Pressure 120 over 90: what does it mean, what to do at home

Normal or pathological 120/90

Optimal blood pressure is generally recognized as 120/80, which is the norm for 75% of the world's population. A deviation of the diastolic or systolic marker by 10-15 units in any direction is not critical.

Most often, this is a sign of physical or emotional stress. Doctors say that blood pressure 120/90 without deterioration in general well-being and the absence of negative symptoms is quite acceptable.

But as soon as such numbers are accompanied by unpleasant symptoms and cause discomfort in a person, we are talking about a pathological deviation from the normal level. At the same time, no one has canceled individual physiological characteristics.

A pressure of 120 over 90 may be the only symptom of an emerging pathology in the following categories of patients:

  • teenage children without gender differences, especially with a pulse of 80-90 beats/minute;
  • hypotension: such indicators are a sign of isolated diastolic hypertension;
  • hypertensive patients with the development of tachycardia.

Possible fluctuations in blood pressure are presented in a table.

Blood pressure indicatorsWhat does it mean
140/90-159/99Slightly elevated
160/100-179/109Average degree of headache
180/90Very high

There is a tendency for blood pressure to increase, corresponding to the formation of pathology. But it should be taken into account that any fluctuations are correlated with age and gender.

What is blood pressure and what does it depend on?

Blood pressure refers to the force of blood pressure on the walls of blood vessels, measured in millimeters of mercury. There are venous, intracardiac, capillary and arterial pressure (BP).

It is blood pressure measurement that has the greatest practical value. The indicator includes two numbers:

  1. Upper pressure is the effect of blood on the walls of blood vessels during the greatest contraction of the heart, at the moment of blood ejection. The number is fixed when the pressure in the vessels reaches its maximum value.
  2. The lower pressure, which is recorded at the moment of greatest relaxation of the heart.

The difference between the upper and lower values ​​is called pulse pressure, its norm is 35-50 mmHg. Art.

The value of blood pressure is influenced by:

  • Floor. As a rule, women have 10-20 units lower than men.
  • Body mass.
  • Age. With age, blood pressure increases.
  • The presence of bad habits.
  • Psycho-emotional state.
  • Physiological features, including heart volume.
  • Taking certain medications.
  • Presence of chronic diseases.
  • Diet.

Most doctors are skeptical about averaging blood pressure standards depending on the gender or age of patients, preferring an individual approach in each situation.

What is its danger, including for pregnant women?

A blood pressure of 120/90 is considered normal in the absence of negative symptoms; this also applies with absolute certainty to pregnancy. Habitual hypotension in pregnant women is almost the same physiological condition. This is the range of the golden mean when changing hormonal levels, taking into account the age of the expectant mother, the presence of concomitant pathologies, and the timing of pregnancy.

Trimester, weeksCharacteristic
First trimesterHypotension, below 120/80
17-18 week120/90 is considered as the norm with optimal blood pressure values ​​before conception (in expectant mothers over 35 years of age, blood pressure before pregnancy is initially slightly elevated - 140/90)
25-26 weekBlood pressure is above 120/90, but in the absence of negative symptoms and deterioration of health, this is the norm; the addition of any symptom of malaise requires consultation with a doctor

The indicators indicated in the table do not pose a danger to either the mother or the unborn child.

Reasons for rising DBP


In a healthy person, DBP equal to 90 units does not require clarification of the reason for its increase, since this is the norm. In hypotensive patients, such figures indicate a pathology associated with an unbearable load on the myocardium. This happens if:

  • alcohol intoxication occurs;
  • drinking caffeinated drinks excessively;
  • certain medications are used;
  • the condition of weather-dependent people worsens;
  • a person catches a cold;
  • there is a dysfunction of the kidneys and adrenal glands;
  • hormonal levels change:
  • a tumor of the pituitary gland is formed;
  • diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular pathologies, and VSD start.

In hypertensive patients, pressure 120/90 is considered low, since age-related changes are organic and irreversible, vascular tone is impaired.

