Why is blood pressure 90/50 dangerous and what should you take to increase it?

Blood pressure specialists assess the functional state of the vascular and cardiac systems. Thus, systolic pressure reflects the activity of blood vessels, and diastolic pressure reflects the activity of the heart. The difference between the two values ​​is called pulse pressure, on average it is 30-40 mm. rt. Art. Significant deviations in values ​​indicate the development of pathological processes in the body, which are considered as hypertension and hypotension. However, some patients may experience isolated hypertension, when a pressure of 120 over 50 does not correspond to accepted standards. What does this condition mean and what causes it?

What does a blood pressure level of 90/50 mean?

In a healthy person, normal blood pressure ranges from 120/80 to 110/70 mm. rt. Art. Therefore, a pressure of 90 to 50 is considered a pathological manifestation for people of different age groups. A simultaneous decrease in cardiac and renal pressure is a manifestation of insufficient circulating blood volume, which leads to a deficiency of oxygen and nutrients in the body. This causes a disorder in the functional activity of vital organs, namely damage to the myocardium and brain.

Indicators of 90 to 50 are considered arterial hypotension. In this condition, the lumen of blood vessels expands, resulting in a decrease in the productive work of the heart muscle and a decrease in blood flow. In most cases, hypotension is a secondary pathology; low blood pressure occurs against the background of other diseases.


Provocateurs of hypotension include some diseases of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands, the cardiovascular and central nervous systems, some diseases of the respiratory system, as well as duodenal ulcers, cholecystitis, hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, and anemia. Acute arterial hypotension can also develop with large blood loss, massive injuries, poisoning, heat stroke, and shocks of various origins.


Treatment of a disease that causes a decrease in blood pressure leads to normalization of the latter.

Herbal stimulants. We are talking about the so-called adaptogens of natural origin, which increase vascular tone and blood pressure: tinctures of eleutherococcus, ginseng, lemongrass, aralia. But here it is important not to overdo it: some hypotensive patients are very sensitive to these drugs. Among medications, people suffering from low blood pressure are prescribed: nootropic drugs, cerebroprotectors, antioxidants, antidepressants.

Norm or pathology

If a pressure of 90 to 50 does not provoke the development of symptoms and signs of hemodynamic disturbances, then this can be considered as physiological hypotension. This condition is individual, and is more often diagnosed in young people, especially girls. It is difficult to eliminate primary hypotension, since the compensatory mechanisms responsible for the regulation of blood pressure have adapted to maintain it at a minimum level.

Hypotension is considered to be pathological, in which characteristic disturbances and complaints of deterioration of well-being are observed. It is observed in patients with normal or elevated blood pressure. Oxygen deficiency causes damage to the myocardium and brain, which causes the clinical picture of hypotension.

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Reasons for the development of low blood pressure

A decrease in blood pressure is usually associated with a violation of the mechanism of its regulation. The following are the causes of hypotension that provoke a decrease in blood pressure:

  • Decrease in circulating blood volume (internal bleeding, dehydration, vomiting, diarrhea).
  • Insufficient pumping activity of the myocardium (cardiomyopathy, heart attack, arrhythmia, heart failure).
  • Disorder of hormone production by the endocrine glands (hypothyroidism, Addison's disease).
  • Dysregulation of vascular tone (diseases of the nervous system, stress, neoplasms, traumatic brain injury, stroke).
  • Excessive expansion of arterioles (intoxication, poisoning, burns, overdose of antihypertensive drugs).

Women are more susceptible to hypotension, especially during the period of hormonal changes in the body, during which there may be no symptoms.

Causes of diastolic hypotension

Reduced heart pressure is considered normal for older people, as degenerative changes lead to a decrease in the elasticity of blood vessels, resulting in a decrease in the volume of circulating blood. During the period of myocardial contraction, less blood is released into the vessels, which puts less pressure on the arterial walls. This is accompanied by a decrease in diastolic pressure.

Low blood pressure may be a sign of the development of the following heart pathologies:

  • heart failure;
  • aortic heart disease;
  • bradycardia.

With these pathologies, the heart muscle pumps an insufficient volume of blood, cardiac output decreases, and peripheral pressure decreases.

