Weed (Marijuana) – what kind of drug, consequences of use

Marijuana (Cannabis) is a type of narcotic substance that is produced from Hemp. Weed users have come up with many names: Dope, Plan, etc. It is known that Marijuana has medicinal properties, but currently the use of weed comes first due to its psychoactive effect on humans.

Researchers say that cannabis contains two active chemicals. They can be used in medicine. These are the cannabinoids CBD and THC: the first substance is valuable for doctors and patients, as it has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps to relax and sleep, fights nausea, stimulates appetite, and improves mood. Accordingly, it is used for medicinal purposes. THC is a substance with anesthetic properties and is the psychoactive component of cannabis.

Currently, marijuana is legalized in three countries. These are the USA, Canada and Uruguay. Some states have officially allowed the use of marijuana for medical purposes. And this is justified when it comes to the use of weed in medicine. Cannabis is useful for achieving medicinal effects. But weed is chosen by drug addicts who do not seek treatment.


  1. Features of the effect of marijuana on the body
  2. How does hemp work?
  3. How to get rid of drug addiction

A lot has been written and said about how marijuana affects the human body.
But even the prevalence of up-to-date information about the dangers of the drug does not stop addicts - they continue to smoke weed, despite doctors’ prohibitions. Meanwhile, the hemp product is highly toxic

. It negatively affects the psyche, physical health, immune defense, and creates conditions for the development of severe acute and chronic diseases. Let's take a closer look at what smoking marijuana affects and whether this composition can be considered relatively safe.

What are the possible consequences of smoking cannabis besides blood pressure surges?

In addition to changes in blood pressure, disorders of the whole body are observed. His systems.

  • Infertility develops from the reproductive system. Impotence. Sexual desire decreases. Moreover, in patients of both sexes at once.
  • From the side of the brain, systematic pain, dizziness, drowsiness, and weakness cannot be avoided. All this is the result of insufficient cerebral blood flow.
  • The first thing to suffer is the psyche. This is the main target of the drug. Especially cannabis. Lethargy develops, and changes in the emotional background appear. Behavioral disorders are formed. Also, pathological changes in the psyche are accompanied by an increase in the likelihood of endogenous psychoses. Schizophrenia. With systematic use, the patient suffers from hallucinatory and delusional syndromes. Becomes anxious and sleeps poorly.
  • From the side of the liver. There is organ dysfunction and disruption of the entire digestive tract.
  • There is almost a 100% guarantee that the heart will also suffer. Patients with drug addiction develop rhythm disturbances and cardiac output disorders. The entire body suffers from ischemia. Angina begins. The likelihood of a heart attack increases.

Complications are severe and dangerous. Not only does blood pressure suffer, all body systems are affected.

Features of the effect of marijuana on the body

The drug consists of a combination of crushed stems, leaves and flowers of cannabis plant species such as sativa, ruderalis, and indica. According to statistics, the drug is in eleventh place in terms of harmfulness

. Oddly enough, alcohol and tobacco occupy higher positions, that is, they are assessed by scientists as highly toxic. Knowing this, many smokers begin to view cannabis as something harmless or even beneficial. But it's not right.

Marijuana potion contains large amounts of tetrahydrocannabinol.

This is a poisonous component that exhibits pronounced intoxicating properties. That's why doctors recommend that addicts study how marijuana affects the brain - this information makes you think about quitting smoking mixtures.

When smoke is inhaled, tetrahydrocannabinol first enters the lungs and is then rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream. From there it goes to the internal organs. Smoking one “roll-your-own cigarette” contributes to the use of about 25 mcg of the toxic component

while its lethal dosage is described as 2.16 grams per kilogram of body weight.

It is clear that it is almost impossible to get such a dose - to do this you will have to smoke for a whole day. Therefore, to date, not a single case of death from smoking hemp powder has been registered.

Overdose symptoms

Signs of marijuana poisoning appear several minutes or several hours after consuming the drug.