Reasons for increased diastolic value

Why does diastolic blood pressure increase? When an elevated lower parameter is initially detected, blood pressure levels should be constantly monitored at different times of the day. The reasons for the increase in diastolic indicator can be both physiological and pathological. In most cases, the increase is associated with an increase in vascular tone and a decrease in their elasticity. This condition occurs when the following problems occur:

  • Kidney diseases, when there is a decrease in blood circulation to their tissues as a result of the atherosclerotic process.
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland, accompanied by excess production of hormones that activate the activity of the autonomic nervous system.
  • The development of atherosclerotic processes in the arteries, which leads to vascular spasm.
  • The presence of an intervertebral hernia that compresses blood vessels.

An increase in the diastolic parameter with a normal systolic parameter may be a sign of heart defects or neoplasms

Constant factors that provoke an increase in the lower parameter are also:

What does pressure 125 over 70 mean?

  • Smoking causes prolonged vasospasm.
  • Alcohol depletes the compensatory mechanisms, due to constant periods of spasm and relaxation of the arteries.
  • Stress activates excess production of adrenaline, which causes constriction of the arteries.
  • Excessive salt consumption contributes to fluid retention in the circulatory system.
  • Physical inactivity and excess body weight lead to edema.

Increasing blood pressure parameters to 120 by 95 mm. rt. Art. serves as a reason to undergo a full diagnosis, which includes a number of instrumental studies, as well as a comprehensive blood and urine test.

An increased lower value with a normal upper value means the beginning of the development of isolated diastolic hypertension. This ratio serves as a sign of pathological processes in the body.

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Usually a blood pressure of 120 over 90 does not give any negative symptoms. But in hypotensive patients, such numbers can cause:

  • migraine;
  • tachycardia;
  • stimulation of the nervous system.

In hypertensive patients, this is the result of an overdose of antihypertensive drugs, which causes drowsiness, apathy, lethargy, and chronic fatigue, which is corrected by stopping the usual medications.

Weather-dependent people react to unusual pressure of 120/90 by changing their heart rhythm. Tachycardia makes them irritable and aggressive; if such pressure is demonstrated by a hypotensive patient, migraines appear, ringing in the ears, spots flashing before the eyes; in hypertensive patients, ataxia occurs, a condition reminiscent of fainting.

If the pulse slows down, then hypotensive patients have paler skin, the remaining strength disappears, the pressure can drop sharply and further, accompanied by coma and cardiac arrest. Hypertensive patients react to bradycardia by developing neurological symptoms similar to VSD.

Emergency help for high blood pressure.

If the pressure has risen sharply, to return it to normal levels it is necessary:

  1. Take a horizontal position and try to relax. To do this you need to breathe deeply. If you continue to do various things, the indicators will not only not decrease, but may even become even higher.
  2. Take rosehip decoction or another diuretic. Removing excess water from the body will help reduce pressure on blood vessels and reduce indicators. Pomegranate and its juice also have a similar effect to rose hips.

Normalization of the condition will occur gradually, it may even take a whole day. If the condition worsens: pain in the heart appears, the headache intensifies, you need to urgently call an ambulance. This will help prevent the disease from getting worse.

Is adjustment needed?


In the absence of complaints or deterioration of health, no correction is required. If negative manifestations occur, then correction is necessary.

At home

First aid at home can be done as follows:

  • lie down, relax, breathe deeply, evenly, limit any movements to prevent a further rise in pressure;
  • open the window;
  • loosen tight clothing;
  • drink a glass of rosehip decoction, pomegranate juice - vitamin C will strengthen the wall of blood vessels;
  • take sedative drops such as Corvalol, and regularly perform tonometry.

The lack of results after half an hour is a reason to call an ambulance.


Doctors consider an increase in DBP with normal SBP to be isolated and suggest:

  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • adjust the diet, limit salt;
  • add dosed sports activities to your daily routine;
  • from medications - take diuretics such as Spironolactone, adrenergic blockers (Betaloc), ACE inhibitors (Captopril), calcium antagonists (Norvasc).

All manipulations are controlled by a doctor.

Traditional methods


Among the folk remedies it is recommended:

  • cranberry juice with honey in equal parts: a teaspoon, three times a day, for 14 days;
  • honey with onion concentrate in equal parts, taken according to the same scheme;
  • rosemary decoction;
  • baked garlic (10 minutes in the oven) with bread;
  • infusion of hawthorn, motherwort, valerian.