Important! A decrease in the lower value, while maintaining the upper one, is very often a sign of the development of an atherosclerotic process against the background of diabetes mellitus.

A decrease in diastolic pressure is also detected in adrenal insufficiency and endocrine diseases.

Taking certain medications can cause a decrease in minimum blood pressure. These include painkillers, sedatives, diuretics and antihypertensives.

Other reasons also lead to a decrease in diastolic pressure:

  • loss of large amounts of fluid;
  • heavy bleeding;
  • severe infectious diseases;
  • low levels of glucose in the bloodstream;
  • severe allergic reaction.

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If the diastolic reading is 50

A decrease in the lower indicator can be caused by both physiological and pathological processes in the body. The physiological form is typical for young people with an asthenic body constitution and hereditary predisposition. The condition does not cause any disturbance of well-being or discomfort.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia can be the primary cause of the disease and subsequently become chronic. Low blood pressure can be caused by the following factors:

  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • decreased thyroid function;
  • allergic reaction;
  • damage to the adrenal cortex;
  • peptic ulcer of the digestive tract;
  • pinching of the cervical vertebrae;
  • anemia;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • starvation;
  • infectious diseases.

A one-time detection of a hypotensive state does not require therapeutic measures; if blood pressure is constantly low, it is necessary to undergo an examination to determine its cause and select the optimal therapy.

What pathologies cause a high pulse difference?

The pressure is 120 over 50, at which the pulse pressure is 70 mm. rt. Art., is high. A prolonged increase signals the development of pathological conditions requiring emergency medical care.

Pathologies that cause a high pulse difference:

Why is diastolic pressure low?

  • Renal failure (impaired production of renin, necessary for the regulation of vascular tone).
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia (disorder of the function of the autonomic nervous system).
  • Infectious processes (pneumonia, tuberculosis, intestinal diseases that lead to the development of intoxication syndrome).
  • Diseases accompanied by a decrease in hemoglobin (peptic ulcer of the digestive tract, anemia).
  • Endocrine diseases (hypothyroidism).
  • Vitamin deficiency (insufficient intake or impaired synthesis of vitamins B, C, E).
  • Osteochondrosis (pinched blood vessels due to displacement of the vertebrae in the upper parts of the spine).

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Low values ​​in older people

If a pathological condition is diagnosed in an elderly person, the risk of developing disorders of the cardiac and vascular systems increases. As a rule, a decrease in tonometer values ​​in people aged 50 is associated with insufficient elasticity of the arterial walls and the formation of an atherosclerotic process. The development of hypotension is dangerous for an elderly person, since there is a risk of acute vascular and cardiac pathologies. A common complication of hypotension is coronary heart disease.

Low diastolic pressure in old age is manifested by a disorder of urination, due to reverse vascular resistance, which prevents the filtration of urine. Metabolites accumulate in the bloodstream, which leads to the formation of mild renal failure.

Important! A characteristic sign of low blood pressure in an elderly person is orthostatic hypotension, which occurs with a sudden change in body position. It manifests itself as dizziness, lightheadedness, weakness, and visual disturbances.

Indicators 90/50 during pregnancy

A pregnant woman experiences constant changes in hormonal levels, which provokes changes in blood pressure. If during pregnancy the indicators drop to 90 to 50 or 90 to 55, then this indicates the formation of the following conditions:

Blood pressure 80 over 60 - what does this mean?

  • high susceptibility to stress;
  • excessive nervous and mental stress;
  • a sign of toxicosis;
  • vascular and heart diseases;
  • disruption of the vegetative-vascular center.

A decrease in parameters can be observed if the pregnant woman is in an incorrect position during night sleep (on her back), which leads to circulatory disorders, so experts recommend that women lie on their sides.

Provoking factors

Even a slight decrease in pressure 120 to 55 can be caused by many provoking factors, including:

  • Hormonal imbalance. Changes in hormonal levels can cause the lower value to decrease, especially in adolescents during puberty and in women during pregnancy.
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome. Diagnosed in individuals prone to hypotension.
  • Long-term diets, fasting. A monotonous diet with a minimum amount of vitamins and microelements affects the functioning of internal organs.
  • Sleep disorder. Sleeping less than 8 hours provokes a decrease in diastolic readings.
  • Oncological diseases. Malignant tumors are the main provocateurs of hypotension.

