“Antihypertensive” device – treatment of hypertension

24-hour blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) is a modern method for diagnosing cardiovascular pathologies. Blood pressure may change depending on the time of day, sleep or wakefulness, due to emotional state, etc. Thanks to this type of diagnostics, you can track all fluctuations and pressure surges, find out at what time they occur and what exactly provokes them.

Daily blood pressure monitoring allows you to identify various disorders even at an early stage. In addition, this research technique helps the doctor determine the most effective treatment tactics for the patient.

Device for stabilizing blood pressure "Onega"

We would like to introduce you to the unique medical device “Onega”, which controls the balance of positively and negatively charged particles in the body, known as the device for stabilizing blood pressure “Onega”. This medical device was certified by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and was highly appreciated not only in Russia, but also in many countries. This is the world's first biophysical healing device, which, using bioelectricity, stimulates the cardiovascular system, brain function and allows you to get rid of many different diseases. This device is called a device for stabilizing blood pressure, since when registering it, one of the main functions of the device should have been indicated. The Onega device defeats hypertension - it reduces high blood pressure. Since 1996, the Onega device has been awarded 8 times the highest awards at international exhibitions of scientific and technical inventions held in the USA, France, Sweden, Singapore, and for its effectiveness, it has received the name “Hypertension Killer” on the world market. The Onega device was included in the list of the most valuable inventions by the Ministry of Health of Japan. The “Onega” device is a unique, innovative development of scientists from the Far Eastern Research Center for Traditional Medicine “Eniom”. “Onega” is a device for the treatment of high blood pressure, the world’s first medical device with complex, biophysical effects, normalizing the balance of positively and negatively charged particles in the human body. All clinical trials and studies were successful, the Onega device received reviews as the most effective and safe method. The Onega device improves blood pressure in hypertension. A decrease or increase in pressure are the main indications for its use. “Onega” is a unique opportunity to return to a full life, even for those who have suffered from this disease for many years and previous treatment for hypertension (lower blood pressure) did not lead to recovery. The Onega device provides a new opportunity for people with this serious disease to return to a normal lifestyle. With its help, high blood pressure levels are normalized, both in primary hypertension and in those for whom it is secondary, caused by pathology of the endocrine system, kidneys, and blood vessels. The systematic use of the Onega device in patients diagnosed with stage III hypertension has shown excellent results in practice. It was possible not only to lower, but also to maintain blood pressure at normal levels for a long time. Patients who had been troubled by hypertension for many years, after using the Onega device, completely got rid of headaches, tinnitus disappeared, and visual acuity began to recover. Among the category of patients whose hypertension was only at the stage of initial manifestations (high blood pressure was only short-term), the use of the Onega device made it possible to stabilize normal blood pressure values. Now, even after active physical or mental stress, drinking coffee or alcoholic beverages, their blood pressure does not exceed 140/90 mmHg. Art. Treatment of hypertension with the Onega device has no contraindications. With its help, people of all ages, regardless of gender, can treat hypertension. The device can also be used by patients whose high blood pressure is accompanied by a number of complications (nephropathy, optic nerve dystrophy, etc.). The device normalizes blood pressure without causing side effects by lowering blood pressure. After treating hypertension (lowering blood pressure) with the Onega device, you don’t have to follow a strict diet, limit your emotions and physical activity, or control high blood pressure by measuring your blood pressure several times a day. Hypertension completely cured! The Onega device has proven itself not only in the treatment of hypertension, but also as a prophylactic agent. Its periodic use reduces the risk of hypertension (high blood pressure). Also, the use of the Onega device in patients with kidney pathology will lead to a decrease in blood pressure, and in some cases, the prevention of high blood pressure. Treatment of hypertension with the Onega device is quite simple and available both at home and in the workplace. If you have hypertension (high blood pressure), simply carry the device with you or keep it in your top desk drawer. As soon as high blood pressure makes itself felt, use the device, and all symptoms of hypertension will disappear.

