Arrhythmia indicator on a tonometer: should you trust it?

Blood pressure is a kind of indicator. It shows the state of a person’s heart at the moment. It is not permissible to draw conclusions about health based only on the tonometer readings, but the readings of the device can give a signal if the heart begins to malfunction. And this means it’s time to contact a specialist. The device readings are encrypted into a special symbol system. Knowing what the numbers on a blood pressure monitor mean, you can prevent many serious conditions.

Advantages and technical characteristics

The range of tonometers from the manufacturer, in comparison with competitors, has a whole range of positive qualities, which include the following points:

  1. Wide selection of suitable tonometer (there are different models depending on price and inherent characteristics).
  2. Long service life of the device (Omron tonometers are guaranteed to last over 20 years).
  3. The company provides a five-year warranty on its devices (it does not matter where the device was purchased).
  4. The device has a built-in special intelligent system that measures indicators with minimal error.
  5. The device can take into account individual characteristics in the physiology of the human body.

Omron brand devices are distinguished by a two-phase method for measuring indicators (pressure is taken into account both when the vessel is compressed and after the cuff is released from air). Separately, the manufacturer’s devices are divided into two types: those operating in automatic mode, as well as devices with a semi-automatic system.


Devices of this class independently pump air into the cuff to the required level. The devices have the following characteristics:

  • the devices are easy to use regularly;
  • there is a large display with value indicators;
  • convenient dimensions (you can always take the device with you);
  • Blood pressure measurement takes minimal time.

Also, automatic devices operate from installed batteries or mains power, which allows you to keep the device with you at all times.


This device is also distinguished by certain characteristics:

  • low cost of the measuring apparatus;
  • ease of use and transportation;
  • small dimensions of the device;
  • good speed of measuring pressure indicators;
  • small device error;
  • large display for displaying results;
  • long service life of the device.

The semi-automatic device runs on installed batteries. The display contains marks that determine normal and elevated values. Air is pumped into the cuff using a compact bulb.

Omron semi-automatic and automatic devices have a range of positive qualities, while their low cost and long service life determine the choice of buyers most often in favor of this brand.

Graphic blood pressure level indicator

24-hour blood pressure monitoring has been recognized as the gold standard in the diagnosis and treatment management of hypertension over the past few years as it provides an overview of absolute values ​​and blood pressure variability over a period of time. Compared to random measurements, daily monitoring has a number of advantages:

  • greater accuracy;
  • reliability;
  • reproducibility;
  • automation;
  • closer correlation with changes in organs.

Today, fully automated tonometers equipped with a number of technical amenities are used to measure blood pressure. They work on the principle of oscillometry and auscultation using the classical Korotkoff method. The patient wears a tonometer located in a sheath on the torso; the cuff with the measuring probe is located above the brachialis muscle. The measurement frequency is user-defined; recordings in the waking state vary between 15–30 min; in sleep, the intervals are longer (30–60 min). Individual measurements are stored in memory and can be reproduced in the evaluation unit or processed by a computer. On a computer, the display and interpretation of indicators is presented both digitally and graphically in the form of histograms, systolic, diastolic, average values, and heart rate curves. An analysis of maximum, minimum, and average values ​​is also carried out.

The patient keeps temporary records of subjective problems and treatment, which are compared with pressure readings.

Rhythm disturbances can significantly affect the measurement result

normal rhythm - reliable result

minor violation - reliability questionable

Serious rhythm disturbance - incorrect result

  • Considering this circumstance, OMRON has endowed its devices with a measurement algorithm that allows you to analyze the characteristics of the pulse wave and display only reliable results.
  • If the rhythm is normal , the device displays the result on the display .
  • If a slight rhythm disturbance was observed , the result was distorted, but can be considered reliable, the device will also show the result.
  • If serious distortions were observed , the device will stop measuring and show an error symbol , as if thereby telling the patient: “correct measurement is impossible at the moment, wait for a more favorable moment and repeat the measurement.” The result will not be displayed.

OMRON tonometers display only reliable results.

