Pressure 180 to 120, 130 - how dangerous is it?

Normally, upper blood pressure is 120-123 mmHg. Art., lower - no more than 80 and no less than 75 mm Hg. Art.

As the readings increase, signs of the development of hypertension are observed, and the higher the blood pressure, the higher the risk of a hypertensive crisis.

Pressure of 180 over 120 and 180 over 130 indicates the development of hypertension and can lead to adverse consequences.

Dangers and Consequences

Blood pressure is represented by two interrelated readings: systole and diastole. The rise in blood pressure can occur isolated or complex. A combined increase in readings is a common occurrence, accounting for 93% of all cases.

At a pressure of 180/120 mmHg. Art. the vessels are under pronounced tension, the walls are compacted and stretched. The vascular bed is filled with blood, which puts pressure on the surrounding tissues.

This condition increases the risk of hemorrhoidal damage to the brain, ischemia of the brain and heart muscle. The body experiences acute oxygen starvation.

Hypoxia can cause kidney stroke and lead to the death of the patient.

Hypertensive crisis is a condition of the body in which systolic blood pressure rises above 179 mmHg. Art., and diastolic - above 110 mm Hg. Art. Such indicators are a threatening condition for the health and life of a hypertensive patient.

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Possible muscle weakness of parts of the body, or complete paralysis. The risk of neurotic disorders and acute heart failure cannot be excluded.

Hypertension with such data is severe and requires urgent treatment for qualified medical help.

How does pressure of 180 to 130 affect the body?

Each person has their own normal blood pressure. For some, this is the standard norm of 120/80 mmHg. Art., and for some – 130/85. Blood pressure is considered normal if it is within the range of 90-139/65-89. If the pressure is much less than the prescribed norm, then hypotension is diagnosed, and if it is more, hypertension. Suspicion of hypertension arises after blood pressure increases to 140/100 or higher. If during the next measurement you see readings of 180 by 130 mmHg. Art., then you urgently need to lower your blood pressure and then consult a doctor. Such a sharp jump in blood pressure is usually accompanied by a number of symptoms that greatly affect the person’s condition.

But sometimes even such high blood pressure values ​​are not accompanied by deterioration of the condition. In such cases, hypertension is still diagnosed, because, despite feeling well, the body quickly wears out. This is fraught with the development of such serious complications:

  • the vascular lumen narrows, their walls become more permeable and fragile;
  • it turns out that there is an increased load on the heart muscle, tachycardia, heart failure, and other heart diseases develop;
  • the load on the kidneys also increases, as a result of which they cease to function normally, various organ pathologies and renal failure develop;
  • vascular atherosclerosis develops;
  • cerebral stroke, myocardial infarction, pulmonary edema develops;
  • Vision is impaired, glaucoma and blindness appear.

In addition, a constant increase in blood pressure to 180/130 negatively affects a person’s intellectual abilities, memory, and coordination of movements. All these complications pose a serious danger to human health and life. Therefore, you need to start treatment as early as possible. Such a negative reflection of high blood pressure on the human body often ends in disability and sudden cardiac death.

Regular increase in blood pressure to 180 to 130 mmHg. Art. means severe hypertension, which is characterized by frequent and prolonged attacks of hypertensive crisis. But it is not necessary that at such values ​​a hypertensive crisis will occur. If a person feels normal, then a blood pressure of 180/130 does not pose any particular danger to a person’s life. But this does not mean at all that treatment is not needed. You need to see a doctor in any case. If the pressure has increased to 180 to 130 and above, then this is a pathological condition. Therefore, it is urgent to carry out a thorough diagnosis to determine the cause of this phenomenon.

Symptoms and signs

Signs of an approaching illness are relative. For some time, mood changes, drowsiness and increased fatigue are possible. Urinary retention and swelling of the extremities after a night's rest are often noted.

The signs are characteristic of moderate hypertension, which, in the absence of diagnosis and treatment, goes into the stage of a severe clinical picture.

Symptoms characteristic of blood pressure 180/120 mm Hg. Art.:

  • tachycardia;
  • dyspnea;
  • dizziness;
  • ringing in the ears;
  • severe dizziness;
  • fainting state;
  • pain in the back of the head;
  • bouts of vomiting;
  • temporary loss of touch and hearing;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • decrease in body temperature.

Patients have cold hands and toes, tongue “twists,” and superficial arteries pulsate, visible to the naked eye. The person may lose consciousness.