“Antihypertensive” device – treatment of hypertension

It has been scientifically proven that the cells of any living organism on our planet possess biological electricity and represent a kind of bioenergy capacitor. A striking example of this is such marine animals as the electric eel and stingray. This also applies to people. Biocurrents always emanate from a living organism, the loss of which in turn leads to the extinction of life. But rarely has anyone thought that the cells of a child have an electrical potential of 100 millivolts, the cells of a middle-aged person have 70 millivolts, an elderly person has 40 millivolts, and with age, the electrical potential dries up and the cells die. Ideally, if positive and negative ions were in absolute balance, then their life would be eternal. But during their life, cells constantly lose negative ions, and their place is taken by excess positive ions, so the electrical balance in the cells is disturbed, and leads to their inevitable death. This is where the ANTIHYPERTENSION device comes to the rescue! It renews the energy potential of the heart muscle cells and gives the heart a large supply of energy, due to which good contraction of the heart is restored, the threat of stroke and heart attack recedes, and nutrition is easily supplied to all organs through the cleaned vessels. By improving metabolic processes, waste and toxins that have accumulated while taking medications are removed from the body. Treatment with the ANTIHYPERTENSION device allows you to successfully eliminate the causes of diseases by limiting the intake of medications, without causing side effects and without disrupting the physiological functions of healthy cells in the body.

And so from all of the above, it becomes clear that the ANTIHYPERTENSION device, by its principle, is capable of influencing any diseased organ in which the cells have undergone pathological changes. Positive results were achieved by patients with the following diseases: varicose veins, blurred vision, hearing, frequent headaches, kidney disease, pancreas disease, stomach ulcers, prostatitis and menstrual disorders. Patients also noted that with prolonged contact of the device with the surface of the head, gray hair acquires a natural color, the hair structure improves, and dormant hair follicles sprout. The device has a special spherical contact for cosmetic effects on the skin of the face and neck. Under the influence of the device, skin cells come to life, subcutaneous fat gives way to collagen, the collagen layer increases due to which wrinkles disappear, and an auto-lifting effect occurs.

Hypertension is a serious disease that is difficult to correct with medications and has a high rate of disability and mortality. According to the World Health Organization, in the population over 40 years of age, hypertension occurs in 70% of cases. Mortality from hypertension in the structure of cardiovascular pathology reaches 50%. And these are very high figures. Therefore, those people who show signs of hypertension should be immediately prescribed effective treatment for hypertension. Those who are already experiencing all the hardships of hypertension today have more than once encountered the low effectiveness of drug treatment for hypertension. The drugs prescribed by the doctor to lower blood pressure only normalize it for a short time. And after just a couple of hours, signs of hypertension, such as high blood pressure, headache, tinnitus, feeling hot and rapid heartbeat, make themselves felt.

Another negative side of drug treatment for hypertension is the fact that exceeding the dosage of a drug that lowers blood pressure can lower it excessively and cause fainting, and a critical decrease in pressure causes a cerebral stroke. Therefore, with this disease, taking medications that lower blood pressure requires a qualified approach on the part of the doctor and strict adherence to the recommendations on the part of the patient. People diagnosed with hypertension are forced to constantly carry a blood pressure monitor with them and remember to take medications that lower blood pressure.

The Antihypertensive device provides a new opportunity for people with this serious disease to return to a normal lifestyle. With its help, high blood pressure levels are normalized, both in primary hypertension and in those for whom it is secondary, caused by pathology of the endocrine system, kidneys, and blood vessels. The systematic use of the Antihypertension device in patients diagnosed with stage III hypertension has shown excellent results in practice. It was possible not only to lower, but also to maintain blood pressure at normal levels for a long time. Patients who had been troubled by hypertension for many years, after using the Antihypertensive device, completely got rid of headaches, tinnitus disappeared, and visual acuity began to recover.

Among the category of patients whose hypertension was only at the stage of initial manifestations (high blood pressure was only periodic), the use of the Antihypertensive device made it possible to stabilize blood pressure to normal levels. Now, even after active physical or mental stress, drinking coffee or alcoholic beverages, their blood pressure rarely exceeds 125/85 mmHg.

Treatment of hypertension with the Antihypertensive device has no contraindications. With its help, people of all ages, regardless of gender, can treat hypertension. The device can also be used by patients whose high blood pressure is accompanied by a number of complications (nephropathy, optic nerve dystrophy, etc.). The device normalizes blood pressure without causing side effects. After treating hypertension with the Antihypertensive device, you don’t have to follow a strict diet, don’t limit your emotions and physical activity, and don’t control your high blood pressure by measuring it several times a day.