  • OMRON devices , simultaneously equipped with arrhythmia and motion indicators, have the ability to differentiate interference that influenced the measurement result. In a word, devices with a similar function are able to figure out what exactly caused the irregular pulsations: interruptions in the heart or the movement of the person measuring it, and accompany the measurement result with the appropriate indicator.
  • OMRON devices, which use only an arrhythmia indicator and no motion indicator, display the measurement result on the display if the device detects minor interference from the patient’s movement. If the interference was too serious, the error symbol is “ E ”.
  • If the heart rhythm disturbance symbol or motion indicator appears on the display at the same time as the measurement result, this means that the disturbance was minor and the result can be taken into account.
  • If, after the measurement, only the arrhythmia indicator or motion indicator appears on the display without any result, and also if the error symbol (E) appears on the display, this means that the influence of the interference on the result was significant. Such a result cannot be considered correct, and the device deliberately hides it from the user, thereby urging him to take a repeat measurement.
  • Since it is very important to know the true cause of the rhythm disturbance, the instructions for the tonometer, in case of frequent appearance of the arrhythmia indicator on the display, urge the user to consult a doctor.

Determination of rhythm disturbances (pulse wave)

rhythm qualityOMRON automatic and semi-automatic machines
rhythm is normal the result is displayed
the rhythm is slightly distorted, the result is acceptable the result (acceptable) is displayed
Serious arrhythmia, unacceptable result the result (since it is unacceptable) is not !!! Error symbol E is displayed


  • OMRON devices determine the degree of rhythm disturbance and display only reliable results

Arrhythmia indicator

rhythm quality OMRON models with arrhythmia indicator
rhythm is normal the result is displayed
the rhythm is slightly distorted, the result is acceptableThe display shows both the result (since it is acceptable) and the arrhythmia indicator
serious rhythm disturbance, the result is unacceptable the result is not displayed ( because it is unacceptable)!!! the arrhythmia indicator or error symbol E is displayed

Catalog of tonometers -

How it works?

If the indicator is triggered, it is worth repeating the measurement.

Against the background of arrhythmia, the measurement can be reliable or unreliable. A reliable indicator is displayed on the monitor along with an arrhythmia indicator, and if the data received is unreliable, the result is not displayed.

The symbol “E” (Error) appears on the display if the electronic tonometer cannot distinguish the pulse wave and estimate the pressure (when the heart contracts ineffectively, which occurs with atrial flutter and fibrillation). However, many modern blood pressure monitors have built-in software that can detect atrial fibrillation. For example, AFIB technology from Microlife, Duo Sensor from Paul Hartmann and others.

The diagnostic value of the arrhythmia indicator is high, especially in elderly people suffering from coronary heart disease.

Features of choosing a device with a built-in arrhythmia indicator

For people suffering from heart disease, it is important to find out which blood pressure monitor is best for arrhythmia, since it is a common accompanying symptom. Measurements will have to be taken regularly, so it makes sense to buy a more functional device

It is especially important to purchase a good device for monitoring heartbeat and blood pressure for older people. They often have problems with vision, memory and hearing. A device with built-in memory, simple controls and a large screen can solve them.

People who like to travel should look for a normal wrist blood pressure monitor. Due to its small size, you can take it with you everywhere. You will not have to take off your clothes during the measurement, so you can carry out the procedure anywhere. The disadvantage of the device is its contraindications. The tonometer will not be able to provide accurate results in the presence of advanced atherosclerosis or due to age-related changes in blood vessels, since the pulse on the wrist will be too weak for it to record it.

When choosing a measuring device, it is important to pay attention to the following nuances:

  • The cuff should be selected according to your arm. The standard is 22-32 cm. For large people, it is advisable to look for a large size, since due to strong compression, the result may be distorted. For children you will have to buy a special small cuff. It is made from nylon using seamless technology.
  • The display needs to be selected as much as possible. The one-line, outdated version only displays blood pressure and pulse. A larger screen size will make it possible to see all the indicators at once, including the arrhythmia indicator, average indicators, color scale, battery charge and much more. It is equally important that the font is large enough for people with low vision. You can see how the data will look on the screen by asking a pharmacist to demonstrate the operation of the device or by watching a video about it on the Internet.

Automatic shoulder blood pressure monitors Omron

Omron automatic blood pressure monitors with a cuff attached to the upper arm are medical devices designed for regular measurement of blood pressure at home and in medical institutions.

