Validol: in what cases does it help?

Validol is often prescribed as a combination therapy for the treatment of angina. It can be purchased in pharmacies in free form in the form of tablets, capsules and drops.

Validol under pressure is used in combination with other drugs. It has a calming effect and promotes the dilation of blood vessels, which reduces their load, normalizes blood flow and thereby reduces pressure.

Despite its effectiveness, in case of a severe crisis you can only count on a calming effect, because the indirect effect of the drug will not be able to adequately reduce blood pressure to the desired values ​​in a short time. People with hypotension are also advised to use the drug with caution.

Effect on pressure

Taking Validol in combination with other substances during a hypertensive crisis relieves pain and spasms. When a patient suffers from osteochondrosis, the drug reduces discomfort in the neck and sternum.

The drug is also indispensable for heart diseases, when the slightest stress or physical activity overwhelms the patient, increases the pulse rate, increases blood pressure and causes pain in the sternum.

One tablet can normalize the condition until the ambulance arrives.

A person's blood pressure can be either low with hypotension or high with hypertension.

With a sharp increase in pressure, Validol relieves spasms and dilates blood vessels, which, in combination with other medications, reduces pain and normalizes blood flow. As a result, the pressure drops, but in case of a severe attack, such treatment will not save the patient.

The drug is often used for atherosclerosis, as it eliminates the narrowing of blood vessels, which prevents blood from entering the brain. But this does not affect the reason itself in the form of strong pressure in the Validol stream.

How to use Validol drops

The medicine in the form of drops is used by placing it under the tongue. 5-6 drops per day are enough, which must be diluted in advance in a weak sugar solution. If necessary, the dosage can be increased only as directed by a specialist.

If the desired result is not achieved after taking it, the doctor may advise switching to an analogue or prescribing the additional use of other drugs.

The medicine in any form can be used with other drugs. Sometimes the parallel use of Validol and drugs with sedative effects can enhance the effect of the latter.

Lowers or increases blood pressure

Blood pressure refers to a physical measurement that controls the force that the liquid component of blood presses against the walls of blood vessels from the inside.

When answering the question whether Validol lowers or increases blood pressure, it should be noted that it dilates blood vessels and, in complex therapy, slightly reduces blood pressure for a while and protects the vascular bed.

But this drug should not be used as the main treatment for hypertension, it can only be a last resort in emergency cases, after which you need to consult a doctor.

Moreover, the drug could not help in a severe crisis.

Using pills during pregnancy

Is it possible or not to take Validol while bearing a child, because during this period the use of medications is prohibited? Doctors allow the use of tablets, provided that the woman does not have hypersensitivity to the active components. Validol will help alleviate the well-being associated with increased nervousness and anxiety, improve sleep and slightly lower blood pressure, because many women experience an increase in blood pressure during pregnancy.

However, before using the tablets, consultation with your doctor is required, despite the availability and harmlessness of the drug. Another advantage for pregnant women is the ability to eliminate the urge to nausea and vomiting, which many suffer during early toxicosis (in the first trimester). Validol is effectively used to relieve motion sickness, so it will remove the discomfort caused by toxicosis.

Operating principle

The center contains menthol and isovaleric acid. The latter is obtained by artificial synthesis or from natural valerian root. It is this composition that helps achieve a sedative effect, normalizes blood circulation, relieving spasms and dilating blood vessels.

After taking the pill, the pain subsides, pulse and blood pressure return to normal values.

The principle of action of the drug is based on reflex reactions that occur when nerve endings are irritated.

When mucosal receptors are stimulated, the production of hormones responsible for controlling blood vessel permeability and pain is accelerated. There is a sudden release of large amounts of peptides, dynorphins, enkephalins and endorphins.

Histamines and kinins, which are active endogenous compounds, are also released. In addition, irritation of nerve fibers causes dilation of blood vessels.

How does the medicine affect blood pressure levels?

The main active ingredient of the drug, isovaleric acid, has been extracted for many centuries and is used not only for the production of Validol, it is part of the products Relaxozan, Bromural and many others. In 2007, scientists came to the conclusion that Validol was not effective enough and did not perform its functions fully, but later they returned the drug to pharmacy shelves.

There is an opinion that Validol lowers blood pressure due to a mild sedative effect, reflex vasodilation, elimination of pain and nervous tension. This effect is due to irritation of mucosal receptors due to the presence of isovaleric acid in the composition. It has the ability to regulate blood pressure in the vessels, helps release tissue hormonal components into the general bloodstream, due to which the capillaries expand.

The effect of the product is clearly evident within 4-5 minutes after absorption under the tongue. Whether Validol reduces blood pressure can be understood by studying the elementary laws of physics. The pressure level is determined by the force of blood pressure on the vascular walls. With high blood pressure, a person experiences headaches, tinnitus, spots in front of his eyes, and nausea.

All this is a response to increased pressure in the body's vascular network. Validol expands the capillaries, making their walls more elastic, and the blood pressure level decreases by several units. But you should not assume that a direct indication for the use of Validol is a decrease in blood pressure. The drug has some effect on the blood pressure in the vessels and the condition of their walls, but does not solve the issue of the root cause of hypertension.