The Antihypertensive device has proven itself not only in the treatment of hypertension, but also as a prophylactic agent. Its periodic use reduces the risk of stroke and heart attack. "Antihypertensive" stabilizes blood pressure even in patients with kidney pathology. It removes toxins, increases the calcium content, and, on the contrary, lowers the potassium content in the blood when it is in excess. The Antihypertensive device increases the content of gamma globulin and stimulates renal activity, reduces blood viscosity and increases the content of leukocytes in it. Treatment of hypertension with the Antihypertensive device is quite simple and is available both at home or while traveling, and at the workplace. The small size of the device allows you to carry it with you. As soon as high blood pressure makes itself felt, use the device, and all symptoms of hypertension will disappear.

The operating principle of the device is as follows: imagine that human cells have a round shape and consist of a shell with a positive ion potential and an inner core with a minus charge. With age, a deficiency of negative ions occurs, the volume of the nucleus decreases and cell aging occurs. Imagine grapes that, after ripening in drought under the rays of the sun, lose their juiciness and turn into shriveled raisins. The same thing happens with the cell. “Antihypertensive” fills diseased cells of the entire body with negatively charged ions and rejuvenates them, the skin becomes smooth and elastic, just as if raisins were filled with moisture again and turned into elastic, juicy grapes. And that is not all. The cosmetic effect of the device on the skin of the face, neck and hands leads to intensive cell metabolism. Subcutaneous fat burns giving way to collagen, wrinkles and age spots disappear, and the skin becomes young again.

Buying an Antihypertensive device is not at all difficult: its price is affordable, and our managers are always ready to fulfill your order and advise on its use. Buy an “Antihypertension” device and forget about lowering your blood pressure, as hypertension will no longer bother you!

How to behave during daily monitoring

Most often, patients ask: how should they behave during the study? There is no need to specifically change your lifestyle - behave the same way as usual.

The following recommendations must also be observed:

  • Before measuring blood pressure, the device makes a sound. During the beep, try to relax your hand as much as possible until the device finishes measuring. In most cases, ambulatory blood pressure monitors take readings every 20 to 30 minutes during the day and every hour at night. At the same time, you can also measure your heart rate.
  • Try not to pay attention to the device at all, do not touch the cuff on your arm and try not to move it unless absolutely necessary.
  • It is forbidden to take a bath or shower during the day.
  • Try to go about your day as usual: wake up at the same time as usual, don't overexert yourself more than usual, maintain your physical activity at the same level, etc.
  • During the day you need to keep a diary where you will write down all the features of the day: food intake, physical activity, time of falling asleep, waking up, taking medications, stress, etc.

If you are conducting research in the winter, wear the device under your clothes, as you should not expose the device to the cold. It is also recommended not to be near electrical devices with a powerful electromagnetic field - for example, this applies to a microwave oven. It is preferable to sleep in a supine position to avoid detaching the electrodes.

Remember that compliance with all of the above recommendations is the key to accurate indicators and correct decoding of data.

The ONEGA device was developed on the basis of the theory of biocurrents and the internal closed bioelectric circuit of the human body, which was reflected in the works of scientists from Russia (formerly the USSR), the USA, France and Sweden, as well as Chinese researchers. The normal functioning of the body largely depends on the balance of biocurrents in a closed human circuit. When it is disrupted, the body becomes susceptible to various diseases. Outstanding scientists of Russia and China, Professor V. A. Starostin and Gao Jiajun, have followed the same path in their research for a number of years. Based on research on the theory of the internal bioelectric circuit, the traditional teachings of Chinese medicine about the forces of yin and yang, and energy channels, they created the ONEGA medical device, which normalizes blood pressure and effectively helps people suffering from various diseases. ONEGA, in contact with the body, is included in the internal bioelectric circuit and restores the optimal amount of negatively charged particles, which in turn helps to normalize sleep, metabolism, metabolism, and dilation of capillary vessels. The device stabilizes blood pressure, affects the process of removing toxins from the body, reduces the percentage of oxygen loss in the blood and normalizes cardiac activity. The ONEGA device increases the content of gamma globulin and stimulates renal activity, reduces blood viscosity and increases the content of leukocytes in it, stimulates the work of parasympathetic nerves... The ONEGA device also restores the integrity of arterial walls, eliminates spasms, destroys cholesterol deposits, reduces blood viscosity and cleanses blood vessels. All this not only helps to reduce blood pressure in a short period of time, but also provides a long-term therapeutic effect for hypertension.

I. Pressure correction for hypertension and hypotension.

1. Hands on both sides of the holder: Grab the metal contour of the device with 5 fingers of one hand, while 5 fingers of the other hand are in a natural position, place your fingertips on top of 3 groups of healing biocontacts and contact for 3-5 minutes.

