Validol and Corvalol: drug compatibility and main differences

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Author: Maria Feldshtein

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If you look into the average Russian's medicine cabinet, you will probably find two popular remedies there - Validol and Corvalol. Both drugs are available without a prescription, are inexpensive and therefore available to almost everyone. Validol and Corvalol are traditionally used as first aid for heart pain - but is such a tactic justified? Doctors warn: such self-medication is not only ineffective, but even dangerous. Why this happens and is there a difference between the two well-known “heart” drugs - read the article.

The drug and its characteristics Validol Corvalol
Pharmacological group Coronodilating agent of reflex action Sedative
Compound Levomenthol solution in menthyl isovalerate (validol) Peppermint oil +

phenobarbital +

α-bromoisovaleric acid ethyl ester

Release form Sublingual tablets and capsules, drops for oral administration Tablets, drops for oral administration
Manufacturer “Meligen”, “Altaivitamins”, “Tathimfarmpreparaty”, “Pharmstandard-Leksredstva”, etc. (Russia) “Hippocrates”, “Update”, “Tathimfarmpreparaty”, “Pharmstandard-Leksredstva”, etc. (Russia)
Price 25-90 rub. 15-120 rub.

Indications for use

Popular opinion says: if your heart hurts, take Corvalol or put a Validol tablet under your tongue. But doctors warn: such tactics are dangerous and can lead to complications. Popular “heart” medications do not actually treat angina and will not help with myocardial infarction - and this is clearly stated in the instructions. Instead of numbing the pain with drops and tablets, doctors advise not to waste time and immediately call an ambulance.

The annotation for the drug Validol states that it can only be used for functional cardialgia, when there are no organic reasons for the development of such symptoms. In other words, if your heart hurts from stress, Validol will calm you down, relieve tension, and remove pain. But if the discomfort and pain behind the sternum are caused by vasospasm, that is, angina pectoris and an impending myocardial infarction, the drug will not help and even harm. While the patient drinks drops or tablets, poor blood flow remains in the narrowed vessels, the heart muscle does not receive enough oxygen - and dies.

Validol, according to the instructions, is also used for moderate neuroses as a sedative. It is also used for seasickness - it helps to cope with nausea and vomiting and alleviate the condition.

Corvalol is also prescribed exclusively as a symptomatic sedative for functional disorders of the heart (and we again return to chest pain caused by neurosis, but not a heart attack). In neurology, Corvalol is used for sleep disorders, states of agitation with pronounced vegetative manifestations.

The problem with “heart” drops is that they are almost always at hand and are taken thoughtlessly, without consulting a doctor. It is difficult for the patient to independently determine whether the pain in the heart is caused by excessive worries or a heart attack. Therefore, cardiologists advise that if any unpleasant symptoms appear, first call an ambulance. If the ECG shows normal, then the pain in the heart is functional, and only in this case can you use sedatives: Corvalol or Validol.

Do any of the drugs have advantages over the other?

As can be seen from the description, these drugs have different compositions, spectrum of action and, accordingly, indications. Validol is more often used for stable angina, against the background of coronary artery disease, and when attacks of low-intensity chest pain occur. Effective for cardiac type of neurocirculatory dystonia, neurosis and anxiety. It is used as a combination therapy for angina pectoris, sea or air sickness from motion sickness, nausea and headaches. The only contraindication for the drug is diabetes or impaired glucose tolerance, since the tablets contain sugar.

Corvalol requires careful use. The medicine is effective for more severe pain, palpitations, chest discomfort due to nervous shock or cardiac type of dystonia. The drug is indicated for the treatment of intestinal spasms of a neurovegetative nature. However, phenobarbital in overdose causes cognitive and neurological impairment.

It should also be borne in mind that when using large doses, Corvalol:

  • causes addiction and tolerance;

  • reduces the metabolism of barbiturates, thereby reducing the effect of the taken dosage;
  • when used, it can cause nightmares with hallucinations;
  • increases the risk of withdrawal symptoms when you stop taking it.

It should be remembered that these drugs are not effective against a heart attack or heart attack, therefore, in case of a severe attack of anginal pain, you must call a doctor. As a last resort, take a Nitroglycerin tablet under the tongue while waiting for emergency medical help. Also, you should not take Validol and Corvalol together to avoid an allergic reaction and side effects.

How do the drugs work and is there any benefit from “heart” drops?

Let's take a closer look at each of the drugs presented.


The instructions for the drug indicate that one tablet contains 100 mg of levomenthol, and the key word here is menthol. The drug is declared as a coronary dilator - a drug that dilates the blood vessels of the heart. Pharmaceutical reference books indicate that Validol reflexively dilates blood vessels due to irritation of nerve endings and thereby increases blood flow. Many people believe that if you put a mint candy (which is essentially Validol) under the tongue, it will act on the blood vessels of the heart through the receptors of the oral cavity. However, there is no evidence of this: no clinical studies have been conducted to prove the reflex effect of the drug.

The opinion that Validol helps with heart disease is widespread only in Russian-language literature. The reference books indicate that the drug stimulates the production of endorphins, enkephalins and other biologically active substances that change vascular permeability and relieve pain. However, there is no such information in the international literature. Abroad, they know nothing about validol - and if we look at the Cochrane Library or the largest medical knowledge base PubMed, we will not find any mention of this drug there. There is no evidence that Validol improves coronary blood flow by acting through receptors in the oral cavity.


Corvalol is a generic, domestic analogue of the German drug Valocardin. But like the foreign original, it is recognized as a means of unproven effectiveness.