The main factors in creating blood pressure are the rate of blood ejection and the heart rate cycle, and Validol does not affect these processes in any way. It only has a sedative effect, eliminates vascular spasms and temporarily makes the patient feel better, slightly reducing blood pressure.

Validol can be used for high blood pressure, doctors say.

Use of the drug for high blood pressure

Hypertension usually occurs as a result of vasoconstriction. Validol promotes the expansion of blood vessels, reducing pressure on them.

In addition to normalizing blood circulation, it eliminates nervousness if it is caused by stress, mental overload, which has a positive effect on both the pulse and general condition.

However, this drug is unlikely to be a panacea for hypertension, since its effect is indirect, short-term and in most cases only symptomatic.

The tablet or capsule should be placed under the tongue until completely dissolved. During the day you are allowed to take no more than 4 pieces. The effect is noticeable after 5-7 minutes.

If relief does not come even after 20 to 30 minutes, it is a sign that other medications should be preferred.

After taking the medicine, it is best to lie down. In some cases, you may be able to take another dose right away.

In liquid form, the drug is used for high blood pressure, applying 3 drops to a piece of sugar and holding in the mouth until dissolved. Do not take more than 20 drops per day. Sometimes it is recommended to increase the dose of the drug.

Is it worth taking Validol for hypertension?

Arterial hypertension is a condition caused by an increased amount of stress in life, chronic fatigue, sleep disturbances and inadequate rest. Many people, in pursuit of a career and material wealth, live with hypertension for many years and aggravate their condition with poor nutrition, lack of rest, conflicts and excessive emotional stress.

In combination with other medications, Validol is used not only as a means to lower blood pressure, but also to improve a person’s emotional state. With high blood pressure, during a hypertensive crisis, it will be useless, but for eliminating the root causes (which were just mentioned) it is quite suitable. Validol will calm you down, improve your sleep, relieve vasospasm and headaches, as a result of which your blood pressure will normalize on its own.

At what pressure and for what purposes can the drug be used by hypertensive patients:

How does Corvalol affect blood pressure?

  • as an adjuvant during the treatment of hypertensive crisis when taking Valodip, Captopril and others;
  • to relieve fatigue, headaches, and occasional pressing sensations behind the sternum;
  • to reduce pain caused by osteochondrosis in the thoracic and cervical spine;
  • with increased emotional overload;
  • to eliminate insomnia and feelings of causeless anxiety that often accompany hypertension.

It must be remembered that to lower blood pressure, improve sleep and eliminate headaches, you can take only 2-4 tablets per day, divided into two doses. An overdose of the drug can provoke an attack of nausea, increased dizziness and tears from the eyes. However, this condition does not require emergency assistance and goes away on its own after stopping the medication.

Drug and heart disease

Validol is often used for pathologies of the “main engine”; it helps eliminate pain in the heart and head. In the absence of contraindications, it is suitable for long-term use.

Basically, blood pressure increases with bradycardia, angina or pre-infarction, and with these pathologies the drug can harm the patient.

This is due to the fact that only the symptoms are alleviated and the person receives relief, but the contraction of the heart itself persists and soon leads to a heart attack or necrosis of cardiac tissue.

In this case, it is quite difficult for a doctor to make a diagnosis, since the picture of the pathology is blurred.

Mechanism of action and composition of the drug

Validol refers to drugs that have a stimulating effect on peripheral nerve receptors located in the mucous membranes. In addition to the main component of the medicine, there are auxiliary ingredients.

SubstanceGroupMechanism of actionEffect
A solution of menthol in isovaleric acid menthyl esterDrugs with reflex actionIrritation of peripheral nerve endings (cold receptors) leads to the release of opioid proteins (endorphins, enkephalins, dynorphins), which reduce pain and affect vascular permeability. The cutaneous-visceral reflex is triggered: local vasoconstriction correlates with an improvement in the trophism of the internal organs (corresponding to the innervation of the segment). Local: irritant, anti-inflammatory. Remote (reflex): expansion of coronary vessels (antianginal), toning of vein walls, analgesic effect, mild hypnotic effect (due to depression of the central nervous system)
Calcium stearateBasic toolsStabilizer of a mixture of different components, ensures the plasticity and integrity of the final substance
SugarSweetenersImproves organoleptic (taste) qualities

The composition of Validol is based on menthol. The most significant effect is the ability, when irritating receptors in the oral mucosa, to trigger a reflex arc, which leads to dilation of the coronary vessels.

According to the instructions, this pharmacological agent is available without a prescription.

When is it appointed?

Due to its sedative and hypotensive properties, the drug has a wide range of indications. It is prescribed for:

  • Mental overload, stress, neuroses.
  • Hysteria.
  • Pain in the area of ​​the heart, sternum. But only in case of pain, pressing discomfort, it is better to exclude Nitroglycerin.
  • Hypertension.
  • Seasickness.
  • Cardiopalmus.
  • Convulsions are provoked by cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis.

It does not accumulate in the body and has virtually no side effects.

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