The main advantages of all Omron tonometers, without exception, are impeccable workmanship, high accuracy and reliability of measurements, as well as ease of use.

Omron automatic blood pressure monitors with a shoulder cuff are equipped with patented Intellisense . This technology allows the device to fully control the process of measuring blood pressure, taking into account the individual characteristics of each user. Pressure measurement occurs during the process of pumping air into the cuff. The electronic algorithm embedded in the Intellisense technology independently determines the optimal pressure in the cuff, minimizes the measurement time, and relieves pain when the shoulder is compressed by the cuff. The measurement accuracy error is no more than 3 mmHg.

Omron automatic shoulder blood pressure monitors have a long 5-year warranty period followed by free service for the entire life cycle of the device.

Omron automatic shoulder blood pressure meters are presented in both basic models, with a minimum required set of consumer functions (Omron M2 Basic or Omron M2 Classic) and models whose set of consumer functions makes them diagnostic devices, similar in their parameters to professional medical equipment ( Omron M6, Omron MIT Elite Plus or Omron SporArm i-Q142)

It is important that the reliability and accuracy of measurements remain unchanged for all devices.

Using Omron shoulder meters is intuitive and easy. Many models are equipped with just one button, and no special skills are required to operate. Information about using the device can always be gleaned from the user manual that comes with the device or which can be downloaded from our website.

All information about the measurement results, including special information symbols, is clearly displayed on large liquid crystal screens of the electronic unit of the device.

Automatic Omron shoulder blood pressure monitors, depending on the model, have various useful consumer functions, including a high blood pressure indicator, an arrhythmia indicator, a motion detection function, an indicator of correct fixation of the cuff, and a sensor for the correct position of the arm. Choose a device based on your doctor’s recommendations and personal comfort when taking measurements.

Omron cuffs have a patented and unique shape that takes into account the conical shape of the hand. Thanks to this, it is possible to achieve uniform pressure distribution over the entire section of the artery located under the cuff, thereby ensuring the most accurate and painless measurement. Omron cuffs come in several types: from the children's cuff Omron CS2 with a shoulder circumference from 17 to 22 cm to the large Omron CL (32 - 42 cm) and the universal Omron CW (22 - 42 cm). It is extremely important to select the correct cuff size to obtain the correct measurement result.

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Main types of tonometers and their structure

To date, many devices have been developed for measuring blood pressure. The photo shows different types of modern tonometers. Let's take a closer look at them.

A mechanical tonometer consists of a bulb, a dial and a cuff, connected by rubber tubes.

The advantage of this type of device is its low cost, absence of errors against the background of arrhythmia, movements, and conversation. The disadvantages are that measuring pressure mechanically requires skills and a stethoscope. There is no arrhythmia indicator on the tonometer. An unreliable result may be obtained due to the patient’s decreased hearing, weakened tones, or tachycardia.

Mercury tonometer. The difference between this device is the mercury manometer. Used in some medical institutions, it is considered the most accurate. A clear disadvantage of this type of equipment will be the toxicity of mercury.

Automatic blood pressure monitor. Consists of a cuff and a recorder with a digital screen. Such modern devices measure blood pressure, pulse, and can also be equipped with an indicator of arrhythmia, movements, and an indicator of the correct position of the hand. Some electronic models have a built-in printer. The presence of built-in memory allows you to save data for a long time. The disadvantage of the device is the need for charging and the error in the measurement results.

The device can be mounted on the shoulder (shown above), as well as on the wrist and finger.

Wrist tonometer. Compactness and automaticity make this device quite convenient, but it is suitable for people under 50 years old.

Finger device. In addition to blood pressure, the tonometer allows you to measure blood saturation (oxygen saturation) and pulse. The device reacts instantly after putting it on your finger.

Semi-automatic tonometer. It is an intermediate option between the two above. It has a bulb, a cuff and a digital screen with buttons. The undoubted advantage of this device is that the device has different functions and does not require charging or batteries, but the disadvantage is the need to use physical force when pumping air.

Features of choice

When choosing a device for measuring blood pressure, even from the most reliable options, you need to take into account some individual characteristics so as not to encounter the fact that in the future the procedure will be uncomfortable, which will increase the error.

