Blood pressure 90/50: what does it mean, is it dangerous and what to do?

An adequate level of blood pressure has long been considered 120 per 80 mmHg. This belief exists in the minds of ordinary people without much medical knowledge.

Is this really the only possible indicator or is it still a variant of the clinical norm? We can say that the second is true.

The World Health Organization has long defined a range of normal values, taking into account the average level of blood pressure at which people feel acceptable and do not experience health problems.

However, the indicated blood pressure indicator of 90 to 50 is never considered adequate if only healthy adults are taken into account.

90 to 45 or 90 to 50 is a pathological condition called hypotension.

Actually, low pressure doesn't mean much. The process is never isolated and primary. There is always one pathology or another that causes such a significant decrease in blood pressure. A thorough examination for diseases is necessary.

What information should a patient obtain in order to promptly pay attention to his health?

Is 90/50 pressure adequate in different cases?

When assessing the adequacy of such an indicator, you need to take into account a lot of factors. Among them are gender and age characteristics, general health status, hormonal levels and some other points. We should consider them in more detail.

Children, teenagers

For children under 8-9 years of age, a blood pressure level of 90 to 50 is quite normal, and if we are talking about the youngest patients, it can be completely elevated. Children have their own norm, you need to talk about this with a pediatric cardiologist.

For teenagers the situation is different. In most cases, this level of blood pressure is acceptable, but not desirable.

The age of 12-19 years is the phase of puberty: a very complex state from a physiological point of view. Your health worsens, your blood pressure fluctuates and can be either low or high during the day.

It is extremely difficult to manage such patients, since there is no clear clinical picture.

A thorough examination and correction of the condition in extreme cases is necessary. In most clinical situations, you don’t need to do anything; everything goes away on its own at a certain point.

In the elderly

Hypotension in elderly patients is an extremely rare phenomenon, indicating problems with the cardiovascular system. This is not an absolute truth, but a common occurrence.

Hypertension is more common in old age. That is, the reverse process, an increase in blood pressure, sometimes to levels leading to a hypertensive crisis.

Patients of this kind need to be carefully monitored and therapy must be constantly adjusted. Conducting early screening for pathologies of the cardiovascular system is the key to a normal quality of life.

During pregnancy

Hypotension in pregnant women is common. Even at such a pronounced level. There is no need to do anything; in rare cases, if your health does not allow you to live a full life, it is recommended to contact a specialist.

Endocrine factors

In healthy patients with normal hormonal levels, an upper pressure of 90 may be normal. A diastolic level of 45-50 is always pathological. It is necessary to understand the situation. Perhaps this is due to hormonal imbalances.

For whom 100 by 60 mm RT. Art. – norm

For most young people, mainly women, a constant pressure of 100 over 60 is normal. This indicator occurs:

  • with normal or low weight,
  • for non-smokers,
  • athletes,
  • physically active,
  • with constitutional features.

Important! If 100 to 60 remains constant, and there are no complaints and you feel good, there is no need to take therapeutic measures. This blood pressure value does not pose any danger.

Reasons for a one-time drop in blood pressure in patients

A single decrease in blood pressure rarely indicates complex pathologies of any profile. More often there are natural, physiological factors.

Among them:

  • Overwork. As a result of increased stress on the body, cerebral circulation is impaired with inhibition of the regulatory centers of cerebral structures responsible for normal vascular tone. Usually the violations are not critical and are completely reversible.
  • A sharp change in body position in space, unreasonably rapid movements. They cause so-called orthostatic hypertension. It is not only temporary, but also lasts no more than a few seconds or minutes. After the attack ends, everything returns to normal. But there may be adverse consequences such as fainting or dizziness and falling.
  • Menstrual cycle. Lasts for different periods of time. Throughout the entire cycle, changes in the nature of cerebral circulation are observed. The decrease and increase in pressure is not one-time, but temporary, short in duration, therefore it cannot be classified as a pathology.
  • Abuse of antihypertensive pharmaceutical drugs. The problem of patients with hypertension. If the dosage is incorrect, the pressure will begin to jump and become unstable.
  • Post-stroke or post-infarction condition. During the rehabilitation period, a decrease in the tonometer reading is acceptable, but it is necessary to constantly monitor blood pressure levels and the general condition of the patient.

This is not a complete list, but the reasons presented are the most common in clinical practice. They are not dangerous and are reversible.

Traditional methods of dealing with low blood pressure

There are many traditional ways to combat low blood pressure, but we must not forget that different people may react to them differently.

  • Immortelle decoction

To prepare it, take a tablespoon of immortelle flowers, pour boiling water (250 ml) and keep in a water bath for 15 minutes. After this, you can strain the broth and take it. This amount of ingredients is calculated for the daily dose. The effect can be obtained if you drink the decoction three times a day - 1/3 cup before each meal.

  • St. John's wort decoction

It is advisable to consult a specialist before taking St. John's wort decoction for low blood pressure. The recommended daily dose of the decoction is no more than 250 ml, and it must be adhered to. The course of treatment is no more than a month; a decoction is prepared by analogy with immortelle decoction.

