Mitsumi R-14 A213 370 DC Pump. Replacing a broken pump in the AnD UA-777 tonometer. Let's think about health

Hello everyone! I continue to summarize and post in a condensed form my experience in electronics repair. I present my Top 10 most common malfunctions of tonometers, which was born as a result of accidental repairs of medical equipment and communication with other Masters. I won’t say that I’m a great specialist in this area, but I came across some things and successfully fixed them. Let's start the rating. The locations of malfunctions of tonometers and blood pressure meters are sorted by the frequency of occurrence of the malfunction.

Different pressures with repeated measurements

If the tonometer shows different values, it is too early to sound the alarm and blame the device for lying, since the person himself may carry out the measurement incorrectly. The most common reasons for changing values ​​when repeating pressure measurements are:

  • incorrect installation of the cuff;
  • arrhythmia;
  • dead tonometer batteries;
  • incorrect body position.

Most often the cause is incorrect installation of the cuff. This is not typical for shoulder tonometers, although changes in readings may be observed when the cuff slips. This is due to changes in arterial compression.

Electronic tonometers, regardless of type, can show different values ​​for arrhythmia. There is only one way to correct the situation - by replacing the device with a device equipped with an arrhythmia indicator. In this case, the device will take a series of measurements and display the average value. In the case of arrhythmia, small discrepancies of 2-3 mmHg are not an error and should not raise concerns about a device malfunction.

In approximately half of the cases where an error occurs, the reason is quite banal - a low battery charge. This problem is typical only for devices that are powered by AA batteries. In the budget segment, mobile automatic blood pressure monitors are often not equipped with a charge indicator, and the battery life is calculated based on the number of measurements.

To avoid failures due to low battery charge, it is better to buy a mains-powered tonometer

Incorrect body position greatly affects the measurement results. Traditionally, blood pressure is measured while sitting. In this case, the arm on which the cuff is installed should be strictly at the level of the heart. This rule is the same for all tonometers - both shoulder and wrist. The electronic tonometer shows different results in different positions. Taking measurements while lying down leads to an error of about 10 mmHg. If you raise your hand above the level of your heart, the pressure will be approximately 5-7 mmHg. below. Moreover, the higher the hand is raised, the lower the indicators will be.

Causes of hypertension

Modern science does not identify a separate reason that would lead to the development of arterial hypertension. It is believed that this is a multifactorial disease, the progression of which is caused by a combination of many external and internal environmental factors.

Reasons that increase the risk of hypertension include:

  • Impaired carbohydrate tolerance and diabetes mellitus.
  • Metabolic syndrome, obesity.
  • Liver diseases.
  • Kidney pathologies.
  • Electrolyte imbalance.
  • Sedentary lifestyle.
  • Smoking, drinking alcohol.
  • Using a lot of salt.

Together with a hereditary predisposition, this creates conditions for disruption of the regulation of vascular tone, which leads to the appearance of high blood pressure. At the same time, a universal method for early diagnosis of hypertension is regular determination of blood pressure.

Why does the device lose performance?

If tonometers do not show pressure, but begin to reset the readings, the reason should be sought in a malfunction of the device itself or the characteristics of the patient’s health condition. In the first case, we are talking about a serious breakdown in which the device must be replaced, but not repaired.

Resetting measurement results may be due to arrhythmia. This occurs because the device cannot measure correctly due to heart rhythm disturbances. If the tonometer is equipped with an arrhythmia indicator, it is programmed at the software level to carry out a series of measurements and display average blood pressure values ​​on the screen. Cheap models do not have such an indicator, so the device simply cannot display the results of the measurements taken. This will lead to the fact that the tonometer will not be able to show the result, it will constantly reset the received data and restart the process of pumping air into the cuff.

The answer to the question of why the tonometer does not show pressure, but resets the results, may be hidden in random movements of the hand on which the cuff is installed. In this case, the pressure of the cuff on the artery will be distributed unevenly. The device will not be able to record the exact measurement result and will simply reset it. Solving this problem is quite simple - you just need to fix your hand in one position and take a repeat measurement.

