, as a rule, begins from the face, since it is here that the subcutaneous fatty tissue is especially loose and “absorbent.” And, as they progress, they descend on the body and limbs.

You can check the condition of your kidneys using:

  • general urine test
  • and a blood test for glomerular filtration rate.

Edema and heart

Edema of cardiac origin is associated with a weakening of the heart’s ability to “pump” blood and form pulse pressure. And, in this case, venous blood “stagnates” in the vessels and, as a result, its liquid part (plasma) seeps into the tissues.

Cardiac edema most often begins in the legs, since here venous blood moves from bottom to top, and more than other locations it needs the “healthy” pumping function of the heart. And venous diseases are also a contributing factor to edema at this level.

The cause of cardiac “weakness” may be damage to the muscular apparatus of the heart or its valves (congenital defects, past streptococcal and some other infections). And, without attention, the pathology leads to severe breathing problems and pulmonary edema.

And to detect heart failure, a blood test for natriuretic peptide (BNP) and an ultrasound of the organ are indicated.

Edema and liver

It may seem strange, but the liver is the “culprit” of edema no less often than other organs.

The fact is that albumin is synthesized in the liver - a protein that, as already noted, acts as a “buffer” for the liquid part of the blood. A decrease in the production of the latter is observed in hepatitis and cirrhosis.

The hepatic origin of edema can be suspected on the basis of anamnestic data (frequent alcohol consumption, previous or chronic liver diseases), as well as the characteristic “ascitic” abdomen. When edematous fluid accumulates in the abdominal cavity, and against the background of normal or reduced body weight, only an enlarged abdomen stands out.

In this case, the liver should be checked for chronic hepatitis (at a minimum, a blood test for ALT, AST, direct bilirubin or the “Basic Liver Examination” complex) and degenerative changes (the “NESH-Fibrotest” blood test).

True, protein deficiency can also be a consequence of deficient nutrition, digestive pathologies that impair nutrient absorption, or accompany oncological processes (“cancerous” depletion).

And the level of albumin and globulins can be assessed using a blood test for protein fractions.

Edema and thyroid gland

Deficiency of T4 and T3 thyroid hormones sharply slows down all types of metabolic processes, and water-salt metabolism is no exception.

The liquid, in this case, accumulates in the subcutaneous fat, creating the impression of “puffiness”.

True, such edema most often does not pose a “deadly” danger. But they still serve as a good reason to check the health of the gland, since they are accompanied by a number of other abnormalities in a number of systems and organs (heart, carbohydrate and fat metabolism, immunity and others).

The terrible consequences of edema

Slow progression of untreated edema syndrome may be a sign of deterioration in the patient's condition due to chronic diseases.

The sudden appearance and rapid increase of edema should cause even greater concern, since it may be a sign of deep vein thrombosis (usually a limb) or an excessive allergic reaction. If such swelling occurs, you should immediately seek help.

Medications indicated to reduce leg swelling

Diuretics, otherwise called “diuretics,” are used to improve the excretory system. The task of such products is to remove salts and fluids that accumulate in tissues and cells. As a result of the use of diuretic drugs, swelling either decreases or disappears altogether.

As a rule, such medications do not have serious contraindications or unpleasant consequences. Doctors only recommend not to use them frequently, because diuretic medications can lead to dehydration. If you consume a lot of fluid, the balance in the body will be maintained, but there is still a danger of such a result. Moreover, with a lack of fluid in the body, all life processes slow down.

Causes of facial swelling

If your face swells not only in the morning, but throughout the day, then you should take a closer look at your lifestyle and change it. It is worth visiting a specialist to avoid complications. After all, not only an incorrect daily routine can lead to swelling on the face, but also quite dangerous diseases. Swelling occurs when fluid is retained in the body.