An overdose of marijuana is manifested by:

  • dilation of the pupils, lack of their reaction to light;
  • redness of the face;
  • dry mucous membranes;
  • increased appetite;
  • hoarseness of voice;
  • rapid heartbeat - pulse rate exceeds 100 beats per minute;
  • high blood pressure;
  • pain in the heart area;
  • trembling in the body, convulsions;
  • fever or chills;
  • acute psychosis (delirium): foggy consciousness, anxiety, fear, obsessive states, delirium, hallucinations, disorientation in time;
  • neurological changes: difficulty speaking and thinking, sweeping movements of the limbs;
  • disorder of consciousness: stunned, the victim reacts poorly to external stimuli;
  • pathological sleep (stupor).

A person can remain in this state for several days.

How does hemp work?

When talking about the effects of marijuana, it is necessary to focus on its negative effects:

  • On the brain.
    It deprives a person of the opportunity to concentrate on the task at hand, remember new information, think abstractly, and reduces IQ.
  • To the liver.
    This organ serves as a natural filter. He has to neutralize and remove toxins. With a high toxic load created by the drug, severe liver pathologies occur, including cirrhosis.
  • For memory.
    The composition impairs both short-term and long-term memory.
  • On the kidneys.
    Scientific studies have shown that people who use the drug are more likely to develop kidney disease. The most dangerous of them is kidney failure.
  • For potency.
    Changes occurring in the sexual sphere are assessed by doctors as extremely negative. Cannabis affects sperm in the following way: it reduces the number of active sperm. As a result, the likelihood of conception decreases. The drug also has a negative effect on women’s reproductive health.
  • On the lungs.
    Cannabis poisons the lungs, just like tobacco. As a result, bronchospasm occurs, inflammation of the larynx occurs, and damage to the sinuses is observed. The upper respiratory tract often swells. Then the changes that occur in them provoke severe complications, including cancer.
  • For cardiovascular activity.
    Consequences of drug use: abnormal heart rhythm, increased likelihood of developing myocardial infarction. Chronic heart failure is often diagnosed in marijuana addicts. It is also important for addicts to know how marijuana affects blood pressure - it leads to a sharp increase in blood pressure, which can lead to a hypertensive crisis.
  • For pregnancy.
    The situation is especially dangerous if the expectant mother smokes cannabis. Then the fetus develops incorrectly - it does not gain weight well and may have serious congenital pathologies. Violations in the process of bearing a child are often discovered - premature birth or spontaneous abortion occur.
  • On the muscles.
    The drug changes motor functions. The addict's muscles become weak and sluggish. With a significant smoking history, symptoms characteristic of muscle atrophy are recorded.

Thus, marijuana always has a negative effect on a person. There is no benefit from smoking it. Whatever organ or system the doctor names, it turns out that it suffers greatly due to toxic tetrahydrocannabinol.

To reduce the negative impact of a drug on health, you should stop taking it as soon as possible. If drug treatment is delayed for a long time, the consequences may be irreversible.

Types of weed

The herb is produced in its natural form or in combination with impurities that are toxic to the human body.

Marijuana without impurities

The substance has the smell of grass; when burned, the aroma of burnt leaves is felt. Drug addicts roll pre-dried leaves into a joint.


Resin is made from parts of the plant. The substance in the composition contains a high concentration of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol. Those who use Hashish experience hallucinations. Weed leads a person to a rapid onset of addiction.

The physiological effect of Hashish is similar to that of Opium. A person develops a feeling of euphoria, which is accompanied by motor and speech excitement, hallucinations, a feeling of fun, and carefree. After finishing taking the drug, a state of drowsiness develops, the person falls asleep and sees vivid dreams.

Deviations in the psyche manifest themselves in the form of impaired perception of the duration of time and space. In addition, depersonalization disorders are noted. A person feels an increase in body size, weightlessness, and floating in the air. Hallucinatory disorders fall within the oneiric syndrome with fantastic experiences.

Anasha is the name given to cannabis leaves in drug addict slang. This is a narcotic substance that is made from the hemp bush.