Features of interpretation of results

The monitor of the device displays lower pressure, upper pressure and pulse. If the user has an abnormal heart rhythm, a special “heart” icon will appear. The WHO scale shows the degree of risk of the disease. If it reaches the red mark, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. This may signal serious disturbances in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

Classification of blood pressure levels according to WHO

To make sure that the data is correct, it is better to measure the pressure again after 10-15 minutes on the other hand. To obtain the most accurate data, you should remember that there are factors due to which indicators can be either overestimated or underestimated. These include:

  • Excessive physical activity;
  • Nervous tension;
  • Full stomach;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Sudden movements during the measurement procedure.

To avoid inaccuracies, pressure should be measured no earlier than 30-40 minutes after playing sports, eating food, drinking alcohol, or smoking tobacco. The measurement is taken in a calm state, in a comfortable position, sitting on a chair, breathing should be even and calm. Only in this case can you get the most accurate results.

Common device failures

To understand why the tonometer shows an error, you should first carefully study the instructions. Typically, error codes are listed in a table in the operating instructions, which allows you to quickly determine the cause of the device malfunction.

Common breakdowns of home devices:

  • compressor failure;
  • eating disorders;
  • failure in the algorithm of the oscillometric method.

If the compressor malfunctions, the tonometer will not work. In this case, a certain error may appear on the screen. If the error code is not displayed on the screen, it is very easy to figure out such a breakdown, since in this case air will not be pumped into the cuff, and it will not compress the artery. In addition to compressor failure, this problem may be associated with a kink or rupture of the hose that connects the cuff to the body of the device.

You also need to inspect the cuff and check for integrity. Unfortunately, they are short-lived, but if the cuff is torn, replacing it will not be difficult.

Power failure and battery failure are a common reason why the tonometer resets the pressure measurement results. If the device runs on batteries, you should replace them before taking it in for repair. If the problem still persists when changing batteries, the cause must be sought directly in the contacts of the device that provide power supply.

Automatic blood pressure monitors can be powered by a rechargeable battery. Such devices are usually equipped with a special charger. If such a battery fails, usually not an error occurs, but the device simply stops turning on. To solve the problem you need diagnostics. The problem may be a failure of the battery or the charger itself.

The operation of the automatic tonometer is based on the oscillometric measurement method. If there are violations in the operation of this algorithm, errors and errors occur during measurement. This can be evidenced by both a discrepancy in the measurement results and a constant reset of the indicators and the start of a new air injection cycle.

It is important to understand that some breakdowns can lead to complete failure of the tonometer, and the device will not turn on or respond to any actions. Some breakdowns can be quite successfully corrected at a service center, but the device may also not be repairable. It is difficult to understand the reasons for the malfunction of the tonometer; it is better to take the device to a specialized service center to diagnose problems. In addition, you should not forget about the warranty. If the warranty period has not yet expired, the tonometer can be replaced by contacting a service center.

DIY tonometer repair: step-by-step master class

Now digital automatic and semi-automatic blood pressure monitors have become very popular.
They are much easier to use than mechanical ones and have fairly accurate indicators. As for automatic tonometers, they are the easiest to use. For them to work, just put the cuff on your arm and press the corresponding button. The device itself will do the rest.

The semi-automatic device works on the same principle, the only way it differs from the first one is that the air is not pumped by a compressor, but by a rubber bulb manually.

Although automatic appliances seem more attractive, they have their drawbacks. One of them is the mandatory use of high-quality batteries with a large capacity. These batteries are more expensive than regular batteries, but their use is necessary since the air compressor requires sufficient power to operate.

To operate a semi-automatic device, it is enough to have mid-segment batteries, which last for 2-3 years of use. Another advantage of these devices is that replacing the rubber bulb does not require much money or effort. Repairing a compressor can cost a pretty penny, which does not always justify the cost. Sometimes, in such cases, it is better to buy a new device.

A semi-automatic blood pressure monitor can serve faithfully for several years, but over time, it can also develop various problems. This is due to the wear and tear of some elements, especially those that are most often used. It is clear that there is no point in repairing a rubber bulb or hose. This also applies to the measuring cuff. Due to their low cost and distribution, they can be purchased at one of the medical equipment stores.

As for electronics, there are ways to independently repair failed elements and circuit components.

In the photo there is 1 microlife tonometer, which has a problem with turning on. To be more precise, to start it, you need to press the “ON” button several times while making circular movements with your finger.

Rice. 1. A tonometer that has a problem turning on

Although the device is more than three years old, it works great. The only drawback is this button, which at the most inopportune moment does not want to perform its function. This can be annoying for someone who is already feeling unwell.

