How harmful is non-alcoholic beer to the body?

» Narcology news » Harm from non-alcoholic beer

Non-alcoholic beer is often used by people who, for some reason, cannot afford to drink a classic foamy drink. Despite some undeniable advantages, sometimes this alcohol-free drink is harmful to the human body.

How is non-alcoholic beer produced?

Non-alcoholic beer is made using several rules:

  1. Stopping the fermentation process. Thanks to this, the amount of alcohol in the drink is reduced. The resulting drink has a different taste and structure from the classic drink.
  2. Dealcoholization. Using this technique, alcohol molecules are evaporated from the finished product through complex double filtration. In this case, the original structure and bitter taste are preserved.
  3. Fermentation. This method involves sharp cooling of the resulting product, as a result of which the destruction of the yeast begins.

Effect on the heart

Hypertension, shortness of breath during low exertion, various cardiac dysfunctions - each of these signs can be a symptom of lipid imbalance. Beer in small quantities has a beneficial healing effect on many diseases of the cardiovascular system. Against the background of the influence of cholesterol, the blood becomes more viscous and flows more slowly through the vessels, and beer helps thin the blood, thus improving blood flow; reduces the risk of thrombosis and the formation of cholesterol plaques in the walls of blood vessels.

Beer contains antioxidants that slow down intracellular aging processes, including heart muscle cells. In addition, our foamy drink tones and improves blood circulation, maintaining the stability of its functioning.

Nonalcoholic beer:

  • B vitamins;
  • iron;
  • minerals;
  • malt;
  • sugar;
  • carbohydrates;
  • hop;
  • carbon dioxide;
  • syrup;
  • 0.2-0.1% ethyl alcohol;
  • distilled water.

Classic beer:

  • B vitamins;
  • iron;
  • minerals;
  • 2-7% ethyl alcohol;
  • malt;
  • sugar;
  • carbohydrates;
  • carbon dioxide;
  • syrup;
  • hop;
  • distilled water.

How does alcohol affect blood cholesterol?

Alcohol abuse (especially such “heavy” drinks as vodka) almost always leads to an increase in TC levels. At the same time, the effect of alcohol on increasing blood cholesterol can be direct and indirect. The direct effect of alcohol on blood cholesterol levels is manifested through the mechanism of changes in the fractions and concentrations of high-density lipoproteins (HDL, or “good” cholesterol).

Excessive alcohol consumption inhibits the synthesis of HDL, which is responsible for transporting low-density lipoproteins (LDL, or “bad” cholesterol) from the blood to the liver, where they are broken down (decomposed) and excreted from the body. As a result, the blood begins to be cleared of cholesterol and fatty (cholesterol) plaque on the walls of blood vessels. At the same time, the fractional composition of HDL shifts to the area of ​​small HDL-3 particles, which are not able to effectively transfer LDL particles to the liver. In this case, alcohol can even act as a cause of high cholesterol (although usually the cause is metabolic syndrome or genetic predisposition) and the subsequent development of atherosclerosis.

See also:

How to Increase High Density Cholesterol Levels

High LDL cholesterol

The indirect effect of alcohol consumption on cholesterol levels is manifested in the culture of feasts with drinking alcoholic beverages (especially for men). As a rule, feasts are accompanied by the consumption of large amounts of cholesterol-rich food (fatty meat and snacks). As a result, more cholesterol comes in with food (and although only ~20% of the concentration of TC in the blood is determined by nutrition, this is enough to go into the “red” zone) and fat (which is used as a raw material for the production of its own, endogenous cholesterol) .

Does alcohol increase blood cholesterol?

Alcohol itself does not increase the level of cholesterol in the blood, but it creates conditions for its increase: due to the suppression of cleansing functions, as well as damage to the liver (if its functions are impaired, the work on the synthesis or breakdown of LDL may also change). In addition, excessive alcohol consumption can lead to attacks of tachycardia and the development of hypertension. And if cholesterol does not increase from alcohol, then the concentration of triglycerides increases by 5–6%, and they often become the cause of the development of cardiovascular diseases.

