Pain under the ribs after drinking alcohol

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  • Sources of pain
  • Key Features of the Liver
  • Gallbladder problems
  • Liver diseases
  • Pancreas problems
  • Effective treatment

Every alcohol-containing drink contains ethanol. This is a substance dangerous to human health, the use of which in moderate quantities does not cause irreversible consequences. However, it affects internal organs, gradually destroying them. Ethanol especially damages the organs of the digestive system. After all, they are the ones responsible for breaking down and removing the components of the insidious substance. It is necessary to understand why the liver hurts after alcohol and when to worry; this is really an alarming sign and a reason to visit a doctor.

Sources of pain under the ribs after drinking alcohol

After alcoholic libations, pain arose in the right side. The source of discomfort is the components that alcohol contains. If the pain under the ribs does not go away, then there may be a problem with one of the organs of the digestive tract.

The liver, gall bladder, and pancreas are primarily affected by alcohol. Without their normal functioning, the human body cannot function. Therefore, the greater the dose of alcoholic beverages, the worse it is for these organs. People who are prone to binge drinking almost always experience pain on the right after alcohol.

The human body is able to adapt to different conditions. If a person drinks alcohol, he begins to produce liver enzymes. They are responsible for destroying toxins. The production of enzymes is a task for the liver, which is the guardian and cleaner of the body. If toxic substances get inside, this organ begins to work to eliminate them.

How to cope with pain after a long binge

Drunkenness is a clear indication for calling a narcologist. Professional medical help is needed to reduce the desire to drink, to cleanse the body of ethanol and the toxic compounds formed during its breakdown. Individually selected therapy also helps relieve withdrawal symptoms, one of the main manifestations of which is pain after binge drinking.

A detoxification drip can speed up metabolism, but to eliminate severe pain, more intensive therapy is needed, aimed at restoring the functions of internal organs. To relieve pain after heavy drinking, use:

  • analgesics from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • antispasmodics (for severe convulsive syndrome, anticonvulsants);
  • nootropics;
  • drugs to normalize vascular tone;
  • means to improve energy function and reduce myocardial oxygen demand;
  • enzymes;
  • vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • antithrombotic drugs;
  • angioprotectors and antioxidants.

In order to finally relieve the patient of pain after binge drinking, the detoxification drip must be supplemented with sedatives that normalize sleep and its psycho-emotional state.

The appearance of pain is a predictor of serious and sometimes incurable diseases. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend, first of all, to categorically give up alcohol (specialists at a drug treatment clinic will help with this) and undergo a comprehensive examination to identify health problems.

Liver Key Values

The liver is one of the largest exocrine glands, performing many vital functions. Therefore, it is very important that this organ is healthy. Otherwise, the liver will not be able to cope with its tasks, including:

  • The liver is an organ that secretes bile acids. They are required by the body to break down and absorb fat-soluble components, activate lipases, and emulsify fats in the intestines;
  • the liver provides regulation of the hemostatic system. This organ influences the maintenance of the balance of the blood coagulation and anticoagulation systems;
  • the liver is responsible for the formation of substances that neutralize toxic products and harmful elements.

The liver takes an active part in all types of metabolism that occur in the human body. With normal nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, this organ works 100%. If a person begins to drink alcohol in large doses and go on binges, then malfunctions occur in the liver. Organ cells die. Oncology may appear. If after drinking alcohol your right side hurts under the ribs, then you should immediately visit an experienced doctor.

Gallbladder problems due to alcohol consumption

The gallbladder is a hollow organ whose job is to secrete a special secretion. It produces bile, which helps digest fats. Problems with this organ can arise due to addiction to alcoholic beverages. A few main signs will help you understand that they really have appeared:

  • Nausea occurs regularly;
  • suffers from diarrhea or, conversely, constipation;
  • general weakness, increased body temperature
  • there is pain after eating.

Due to excessive alcohol consumption, cholelithiasis may occur, the culprit of which is a violation of the exchange of bilirubin and cholesterol. For a long period of time, the disease proceeds secretly. As the stones increase, a person experiences severe pain that cannot be relieved with conventional medications. Only surgery can help. Rarely are stones passed in excrement. In order not to suffer from pain, you must remember that alcohol and the gallbladder will never be friends!

Causes of heart pain

Alcohol entering the body accelerates the heart rate. If you constantly take alcohol-containing substances, then as a result, the vascular walls can completely collapse , and the number of red blood cells in the blood also decreases. With constant heavy drinking, the blood itself becomes thicker, the metabolic rate decreases, and hemodynamic disturbances occur.

First of all, the appearance of these symptoms indicates a heavy load on the most important human organ. And if it continues to function in this mode, the situation may worsen greatly, even leading to death. Therefore, if such symptoms are present in the body, a visit to the doctor is strongly recommended.