2. Position of the device on the wrist: Grasp the metal contour of the device with one hand. Place 3 groups of healing biocontacts tightly on the Nei-Guan point (3 cm above the transverse line of the wrist) for 3-5 minutes.

3. Position of the device on the heart area: Grasp the metal contour of the ONEGA device with one hand. Place 3 groups of biocontacts on the skin in the heart area for 3-5 minutes. This method is most effective for patients suffering from tonsillitis and coronary heart failure.

4. Combing the head: Grasp the metal contour of the device with one hand. Place 3 groups of healing biocontacts on the scalp along the front hairline and comb them (from the forehead) back to the back hairline (towards the neck) over the entire surface of the head for 3-5 minutes, at a speed of 10 – 30 strokes per minute. The four methods listed above are a treatment complex for hypertension and hypotension, which we recommend to carry out during one session, 2-3 times a day. For hypertension: If at the initial stage of using the Onega device your blood pressure has increased, do not be alarmed: you should reduce the session time to 1 minute in each position. After stabilizing the pressure, you can increase the time of use of the device to the recommended one.

II. Treatment of the vascular system.

5. Position of the device on the carotid artery: Grasp the metal contour of the device with one hand. Place 3 groups of healing biocontacts on the carotid artery and contact for 3-5 minutes.

6. Treatment of the palms and soles of the feet: Grasp the metal contour of the ONEGA apparatus with one hand. Place 3 groups of healing biocontacts on the palm (foot), where the bioenergy channels are located, and, starting from the wrist (heel), make slow movements towards the fingertips for 3-5 minutes.

III. For diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

7. Treatment of the spine and joints: For pain in the joints and lower back, it is recommended to treat the painful areas of the body for 10 -15 minutes. When treating the spine, it is necessary to use the help of others. One hand of the assistant should be on the patient's shoulder, and the other should slowly move the device along the spine and back. The operation of the device should be confirmed by the indicator lighting.

IV. Cosmetic effect.

8. Cosmetic effect on the skin of the face, neck and hands: Take the device in a different way - with biocontacts in the palm of your hand, and with a metal contour smooth your face, neck and hands as if you were applying a cream for 10-15 minutes. After two days of using the ONEGA device, an improvement in the color of the skin of the face, neck and hands, and smoothing of wrinkles are observed. What happens to our skin can be illustrated by the example of grapes, which, after ripening, lose their juiciness and turn into wrinkled raisins. The Onega device fills the aged cells of the body with negatively charged ions and thereby rejuvenates them, just as if raisins were filled with moisture again and turned into elastic, juicy grapes. Clinical observations in Singapore showed that when using the device on the head of many patients, gray hair regained its original color. The structure of the hair also improves, the process of baldness stops, the hair follicles begin to awaken and new hair appears in balding people. Application. In these cases, use the ONEGA device on the scalp for 10-15 minutes, 2-3 times a day, after moisturizing the hair (scalp).

V. Treatment of diseases of internal organs.

Use of the ONEGA device in the treatment of trophic ulcers: It is necessary to cover the location of the ulcer with a damp cloth and apply the device to it motionlessly for 20-30 minutes, 2-3 times a day. For varicose veins: With a light touch, maintaining firm contact with the skin, make longitudinal movements with the device on the veins for 20-30 minutes, 2-3 times a day, until a lasting result is obtained. For diseases of the stomach, duodenal ulcers, pancreas (also with diabetes), liver, kidneys: Apply the ONEGA device to the projection of the location of the organs for 20-30 minutes, 2-3 times a day, until a lasting result is obtained. In this case, you can use a damp cotton cloth. In the treatment of bronchial asthma and pulmonary diseases: Place the device in the projection of the bronchi or lungs for 20-30 minutes, 2-3 times a day, through a damp cloth. When treating diseases of the heart and coronary vessels: Use the ONEGA device in the heart area for 5-10 minutes, 2-3 times a day. The time for using the ONEGA device should be limited to 1-2 minutes in cases of increased blood pressure, immediately after starting to use the device, obvious redness of the face, discomfort in the heart area, increased heart rate. Vision problems: myopia, farsightedness, glaucoma, cataracts, etc.: Use the device, applying it through a damp cloth to each eye for 15-20 minutes, at least twice a day. Hearing loss (hard of hearing): Apply the device to your ear through a damp cloth for 10-15 minutes, 2-3 times a day. Make sure that the device and the human body form a closed biological electrical circuit; in this case, the indicator light on the device will light up. * In some cases, if the effect of the device is not pronounced, you can wet your hands with water before use in order to increase electrical conductivity.