Decrease in parameters in a teenager

Why do teenagers experience low blood pressure? In adolescence, hypotension develops as a result of hormonal changes and non-compliance with the daily routine. Excessive consumption of harmful foods, physical inactivity and prolonged stay in a stuffy room also provoke a decrease in parameters.

Blood pressure parameters of 90/50 in a child under 7 years of age are a variant of the norm

Organic causes of hypotension during puberty:

  • disorder of the endocrine glands;
  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • diseases of the digestive tract.

Characteristic signs of reduced values

Of course, the main signs of low pressure are the tonometer readings - ninety to fifty. However, hypotension can be recognized by the following symptoms:

  • causeless weakness, fatigue;
  • pale skin;
  • headaches in the temples, forehead;
  • dizziness;
  • darkening of the eyes;
  • fainting;
  • pain in the heart area;
  • frequent urge to yawn.

In cases where hypotension develops against the background of other pathologies, the symptoms are supplemented by other signs characteristic of them.

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Arterial pressure

Surely everyone has heard complaints from friends about high blood pressure, hypertension

. As a rule, we do not pay attention to such complaints, and even more so, we rarely take care of ourselves. But increased blood pressure is fraught with heart attacks and strokes in the future. This is the first sign of heart failure, which does not bode well.


- the scourge of many people. And it affects not only older people, but also young people, who, due to their youth, are not at all inclined to think about diseases, and even more so to engage in self-diagnosis. However, despite your age, high blood pressure may be the cause of poor health.

Have you measured your blood pressure? Not according to the doctor's testimony, but just for fun? Measure it right now and evaluate the result. The norm is a tonometer reading of 120/80 mmHg. Anything higher is arterial hypertension (AH). Moreover, hypertension absolutely does not care how old you are.

Heart attack and stroke, however, too.

blood pressure and high blood pressure is currently underway.

and risks of developing heart attacks and strokes. It is very likely that soon the “risk zone” will start from 135/85 mm Hg. It has been proven that if your blood pressure stays within 110-120/60-85 mm Hg, then the likelihood of a stroke or heart attack is minimal for you. But the risk of developing these diseases doubles if the upper (systolic) pressure increases by 20 units, and the lower (diastolic) by only 10!

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In many countries, including Russia, no more than 50% of the total number of those who actually suffer from hypertension know that their blood pressure

higher than expected. And only half of these 50% are trying to fight it.

Most believe that if the pressure is slightly higher than normal, then it is “no big deal.” Nothing hurts, right? Well, okay. But you cannot treat yourself and your health lazily. And the consequences of such carelessness can be very distressing. Every day, the specialists of our medical institution have to deal with patients who neglected treatment at the first signs of the disease. The results are depressing: disability, change in lifestyle in an uninteresting direction, reproachful sighs of relatives forced to serve the patient...

You need to look after yourself. And you need to be attentive to unusual deterioration in well-being and take timely measures to eliminate it. The very first signs of hypertension seem to have nothing to do with it: frequent headaches, loss of general tone, pressure in the heart area. We often hope that this is all short-term and will go away on its own. Alas, it won't work.

If you feel this way, you should first measure your blood pressure.

. If you find that it is higher than expected and dynamic tracking of indicators does not detect a decrease, you need to consult a doctor. Self-medication is inappropriate here. As in many other cases, taking medications on your own will simply “blur” the picture of the disease, and it will be difficult for the doctor to correctly diagnose and prescribe effective treatment. Do not delay your visit to the doctor: starting the fight in a timely manner will help maintain your health.

High blood pressure

, even if it doesn’t make itself felt outwardly, it primarily affects the walls of the arteries that feed all human organs: the heart, brain, kidneys, eyes. Violation of the structure of the arterial vascular wall makes the normal functioning of these organs impossible. And “failures” in their work give the clinical picture of hypertension in the future.

Free glucose and lipid profile test before your appointment with a cardiologist

More details

The heart is the most important organ.