As a rule, the heart hurts after a hangover for the following reasons:

  • in pathological conditions of blood vessels - since toxins pass into the blood extremely quickly and spread throughout the body, negatively affecting the organs. As a result, the activity of blood vessels fails, which is why the heart begins to function in emergency mode;
  • with a lack of vitamins, people who have been drinking for a long time and constantly suffer from this; as a rule, the body experiences an acute shortage of substances of group B, as well as E and C, which are responsible for the functioning of the cardiac system;
  • poisoning - ethyl alcohol is a strong toxin, and therefore a person who drinks alcohol necessarily faces intoxication of the body during a hangover, which causes heart pain.

Arrhythmia, or palpitations during this period, often occurs due to dehydration. In this case, a person feels the drying out of the oral mucosa, he has severe headaches, and he is disturbed by bright lights and loud sounds.

In order to avoid dangerous situations, when these symptoms appear, it is necessary to measure your blood pressure and heart rate. If necessary, it is permissible to drink a sedative with herbal ingredients. However, you should first ask your doctor about the possibility of such methods, since not all auxiliary medications combine well with alcohol. For example, Corvalol, which is harmless to many people, should absolutely not be drunk after drinking alcohol.

If the heart hurts from a hangover in those who, in principle, do not abuse alcoholic beverages, then this may indicate serious disorders and become a harbinger of a stroke or heart attack. Consultation with a doctor in such cases is absolutely necessary. In this case, emergency assistance will definitely be required in the following cases:

  • there is great shortness of breath during the hangover period;
  • with a sharp exacerbation of chronic ailments;
  • if there is a fear of death or panic attacks;
  • severe heart pain, leading to loss of consciousness.

Liver disease due to alcohol consumption

Drinking alcohol can cause an unpleasant pain under the ribs. If unpleasant sensations constantly arise after consuming alcohol-containing products, then this is a reason to think about it. Painful impulses can be a harbinger of a disease, including a very serious one. The situation is also aggravated by snacks that are popular together with alcohol. Smoked, spicy, salty foods also have a negative effect.

Pain in the side after drinking alcohol indicates that not everything is in order with the body. Only a doctor can make a diagnosis, but it is necessary to know what diseases may be associated with this organ. By the way, some of the diseases are hidden, that is, there are no symptoms. Only thorough research and testing will help here. In the meantime, we should consider the main pathologies that can occur in a person with a diseased liver:

  • fibrosis. Nausea, weakness throughout the body, weight loss are signs of a disease that occurs in approximately 10% of people who drink alcohol;
  • liver cirrhosis from alcohol. This is a disease with a high mortality rate. The organ is gradually destroyed. Signs of cirrhosis are skin itching, hemorrhagic syndrome, iron deficiency anemia, diarrhea, etc.;
  • hepatitis. Darkening of urine, skin rashes, itching, diarrhea, nausea are constant companions of this terrible disease. According to statistics, hepatitis in most cases is the source of oncology.

There is a liver disease that lasts for a very long time without pronounced symptoms. We are talking about hepatomegaly. With its active development, the organ enlarges, itchy rashes on the skin, bloating, abnormal bowel movements, and yellowing of the skin are observed.

If there are any signs of liver problems, do not hesitate. Only a qualified doctor will be able to determine what disease a person who abuses alcohol is facing. He will prescribe effective treatment.


  1. Binge drinking.
  2. Causes of pain after heavy drinking.
  3. How to cope with pain after a long binge.

Severe withdrawal syndrome during a multi-day binge “tailspin” is a real alcoholic hunger that has nothing to do with a hangover after a single episode of alcohol abuse. Systemic intoxication with ethanol and extremely toxic substances that are formed during its breakdown in the liver is accompanied by a variety of somatovegetative symptoms. These are tremor, palpitations, shortness of breath, nausea, weakness. But the most common complaint is pain after binge drinking, and the pain syndrome usually does not have a clear localization: it can occur in the chest, abdomen, lower back, muscles and joints. Sometimes such very noticeable discomfort can be a consequence of alcohol poisoning, but as addiction progresses, pain usually indicates the development of severe chronic diseases.

Pancreas problems due to alcohol consumption

The pancreas is an organ that creates proteases. These are enzymes that ensure the saturation of the body with carbohydrates, the absorption of proteins and the breakdown of fats. In addition, the pancreas is involved in the formation of insulin, which is necessary to maintain optimal sugar levels.

The functions that this organ performs can be disrupted by becoming addicted to alcoholic beverages. After all, due to problems in the functioning of the pancreas, such a terrible disease as pancreatitis occurs. Among the main signs of this disease are:

  • girdle pain;
  • constant feeling of weakness and high fatigue;
  • flatulence and diarrhea, loss of appetite;
  • nausea, vomiting, weight loss.