Does alcohol have cholesterol?

No, just like coffee, alcohol does not contain any cholesterol. Cholesterol is a product of animal origin, even beer is always based on plant ingredients, and therefore there cannot be any cholesterol there. In other words, the cholesterol content of alcohol is zero. See also: the effect of coffee on blood cholesterol.

Moderate alcohol consumption, on the contrary, increases the synthesis of HDL, creating a positive dependence of blood cholesterol on alcohol. Because Since there are more HDL particles, the purification of LDL from the blood is faster and more efficient. However, this dependence of cholesterol on alcohol occurs only with moderate consumption. Recent studies indicate that HDL levels may increase by 4 mg/dL with moderate alcohol consumption.

Does alcohol lower cholesterol?

Alcohol does not lower cholesterol, although it creates some conditions for its reduction. This reduction, however, is only possible with truly moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages - no more than 30 ml in terms of pure alcohol (i.e. half a liter of beer, 2 glasses of vodka, etc.) - and not very significantly. You can achieve a real reduction in TC through diet (or even proper fasting for cholesterol plaques), adding foods to your diet that reduce LDL levels, or even taking specialized medications for cholesterol in the blood.

Is alcohol good for lowering cholesterol?

Alcohol is not suitable for lowering cholesterol. It does not lower the proportion of LDL at all, but only creates slightly more favorable conditions for their removal from the blood through the mechanism of increasing HDL. In any case, the ability of alcoholic beverages to effectively combat hypercholesterolemia is not enough.

Does alcohol cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol?

You can often come across the opinion that alcoholics have the cleanest blood vessels - and this is a consequence of drinking alcohol, which cleanses the blood vessels of cholesterol. There is as much truth in this statement as there is misconception. An increased level of HDL actually copes more effectively with the task of cleansing blood vessels from LDL, but it cannot be said that cholesterol against alcohol is any effective remedy.

Does alcohol remove cholesterol?

This statement is the most truthful. Alcohol does remove cholesterol from the blood by increasing the concentration of HDL, but it does so with an almost imperceptible effect. Therefore, if there are serious problems with OX, then alcohol is not the remedy that could solve them.

The harm of non-alcoholic beer

The alcohol-free foamy drink contains less hops, and this significantly reduces its negative impact on the liver.

The harm of non-alcoholic beer for men

Uncontrolled consumption of the product will negatively affect the entire body. First of all, testosterone levels will decrease and the amount of estrogen (female hormone) will increase. As a result, the fat layer will thicken and high notes will appear in the voice.

The harm of non-alcoholic beer for women

After drinking the drink, the male hormone begins to be actively produced in the female body. Beer also provokes the growth of facial hair (especially above the upper lip) and affects the timbre of the voice, making it low.

Antibiotics and non-alcoholic beer

A sunny drink containing small doses of alcohol can still weaken the effect of medications and sometimes cause side effects. Mixing the components of medications and alcohol is strictly prohibited. Even low levels of ethanol in a product can affect the metabolism and activity of antibiotics.

Is non-alcoholic beer harmful to the liver?

The human liver is a vital iron for the body, which performs many functions and is a natural filter. Protects against the harmful effects of alcohol and various toxins. The functioning of the organ will be impaired if it is frequently exposed to a drink.

Non-alcoholic beer if you have illnesses

Contraindications for use:

  • pancreatitis;
  • prostatitis;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • liver abnormalities;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation.

For pancreatitis

The presence of gastrointestinal pathologies does not simply limit the use of the product, but completely eliminates it. Even a small dose of the drink can irritate the pancreas and provoke a worsening of the disease.

For prostatitis

If the treatment of a disease is accompanied by the use of medications, in this case it is better to avoid drinking. The components that make up non-alcoholic beer, albeit in smaller quantities, have an adverse effect on the male body.

For hemorrhoids

If you regularly drink when you have abnormal growths in the rectum, you can cause complications. The problem lies in the negative effect of beer components on the anal mucosa. It is aggravated by an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in the body.