The instructions for Corvalol indicate that the effect of the drug is due to the components included in its composition:

  1. It is contained in low doses and has a sedative effect (in case of an overdose it will work as a hypnotic). It binds to GABA receptors, reduces the excitability of the central nervous system and facilitates the onset of sleep, relaxes muscles and relieves spasms. There is no evidence that phenobarbital can dilate the coronary vessels and increase blood flow to the heart, or relieve an attack of angina or myocardial infarction.
  2. α-bromoisovaleric acid ethyl ester acts much like valerian extract. It is a sedative and antispasmodic - it soothes and relieves muscle spasms.
  3. Peppermint affects the muscles and calms the nervous system, but there is little on this issue.

In 2007, the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences removed analogues of Valocardin, including Corvalol, from the list of vital drugs. The drug is considered an outdated product with unproven effectiveness.

What can replace these drugs?

Validol or Corvalol have established themselves as first aid for cardiac pain as a result of their rapid effect. After taking a tablet under the tongue or taking drops, the drug quickly relieves spasm of coronary vessels and an attack of heart pain. The product is effective and

. Currently, the pharmacy offers many analogues of drugs based on valerian, motherwort, hops, mint and lemon balm. The most popular products are Persen, Tenoten, Novopassit and others.

Adverse reactions

The drugs differ in composition, so we will consider unwanted symptoms separately for each drug.


The drug is quite well tolerated and rarely causes serious adverse reactions. During therapy, nausea, dizziness, and lacrimation are sometimes observed due to reflex irritation of the mucous membrane. Allergic reactions are possible.


Phenobarbital in the drug is the most problematic component. It depresses the central nervous system and can lead to serious adverse reactions. The drug has a narrow therapeutic window: the difference between the therapeutic and toxic dosage is insignificant. It is difficult to find a dose that calms but does not lead a person to a coma, which is why in recent years doctors have been using Corvalol less and less in the treatment of various diseases.

The following side effects often occur with the use of Corvalol:

  1. drowsiness;
  2. dizziness;
  3. decreased concentration;
  4. slow heart rate;
  5. allergic reactions.

All symptoms, except allergies, are dose-dependent and go away when the dosage of the drug is reduced.

With prolonged use of Corvalol, drug dependence develops and withdrawal syndrome develops when therapy is stopped. Possible accumulation of an auxiliary substance (bromine) and the development of bromism (depression, apathy, lethargy).


Corvalol differs from Validol in its composition, the presence of bromine and phenobarbital, and ethyl alcohol. This drug is contraindicated in women during pregnancy and lactation, with epilepsy, myasthenia gravis, acute renal or liver failure, respiratory syndrome, drug or drug addiction. In this case, preference should be given to combined herbal preparations, such as Validol or analogues, without barbiturates in the composition. To prevent adverse reactions to the drug, you should consult a physician or cardiologist before taking it.

Difference between Validol and Corvalol

There are several ways in which these two drugs differ

  • Compound. Validol is a solution of menthol in methyl alcohol and isovaleric acid. Simply put, this remedy is a mint tablet. Corvalol is a combination drug based on menthol, ethyl alcohol, phenobarbital and alpha-bromoisovaleric acid.
  • Indications for use. The attached instructions for use indicate that validol is recommended to be taken for pathological conditions such as nervousness, hysterical states and a mild attack of angina. In addition, seasickness and headaches are considered indications for its use. Corvalol should be taken for mild hypertension, neuroses, spasms of the intestines and coronary vessels.
  • Impact. Each of the sedatives has a specific composition, so their effect on the body has some differences. Validol has a mild sedative effect and promotes minor vasodilation. A medication such as Corvalol has an antispasmodic effect and reduces the excitation of the central nervous system. The presence of phenobarbital in it gives it a sedative and hypnotic effect.

When taking validol, addiction does not develop, while Corvalol has this property due to the phenobarbital content it contains. In addition, validol has only a weak sedative effect on the central nervous system, and an overdose of Corvalol causes a depressant effect.

Can Validol and Corvalol be taken together?

The effect of simultaneous administration of validol and corvalol is determined by the dosage. The higher the dose of medications, the higher the risk of developing unwanted reactions. It is important to remember that before taking Corvalol and Validol together, you must consult a specialist.

If validol and corvalol are taken together, the sedative effect increases significantly. In some cases, this condition can lead to coma or syncope. When combined with medications from the nitroglycerin group, cardiovascular collapse may occur.

Features of Corvalol

The drug Corvalol is available in drops and tablets. The drug contains active substances such as phenobarbital, ethyl bromizovalerianate, and an extract from mint leaves.

Corvalol is considered a drug that has a sedative, vasoconstrictor and antispasmodic effect. It is possible to achieve a sedative effect due to the ethyl bromizovalerate present in the composition. It affects receptors in the oral cavity and thereby inhibits the functioning of cells in the subcortical regions of the brain and cortex.

Taking Corvalol helps achieve the following results:

  • heart rate tone is restored
  • refers to blood pressure
  • has a slight choleretic effect
  • dilates blood vessels localized in the heart and brain
  • fights spasms in smooth muscles thanks to the essential oils present in mint.

Already 20 minutes after taking this medicine for pain, it begins to have an effect on the nerve endings. It is necessary to take the medicine as prescribed by a doctor after diagnosis. Often the medication is combined with Nitroglycerin and the indications for this combination are:

  • constant insomnia
  • Vascular diseases
  • tachycardia
  • disruptions in the functioning of the central nervous system
  • neurovegetative intestinal disorder
  • neuroses caused by high irritability
  • high blood pressure
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia.

An overdose or prolonged use of Corvalol can provoke the appearance of various rashes on the skin, an allergic reaction in the form of swelling of the nasopharynx, inhibition of the reaction and hallucinogenic visions.

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