  • Infusion of calamus, burdock, chicory

This infusion is prepared from the roots of burdock, chicory and calamus. 100 grams of each ingredient are crushed and mixed, poured into a liter jar, which is then filled with water to the brim. The jar should be placed in a dark place for 10 days. After the specified period, take the infusion 5 drops, dissolving them in a tablespoon of water. The infusion is drunk three times a day for three weeks.

  • Grape or pomegranate juice

Grape or pomegranate juice can do an excellent job of increasing blood pressure. Of course, the best effect will come from fresh; store-bought will not work, since it is canned. Buy dark grapes, squeeze the juice out of them, preferably before eating. Dosage – half a glass twice a day, course of administration – two weeks. Pomegranate juice will help cope with dizziness and headaches.

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Causes of persistent low blood pressure

There are many more options here. Differential diagnosis under the supervision of specialists is required.

  • Endocrine system disorders. A change in the concentration of thyroid hormones in the bloodstream is always accompanied by low blood pressure readings: 90/50 is not the limit. It is caused by insufficient functional activity of the thyroid gland, often as a result of traumatic lesions or true tumors. Diabetes. It has a negative effect on the entire cardiovascular system. Most often causes hypertension, but variations are possible. Addison's disease or chronic hypocortisolism. Lack of adrenal hormones. Primarily cortisol. Solves with replacement therapy.
  • Traumatic brain lesions. In particular, concussions of cerebral structures.
  • Osteochondrosis, vertebrobasilar insufficiency and other pathologies associated with disorders of cerebral blood flow and tissue trophism. They develop at any age and are characterized by a persistent decrease or increase in tonometer readings.

  • Congestive heart failure. It is determined by dysfunction of the heart muscle and a decrease in blood pressure levels. Develops mainly in older patients.

  • The reasons for pressure 90 to 50 may lie in liver diseases: hepatitis and cirrhosis. In this case, there is a whole layer of additional symptoms that are very difficult to ignore. It is enough to pay attention to your own health. The main factor in the development of the disease process is a change in the nature of blood flow, an increase in the concentration of toxins in the blood that penetrate the blood-brain barrier and indirectly cause disturbances in vascular tone.
  • Chronic anemia as a result of prolonged low-volume bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract, reproductive tract during the menstrual cycle, etc.
  • Anaphylactic shock or acute allergic reaction. It is provoked by the release of a large number of specific mediator substances, including histamine.
  • Infectious pathological processes. They are determined by a decrease in blood pressure, sometimes to critical levels. Competent medical intervention under the supervision of a treating specialist is required.

All of these pathologies are characterized by additional manifestations that play an important diagnostic role and force the patient to see a doctor. It is important not to ignore the body's signals for help.


Diagnosis of diseases of this type is carried out by cardiology specialists. If necessary, third-party doctors are involved, such as an endocrinologist or neurologist.

A systematic examination consists of eight procedures:

  • Assessment of patient complaints. Allows you to get an idea of ​​the symptoms of the pathological process. It is possible to use questionnaires.
  • Medical history examination. All somatic diseases, lifestyle, and physical activity characteristics are taken into account. Diet, drinking regime, etc.
  • Measuring pressure using a tonometer. It is carried out without fail on different hands with a difference of 10-15 minutes.
  • Daily measurement of blood pressure using a special Holter monitor.
  • Electrocardiography. Necessary for assessing the condition of the heart and its functional activity.
  • Encephalography to determine the nature of the brain and cerebral structures.
  • Blood tests for thyroid and pituitary hormones.
  • General blood test (or CBC).

This is enough in the system. A neurological assessment is also carried out, if necessary. Patient's mental status. After diagnosis, you can begin treatment.

Are such numbers dangerous with different pulse rates?

The pulse indicator plays an important role in determining the source of pathology.

It is necessary to consider it on a general basis, along with other symptoms accompanying a decrease in tonometer readings.

  • Pulse less than 60. Severe bradycardia. Indicates a malfunction of the cardiovascular system. Poses a danger to health and life. A doctor's help is required, preferably quickly.
  • Pulse 60-80. This is quite normal. This heart rate is considered desirable and does not pose a threat.
  • Heart rate over 80 beats per minute. Tachycardia due to hypotension is a relatively common occurrence. Indicates damage to the heart muscle and requires urgent medical attention.

All indicators need to be assessed in the system. This is an axiom. It is impossible to draw conclusions from the pulse alone.

What does blood pressure 80/60 mean?

The difference between systolic and diastolic readings is called pulse pressure, which is normally 35-45 mm. rt. Art. Deviation of accepted values ​​upward or downward is a sign of disturbances in the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. So, the pulse difference at a pressure of 80 to 60 is 20 mm. rt. Art., which may be a physiological norm or a sign of the development of pathology. Experts identify a whole list of diseases that can provoke this type of deviation. Some are benign in nature, while others signal disruption of systems and organs, provoking acute conditions that threaten the lives of patients.