  1. Cuff size. In all tonometers, this part is adjustable, but if a device is needed to determine pressure for a very obese person or child, then the average size will be unsuitable. You will need to purchase an additional cuff, or you need to choose a model that comes with several replacement cuffs of different sizes. Before purchasing, you should measure your arm circumference in the right place in advance.
  2. The size of the display should be comfortable for the user of the device. For older people, the larger the numbers, the better. In most cases, they need the device for home use and, therefore, there is no need to choose the smallest one.
  3. Memory size. If pressure monitoring is needed periodically - only when you feel unsatisfactory, then there is no point in overpaying for the device’s memory, which allows you to save the readings.

Before purchasing the device, you must carefully inspect it. There should be no defects or damage on it. If there are doubts about the proper quality of the device, it should be abandoned.

Error correction

Errors may occur when using the tonometer. Some of them you can fix yourself. If this does not work for some reason, disassembling the device yourself is highly not recommended.

No one is safe from mistakes, not even a tonometer

Firstly, without knowledge of the features of this device, you can only aggravate the situation. Secondly, after opening the tonometer and damaging the factory seals, the free warranty period of service is automatically canceled.

The table shows the most common errors and methods for eliminating them.

Type of errorCausesCorrection Methods
Flashing heart signHeart rate too highRemove the device from your wrist, wait 10-15 minutes, and then measure your blood pressure again. If the situation repeats, then most likely the indicators are correct. In this case, you need to consult a doctor.
E E Snowflake symbolThe cuff is full of airYou need to remove the device from your hand, turn it off, and then turn it on. Next, you should measure your blood pressure again.
E 78 Snowflake symbolThe cuff is not securely fastened or there was movement of the arm during measurementTurn off the device, turn it on, measure blood pressure again.
Er 25The symbol “E” with any code indicates some kind of malfunction in the device.You need to contact the service center.
Indicators are too low or, conversely, excessively increasedThis error can occur for several reasons:

1. The cuff is not fastened correctly.

2. The hand with the device is not at heart level.

3. There were movements or conversations during measurements.

4. The arm is overextended.

Features of choice

To the question: “Which Omron blood pressure monitors are best suited for use at home?” – we will answer – everything! Semi-automatic blood pressure monitors are most often purchased; they are convenient and more affordable.

When purchasing, pay attention to the features, model, and price you need. Consult with the seller, tell him all your requirements

When choosing mechanical devices, do not forget that they must be used by a trained person; measuring your own pressure with such a device is very difficult, you need an assistant

It is important to choose the right pressure meter so that it does not later gather dust in your home as not meeting your requirements, but is actively used. The Japanese corporation Omron is famous for its quality and uniqueness. They pay attention to all the subtleties, creating real masterpieces for consumers

Japanese blood pressure monitors are famous all over the world. Thanks to good marketing, the company has squeezed out competitors in the medical products market.

Originally posted 2018-03-06 11:53:36.

Device maintenance

The Omron blood pressure measuring device is reliable and of high quality. However, despite this, the manufacturer recommends following a number of recommendations for servicing the pressure meter:

  1. Regularly replace the batteries of automatic and semi-automatic blood pressure monitors.
  2. Periodically, if not used for a long time, turn on the device so that the settings are not lost.
  3. Store pressure meters in appropriate conditions at room temperature.
  4. Do not allow moisture to penetrate inside the pressure meter from the manufacturer Omron.
  5. If necessary, reboot the device to reset the settings to factory settings.
  6. When transporting, use a protective film (included) and keep the device in a case.
  7. If the device fails or shows a high error, contact an official workshop.

Designations on tonometers in the form of indicators on the screen

Different device models may have additional indicator icons that indicate health problems or measurement errors.

What does the arrhythmia indicator look like on a tonometer??

Some models of pressure measuring devices are equipped with an arrhythmia sensor. During the measurement process, the device notes the irregularity of the heartbeat; if the indicator appears frequently, you should consult a cardiologist.

In some cases, arrhythmia may interfere with the correctness of the measurement, then no data is displayed on the screen or an indicator with a heart appears (double or in quotation marks) - in this case, it is necessary to repeat the measurement.

  • High blood pressure indicator in the tonometer

When the pressure rises above normal, an indicator appears on the monitor. In tonometers for home use, high blood pressure starts at 135/85.