An experienced doctor can identify pancreatitis, especially chronic pancreatitis. According to research by specialists, this disease is encountered in most cases by women who abuse alcohol. If the disease is not treated, it can cause cancer.

Causes of chest pain

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can be a source of pain that will spread to the chest. With a peptic ulcer, pain increases on an empty stomach and decreases after eating. With an unhealthy gallbladder or pancreas, pain appears after a diet violation. Heartburn can also cause a burning pain behind the sternum; this occurs when hydrochloric acid refluxes into the esophagus from the stomach.

Myocardial infarction is usually accompanied by pain of varying severity - from mild to intense. It is characterized by pressing or burning pain behind the sternum, sometimes radiating to the arms, neck, lower jaw, upper abdomen, and under the left shoulder blade. The pain of a heart attack does not go away quickly; it intensifies when lying down. Rest and medications do not completely relieve pain.

Important! It is worth remembering about myocardial infarction when chest pain appears in stressful situations and physical activity, even in fairly young people.

During an attack of angina, the pain sensations are similar to those that occur during a myocardial infarction. They differ in the duration of pain - this attack lasts about 3-5 minutes, after taking medications or stopping physical activity it goes away. With pulmonary embolism, sudden pain appears in the sternum, shortness of breath increases, and coughing up blood is possible. Pain that intensifies when bending, turning, or when pressing on the area of ​​pain, and subsides when lying down, is most typical for osteochondrosis.

Effective treatment with drugs and traditional medicine

If you experience discomfort and pain in the liver after drinking alcohol, you should visit a doctor. He will prescribe tests, diagnose the condition of the body, identify the cause, and help eliminate it. The course of treatment with modern drugs is effective. The only condition is a complete abstinence from alcoholic beverages. In addition to medications, you can use cleansing procedures:

  • tinctures. To prepare the drug you will need 60 grams of rose hips. It must be poured with boiling water and left in a thermos for a day. After this, approximately 12 grams of xylitol should be added to a 200 ml drug. Drink the tincture in the morning. After 30 minutes you can have breakfast;
  • tubage procedure. To perform tubage you will need mineral water. The drink must be warmed up and drunk in small sips, lying on your right side. The temperature of the liquid should be between 40 – 45°C.

Tubage and healing tinctures are improvised means that help relieve pain. But once again it is worth remembering that only a doctor will help you get rid of the disease and, of course, giving up alcohol will be a prerequisite. Exercise, walks in the fresh air, an active lifestyle and proper nutrition are the key to excellent well-being and good health.

Your heart hurts from a hangover: what you can and should do

This basic question interests many who have at least once encountered a situation when the heart begins to beat strongly. First of all, you need to understand that any therapeutic measure necessarily involves cleansing the body of toxins. At the same time, you need to act calmly, purposefully and consistently, avoiding excesses. Drinking alcohol, following the advertised principle of “knocking out a wedge with a wedge,” is extremely unacceptable, since in this case the heart will receive another dose of ethyl, which it may simply not withstand.

In such a situation, chamomile infusion, green tea, and orange juice help well. These drinks perfectly tone up , replenish the body with vitamins and beneficial elements, and at the same time do not have a negative effect on the functioning of the heart muscle.

The so-called treatment complex usually consists of the following:

  • the use of absorbents - in this situation, Polysorb, Enterosgel, Activated and White carbon have proven themselves to be excellent;
  • drinking large amounts of liquid - in addition to the drinks mentioned above, you can take non-carbonated mineral water, fruit drinks, compotes; with their help it will be possible to normalize the water-salt balance of the body;
  • a warm shower (not a contrast shower!) – it will allow you to normalize your body tone, but there will be no drastic effect on the cardiovascular system;
  • optimal nutrition - light food that will not overload the stomach, but will help it work in the right mode; in this case, vegetable decoctions, low-fat chicken broth, liquid rice porridge, and fermented milk products are suitable;
  • fresh air - it would be best to walk for an hour or two in a park or square, but in extreme cases, an open window or balcony for ventilation will be enough;
  • gentle heart medications - tinctures of motherwort, hawthorn, valerian, preferably not made with alcohol; if you have dried herbs, you can make their own decoctions;
  • good rest - healthy sleep and a calm environment.

If heart pain is accompanied by attacks of arrhythmia, then aromatherapy . To do this, drop a couple of drops of anise, lemon balm, clove, cinnamon, lavender, fir and eucalyptus oils onto a cloth and inhale for several minutes. Among medications, nitroglycerin will help - one tablet must first be soaked in water and placed under the tongue.

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