Non-alcoholic beer and pregnancy

While pregnant and breastfeeding, even a drink with low alcohol content is strictly prohibited. Although it contains a smaller amount of hops, this component will still have a negative effect on the fetus developing in the womb of a woman.

Reviews and warnings

The attitude of medical specialists towards attempts to use beer to treat atherosclerosis and other cholesterol diseases is quite cautious. Not all patients who see a connection with alcohol as a cure for cholesterol will strictly adhere to the norms and its daily consumption. In this case, cholesterol may increase and worsen the course of the disease. But does beer raise cholesterol when drunk in moderation? Now that we have examined the entire mechanism of interaction between beer and cholesterol, we can assume that no .

Of course, it is impossible to eradicate this disease only with an intoxicating drink. However, by observing a moderate amount of a high-quality product, along with proper nutrition, a healthy lifestyle and the recommendations of doctors, we can alleviate the course of cholesterol disease and create the ground for further recovery.

Beer and kidney health

The belief that this drink has beneficial effects on the kidneys is due to its diuretic properties. However, research shows that this is not the case. Beer only stimulates the urinary system and increases the amount of fluid released.

Doctors deny the fact that drinking alcohol has a beneficial effect on kidney health. Beer does not dissolve kidney stones. Only proper nutrition and medications are necessary for successful treatment of this disease.

Many non-alcoholic drinks, such as tea or compote, have a similar diuretic effect (without any health risks).

Alcohol and cholesterol plaques

There are no effective foods, folk remedies or medications for plaque in blood vessels. This is especially true for alcohol. The cholesterol plaques themselves are relatively young (“soft”, without calcium deposits) and old (after the process of calcification). Both can break off and clog blood vessels and capillaries. Moreover, young atherosclerotic plaques form blood clots (thrombi), to prevent which, for example, drugs such as warafine and aspirin are prescribed (more details: aspirin for cholesterol).

Does alcohol dissolve cholesterol plaques?

Drinking alcohol has no effect on cholesterol plaques: alcohol cannot dissolve them (just as no drugs or products can do this at all, with the exception of omega-3 acids, but even those must be drunk for 1 - 1.5 years in order to reduce the number of plaques by 5 - 15%). It cannot prevent the formation of blood clots.

How beer is harmful for men

Beer producers have achieved marketing success.
Thanks to advertising, this drink is surrounded by an aura of attractiveness and fun. Therefore, for many people it does not cause negative associations. Moreover, some believe that this drink is good for health. However, alcohol will always be alcohol, regardless of its concentration or type of drink. So it doesn't matter whether you drink 40% vodka or beer with a low alcohol content. In large quantities, they are equally harmful to the body. If you experience health problems due to drinking alcohol, call our paid ambulance. Free consultation right now!

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Alcohol and high cholesterol

Alcohol in moderation is allowed for high cholesterol. According to current knowledge, moderate drinking of alcoholic beverages reduces the risk of complications such as heart attack, stroke and ischemia by 25–40%. However, when drinking alcohol with high cholesterol, the side effects (in particular, drowsiness) from taking stanines (if their course is prescribed) may increase.

Alcohol does not directly affect bad cholesterol at all, so you should not expect that alcoholic drinks will help with high cholesterol. The possibility of drinking alcohol with high bad cholesterol should be discussed with your doctor, especially if a course of statins is prescribed - only then will it be possible to avoid side effects.

A little history of brewing

Beer is one of the oldest drinks, as evidenced by archaeological research. Thousands of years ago, people prepared a drink from cereals, which in terms of preparation technology is very close to beer. The ancient Sumerians had more than 15 varieties of this drink and the saying “not knowing beer is not knowing joy.”

The ancient Egyptians, having borrowed the secrets of brewing from the Sumerians, also joined the army of fans of the foamy drink. The process of making beer is immortalized in relief images on Egyptian tombs. In Egypt, beer was a very popular and even democratic drink - everyone drank it, both peasants and nobles. The drink was valued for its taste and properties to quench thirst and improve tone.