This problem can be easily fixed. It is enough to simply replace the button or solder its contacts. Before drawing a conclusion about a malfunction of the tonometer, its operation should be checked by installing new batteries. Only if after this nothing has changed, then you can think about repairs.

Errors when using tonometers

Wondering what to do with the difference in indicators for hypertension and why the tonometer shows different pressures, many people do not pay attention to the violation of the rules for operating this device.

Discrepancies in measurements may be caused by:

  • cuff that is too narrow or wide;
  • incorrect installation of the cuff;
  • incorrect body position when measuring pressure;
  • too frequent measurements.

If the problems of choosing and installing a cuff are quite simple, the problems of too frequent measurements should be considered in more detail. Many people make the mistake of taking a series of blood pressure measurements without stopping in an attempt to get the most accurate result.

Free diagnostics

About the features of free diagnostics

To find out the cause of the malfunction, the approximate time frame for work to restore functionality and the cost of eliminating defects, you can simply send the device for diagnostics . To do this, simply bring (look up the address) ( get directions on Google or Yandex ) the faulty equipment for diagnostics at the service center

Why is diagnostics free ? Sometimes a specialist needs to disassemble the device in order to understand the complexity of the proposed work to restore the functionality of your tonometer . This is necessary to announce the cost of repairs and the timing of the work performed.

About urgent repairs at the service center

Urgent repair of the AED tonometer on site within 20-30 minutes is possible. If the entire process supposedly does not take more than 10 minutes, including disassembling and assembling the device. Urgent repairs are carried out at the discretion of the specialist, taking into account your request. The customer can wait until the end in the service center waiting area.

Why leave equipment in service?

Your AED is waiting for its turn , because we are diagnosing/repairing laptops of other customers.

A specialist needs time to assess the complexity of work to restore the functionality of equipment and to find faults at the modular or component level.

You also need to find serviceable spare parts in stock at the service center or check their availability with the supplier.

About receiving equipment at the service center

When accepted for diagnostics, at the Repair service center, a “ Device Acceptance Certificate ” is issued. Upon completion of the repair work, a “ Certificate of Completion ” is issued with a guarantee for the services performed.

If you decide to refuse to carry out repair work to restore the functionality of the device, then you need to familiarize yourself with the “ Regulations for refusing to carry out work

How to check the tonometer for accuracy?

It is recommended to do an initial check of measurement accuracy at the time of purchase. To do this, you can measure the pressure with the selected device, and then repeat the measurement after a while using a mechanical tonometer. It is mechanical models, with which a phonendoscope is used, that are considered the most accurate. This will allow you to identify possible discrepancies and inaccuracies.

Another method, more reliable, is to connect two pressure measuring devices to the cuff at once. Both devices will record the indicator at the same moment. The data should then be compared and conclusions drawn about possible errors. To obtain the most accurate information, you should use the tonometer and reference device you are considering purchasing, which has been calibrated by a specialist.

Each tonometer can be customized. This procedure is called calibration and is carried out only by a specialist. As a result of the setup, the buyer will receive a guaranteed accurate device that will not distort the results. There are only two disadvantages to this approach. The first is the high cost of setup, which can exceed the price of the tonometer itself. The second disadvantage is the lack of specialists. The tonometer can only be calibrated in specialized medical equipment stores, and setting up the device will take a lot of time.

Stages of recovery

procedure for receiving equipment, performing diagnostics and troubleshooting

Carrying out diagnostics

  • Free diagnostics of the device verbally or on site within 15 minutes.
  • The device must be left for comprehensive diagnostics.

Price negotiation

  • We agree on the cost and timing of repairing the device before starting work
  • When there are no spare parts, more problems are identified - we coordinate


  • The device is being repaired at a service center.
  • Device repairs
    usually take up to 7 days, in difficult cases up to 25 days.

Issuance and verification

  • The repaired device is checked and tested.
  • A “Certificate of Work” is issued with a guarantee for the work performed
  • of the device is possible .

latest comments


. Cured it myself! A tonometer is a device used to measure blood pressure (See Blood pressure) in the arteries (see And they decided to throw away the disabled veteran. But then I turned up. I looked at the label, model AnD UA-777, made in Japan. The blood pressure meter may show erroneous results, if shortly before the measurement the patient is most in demand is the shoulder tonometer AND UA-777, produced by this company. Why the tonometer does not show pressure:

possible tonometer errors. Understanding the cause of the malfunction is quite simple if you know the features of measuring pressure with a specific device. automatic tonometer, cuff 22-32 cm, power adapter Medical equipment at home experts ERR cuf - this is a tonometer error AND UA-777 connection How to correctly measure blood pressure. My favorite Tonometer AND UA-777. Don't know which blood pressure monitor to choose?

