How dangerous is it to take Corvalol and Valocordin with alcohol?

Corvalol is a popular medicine, especially among older people. Available in the form of drops and tablets. In the minds of many, it is used when “the heart is in pain.” In fact, this combination drug belongs to the group of sedatives and hypnotics. It is not easy to find out the whole truth about Corvalol. Despite the fact that the drug is decades old, even doctors have ambivalent attitudes towards it.

Professor Pavel Vorobyov, head of an organization engaged in research into cost-effectiveness in pharmacology, believes that Corvalol should be classified as a hard drug and sold only by prescription. Its use prevents patients from seeing a doctor on time and hides the symptoms of serious diseases.

Also, uncontrolled use of the drug can lead to the development of side effects, addiction and poisoning.


The effects of taking Corvalol are easily explained by its composition.

Alpha-bromoisovaleric acid ethyl ester has a sedative effect similar to valerian. It helps relax the smooth muscles of internal organs, slows down the transmission of nerve impulses and reduces blood pressure.

Phenobarbital in small dosages causes drowsiness, relaxation, and also relaxes smooth muscles. Increases the resistance of the nervous system to irritants, promotes the onset of sleep, but the sleep that occurs is not physiological.

Peppermint leaf oil promotes dilatation of blood vessels in the heart and brain. Strengthens intestinal contractility.

The combination of these components enhances their effect.

Thesis No. 8: If you have a hangover, you can take regular “cold powders”

Status: Myth

Anti-cold combination drugs contain several components, and at least two of them can interact with ethanol. Firstly, most drugs in this group contain paracetamol, sometimes in a dose of 1000 g. When it is combined with alcohol, the risk of hepatotoxic reactions increases. Secondly, many anti-cold combination drugs contain 1st generation antihistamine components. Alcohol can potentiate their depressant effect on the central nervous system, promoting the development of hypersedation and drowsiness [3]. Therefore, drugs from this group should not be recommended as remedies to relieve hangover symptoms.


  1. Alcohol-medication interactions. Alberta Health Services. – [Electronic resource] – URL: (Access date 12/09/2019).
  2. Alcohol-medication interactions. Alberta Health Services. – [Electronic resource] – URL: (Access date 12/09/2019).
  3. Green GA Understanding NSAIDs: from aspirin to COX-2 //Clinical cornerstone. 2001; 3 (5): 50–59.
  4. Weathermon R., Crabb DW Alcohol and medication interactions //Alcohol research. 1999; 23 (1): 40.
  5. Adams WL Interactions between alcohol and other drugs //International journal of the addictions. 1995; 30 (13–14): 1903–1923.
  6. Noureldin M. et al. Drug-alcohol interactions: a review of three therapeutic classes //US Pharm. 2010; 35 (11): 29–40.
  7. Moore AA, Whiteman EJ, Ward KT Risks of combined alcohol/medication use in older adults //The American journal of geriatric pharmacotherapy. 2007; 5 (1): 64–74.
  8. According to GRLS data as of December 12, 2019.

When to use

The drug cannot treat any serious diseases. It is usually taken for dysfunction without serious pathologies (functional impairment). Corvalol is taken to reduce the excitability of the nervous system and as a drug with some vasodilating effect. It can help with increased irritability, agitation with difficulty falling asleep and body reactions such as sweating, redness, weakness (manifestations of autonomic reactions of the nervous system). Sometimes to relieve intestinal spasms.

The main purpose of taking Corvalol is to reduce the excitability of the nervous system and slightly dilate blood vessels.

The General Secretary of the Russian Scientific Medical Society of Therapists, Andrei Spassky, believes that the drug is beneficial. It helps with heart disease, rhythm disturbances, and cardioneurosis. There are about 17 million people suffering from coronary heart disease in Russia. Approximately every second person uses such drugs, because they have a fairly good antiarrhythmic effect.