This is one of the names of Marijuana. The danger of smoking weed comes from the combination of natural leaves and synthetic impurities. Substances with a high degree of toxicity are excreted from the human body through urine. Regular smoking has negative consequences for the kidneys.

Combination of Hashish and Spice

This dangerous combination leads the user to the development of kidney failure. Tetrahydrocannabinol THC is a substance that causes a state of euphoria and hallucinations in humans. If the grass is not saturated with this substance, it does not pose such a serious danger to the body.

According to research, most drug addicts who use weed go on to more serious drugs. Doctors call smoking Hemp a quick start to heavy chemicals.

Marijuana stays in the human blood for up to 8 days. Laboratory tests can detect traces of the drug after 40 days from the date of use. In urine, drugs last up to 40 days in a half-life state.

How to get rid of drug addiction

The treatment process includes:

  • Cleansing the body of toxins using detoxification therapy.
    For this purpose, various physiotherapy procedures are carried out and IVs are placed.
  • Elimination of negative health consequences.
    If the smoking mixture has managed to provoke the occurrence of certain diseases, attention is paid to their treatment.
  • Overcoming cravings for marijuana.
    At this stage, psychotherapy sessions play a huge role. Hypnosis also helps.
  • Socialization.
    In order for a drug addict to return to a full life, in which there is no place for harmful smoking mixtures, he needs to undergo rehabilitation and socialization. A psychologist helps him with this.

It is unacceptable to quit treatment halfway through. Only those people who have completed the correction program to the end become completely healthy.

First aid for overdose

In case of drug overdose, the following must be done:

  • First of all, calm the patient down and talk to him continuously.
  • Organize a calm environment: if possible, protect the patient from loud, sharp sounds.
  • Unfasten the victim's clothing and open the window, thereby providing fresh air.
  • Give the patient strong tea with sugar or honey.
  • In order to reduce the fever, you can place a towel soaked in cold water on the patient's forehead.
  • If a narcotic substance enters the body with food, the stomach should be rinsed and activated charcoal should be given.
  • If the victim is unconscious, it is necessary to make every effort to make him come to his senses: shake him, rub his ears, pinch him.
  • An unconscious person must be placed on his side.

After providing first aid, you need to call an ambulance. In order to stop excessive excitement, the doctor will administer Haloperidol.

Specialists will take the necessary measures, after which the respiratory and cardiovascular systems will begin to function normally. In case of severe poisoning, the victim will be hospitalized in the narcological department and hemosorption will be carried out.

If you overdose on marijuana, a person should not be left alone until they feel better.

Prices for Ultramed clinic services


  1. Causes and consequences of bad habits: textbook / L. G. Ovcharova, L. S. Khoroshilova, Z. A. Kurbatova; Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, State. higher educational institution prof. education "Kemerovo State. univ." - Kemerovo: Kuzbassvuzizdat, 2006. - 115 p.
  2. Drugs: properties, action, pharmacokinetics, metabolism: textbook / N. V. Veselovskaya [etc.]. — 3rd ed., revised, corrected. and additional - Moscow: Narkonet, 2008. - 262 p.
  3. Altered states of consciousness [Text]: nature, mechanisms, functions, characteristics: reader / author.-comp. O. V. Gordeeva. - Moscow: Cogito-Center, 2012. - 253 p.

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Plant drug

Marijuana is a psychoactive substance made from cannabis, more precisely from its tops and stem residues. Street names: plan, drap, bang, anasha, weed and others. Contains more than four hundred different chemical compounds that can cause hallucinations. Used by smoking, chewing, adding to drinks and food.

The most well-known and studied active component is tetrahydrocannabinol. It can accumulate and remain in the body for about a month , negatively affecting all internal organs.

When inhaling smoke, the euphoric effect occurs quickly; when ingested, it occurs gradually, but lasts longer. Causes high spirits, a feeling of vigor, sociability and talkativeness, a feeling of relaxation and comfort, while an acceleration of the pulse and redness of the eyes is noted. High doses cause drowsiness.

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