If DBP is consistently high at 90 units, the kidneys should be examined.

The reasons for such fluctuations in lower blood pressure

There are a wide range of factors that can cause such a failure. But the most common are the following:

  • Weakness of the heart muscle and difficulty performing work as usual.
  • Changes in the qualitative composition of the blood, which means thickening of the blood and difficulty in its flow through the arteries and veins.

  • Loss of elasticity of the vascular wall. This pathology occurs due to poor nutrition, increased stress on the body, and the influence of certain medications.

  • The formation of atherosclerotic plaques in the walls of blood vessels, which occurs when there is an increased level of cholesterol in the blood.
  • A sharp change in the lumen of the vessel, which is provoked by fluctuations in hormones in the body.
  • Improper functioning of the endocrine system.
  • Frequent emotional stress, stress and overexertion.

It is necessary to understand that the patient can eliminate most of the causes of pressure surges on his own. To do this, you need to balance your overall lifestyle. Proper nutrition, maintaining an active lifestyle, avoiding psychological stress and stressful situations will prevent high blood pressure.

When do you need a doctor?

They resort to the help of a doctor in a situation of consistently high DBP (at the initial level – 80 units and below), which is not corrected either by medications or folk remedies, and causes a deterioration in the general condition. Blood pressure 120/90 is not critical and does not require emergency measures, but a full clinical and laboratory examination in such a situation is recommended and justified.

If the leading symptom is chest pain, seeing a doctor is absolutely necessary so as not to miss the development of fatal complications from the heart and blood vessels.

Diagnostics and methods of correction

What to do if you suspect isolated diastolic hypertension? First of all, visit a specialist and undergo an examination. It includes the following methods of studying the body:

  • Ultrasound of the heart, kidneys and thyroid gland;
  • Dopplerography of cerebral vessels;
  • ECG;
  • laboratory blood tests for biochemistry.

If the presence of tumors in the kidneys is suspected, magnetic resonance imaging is performed. To identify problems with the endocrine system, it is recommended to donate blood for hormones, this is especially important for women during pregnancy and menopause. The goal of treatment is not to correct the condition when low blood pressure regularly increases, but to eliminate the cause.

Usually, after the underlying disease is cured, be it a pathology of the thyroid gland or the renal system, the pressure stabilizes on its own. What can you do if your blood pressure increases again? It is not recommended to take antihypertensive drugs on your own, because in this case both the lower and upper levels will drop at the same time.

Only the doctor decides whether there is a need to take medications and how to combine drugs with each other in order to maintain both tonometer indicators normal.

Among the drugs intended for the correction of isolated diastolic hypertension are:

  • Diuretics are necessary to remove excess fluid from the body and eliminate swelling, which are always present in the complex therapy of hypertension. These are Veroshpiron, Triamterene, Furosemide, Hypothiazide.
  • Alpha blockers are well tolerated and help stabilize blood pressure. These include Terazosin and Prazosin.
  • Beta-blockers - stabilize the functioning of the heart muscle, reducing the number of contractions and affecting the nerve centers. The heart begins to function in an economical mode, and the pressure is restored. This group includes Bisoprolol, Atenolol, Metoprolol.
  • ACE inhibitors – inhibit the production of angiotensin, a substance that increases blood pressure. This group includes the drugs Captopril, Fosinopril, Enalapril and their derivatives.
  • Calcium antagonists - expand the lumens of the capillaries, due to which the pressure stabilizes. Verapamil and Nifedipine tablets are effective.

Therapy also includes taking sedatives if pressure surges are provoked by nervous tension and stress. The patient is prescribed herbal remedies - tincture of peony, motherwort, valerian, drugs Glycine, Nervohel, Valocordin, Corvalol, Persen.


If you follow your doctor's recommendations:

  • quitting smoking, alcohol, drugs, energy drinks, caffeine-containing drinks;
  • balancing the diet with limited salt, a predominance of fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • increased physical activity;
  • dosed physical activity;
  • prevention of stressful situations;
  • good dream;
  • clinical examination – the prognosis is favorable.

Blood pressure 120/90 is not a condition that requires any special, emergency measures if a person’s optimal blood pressure corresponds to the age norm and does not go beyond fluctuations of 10-15 units in both directions.

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