Symptoms requiring specialist help

The list of manifestations listed below is incomplete. It is recommended to seek the help of a doctor in all controversial cases if there is the slightest suspicion of pathological processes. There is no need to be embarrassed to contact a specialist.

Dangerous or at least warning signs include:

  • Sudden dizziness and darkening of the eyes for no apparent reason. Especially if the attacks recur repeatedly.
  • Headaches of a regular nature. Unreasonable at first glance.
  • Nausea.
  • Vomiting, repeated without signs of relief.
  • Pain behind the sternum without increased blood pressure. Otherwise, there is reason to suspect a heart attack, and competent help is required.
  • Shortness of breath, breathing problems.
  • Darkening in the eyes with a sharp change in the position of the body in space. Indicates orthostatic hypotension, its causes are varied.
  • Mental status disorders, including depression and anxiety.
  • Appetite disorders.
  • Other accompanying symptoms of various diseases: dyspepsia, deterioration of general health, weakness, fatigue, increased body temperature to insignificant levels.

All manifestations must be taken into account and not ignored.


Hypotension - even the physiological form - can be accompanied by the development of pathological symptoms. Signs of hypotensive changes will include:

  • weakness, drowsiness, fatigue;
  • strong reaction to weather changes (meteosensitivity);
  • violation of thermoregulation - legs and arms are almost always cold and freezing;
  • increased sweating;
  • headaches localized to the forehead;
  • poor tolerance to physical/psycho-emotional stress;
  • pale skin;
  • motion sickness;
  • occasional nausea.

Important! Hypotonic patients need a longer night's rest. For the human body to rest and recover, it needs 10-12 hours.

If you have such symptoms, you should consult with your doctor, who will determine the true cause of hypotension and prescribe adequate treatment for the condition.

How can you help yourself at home?

You can increase the pressure from 90 to 50 yourself. But with further negative dynamics of the process, if the pressure drops further, you need to call an ambulance.

Before the arrival of doctors or as initial measures, the following must be done:

  • Lie down, calm down. Do not make sudden movements. Moreover, do not jump out of bed.
  • Take one tablet of a tonic: Citramon or aspirin. But no more, otherwise the pressure will jump sharply. The drugs do not act immediately, but after half an hour to forty minutes. One tablet in this period of time is enough. The daily maximum is 6 tablets.
  • Drink coffee, tea or a salty product (of your choice) to normalize the condition.
  • Assess and record pulse and blood pressure for reporting to the attending physician or paramedic upon arrival of the ambulance.

Before the ambulance arrives or until you feel better, you should avoid showers, baths, and excessive water consumption. The condition may worsen.

Typical complications

Contrary to ideas, an arterial indicator of this kind is by no means safe.

The probability of consequences for the body is 5-8%, with a further decrease in blood pressure levels - 12-15%. Treatment should begin at the 90 to 70 stage; this is the best moment when you can be completely cured and forget about the disease.

Possible complications include:

  • Fainting. A common problem that can occur to the patient several times a day. Injury and death are possible as a result of loss of control over the situation.
  • Ischemic stroke. Insufficient trophism of nerve tissue will lead to the death of entire groups of neurons. The result is neurological deficit of varying degrees of intensity. From minimal changes to total disruption of fundamental functions. Damage to the brain stem can result in death.
  • Cognitive problems. Dementia. Decreased memory and intensity of mental activity. As a result of constant hypoxia of the cerebral cortex.
  • Problems with vision and hearing as an outcome of the same ischemia.

How is hypotension treated?

Hypotension is eliminated etiologically, that is, it is necessary to influence the root cause of the disease-causing condition.

The list of measures is wide and does not fit into the scope of the material: this includes the elimination of kidney pathologies, hormone replacement therapy, and other methods.

Symptomatic treatment consists of eliminating manifestations. It is necessary to regularly take tonic medications prescribed by a doctor, normalize your diet, change your lifestyle, and give up bad habits completely. No alcohol or cigarettes.

Optimize physical activity: physical inactivity does not lead to anything good. This will be sufficient for the system.

During pregnancy

Low blood pressure during this period should be considered as part of the development of pathology. And in order to present a more complete picture of the causes and possible consequences of this phenomenon, the process must be divided as follows:

  • The first possible cause of low blood pressure is pregnancy itself. That is, it provokes this phenomenon due to early toxicosis that occurs in the first half of the term.
  • The second option is that the cause of hypotension is associated with complications associated with pregnancy - this could be a threatened or already begun abortion, accompanied by uterine bleeding. In other cases, blood pressure usually increases.
  • Hypotension - already occurred before pregnancy and did not disappear when it occurred. Under such circumstances, there is no threat to the future woman in labor. But serious complications can occur for the fetus. Since slow blood flow in the vessels also negatively affects the blood circulation of the fetus. Intrauterine hypoxia may occur, and this is fraught with very serious consequences.
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