From Egypt, beer spread to Ethiopia, then to Persia, and beyond. In Europe, beer, already very close to modern beer, began to be brewed in the 13th century.

In Rus', intoxicating drinks have long been brewed from cereals and honey, for example, sbiten. Beer came to Russia during the time of Peter I, who ordered brewers from Europe; then beer was sold only in drinking establishments. The first breweries began operating in Russia at the end of the 18th century. Since then, we love and drink beer, some moderately, some not so much. But the majority of our citizens believe that beer is an excellent drink.


The components of forty-proof vodka are grain alcohol and water. To improve the taste of the drink, manufacturers add various components from plants: fruits, berries, oak bark, birch leaves, spices, flavorings. Small doses of vodka dilate blood vessels, increase blood circulation, and relieve symptoms of atherosclerosis. But you need to know that drinking vodka and cholesterol levels are directly related. Abuse of vodka will lead to high cholesterol and worsen human health. In addition, this drink can increase blood sugar.

Nutritional value of foamy drink

What does the body receive when drinking 1 bottle (0.5 l) of beer:

  • 12-32 g of ethyl alcohol (with a drink strength of 3 to 8% vol.), which corresponds to 38-80 ml of vodka;
  • 17.8 g carbohydrates, 2.3 g protein (215 kcal);
  • Spectrum B vitamins (10.1% DV B4, 7% B2, 11.5% B6, 7.5% B9 (folic acid), 12.8% B3 or PP).
  • A number of trace elements: 5.4% potassium, 7.5% magnesium, 8.8% phosphorus, 5.5% fluorine and selenium.

Beer does not contain cholesterol, since this drink is a product of processing plant raw materials.

What variety and how much?

According to the method of fermentation, there are two types of drink:

  1. El. Top-fermented beer is collected at high temperatures. Contains a lot of alcohol and has a characteristic fruity taste. Barley malt is used for preparation.
  2. Lagger. Bottom fermentation is used for production. It is collected at a relatively low temperature. Then it is kept for several months. The temperature should be close to zero. During this period, the beer is clarified and saturated with carbon dioxide. At the final stage it is filtered. Barley malt is used for production.

In addition, there is a distinction between lambic and wheat beer. They are made using special technology. Different raw materials are used, which determines the quality of the drink. In any case, no matter what variety is consumed for cholesterol, the maximum daily dose is 500 ml. Otherwise, the drink will cause significant harm to the patient’s health.

The effects of alcohol on the body

It has been proven that regular drinking of even small doses of alcohol leads to irreversible changes in the body. Ethanol reduces the level of good cholesterol, increasing the amount of bad cholesterol. It is dangerous to drink alcohol to lower styrene if a person suffers from:

  1. Arterial hypertension.
  2. Diseases of the liver, kidneys.
  3. Chronic atherosclerosis.
  4. Takes lipid-lowering drugs.

If a person has diseases of the internal organs, heart or blood vessels, then alcohol can only aggravate the situation and negatively affect health.

If you are looking for a way to lower your cholesterol, try to lead a healthy lifestyle and be sure to get rid of bad habits. If you cannot cope with alcohol addiction on your own, contact the Alkozdrav help center by calling the 24-hour hotline. After an initial examination and consultation, a suitable comprehensive treatment based on an individual approach will be proposed.


Wines vary in strength and composition. The strength can vary from 9 to 25 degrees. Different varieties of grapes, fruits and berries are used to make wine. The resulting wine is white, red, rose, dry, semi-dry and sweet. Wine obtained from grapes contains many useful substances: antioxidants and vitamins. The largest amount of antioxidants is found in red wine.

Red wine can significantly improve blood composition, strengthen blood vessels and lower cholesterol levels.

How much beer can you drink?

The positive effect is manifested when a safe dosage is observed - 15 ml of ethanol/day. This corresponds to 300 ml of beer at a strength of 4.5-5% vol.