Omron or AND, then this is the place for you!

Yes, because blood pressure is one of the main parameters of human health!

In the online store, when purchasing such a device, they will issue you a warranty and tell you where to go in case of problems. Doctors advised how to measure blood pressure yourself. The locations of malfunctions of tonometers and blood pressure meters are sorted by the frequency of occurrence of the malfunction. After removing and installing batteries, same problem. Device AND UA-777. Ua 777 blood pressure meter malfunction - PROBLEM NO MORE! Electronic tonometer AD UA 777 Repair of automatic OMRON tonometer and adapter. Tonometer repair The tonometer does not show pressure T on - video. Here are the instructions for the tonometer AND UA-777. You can view and download this instruction manual for free. Instructions for use in Russian, suggested Order a spare part Order a repair. Why did the meter stop working:

does not release inflated air from the cuff and, accordingly, does not give readings. tonometer electronic pressure meter. Repair of tonometer AND UA 777 no air bleeding when pressure changes - Duration:

26 Vladimir Marochko 873 views. Yes, also the 777th. Stupidly, I bought a new tonometer when the old one behaved the same way, and accidentally tried the old tonometer with a new cuff - everything works great. So give it a try. Detailed instructions “AnD UA-777 Tonometer” in PDF format. User manual “Tonometer AnD UA-777”. Review. Reviews 0. For people suffering from hypertension, it is very important to regularly measure blood pressure. Previously, this required going to a clinic or using a mechanical device, which is not always convenient. In case of malfunction or breakdown, you can buy it separately. Ua 777 blood pressure meter malfunction

- 100 PERCENT! Price is about 300-400 rubles. When you turn on the ad ua 777 tonometer, it pumps up the pressure to 170. This way you can only measure normal blood pressure. Advantages:

measures pressure quickly and accurately Disadvantages:


The body of the device is made in a modern design from high-quality material. The tonometer consists of an electronic unit and a cuff. The LCD display has 3 lines with large numbers that show lower pressure, upper pressure and pulse. In addition, the device is equipped with arrhythmia and blood pressure indicators. Using a blood pressure indicator, you can determine the risk of arterial hypertension, which is certainly very convenient for hypertensive patients.

AND UA-777 tonometer combines the best functions of automatic tonometers

The tonometer has a built-in memory cell for the last 90 measurements (with calculation of average values). The cuff is placed on the forearm and is adjusted depending on the girth of the arm (22-32 cm). Thanks to the intelligent Intellitronics program, the cuff is inflated smoothly and automatically. The device measures blood pressure and pulse.

The device is controlled by just one button, which allows it to be used by people without special skills. Operation is possible both from alkaline batteries and from an AC adapter.

What goes wrong most often?

The most common malfunction requiring repair in blood pressure measuring devices is loss of cuff tightness. In mechanical models, when air is pumped into the cuff, it will not linger. In electronic devices, an error message will appear on the display. The device can be repaired by replacing the cuff. On a mechanical device, such repairs are easy to do yourself. And with an electronic device you will have to contact the service, since some models require reprogramming. Some devices have rubber cuffs, so sealant can help. It should be applied to the air bleed area, and the device will last a little longer.

An equally popular problem is the error in measuring blood pressure. For some reason, the device stops showing real numbers. Most often, electronic devices suffer this fate. It is likely that the problem is in the sensor that reads the pulses and calculates the tone of the arteries, or in the compressor of the device. Repair only at the service center.

Another breakdown of the devices is the malfunction of the electronics. There can be many reasons and all of them need to be looked for in the tonometer board.

Partial loss of segments of numbers also becomes a problem. If replacing the battery does not help, then the reason should be looked for in the firmware of the meters. Such repairs can only be performed by a specialist.

Electronic devices often suffer from button failure. Again, in the instructions, the manufacturer indicates the approximate number of presses before failure. This is simply mechanical wear of parts.

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