In severe situations, convulsions and seizures are possible.

Symptoms in older people are of a different nature, since in most cases a hypertensive crisis is not a rare occurrence in them. Older people report cold extremities, headaches, and inability to produce speech (a temporary phenomenon).

Pressure readings of 180 to 130 become precursors to cerebrovascular accidents. Signs of ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke:

  • numbness of the part of the body opposite the hemisphere of the brain, which has undergone a pathological effect;
  • trembling throughout the body;
  • hallucinations;
  • curvature of the mouth - “the smile of a crying clown”;
  • deterioration of the sense of touch;
  • incoherent speech or lack thereof.

The typical clinical picture of a stroke is similar to the manifestations of alcohol intoxication. If the pathological process affects the heart, loss of consciousness develops with acute pain in the heart area, left shoulder and shoulder blade.

First aid for blood pressure 180 to 130

If blood pressure rises to 180 to 130 mm Hg. Art., then it urgently needs to be lowered, reducing the load on the heart muscle. But it is also impossible to sharply reduce the indicators, since a strong jump in blood pressure can only aggravate the condition. The best option is to reduce the value to 130/100 in 2 hours. If you encounter such pressure for the first time, then you need to put an Anaprelin or Enalapril tablet under your tongue. For pain in the heart you need to take Nitroglycerin. A slight decrease in pressure will be observed after 30 minutes. Immediately after diagnosing high readings, you need to take a comfortable position, ensuring access to fresh air. The patient should calm down and relax. It is recommended to drink valerian or Corvalol. Take a few deep breaths and slow exhalations to normalize your breathing.

If the pressure does not subside, then you need to call an ambulance and take one of the following medications:

  • potent diuretics: Hypothiazide, Triampur;
  • emergency antihypertensive drugs: Anaprilin, Nifedipine;
  • antispasmodic: No-Spa. You can drink it if the pressure surge is caused by vascular spasm.

You can also lower high blood pressure in an emergency way with the help of a Capoten tablet, which should be placed under the tongue and dissolved. It is necessary to monitor the pressure every 15 minutes, and if it has not decreased to normal, then you can take 1 more tablet. If the pressure drops quickly or is not accompanied by a strong deterioration in health, then you can do without calling an ambulance. But after it gets better, you should immediately consult a doctor.


The causes of pathology are relative. Often, an unhealthy lifestyle leads to the development of hypertension and crisis. This group includes:

  • smoking;
  • consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • caffeine addiction;
  • excess of unhealthy fatty foods.

Other provoking factors include the following conditions and diseases:

  • chronic physical inactivity;
  • stressful situation;
  • excessive physical loads;
  • mental emotionality;
  • change of living conditions;
  • change in blood viscosity due to a malfunction in the hemostasis system;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • diseases of the renal system with severe renal syndrome;
  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • apnea;
  • head injuries;
  • age-related deterioration of vascular condition;
  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • excess of adrenal hormones.

The main provoking factor is nervous tension. In this case, the disease develops instantly, with an unfavorable prognosis. The recovery stage is difficult.

There is a category of people who feel quite moderate with a pressure of 180 to 120. They determine the indicators based on individual symptoms and take measures to lower blood pressure.

What to do if the pressure is 180 to 130?

If the tonometer first showed a pressure of 180 to 130 mmHg. Art., then you need to consult a doctor for a thorough diagnosis and selection of adequate drug therapy. Treatment should be started as soon as possible. Even if the disease occurs without a pronounced clinical picture, it negatively affects the condition of the whole organism, resulting in a number of dangerous complications. If you don’t know what to do with such high indicators, then first go to a therapist, who will then refer you for examination to other specialists. Taking into account the answers from tests and instrumental studies, the doctor will determine the cause of arterial hypertension and prescribe comprehensive treatment.

The selection of medications is carried out individually, taking into account many factors. With such high blood pressure, several drugs are selected simultaneously for the patient, which, when used in combination, will help get rid of the problem. Drug therapy for a pressure of 180 to 130 may consist of the following medications:

  • diuretics;
  • vasodilators;
  • blood thinners;
  • beta blockers;
  • calcium antagonists;
  • ACE inhibitor.