However, for some diseases, beer is prohibited from drinking even in such a safe volume. These include:

  • alcoholism;
  • severe pathologies of the liver or kidneys;
  • exacerbation of inflammatory processes in the kidneys;
  • mental disorders, emotional instability;
  • pregnancy;
  • dysfunction of the central nervous system.

Non-alcoholic beer can be consumed by people who are contraindicated to drink alcohol.

Types of drink

Beer is made from malt or barley wort and hops through fermentation using brewer's yeast. Today there are more than 1,000 types of beer. In this case, the foamy drink is divided into several categories.

By color, beer can be divided into dark, light, red and white. The color depends on the amount of dark malt content and the degree of roasting.

Beer also varies greatly in strength. Light beer contains up to 6% alcohol, while strong beer can contain up to 14%. In the USA, beer with a strength of 27 degrees is even produced.

There are different categories of beer depending on the raw materials and method of preparation.

Composition and properties

As we have already found out, beer contains alcohol - in different quantities, depending on the type of drink. In addition to alcohol, beer contains:

  • Water – up to 93%;
  • Carbohydrates – up to 0.45%;
  • Nitrogen-containing components – up to 0.65%;
  • Carbon dioxide – up to 1%;
  • Yeast.

As you can see, there is no fat in beer, so the question “does beer increase cholesterol” seems to disappear. However, let's not rush. In addition to the above, beer contains the following substances in varying quantities:

  • Mineral compounds - potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, chlorine, magnesium, sulfur. They come into beer from malt and hops. Beer contains more potassium than wine. 1 liter of beer contains 30% of the daily requirement of the human body for potassium. Potassium is very important for the normal functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Therefore, beer has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, and, logically, drinking beer with cholesterol is possible and even beneficial.
  • Vitamins – C, B1, B2, A, D, E, K, PP. Mainly comes from malt. 1 liter of beer almost completely provides the body’s daily need for vitamins K and C, as well as more than 50% of the norm for B vitamins.
  • Salts of organic acids - citric, acetic, malic, oxalic, pyruvic, gluconic and others. For example, nicotinic and folic acids in a liter of beer are double the daily requirement. Organic acids help activate metabolism in the intestines. Citric acid prevents the process of stone formation in the kidneys.
  • Phenolic compounds. The source is mainly malt and 10% hops. Substances such as phenolic compounds have antioxidant properties, preventing the aging of body cells. In addition, phenolic compounds contained in beer have a bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect, preventing the risk of blood clots. Such properties of beer are only beneficial for high cholesterol. Phenolic compounds contained in beer are perhaps its most valuable and useful part.
  • Estrogens from hops. These substances, when consumed in excess of beer, can affect a person’s hormonal levels.
  • Biogenic amines. Substances that cause headaches when consumed in excess of beer can cause kidney disease and hypertension.
  • Aromatic compounds contained in hop oil.
  • Bitter resinous substances, the source of which is hops. These compounds have bactericidal, psychoactive, hypnotic and sedative properties. In large doses they are hallucinogenic.

How does alcohol affect atherosclerosis?

The effect of alcohol on vascular atherosclerosis is recognized by modern medicine as positive, but we should not forget that (for ethical reasons) randomized controlled clinical trials have never been conducted. Moreover, the effect of alcohol on atherosclerosis has always been of the nature of observational studies aimed at middle-aged people, mainly married and fairly wealthy (which in itself are favorable factors).

However, some studies still suggest a positive effect of alcohol on the body in atherosclerosis. For example, red wine (as well as purple and red grape juice) contains resveratrol and some antioxidants. When coating stent surfaces with extracts based on them, it was possible to reduce inflammation and restenosis (stent clogging). The research is currently being done on animals and has not yet reached humans (standard chemotherapy drugs are used), but perhaps a glass of red wine after stent surgery could be considered beneficial.

Is it possible to drink alcohol if you have high cholesterol?

Usually yes, you can drink alcohol, as long as it is in moderation and if you do not use statins (lipid-lowering drugs). With regular consumption of large doses of alcohol, complications on the liver are inevitable, in any case. Therefore, always and everywhere we are talking about moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages.

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