  • Pressure level scale

Next to the numbers indicating the current pressure there is a scale divided into three parts: the middle scale/yellow is normal, the lower/green is low pressure, the upper/red is high.

  • Motion indicator on the tonometer

This icon appears if there were hand or body movements during the process. In some devices that do not have an indicator icon, the message “error/err” appears.

  • The indicator on the tonometer flashes - crossed out battery

This is how the device indicates that it is time to replace the batteries.

Storage and care

If you do not adhere to the rules for storing and caring for the tonometer, then the device is unlikely to last long. The more carefully you follow all recommended measures, the longer the measuring device will last.

  1. Do not expose the tonometer to impacts, falls or direct sunlight for a long time.
  2. Do not immerse the device in water or give it to children.
  3. If the tonometer is not used for a long time, the batteries must be removed from it.
  4. To avoid damaging the monitor and cuff, store the device in a special case.

To keep the device safe, store it in the case that comes with the kit.

If the device or cuff is dirty, do not use alcohol-based products, solvents, alkaline liquids, etc. for cleaning. It is best to wipe the monitor and cuff with a soft cloth (or slightly damp).

How the tonometer detects and displays the problem

Heart rate detection functions are available in . The operating principle of the device is based on unstable pressure in the cuff, which occurs as a result of blood flow in the pinched artery. These vibrations are converted into electrical signals by the action of an electronic device. An automatic program analyzes the readings and turns them into numerical values.

From what functions the tonometer is equipped with, you can find out blood pressure, the frequency of contraction of the heart muscle and the presence of arrhythmia. Modern devices store previous indicators necessary for comparison.

A mechanical device does not make it possible to detect abnormalities in the functioning of the heart.

How the process of measuring pressure occurs:

  1. A cuff is placed on the forearm and air is supplied to it automatically or by a pump.
  2. It increases in size, causing compression of the vessel, and blood stops circulating.
  3. If you use a phonendoscope, then at the moment there is silence because the blood is not circulating.
  4. Gradually, air is released through a special valve, and the blood begins to circulate, as indicated by knocking sounds in the phonendoscope. This will be the upper pressure reading that will appear on the monitor.
  5. The blood flow gradually improves and is restored, at this moment the knocking stops - this will be an indicator of lower blood pressure. Automatic blood pressure monitors do not require human intervention.

Correct use of the automatic blood pressure monitor

The arrhythmia diagnostic function is not available on all tonometer models. It is determined as follows: the tonometer measures pressure and pulse several times, at short intervals, until there are at least a couple of results without determining arrhythmia. The data is then processed and an average is displayed on the screen.

Moreover, modern models of tonometers can independently distinguish the symptoms of arrhythmia from false ones that resulted from the influence of external factors.

The process of measuring pressure and its features on different types of devices

Most models have the same operating principle and are based on the Korotkov method, that is, pulse wave recognition.

The rules for working with a mechanical tonometer are as follows : first, place a cuff on the shoulder, then pump up air using a bulb and, slowly releasing it, listen to the first and last heart sounds using a stethoscope.
A semi-automatic tonometer is easier to use: having secured the cuff, just press the “start” button and after the signal, pump up the air with the bulb, and then deflate the remaining air in the cuff. The result will be displayed on the recorder screen.

The machine is the easiest to use. The person only needs to put the cuff in the correct place and press the button, after which the result will be displayed on the screen.

Instructions for use

It is recommended to follow the rules for working with the device specified in the instructions:

  • install new batteries in the device or connect it to the network;
  • make sure there is no air in the cuff;
  • fix the cuff on your arm (as indicated in the instructions);
  • calm down and sit in a comfortable position;
  • press the power button (the screen with a zero value lights up);
  • start automatic inflation of air into the cuff;
  • wait for the indicators to be displayed on the screen;
  • remove the cuff from your arm and, if necessary, remove any remaining air.

To measure blood pressure using a semi-automatic device, air is supplied into the cuff through a bulb. The semi-automatic device will let you know it is ready for work with a characteristic sound signal.

Error correction

Errors may occur when using the tonometer. Some of them you can fix yourself. If this does not work for some reason, disassembling the device yourself is highly not recommended.