And, probably, it will be superfluous to talk about how important it is to listen to its knocking... High blood pressure increases the thickness of the walls of blood vessels, simultaneously reducing their tone. The heart muscle of the left ventricle grows and loses its ability to work normally. If the patient’s blood cholesterol level is higher than normal, this leads to the formation of sclerotic plaques, which is fraught with thrombosis of the coronary arteries, and as a result – angina pectoris and heart attack.

Likewise, high blood pressure

leads to cerebral vascular dysfunction. Changes in the walls of blood vessels can cause spasm, then thrombosis and stroke. In addition, if a patient has a cerebral aneurysm caused by a congenital predisposition, then high blood pressure leads to rupture of the aneurysm and extensive hemorrhage. Even if high blood pressure does not lead to atherosclerotic thrombosis of the cerebral arteries, it can cause locunar stroke or locunar disease (death of brain cells due to a sharp rise in blood pressure). However, modern computer technologies help to diagnose this disease in a timely manner and prescribe effective treatment.

You can make an appointment with a doctor by phone or through an online appointment.

Reducing parameters in case of heart palpitations

In many patients, low blood pressure readings are accompanied by a heart rhythm disorder. The danger of the combined course depends on the etiological factor, so for some the condition does not pose a threat, while for others it provokes serious complications.

With normal contractile activity of the myocardium, when the pulse is 70 beats/min in people under 50 years of age and with a pulse of 80 beats/min in people over 55 years of age, hypotension does not pose a threat to the body.

Tachycardia at low levels develops due to the activation of compensatory mechanisms in order to improve the nutrition of all organs and tissues. Tachycardia occurs in healthy people as a result of a decrease in circulating blood volume, which can be caused by dehydration.

In some cases, a hypotensive state is accompanied by bradycardia, when the pulse is 60 beats/min or lower. The main causes are diseases of the cardiovascular system, namely:

  • ischemic disease;
  • weakness of the sinus node;
  • replacement of cardiomyocytes with scar tissue;
  • atherosclerotic process in the coronary arteries;
  • cardiosclerosis.

A sharp decrease in heart rate and blood pressure may indicate the development of an acute critical condition requiring emergency care.

What to do

Doctors have few effective and safe medications for hypotensive patients. To increase blood pressure, caffeine-based drugs are used - Piracetam, Algon, Citramon. But all of these drugs can cause your heart rate to increase.

The surest remedy is a piece of refined sugar with a few drops of cognac: the sugar must be slowly dissolved. Salt also has the same effect - you can sprinkle a pinch on a small cracker and slowly dissolve it.

To maintain normal blood circulation, it is recommended to use folk recipes:

  • drink 100 ml of fresh pomegranate juice and red grapes daily - these drinks increase hemoglobin levels;
  • in the morning before breakfast, take 30 drops of lemongrass leaf extract - the plant helps improve blood circulation;
  • tincture of ginseng, eleutherococcus - take 5 ml on an empty stomach in the morning.

Honey with cinnamon helps well with hypertension - spread a thin layer of the beekeeping product on bread, sprinkle with a pinch of cinnamon.

St. John's wort is an effective remedy for hypotension. Brew 10 g of chopped herbs in 500 ml of boiling water. Close the container with a lid, wrap it up, and leave for an hour. Take 55 ml of infusion, strained, 2 times a day.

Possible complications

Constant identification of 90/50 parameters further increases the risk of stroke and cardiogenic shock as a result of prolonged starvation of brain neurons and heart muscle cells.

Primary hypotension with age can lead to the formation of hypertension due to sharp fluctuations in blood pressure, which leads to a decrease in vascular tone.

During pregnancy, hypotension is a risk factor for premature birth and miscarriage.

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Working in hazardous industries

The development of arterial hypotension is promoted by: working underground, in an atmosphere of high humidity and high temperature, with prolonged exposure to small doses of ionizing radiation, ultra-high-frequency electromagnetic fields, and intoxication with chemicals.


If arterial hypotension is caused by occupational hazards, it is better to transfer to another job.

► Hardening. Daily douches, rubdowns, and contrast showers have worked well for hypotensive patients. These procedures are based on a tonic effect not only on the skin’s vascular system, vascular tone, but also on the immune system.

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