Depending on the cause of hypertension, other medications may be prescribed. The correct combination of several medications, as well as their dosage and duration of use, is determined by a qualified specialist. Even after a single case of increased pressure to 180/130 mm Hg. Art. It is necessary to constantly monitor blood pressure using a tonometer. This is necessary in order to avoid rupture of a cerebral vessel. Blood pressure measurements should be taken in the morning, before bedtime, and before and after exercise.

How to normalize

In case of a primary hypertensive crisis, it is possible to normalize blood pressure by parenteral (less often, oral) administration of an antihypertensive complex drug, and also seek medical help.

The same increase in systole and diastole increases the risk of ischemic disorders, or indicates a heart attack or stroke. The exception is the chronic course of the pathology, registered in old age. The subsequent rise in blood pressure is eliminated by drug treatment.

First aid consists of relieving heart pain:

  • put an Anaprilin tablet under your tongue or drink Nitroglycerin;
  • remove or unbutton tight clothing to allow unobstructed access to oxygen;
  • Place the patient on a flat surface and raise his head.

It is important to maintain nasal breathing and call an emergency doctor. If the symptoms become chronic, then the main help is to take potent antihypertensive drugs.

The decrease in pressure should be slow and smooth to prevent rupture of medium-sized arterial vessels.

Therapy with a doctor

Indicators of 180 systole and 120 diastole require a diagnostic examination of the patient. Effective medications for lowering blood pressure are prescribed exclusively by a doctor, on an individual basis:

  • calcium channel blockers – Nifedipine (can be used as an emergency drug in case of high blood pressure);
  • adrenergic blockers – Propamine;
  • ACE inhibitors – Captopril;
  • diuretics – Furosemide.

Treatment includes antiplatelet drugs, for example Curantil, as well as vasodilators and antipsychotics.

To treat this type of hypertension, medications that combine a complex of active substances are used. The combination of antihypertensive drugs is as follows:

  • alpha blockers and beta blockers;
  • calcium antagonists and ACE inhibitors;
  • diuretics and ACE inhibitors;
  • beta blockers and calcium channel blocker.

An integrated approach to the treatment of arterial hypertension helps to normalize blood pressure levels and minimize possible adverse consequences. Medicines are taken once a day for long periods of time, if not continuously.

Home treatment

It is impossible and strictly prohibited to reduce this level of indicators using “homemade”, non-traditional methods. This treatment is designed to maintain the condition of the vascular walls and prevent the deposition of plaques inside the vessels as much as possible.

Treatment at home is as follows:

  • Nutrition. Refusal of fatty foods, salty and canned foods. Limit on flour and sweets. Preference should be given to fresh vegetables with a high fiber content. Drink green tea, control your body weight, avoid alcohol and smoking. Valerian is allowed to be taken in the form of a tincture to reduce emotional stress.
  • The use of vitamins containing magnesium and potassium, which prevent severe disorders of the cardiac system and improve the condition of the endothelium inside the vascular bed.
  • Gymnastics (antihypertensive) and acupressure.

The combination of home methods with drug therapy can enhance the therapeutic effect and reduce the duration of treatment.

Healing decoctions for hypertension:

  • mashed cranberries with sugar;
  • beet juice with hawthorn tincture (ratio 1:1);
  • compotes, jam or juice from fresh blackcurrants.

It is important to understand that unconventional methods can enhance the functioning of the renal system, but in treating pressure of 180 to 120 this action is not enough.


Each person has his own specific threshold of “working” pressure. For some people, readings of 180 to 140 are not very high, but in medicine this is regarded as stage 3 hypertension. For other patients, the pressure is very high, the condition is regarded as a hypertensive crisis. In any case, growth to such levels is important to quickly stop, otherwise irreversible consequences begin. An attack can be recognized by the following symptoms:

  1. Feeling dizzy, resulting in inability to maintain balance and coordination. Dizziness can be so severe that patients lose consciousness.
  2. Noise in ears.
  3. Redness of the skin of the face and neck.
  4. Burning pain in the chest from the heart, tachycardia.
  5. Deterioration of vision, temporary loss of vision, deterioration of sharpness, darkening of the eyes.
  6. Confusion.
  7. Severe headaches arising in the back of the head and temples, pulsating in nature.
  8. Feeling of fear of death.
  9. Nausea leading to vomiting followed by short-term improvement.
  10. Sometimes a cough appears.
  11. Increased sweating.
  12. Trembling of the limbs, loss of sensitivity.

Such symptoms are difficult to miss, so as soon as one of them appears, you will need to take immediate action.

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