No one is safe from mistakes, not even a tonometer

Firstly, without knowledge of the features of this device, you can only aggravate the situation. Secondly, after opening the tonometer and damaging the factory seals, the free warranty period of service is automatically canceled.

The table shows the most common errors and methods for eliminating them.

Type of errorCausesCorrection Methods
Flashing heart signHeart rate too highRemove the device from your wrist, wait 10-15 minutes, and then measure your blood pressure again. If the situation repeats, then most likely the indicators are correct. In this case, you need to consult a doctor.
E E Snowflake symbolThe cuff is full of airYou need to remove the device from your hand, turn it off, and then turn it on. Next, you should measure your blood pressure again.
E 78 Snowflake symbolThe cuff is not securely fastened or there was movement of the arm during measurementTurn off the device, turn it on, measure blood pressure again.
Er 25The symbol “E” with any code indicates some kind of malfunction in the device.You need to contact the service center.
Indicators are too low or, conversely, excessively increasedThis error can occur for several reasons:

1. The cuff is not fastened correctly.

2. The hand with the device is not at heart level.

3. There were movements or conversations during measurements.

4. The arm is overextended.

Graphic blood pressure level indicator

It can be difficult for an elderly person to keep a few numbers in mind and remember what normal blood pressure should be. For such people, as well as for greater clarity, many tonometer models have a graphic indicator of the blood pressure level.

Graphic blood pressure level indicator

All manufacturers position the scale differently. For some brands it is located on the body, while for others it is on the display. Figure 3 shows a tonometer with a scale placed on the body. A slider on the screen is displayed next to the danger level. The position of the slider in the green zone means that the indicator is within the normal range; if the slider is in the red zone, you should consult a therapist or cardiologist.

Heart rate

The heart of an adult and a child’s heart beats rhythmically and regularly (in an adult, usually 70–80 times per minute at rest). These contractions are called the heartbeat.

Modern blood pressure monitors have a heartbeat icon - the third number. Detection of an irregular heart rhythm signals an arrhythmia. The appearance of a symbol (heart) on the display means that a heart rhythm disturbance was detected when determining blood pressure. In this case, the meaning of the numbers when measuring blood pressure may be erroneous; the procedure should be repeated.

Generally there is no reason to be concerned. But if the indicator symbol appears regularly (with daily monitoring several times a week), it is recommended to consult a doctor.

SYS and DIA numbers

Two numbers located one below the other indicate systolic and diastolic pressure. The first is measured during the ejection of blood or contraction of the heart muscle, and the second while it is relaxed. DIA (diastole) indicates the level of lower pressure, and SYS (systole) indicates the upper pressure.

Systole and diastole indicators on a tonometer

The normal rate is 135/85. Having seen such tonometer readings on the display, which mean the absence of hypertension and hypotension, you don’t have to worry about your health. For a more accurate result, it is better to take a measurement first on one hand and then on the other and calculate the arithmetic average of the two indicators.

Another significant factor is the difference between the upper and lower indicators. If the measurements show a difference much less or more than 50, then the user should report this fact to the attending physician.

A state of rest during diagnostics will help to avoid errors in the device readings. It is prohibited to speak or move until data appears on the device display.

What do the tonometer readings mean?

In order to know what the numbers on the tonometer show, it is important to be able to correctly decipher the readings.

Below is the definition and classification of blood pressure in accordance with the WHO scale (data in mmHg):

Stage 1 hypertension140–159and/or90–99
Stage 2 hypertension160–179and/or100–109
3. stage of hypertension≥ 180and/or≥ 110
Isolated systolic hypertension≥ 140And

The best blood pressure monitors with arrhythmia indicator

A tonometer with an arrhythmia indicator is offered by many modern manufacturers of medical devices. It’s worth clarifying right away that not all blood pressure measuring devices have this function.

You should pay attention to this point when choosing such a device for home use.

Arrhythmia on the tonometer, according to the manufacturers, is shown correctly. That is, the likelihood of the device making an error is practically eliminated.

Experts recommend refraining from purchasing the cheapest models. As practice shows, many of them give false information not only about heart rate, but also blood pressure. It is better to allocate a little more money for the purchase of a medical device in order to be absolutely sure in the future that the measurements taken with its help are correct.