Point pressure (for angina pectoris, asthma): 1. Holding the metal ring of the device, press three groups of therapeutic teeth to the skin in the heart area. The method is suitable for the treatment of high blood pressure with angina pectoris, difficulty breathing, and coronary artery disease. After just 3-5 minutes of use, arterial convulsions are relieved, the load on the heart is reduced and blood pressure is reduced. * For best results, it is recommended to use the pressing method for 15-20 minutes every night before going to bed. 2. Press the therapeutic teeth firmly against your wrist for 3-5 minutes; the effect is similar to the two-handed holding method. Press the teeth firmly against the skin in the lung area (for spasmodic asthma). Press the ONEGA device tightly to the place where spasms are observed (hold motionless or massage). Suitable for spasmodic cardiovascular diseases, difficulty breathing, gastrospasms, intestinal and duodenal spasms. 3. Press the teeth of the device onto the sore spot (hold motionless or massage). Clinical studies conducted in Singapore showed that this device effectively helps with headaches caused by radiation when using a mobile phone, toothache, pain in the shoulders, joints, abdomen, liver, as well as kidney stones, pancreatitis, pain in the lower back and back and muscle tumors. Attention: during therapy in the presence of various diseases, it is imperative to point the device at active points. For example, patients with different pressure levels should choose different points; in case of congenital high blood pressure, you should choose a point on the cervical artery 3.3-5 cm from the Adam's apple, and in case of very high blood pressure, a point on the spine at the level of the kidneys. “Combing” method (movements on the scalp, limbs and in the spine): 4. Holding the device with one hand and pressing the teeth against the scalp or sore spot, make uniform movements, as with normal combing of hair, with a frequency of 20-30 times per minute for 3-5 minutes 2-3 times a day. Suitable for high and unstable blood pressure. During therapy and when measuring blood pressure, you should not talk, because this may affect the result. Suitable for treating migraines and dizziness, as well as increasing mental performance. The effect appears after 3-5 minutes; It is not forbidden to talk during therapy. 5. The method of circular rubbing on the skin of the back on both sides of the spine has a positive effect on kidney failure and high blood pressure, and helps improve immunity. * During therapy with this method, the bioelectric circuit must be kept closed; in addition, since the movements are performed on the back, this type of treatment is inconvenient for the patient himself, so it is recommended to use outside help, and the assistant should hold the patient’s hand. It is not forbidden to talk during therapy. 6. The ONEGA device is also suitable for use by healthy people: with daily use, blood pressure is normalized, the risk of cardiovascular diseases is reduced, and mental performance is improved. Attention: while sleeping on your back, you can hold the device with one hand and place *it on the skin in the area of ​​the heart or in another place; the use of this method effectively dilates blood vessels, reduces the load on the heart and promotes restful sleep.

Recommendations for use: The patient should remain calm and not be distracted by extraneous stimuli during treatment. To increase the effectiveness of the ONEGA device, before using it, it is advisable to moisturize the skin to increase its electrical conductivity. During operation, the device can be held in either the right or left hand. This does not affect the outcome of the treatment. When treating other diseases, you need to treat painful areas for 15 to 30 minutes; if desired, you can increase the application time - this will only increase the effect. If during the initial period of using the ONEGA device your blood pressure has increased, do not be alarmed: you should reduce the session time to 1 minute in each position. After the pressure has stabilized, return to the previously recommended time. The human body is individual and each one requires a different amount of time for treatment.

  • gold award at Beijing International Invention Exhibition.
  • special prize for an international invention at the International Invention Exhibition in France.
  • Golden Lion prize at the Singapore International Invention Exhibition.
  • gold prize at the Geneva International Exhibition of Inventions.
  • gold cup at the American International Exhibition.
  • gold cup of the French International Exhibition.
  • The device is recommended as “an effective treatment for hypertension.”
  • The device was recommended by the National Consumer Protection Fund as a “Trustworthy Product” immediately after entering the world market.

ATTENTION: Each Onega device includes a numbered quality certificate. Beware of fakes.