  1. Clinical patterns of drug (toxic) mania caused by hypno-sedative drugs in patients with alcoholism: abstract of thesis. ... candidate of medical sciences: 14.00.45. - Moscow, 1992. - 24 p.
  2. Clinical pharmacology: national guide / ed. Yu. B. Belousova [and others]. - Moscow: GEOTAR-Media, 2009. - 965 p.
  3. The danger of pharmacotherapy for insomnia and preventive measures to eliminate it Drogovoz S.M., Lukyanchuk V.D., Sheiman B.S., Toryanik E.L. 2014 / Journal “Emergency Medicine”

Placebo effect

The literature describes placebo effects for Corvalol and the similar composition Valocordin1. Thus, elderly people living abroad, former citizens of Russia (USSR), sometimes at very old age, asked to send these particular drugs, because previously they “helped great.” What “used to be” was 20 years ago, they were younger and healthier, did not interest anyone. Explanations from local doctors and relatives that there are more effective, modern medicines did not reassure them. But the most interesting thing is that the new medications themselves did not help. The “tried and true” were needed. Then they resorted to a combination of active ingredients according to the instructions from Corvalol to produce exactly the same ones. But no, only the “old” Valocordin or Corvalol were needed. When patients did get “their” drugs, they began taking them with great pleasure and hope. Usually they helped, just as “effectively” as many years ago.

For many elderly patients, it is necessary to weigh the benefits and possible harm, additional risks when taking Corvalol. Often this is psychological dependence and the effect of self-hypnosis.

Do not take medications on your own and always consult a doctor.


  1. How drops affect the human body
  2. Is it possible to drink Corvalol after alcohol?
  3. When Corvalol becomes a provocateur of death
  4. When to urgently seek medical help
  5. How soon can you drink Corvalol after a feast?
  6. When the drug is strictly contraindicated
  7. Corvalol is the favorite “drug” of alcoholics

Some people think that the compatibility of Corvalol and alcohol is good, because this drug contains ethanol. Following this logic, many, in order to calm down and fall asleep faster, boldly take drops after a feast. Doctors warn: you should never do this! If you combine Corvalol with alcohol, the consequences will be negative.

Reactions, consequences of poisoning

In large doses, Corvalol reduces the metabolic rate and lowers body temperature due to its effect on the central mechanisms of thermoregulation. Reduces blood pressure. As a result, in acute poisoning, a decrease in renal filtration and the development of oliguria and anuria are possible.

The drug component phenobarbital significantly inhibits psychomotor reactions and impairs coordination of movements. Some doctors see this as an additional provoking factor for falls in older people with subsequent hip fractures. Osteoporosis, many contraindications to surgery for treatment, a long recovery period and bed rest can cause congestion in the lungs, the development of pneumonia, and ultimately lead to death.

The use of phenobarbital with alcohol not only greatly slows down psychomotor reactions and leads to impaired coordination. Overdose can cause coma and death. Long-term use of the drug causes fatigue, deterioration of memory and concentration, depression, headache, and tremor.

The instructions for medical use of the drug Corvalol do not prohibit the use of the drug simultaneously with alcohol. At the same time, the Roszdravnadzor database recorded adverse reactions when taking the drug Corvalol, which in some cases led to death. These cases were associated with its uncontrolled use in combination with alcohol.

The instructions for Corvalol do not prohibit the use of the drug simultaneously with alcohol, but cases of death have been recorded when it is taken uncontrolled along with alcohol.

Thesis No. 4: If you have a headache from drinking alcohol, it is better to take paracetamol

Status: Myth

Paracetamol is metabolized by the CYP2E enzyme to form the hepatotoxic metabolite N-acetyl-p-benzoquinone imine. Normally, it is quickly inactivated by glutathione. When consuming alcoholic beverages, especially chronically, the activity of CYP2E1 increases, which leads to increased production of a toxic metabolite. In addition, during prolonged drinking, glutathione reserves are depleted, which is associated with the accumulation of a toxic metabolite in the blood and an increased risk of developing liver failure [5].