Arrhythmia on a blood pressure monitor is not always a reason to panic. Sometimes it is enough to rest a little, relax, take the correct position and take the measurement again. If the disorder does not disappear or the atrial fibrillation icon is displayed, then the patient should consult a cardiologist.

A compact, high-precision and multifunctional device that allows you to measure pressure, pulse, and assess the correctness of the heart rhythm - this is undoubtedly the best tonometer for arrhythmia.

The following sources of information were used to prepare the material.

Blood pressure monitoring is very important. Today, measurements with a tonometer can be carried out at home, regularly, without being subjected to mental or physical influence, as happens in a doctor's office. Preventive determination helps to identify the gradual or rapid development of hypertension (BP increases) in a person, which can lead to a heart attack or stroke.

The best blood pressure monitors with arrhythmia indicator

Many modern models have built-in sensors that detect the presence of irregularities in the heartbeat, but not all devices are capable of showing accurate results.

Experts advise paying attention to Omron, BHS, AAMI, International Protocol and other well-known brands that have passed all the necessary stages of testing.

The rating of the best automatic blood pressure monitors for arrhythmia is as follows:

1"BP A100 Plus"Microlife, Switzerland4500-5000 rub.
2"WA-55"B.Well, England2700-3000 rub.
3"M2 Classic"Omron, Japan2600-2900 rub.
4"Tensoval Duo Control""Paul Hartmann", Germany3900-4300 rub.
5"LD 5A"Little Doctor, Republic of Singapore2600-2900 rub.
6"CH-456"Citizen, Japan4800-5000 rub.

Each model has its own advantages and disadvantages. It is recommended to select depending on your needs and financial capabilities.

Modern automatic and semi-automatic blood pressure monitors have built-in arrhythmia indicators, thanks to which you can find out about the presence of a malfunction in a timely manner. They can save a person’s life and help avoid serious complications. You must select a model carefully, focusing on your individual characteristics. In some cases, it is advisable to consult with a specialist to learn about all the nuances of well-known brands and purchase the best option.

Cuff fastening indicator

The cuff is an important part of the tonometer. Available in both standard sizes (22–32 cm) and universal (22–42 cm):

  • Standard – designed for patients with normal hand size. In this case, a one-size-fits-all would be inappropriate.
  • Universal - suitable for cases where pressure will be measured by several people with different arm widths, or for people with large arm volumes.

Universal size available in 2 versions:

  • CC is a thicker, preformed cuff that makes it easier to use. However, this type may be uncomfortable for some groups of people (such as the elderly) because their muscles are not as well developed and the complex design may cause soreness.
  • CW – soft extended cuff. It adapts to any hand, is easy to use, and tightens well. But it is not entirely suitable for people with normal arm size, because it is too long.


  • children's - CS (12–22 cm);
  • standard – CM (22–32 cm);
  • large – CL (32–42 cm);
  • comfortable – CC (22–42 cm);
  • soft extended – CW (22–42 cm).

The colored cuff fixation indicator (LED next to the display) indicates an error due to improper (for example, insufficient) tightening of the cuff.

The indication depends on the type of tonometer. Some have a color signal:

  • green – reliable tightening;
  • no signal – poor tightening (it is necessary to tighten or place the cuff correctly, repeat the measurement).

For other devices, the following symbol appears on the tonometer display: err cuf – cuff seal error.

Smart Metering Technology

Intellisense is a unique intelligent blood pressure monitoring technology found in Omron blood pressure monitors. It offers a number of advantages:

  • Accuracy. Intellisense takes 2 pressure measurements per cycle: one while the cuff is inflating, the other while deflating. Thanks to this dual monitoring method, the results are always accurate and reliable.
  • Fast and pleasant measurement. Because Intellisense takes measurements while inflating, the cuff inflates just enough to accurately estimate BP. Measurement time is significantly reduced. The hands are not clenched for too long.
  • Simple controls. Tonometers with Intellisense technology automatically select the optimal cuff inflation. One button is enough for control.
  • Four cuff types. Only blood pressure monitors with Intellisense technology allow the use of pediatric CS, regular CM, large CL and universal CC cuffs.
  • Resistance to arrhythmias. Blood pressure monitors with Intellisense technology are suitable for people with certain types of cardiac arrhythmias. The heart rate disturbance indicator is shown on the display.
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