Why you shouldn't suddenly lower your blood pressure

Hypertension occurs in different ways; some people feel it if their blood pressure has risen by 10-20 mm Hg. st and complains of nausea, pressure in the temples and headaches. But for some, 200/120 is not a problem; without a tonometer, they won’t even suspect this problem. In any case, a rise in pressure above 140/90 mmHg. Art. causes harm to the body, and above 170/110 mmHg. Art. is fraught with danger. Shoot down? Of course, every cardiologist will answer. Fast and up to standard? But here everything is not so clear.

Target pressure

Whatever the reason for the rise in pressure, the result is the same - the wall of the blood vessels is overloaded, and the formed elements of the blood and large molecules, for example, glucose, like plates with sharp edges, scratch the vascular wall from the inside more and more. And the more microcracks there are, the faster our internal putty - cholesterol - will be deposited in them, and the faster an atherosclerotic plaque will begin to form in this place. Well, some organs, which are usually called target organs of hypertension, suffer directly from high blood pressure - the heart is pumped up like a bodybuilder’s biceps, but this only affects its nerves and arteries, the kidneys become overgrown with connective tissue (nephrosclerosis develops), the optic nerve swells and vision deteriorates, the brain suffers. But... even for such serious complications, the count is not in hours or days. This is the result of prolonged, months of high blood pressure.

A sharp decrease in high blood pressure - consequences

And here’s the thing: if you suddenly release the pressure, the same organs can suffer much more severely. Considering that after some time they somehow adapt to even the most significant increase in pressure, a sharp decrease in blood flow and the oxygen it carries can take them by surprise.

The most insidious drugs that can quickly “collapse” blood pressure are nitrates. After a nitroglycerin tablet slipped by compassionate citizens, people often lose consciousness on the street and in transport.

Lack of blood supply to the brain when pressure drops

A sharp decrease in blood pressure can cause a lack of blood supply to the brain. At best, this will manifest itself as a short-term loss of consciousness, which may not end so harmlessly if the fallen person receives a facial injury or concussion. At worst, an ischemic stroke will develop. Especially if the blood supply to the brain is already deteriorated, either as a result of narrowing of the lumen of the carotid arteries by atherosclerotic plaques, or as a result of the development of pathological tortuosity of the carotid arteries, a pathology that often occurs after sixty.

If you quickly lower your blood pressure, your heart suffers

A sharp decrease in blood pressure can cause not only a stroke, but also a myocardial infarction. The reason for this, in most cases, will be the same atherosclerotic plaques, this time in the vessels of the heart. A sharp decrease in blood pressure will lead to the fact that a section of the myocardium will be without blood supply and the heart cells will die. Moreover, against the background of a decrease in pressure, the heart will reflexively begin to compensate for this situation by accelerating the frequency and strength of heart contractions, which will only increase its need for oxygen, which, due to low pressure, will not be delivered to the myocardium on time.

Kidneys - a drop in blood pressure is dangerous

Another organ that directly depends on blood pressure is the kidneys. And if high pressure is not good for them, then low pressure, frankly speaking, is harmful. Indeed, with low pressure, they cannot carry out their main function - filtering blood and producing urine. Being very sensitive to any changes in pressure, as a result of a sharp drop in the latter, disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys can occur, including the development of renal failure. And one more aspect, if the reduction in pressure was not carried out with drugs that block the renal enzyme ACE (ACE blockers or angiotensin 2 receptor antagonists), then in response to a drop in pressure, a rebound effect is quite possible, when the kidneys quickly release a large amount of the enzyme, and the pressure will jump again.

How do we reduce it? Gradually normalize blood pressure

If it is dangerous to suddenly and significantly reduce blood pressure, how to do it correctly? Doctors recommend not taking a cocktail of drugs, but starting with one drug, preferably a short-acting drug that works for a limited time. If after half an hour the pressure drops by 20 mm Hg. Art., the effect is good and you can take another tablet of the same kind, but no more. If not, try a drug from another group, and then wait an hour. If it doesn’t help, it’s better not to experiment and call an ambulance. Let us recall that according to the standards of treatment of hypertensive crisis, a decrease in systolic pressure by 25% of the initially elevated level is the maximum necessary effect for initial therapy. It is recommended to achieve target values ​​only within 48 hours. It is not necessary to reduce blood pressure by large amounts in the first hours from the onset of the crisis; it is enough to record the success of maintenance therapy and then, after a few hours, begin to gradually increase the dosage of medications.

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