Why does slight swelling appear on the face? The reasons may be as follows:

  • in case of shortness of breath, in addition to swelling, this may indicate that the heart is not working properly;
  • in the case of bluish color of the skin, blood circulation or the functioning of the vascular system may be impaired;
  • the body does not receive enough vitamins and minerals. As a result, the functioning of various systems is disrupted;
  • a person does not eat properly - he eats on the road, goes on diets, eats on dry food;
  • Insomnia and lack of sleep are noted. Everyone knows that a person should sleep about 6-8 hours a day, then he will be able to work normally and maintain his own health;
  • the man is overtired at work. Perhaps he worked without breaks;
  • Before going to bed, he eats heavily, and this adds some heaviness to the body. Then it is more difficult to fall asleep and get enough sleep;
  • swelling of the face under the eyes occurs if a person is diagnosed with kidney failure. This swelling goes away within a day. Usually, with this disease, a person quickly gets tired and urination is impaired;
  • There may be swelling on the face in the morning if the patient has heart failure. The fluid flows out worse because the heart muscle cannot cope with pumping blood;
  • swelling may occur as a result of allergies. In just a few seconds, the tongue, larynx, and face swell. This happens often in the case of wasp stings.

Diuretic tablets are divided into four types:

  • Potassium-sparing. Keeps potassium at a stable level, since potassium is usually released when using diuretics.
  • Loopbacks. Suppress the reverse absorption of potassium, chlorine and sodium.
  • Thiazide. They have the property of being quickly absorbed by the walls of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Thiazide-like diuretics. With a diuretic effect, less potassium is excreted from the body.

Diuretics also help with hypertension. Excess fluid is removed from the body and blood pressure decreases. Accordingly, swelling of the legs also decreases or disappears. The most common medications are:

  • Hydrochlorothiazide
  • Chlorothiazide
  • Indapamide
  • Furosemide

Ultrasonic facial cleansing can remove facial swelling

Ultrasonic facial cleansing is a painless method that can deal with the problem quickly and easily. Here, the facial skin is exposed to ultrasound. This procedure can be performed in any salon. The most important thing is that it is carried out by a professional who knows all the indications, contraindications, and subtleties of the work. Then we can talk about effectiveness, high-quality results and the absence of complications. Minor swelling on the face in the morning will disappear for a while. You will need to undergo several sessions to consolidate the results.

Diuretics: what are they?

Diuretics are medications that speed up the formation of urine and its elimination from the body.

Such drugs are prescribed primarily to combat tissue swelling due to diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys and liver, as well as to treat severe pathological conditions that require rapid fluid reduction.

All diuretics differ in the mechanism of their diuretic effect. The pharmacological property of the drugs is their effect on the epithelium of the renal tubules, where urine formation occurs.

In addition, some medications affect certain enzymes and hormonal substances that are responsible for normal kidney function.

Indications for diuretics

The main indications for taking diuretics are the following conditions:

  1. ​Elimination of swelling of cells and tissues as a result of varying degrees of heart failure and vascular diseases.
  2. ​Kidney pathologies.
  3. ​Normalization of high blood pressure.
  4. ​Removal of toxic and other harmful substances from the body due to poisoning.
  5. ​Ascites.
  6. ​Liver cirrhosis.
  7. Glaucoma.
  8. ​Osteoporosis.

Edema is the main symptom of pathological conditions of the heart, blood vessels and dysfunction of the excretory system. Fluid accumulation is associated with retention of high amounts of sodium. The mechanism of action of diuretics is precisely that it removes sodium from the body, thereby eliminating swelling.

At high blood pressure levels, increased sodium content negatively affects the tone of blood vessels, leading to their narrowing. Therefore, taking diuretics removes this element from the body, increasing the lumen of blood vessels and normalizing blood pressure.

Due to poisoning, a certain amount of toxins and harmful compounds is reduced during kidney function. However, in order to speed up their elimination, patients are necessarily prescribed diuretics. First, patients are given an intravenous infusion of medicinal solutions, and then diuretics are administered, which, together with the liquid, eliminate toxic substances from the body.

What else can be done to relieve swelling?

Additional measures can also help reduce swelling after implantation:

  • Drug therapy. Take antibacterial, antihistamine, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs prescribed by your doctor.
  • Antiseptic baths. The dentist may prescribe rinses with chlorhexidine, chamomile decoction and other means to prevent inflammation and associated tissue swelling.
  • Sleep with your upper body elevated. You can use several pillows for this. In this position, conditions are created for the outflow of fluid from the surgical area.
  • Elimination of irritating factors. In the first days after installation of the implant, avoid eating hot, salty, spicy foods, coffee, and alcohol-containing drinks.
  • Elimination of temperature changes. You cannot take hot baths or steam.
  • Reducing overloads. In the first weeks, give up sports training, and also try to avoid stress.
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