The likelihood of drug interactions between ethanol and paracetamol also increases when taking more than 4 grams of the drug per day. The American regulator FDA recommends that those who take more than 3 alcoholic units per day (remember, an alcoholic unit is 30 ml of 40% alcohol, 100 ml of wine or 250 ml of beer) consult a doctor before taking either paracetamol or over-the-counter analgesics [ 5]. During the New Year holidays, it is important for residents of the capital to draw the attention of consumers to the increased likelihood of hepatotoxic reactions when combining paracetamol and combination drugs containing it with alcohol.

Other Adverse Effects

Self-medication with Corvalol can mask the symptoms of more serious diseases, such as cancer. The components of the drug cannot be called beneficial to health. In addition, the drug may have a pronounced placebo effect. On the one hand, this is good and increases its effectiveness. On the other hand, patients stop taking medications that are really necessary for diseases of the cardiovascular system. Patient adherence to treatment is a big problem in cardiology.

Yes, perhaps they act more slowly and do not bring relief immediately, but it is their use that increases life expectancy and reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes (statins, antihypertensive drugs, antiplatelet agents). Because they act on the mechanisms of disease development, and do not simply mask the symptoms.

Corvalol drops at night can become for an elderly person an imaginary concern for their health and a ritual of self-soothing. Then, if symptoms intensify or new ones appear, he does not go for examination, but simply increases the dose. This is especially true for residents of areas with low access to medical care.

Thesis No. 2: Alcohol and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are incompatible

Status: True

NSAIDs are one of the most popular painkillers. In the United States alone, this group accounts for 70 million prescriptions and 30 billion over-the-counter sales per year [2]. They are also used to relieve headaches due to alcohol intoxication. At the same time, most NSAIDs contribute to the development of gastropathy and increase the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding. Alcohol increases the severity of GI side effects of NSAIDs, increasing the risk of bleeding, which has been proven in clinical studies [3].

In addition, when acetylsalicylic acid, ibuprofen and indomethacin are taken simultaneously with ethanol, the duration of bleeding increases - an indicator that reflects the elasticity of blood vessels and their ability to contract during injury [3]. This feature further increases the risk of bleeding. Therefore, when dispensing oral and parenteral NSAIDs during the New Year holidays, it would be a good idea to remind visitors about possible drug interactions with alcohol.

Habituation and Dependence

Addiction to frequent uncontrolled use often causes addiction and dependence. Phenobarbital has an accumulation effect in the body. Also, over time, with long-term use, the body’s sensitivity to the previous dose decreases and the person begins to gradually increase it, since he does not receive relief as before.

A person cannot stop taking it on his own, as a strong withdrawal syndrome develops. In mild cases, withdrawal syndrome is manifested by anxiety, tremors, increasing weakness throughout the body, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, sleep disturbance, dizziness, and the development of fainting. In severe cases, convulsions and delirium are possible.

How soon can you drink Corvalol after a feast?

The minimum time interval that should be maintained between taking the medicine and drinking alcohol is about five to six days. Why so long?

The thing is that the medicinal properties of the composition persist for seven hours, but completely stop only after three days. In this case, complete removal of active substances from the body occurs on the fifth or sixth day.

It is important to wait until the breakdown products of the medication are removed. Only then can a person be sure that he will not encounter a toxic reaction that occurs in response to taking two incompatible compounds.

Use of the drug for alcoholism

Alcoholism is a long-term dependence on ethanol. With constant chemical exposure to alcoholic beverages, the functioning of all organs and systems becomes unbalanced. The functioning of the heart, blood vessels, nerve fibers, and muscle degradation are disrupted.

Alcohol addiction can be:

  • chemical;
  • psychological.

Use is permissible after interrupting the body's chemical dependence on ethanol. Do not use the medicine if there are breakdown products and metabolization of ethanol by liver enzymes in the body.

Treatment is only permissible if you abstain from alcohol.

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